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大豆叶形、短叶柄近等基因系的选育与利用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用常规杂交育种与自交分离相结合以及自然变异选择的方法,从具有不同遗传背景的杂交后代或天然变异中选育出3对叶形近等基因系NIL90—4、NIL91—1和NIL91—2,1对短叶柄近等基因系NIL93—1,其中NIL90—4和NIL93—1具有长花序性状。它们既可用于研究相对性状的基因作用,又可作为株型育种的良好亲本。  相似文献   
中国北方春大豆区大豆花叶病毒株系的鉴定与分布   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
从我国北方春大豆区的黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、内蒙、河北承德以及北京采集典型症状的大豆叶片病样,经Top-Crop离体叶单斑分离以及DAS-ELISA抗血清免疫鉴定,共获得112个SMV阳性反应分离物.根据112个分离物在合丰25、文丰5号、诱变30、8101、铁丰25、Davis、Buffalo、早熟18、广吉、科丰1号、齐黄22共11个鉴别寄主上的症状反应,将我国北方春大豆区的SMV分成8个株系群.各株系群所占比例分析表明,北方春大豆区以SC-11株系群为主,其次为SC-8,各占病样总数的比例分别为51.7%和17.9%,SC-11和SC-8分别在黑龙江和辽宁分布最广,占当地株系群的比例分别为67.8%和75.0%.与以往株系划分系统的初步比较表明,SC-11与东北原1号株系群,SC-12和SC-16与东北原2号株系群,SC-4、SC-7、SC-8、SC-13和SC-17与东北原3号株系群在鉴别寄主上的反应相似.SC-16和SC-17为2个新发现的株系群.  相似文献   
为更有效地选育小麦不育系的高恢复系,以8个粘类小麦细胞质雄性不育系(Cytoplasmic malesterility,CMS)为测验种,对310份来自国内外不同地区的普通小麦品种及亲本材料对粘类小麦CMS系的育性恢保关系进行调查,并采用聚类分析法研究了粘类小麦CMS育性基因的地区分布。结果表明:(1)高恢复能力的品种在中国春麦区和南方冬麦区的分布比例均超过50%,具有保持性的品种在加拿大分布最多,我国北方冬麦区次之,春麦区分布最少。(2)不同地区品种恢复度存在差异。(3)将48个普通品种聚为3类:第1类品种对粘类CMS的平均恢复度均低于20%,属全不育和高不育类型;第2类品种的平均恢复度在20%~55%范围内,基本属于半不育类型;第3类品种的平均恢复度均大于55%,属高可育和全可育类型。(4)对不育系进行聚类:90-110核背景下,K型和V型聚为一类,Ven型和B型聚为一类;224核型下V型和B型聚为一类,再和K型聚为一类,与Ven型距离最远;相同细胞质背景下,90-110和224两种核型分别在一定水平上被分为2个类别。  相似文献   
改革开放以来中国水产业发展取得了巨大成就,近几年各主产区也在积极转换发展方式,取得了一定成效,但目前水产业还没有摆脱依靠生产规模扩张和大量消耗自然资源为主的粗放型经营方式。本研究以青岛市为例分析了制约水产业经济发展方式转变的因素,提出了体制创新、科技创新、提高劳动者素质等加快水产业经济发展方式转变的对策。  相似文献   
中国大豆育成品种中不同地理来源种质的遗传贡献   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在对1923~1995年育成的651个中国大豆品种系谱分析的基础上,计算每一育成品种祖先亲本的细胞核和细胞质遗传贡献值。在全国347个细胞核祖先亲本和214个细胞质祖先亲本中,来自东北、黄淮海、南方及国外的祖先亲本对全国育成品种细胞核与细胞质遗传贡献分别为48.23%和50.54%,25.50%和29.49%,13.74%和16.28%,11.95%和2.92%。进一步分析了东北、黄淮海、南方三大生态区大豆育成品种的核、质来源,包括国外引种所占的份额及其特点。评选出38个对全国和三大生态区域遗传贡献最大的种质。  相似文献   
试析建筑装饰之走向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可持续发展的提出是人类发展史上的里程碑,它为人类的发展指明了方向,从对生态建材的分析入手,阐述了可持续发展观在建筑领域引发的一系列变革,并最终使建筑走向一系可持续发展之路。  相似文献   
A modified in-growth core technique was employed to determine the contribution of indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to plant growth and nutrient uptake in intensive agroecosystems at two Experimental field sites at Shangzhuang (Experiment I) and Quzhou (Experiment II) in North China. The growth cores (26.5 cm depth, 5 cm diameter for maize plants, and 4 cm for alfalfa and tomato plants) were covered with 40-μm nylon mesh (restriction of hyphal growth) and buried in the soil. They either remained static (static mesh) or were regularly rotated (rotated mesh) to disrupt hyphal penetration into the cores. A non-rotated 0.45-μm mesh (block mesh, inhibition of hyphal growth) treatment which remained static was also included to compare with the rotated mesh treatment (Experiment I). Growth cores from the two experimental sites had different soil types and two contrasting low P levels. The soil in the growth cores was sieved and sterilized before being placed into the growth core. Three plant species, namely maize, tomato and alfalfa were selected. The growth periods for maize plants were 35 days (Experiment I) and 39 days (Experiment II), respectively, and the corresponding growth periods for tomato and alfalfa were 67 days (Experiment I) and 53 days (Experiment II). At harvest the AMF species inside and outside the in-growth cores were identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), cloning and sequencing. Irrespective of plant species or genotype (maize), root colonization rates and hyphal length density (Experiment I) were generally suppressed in the rotated mesh treatment. The inhibition of hyphal growth by block mesh was comparable to that by the rotated mesh treatment. The growth of all three plant species in static mesh at the two Experimental sites, at both low (Experiment I) and sub-optimal soil P supply levels (Experiment