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传统定量PCR检测方法如内参照法和竞争PCR法,因为在达到平台期后才能对其进行检测,由于PCR扩增已经过了对数期,其检测重复性相对较差.而实时荧光定量PCR技术可直接监测PCR过程中荧光信号的变化,以获得目的区段扩增产物定量的结果,直接可以进行定性分析和定量分析,操作简便无污染.本文通过对实时荧光定量PCR检测技术的原理、分类、方法和应用4个方面阐述实时定量PCR检测技术研究进展.  相似文献   
中药优良品种选育技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了我国中药优良品种选育技术及其应用,并对中药材品种选育的未来发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   
Sub18是以陆地棉遗传标准系TM-1为背景, 含海岛棉3-79第18染色体的置换系材料。本研究以TM-1为受体亲本, 置换系Sub18为供体亲本, 借助分子标记辅助选择技术培育了一套以TM-1为背景, 含海岛棉3-79第18染色体不同长度片段的置换系。这套置换系由45个株系构成, 共78个置换片段。其中27个株系导入单片段, 占总株系的60%; 9个株系导入2个片段, 占20%; 9个株系导入3个及以上片段, 占20%。导入片段总长度为467.6 cM, 约为该染色体遗传长度的4倍, 每个株系内被替换的染色体片段长度不完全相同, 平均遗传长度为5.99 cM, 最短的为0.9 cM, 最长的20.35 cM。其中13个株系表现开放花蕾性状, 涉及的最短导入片段长5.05 cM。对TM-1、Sub18以及培育的45个导入系进行农艺性状调查和QTL联合定位分析, 鉴定出纤维强度(qFS-C18-1)、整齐度(qFU-C18-1)、马克隆值(qFMi-C18-1)、成熟度(qFMa-C18-1)、皮棉重(qLW-C18-1)、籽指 (qSI-C18-1)和衣分 (qLP-C18-1) 7个加性QTL和5个上位性效应QTL。研究结果为进一步精细定位目标QTL、克隆QTL以及重要性状分子设计育种奠定了基础。  相似文献   
通过对庆阳优质特色产品黄花菜越冬期进行地膜覆盖和玉米秸秆覆盖,分析越冬期土壤水分损耗、早春地温变化特征,以及不同覆盖材料水、热资源对黄花菜发育期、生长量、产量构成要素的影响。结论认为:在秋季降水充沛、土壤收墒充足、冬季气温偏高、降水明显偏少的年型,采取越冬覆盖能最大限度保持土壤水库蓄水。陇东塬区黄花菜越冬田间覆盖应大力提倡秸秆覆盖,由于秸秆覆盖既环保,又保墒,而且能有效调节黄花菜发育进程,使产量形成期避开陇东春旱最严重时期,提高水、肥利用率,增产显著。6月中、下旬和7月上、中旬降水对陇东塬黄花菜产量形成至关重要。  相似文献   
红地球葡萄日灼病与反光膜套袋初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在2002年5~7月,用塑料反光膜作外袋、白色葡萄套袋为内袋制成双层反光葡萄套袋,进行红地球葡萄防日灼病的试验研究。结果表明:反光葡萄套袋内温度低于气温0~2℃,当气温为38℃时,该套袋内红地球幼果均未发现日灼现象,防日灼效果显著。  相似文献   
In the civil industry, quality is a key factor, so quality management and quality control play decisive roles in construction especially. At present, the main method of construction is quality controlling that engineers and technicians consult the standard and norm concerned, then check them one by one, and supervise the construction. It is not only inefficient but also easy to make mistake. Using computer technology in the quality control of construction will promote quality control level and improve management measures. Through the research of the quality control of construction,the system of quality control in construction is studied and developed, the structure of the software and its developed technology are expounded.  相似文献   
The authors discuss such questions for utility boiler as the complicated flameworks,combined quoting course, long cycle, hardly controlling the quoting veracity and so on. Based on the construction diagram of quoting design for utility boiler, Which is into the boiler sketch's construction and parameter characteristic. They are furnace construction, big screen superheater, high temperature superheater, low temperature superheater, high temperature reheater, low temperature reheater, economy coal implement, common use sign and standard sketch in boiler sketch, etc. According to demand of the quote design for utility boiler, the CAD environment of quoting system based on characteristic construction and parameter are developed. Total construction of this environment , developing characteristics and function of this system are given.  相似文献   
在单因素试验确定的食盐添加量(A)、发酵温度(B)、发酵时间(C)、接种量(D)各较优化工艺参数的基础上进行4因素3水平正交实验,以pH值为指标,并兼顾产品品质,综合分析后确定4因素最佳工艺条件为:A1B2C2D3,即采用食盐添加量为2%,发酵温度为30℃,发酵时间为22 h,清酒乳杆菌3%接种量.  相似文献   
大豆新品种合丰47产量评价与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用AMMI模型对大豆新品种合丰47号参加黑龙江省大豆区域试验第二积温带三江平原西南温和半湿润区(5区)试验结果进行分析,结果表明合丰47号产量在所有参试品种中列第1位;(Di)值在参试品种中列第2位,小于对照品种合丰35号的(Di)值,表明合丰47号的适应性好于对照品种合丰35号;从品种与试验点的交互作用可以看出,合丰47号适于在黑龙江省第二积温带三江平原两南温和半湿润区的汤原、桦南、富锦、友谊、笔架山、依兰等地区推广.采用逐步回归法获得合丰47号的产量回归方程为Y=4056.6248-39.1945X1+14.4335X4+38.9511X6+37.42421X7.表明有效分枝对合丰47号的产量影响最大,其次是平方米株数和百粒重.  相似文献   
Application system generally refers to all kinds of computer information system. It aims at improving the sharing and application of the resource. The resource in application system usually means data resource. For computer management and maintenance, there are not only data resource, but also program resource and network resource. Effective management of this resource is key to ensure proper work of the application system. In this paper, the basic pattern and policy for resource management is put forward and a method to build and realize the resource layer that lies between database layer and application layer is to be found. This management layer, which skillfully connects the application system with resource and establishes good base for application and exploitation of system, is named as resource management system.  相似文献   
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