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A mathematical model was developed of the dynamics of a plant virus disease within a spatially-referenced lattice of fields of a host crop. The model can be applied to crops in continuous, contiguous cultivation such as tropical irrigated rice. Disease progress in each field of the host crop was assumed to be logistic and determined by incidence within the field itself as well as incidence in neighbouring fields, depending on the gradient of disease spread. The frequency distribution of planting dates (represented by the proportion of the total number of fields planted in successive months) was assumed to follow a normal distribution and the variance of planting date was used as a measure of cropping asynchrony. Analysis of the model revealed that disease incidence within the lattice (i.e. mean incidence over all fields) depended upon the infection efficiency, the slope of the dispersal gradient, and the variance in planting date. Disease endemicity depended mainly on planting date variance and disease persisted in the lattice if this variance exceeded a certain threshold. Above the threshold for persistence, the response of mean disease incidence to planting date variance was non-linear and the region of greatest sensitivity was closest to the threshold. Thus, disease systems that show moderate rather than high cropping asynchrony are more likely to be influenced by changes in the variance of planting date. Implications for the area-wide management of rice tungro virus disease are discussed. 相似文献
Perennial ryegrass cv. S23 was preserved by fermentation (C), or with the addition of 8.7 1 formalin (35% w/w formaldehyde) per t fresh herbage (F) or of 9.0 1 equal mixture (by vol.) of formalin and formic acid (85% w/w solution) per t fresh herbage (FF). These three silages comprised the treatments in a three-period, crossover design in which urea (u) was given at the rate of 20 g per kg dietary DM to half the animals. Twelve calves were allocated to the treatment sequences when they were approximately 12 weeks of age from within groups which had previously received diets with or without urea. Calves ate significantly (P< 0.001) less of silages F or FF than of silage C when each was offered alone, but when urea was given, intakes of silages F and FF were significantly (P < 0.001) increased such that the intakes of all three silages with urea were similar (23.6, 19.6, 19.3, 24.2, 24.2, 24.7 ± 0.51 g DM per kg LW for C, F, FF, Cu, Fu and FFu, respectively). Significantly (P<0.01) more of the DM in silage C was digested than in F or FF and the addition of urea significantly (P<0.05) increased the digestibility of DM from silage FF only (73.8, 71.3, 69.8, 74.6, 70.7, 72.5 ± 0.72% for C, F, FF, Cu, Fu and FFu, respectively). When the silages were given alone, calves spent longer eating and ruminating per kg DM ingested with F or FF than with C. The time spent on F and FF was significantly (P<0.01) reduced by the addition of urea (303, 388, 411, 297, 299, 290 ± 18.9 min per kg DM ingested for C, F, FF, Cu and Fu and FFu, respectively). The results presented suggest that urea partially alleviated the reduction in voluntary intake by calves given herbage preserved using formalin, but the mode of action was not clear. 相似文献
An experiment is described in which the amount of nitrogen fixed by the white clover component of a surface-sown hill sward was determined using small quantities of 15N-labelled ammonium sulphate. Between 11 July and 22 August 1974 25 kg ha?1 N was fixed. No evidence of a transfer of N from clover to the associated perennial ryegrass was detectable over this period although the N content of the grass growing with the clover was higher. The relative advantages of the isotope technique and the acetylene reduction assay are discussed. 相似文献
The capacitance meters available in the past for estimating herbage yields have lacked sensitivity at the extremes of their range of measurement. The preliminary evaluation of a highly sensitive capacitance meter described here indicates that accurate measurement is possible in the range 0.1100 kg DM/ha. The implications of this development for the measurement of herbage of low availability are discussed. 相似文献
W. G. Burton 《Potato Research》1967,10(1):74-80
Summary Richard Hakluyt (ca. 1553–1616) collected together and published first-hand accounts of the voyages of English seamen, including
several 16th century voyages to South America. These accounts provide some of the earliest published references to the potato,
but unfortunately they make no mention of its introduction into Europe. 相似文献
W. G. Burton 《Potato Research》1964,7(2):90-101
Summary The rate of O2-uptake and CO2-output, at 10°C., of tubers (var.Majestic) soon after they were formed at the end of June was about 50 ml/kg/hr, and fell during development to final values, before
the death of the foliage, of the order of 4–5 ml/kg/hr. The quotient CO2/O2 remained within the range 0,85–1,19. The respiration of the tubers per plant calculated for field temperature, rose from
about 6–7 ml/hr at the end of June to a peak value of 25–30 ml/hr in mid-August and thereafter fell.