II), was significantly higher than in the rotated (or block mesh) treatment. Root colonization rates of three maize genotypes were positively correlated with plant P concentration (Experiment II). Uptake efficiencies of P and N were significantly higher in static mesh than in the rotated (or block) treatment. AMF species detected (Experiment I) were all Glomerales, including the genera Glomus and Rhizophagus. One identified species of Rhizophagus intraradices and one Glomus viscosum-like phylotype were the dominant species. We conclude that the indigenous AM are crucial for early seedling growth, particularly for plants with small seeds and low P reserves and when seedlings exhibit P deficiency. The facilitation effect is highly relevant to enhanced root P (and possibly N) uptake and P delivery by the fungal mycelium. Our results have implications for the importance of maintenance of intact hyphal networks in intensive agroecosystems.  相似文献   
门头沟煤矿区生态修复功能及生态农业工程规划   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
生态环境的破坏已成为中国煤矿区的共性问题,对破坏了生态环境进行修复成为现阶段矿区环境保护工作的重点。生态修复总体规划的编制是煤矿区生态修复工作顺利开展的重要保障,生态修复功能区划又是生态修复总体规划的首要步骤。以北京市门头沟煤矿区的生态修复为例,结合门头沟煤矿区生态修复总体目标,重点探讨了生态修复功能区划的指标体系和方法;将整个研究区划分为生态修复区、生态维护区和生态保持区,分别对3个区的修复方式、修复方向进行了界定,并根据区划结果对生态农业修复工程进行了指导。  相似文献   
硬脂酰-ACP脱氢酶是形成不饱和脂肪酸的关键酶。利用拟南芥蛋白序列作为比对序列在NCBI和Phytozome数据库进行Blastp同源比对,共鉴定11个SbSADs基因。对SbSAD基因家族进行蛋白特性、进化关系、不同发育阶段表达、基因结构、保守基序、染色体定位、基因二级和三级结构、启动子区的顺式元件及种子发育阶段表达分析,结果显示,SbSADs基因编码区为1 134~1 290bp,其编码蛋白的氨基酸数为377~449,分子量最大为48.0kDa,最小为39.8kDa,等电点为5.26~8.76;根据系统发育树,将SbSAD基因家族分为3个亚族,其中亚族I在不同组织发育阶段表达量较高;11个SbSADs基因不均等地定位在高粱1、2、3、4、6、7和10号染色体上;SbSADs蛋白二级结构均以α-螺旋和无规则卷曲为主,三级结构预测显示,除SbSAD8外,其余SbSADs的蛋白三级结构高度相似;11个SbSADs基因的启动子区与低温胁迫相关的元件数量高度富集。SbSAD5基因在种子发育5和10d均有较高的表达量。  相似文献   
Background: The aim of this trial was to investigate the effects of different inclusion levels of a partial y defatted black soldier fly(BSF, Hermetia il ucens L.) larva meal on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile, gut morphology and histological features of piglets. A total of 48 newly weaned piglets were individual y weighed(initial body weight(IBW): 6.1 ± 0.16 kg) and randomly al ocated to 3 dietary treatments(4 boxes as replicates/treatment and 4 animals/box). BSF larva meal was included at increasing levels(0% [BSF0], 5% [BSF5] and 10% [BSF10]) in isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets formulated for two feeding phases: I(from d 1 to d 23) and I(from d 24 to d 61). The weight gain(WG), average daily gain(ADG), average daily feed intake(ADFI) and feed conversion ratio(FCR) were calculated for each feeding phase and for the whole trial. The haematochemical parameters and nutrient digestibility of the piglets were also evaluated. A total of 3 piglets per box were slaughtered on d 61 and the slaughtered piglets were submitted to morphometric investigations and histopathological examinations.Results: No overal significant differences were observed for growth performance(P 0.05), except for the ADFI of phase I, which showed a linear response to increasing BSF meal levels(P 0.05, maximum for the BSF10 group). Dietary BSF meal inclusion did not significantly influence the blood profile, except as far as monocytes and neutrophils are concerned,and these showed a linear and quadratic response, respectively, to increasing BSF meal levels(P 0.05, maximum for the BSF10 and BSF5 groups, respectively). On the other hand, the nutrient digestibility, gut morphology and histological features were not affected by dietary BSF meal inclusion(P 0.05).Conclusions: The obtained results show that a partial y defatted BSF larva meal can be used as a feed ingredient in diets for weaned piglets without negatively affecting their growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profile, gut morphology or histological features.  相似文献   
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