The results given here, coupled with observations on foliage respiration, and on the effect of temperature on respiration,
suggest that increased respiration plays only a minor part in the reduction in yield which is observed at high temperatures.
The mechanism of this reduction is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die O2-Aufnahme und CO2-Abgabe bei 10°C durch Knollen der SorteMajestic belief sich kurz nach ihrer Bildung am Ende Juni auf ungef?hr 50 ml/kg/Std. und field w?hrend der Weiterentwicklung bis zum Absterben des Krautes auf den Endwert 4–5 ml/kg/Std. (abb, 1 und 2). Der Quotient CO2/O2 blieb innerhalb des Bereiches von 0,85–1,19. Die Atmung aller Knollen pro Pflanze — berechnet für Feldtemperaturen — stieg von ungef?hr 6–7 ml/Std. Ende Juni auf einen H?chstwert von 25–30 ml/Std. um Mitte August, wenn die Knollen sich ihrer maximalen Gr?sse n?herten oder sie erreicht hatten, aber immer noch mit dem Blattwerk verbunden waren. Nachher fielen die Werte für die Atmung der Knollen pro Pflanze. Die Erstellung einer Kohlenstoffbilanz ergab ungef?hr, dass in der Mitte der aktivsten Periode des Knollenwachstums im Jahr 1961 die durchschnittliche t?gliche, von der Pflanze assimilierte Menge von CO2 etwa 14 g betrug. Davon wurden zirka 13% in die Trockensubstanz des Krautes eingebaut, etwa 7% wurden durch das Kraut veratmet und der Rest in die unterirdischen Teile abgeführt, wo weitere 2% für das Wachstum und die Atmung der Wurzeln und ungef?hr 7% für die Atmung der Knollen verbraucht wurden. Etwas mehr als 70% gelangten in die Trockensubstanz der Knollen. Die hier wiedergegebenen Resultate, verbunden mit Beobachtungen über die Wirkung der Temperatur auf die Atmung, deuten an, dass erh?hte Atmung nur von geringerer Bedeutung ist für die bei hohen Temperaturen beobachtete Verminderung des Ertrags. Die Art und Weise dieser Ertragseinbusse wird besprochen.
Résumé Les quantités d'oxygène (O2) absorbées et d'anhydride carbonique (CO2) exhalées à 10°C, par des tubercules de la variétéMajestic sit?t après leur formation à la fin juin est d'environ 50 ml/kg/h; ces quantités tombent durant le développement, avant la mort du feuillage, à des valeurs finales de l'ordre de 4–5 ml/kg/h (fig. 1 et 2). Le rapport CO2/O2 restait dans les limites 0,85–1,19. La respiration des tubercules d'une plante, calculée à la température du champ, s'élevait de quelque 6–7 ml/h à la fin juin, à la valeur maximum de 25–30 ml/h à la mi-ao?t, au moment où les tubercules avaient atteint ou presque leur grosseur maximum mais étaient encore attachés à un feuillage en fonctionnement. Après cela, la respiration des tubercules d'une plante diminuait. Un bilan approximatif du carbone indiquait qu'à la moitié de la période la plus active de croissance du tubercule, en 1961, la quantité moyenne journalière de CO2 assimilée par la plante était d'environ 14 g. De ceux-ci, 13% environ sont incorporés dans la matière sèche des fanes, quelque 7% sont utilisés dans la respiration des fanes, le restant étant transféré dans la partie souterraine; 2% sont alors utilisés dans la croissance et la respiration des racines, 7% environ dans la respiration des tubercules et 70% au moins sont incorporés dans la matière sèche des tubercules. Ces résultats et ceux provenant d'observations sur l'effet de la température sur la respiration suggèrent que l'accroissement de la respiration joue seulement un r?le mineur dans la réduction de rendement observée à hautes températures. Le mécanisme de cette diminution de rendement est discuté.相似文献