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Rye, wheat, barley, rice, maize and sorghum were milled into more or less refined fractions, and the content of thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, folate, biotin, niacin and tryptophan were determined. Differences in vitamin content between the different cereal grains were rather small. Refining resulted in marked losses of all vitamins studied. On average, 70%–80% of the vitamins were lost during the milling process. The lowest vitamin content was found in highly refined rice, containing only about 5% of the folate and 10% of the niacin present in brown rice. Maize had a low content of tryptophan, and the concentration was greatly reduced by degerming. For the other cereal grains, milling had only a slight effect on tryptophan concentrations.  相似文献   
Chemical analyses and feeding experiments using rats were conducted to evaluate the nutritive value of winged bean and other legumes (soyabean, green gram, bambarra nuts, pigeon peas, field beans, cow peas) sources grown in Tanzania. Proximate analyses showed that the composition of winged bean was similar to soyabean, while the composition of the other legumes differed considerably. This was also the case for antinutritional constituents and minerals. As to the amino acid composition, the lysine level was high with the highest value in winged bean (7.5 g/16 g N). However, the concentration of methionine and cystine was low which limits their protein quality. Another important amino acid, threonine, was generally high, especially in winged bean (4.3 g/16 g N). With exception of field bean, true protein digestibility was above 80%, soyabean having the highest value (90.7%). The biological value was also highest in soyabean (76.1%) followed by winged bean (69.9%). Utilizable protein was high in soyabean (28.8%) and somewhat lower in winged bean (23.4%). Energy digestibility was around 80%, soyabean having the highest value of 85.8%. The study findings support the idea that winged bean is a good alternative plant protein source in Tanzania.  相似文献   
The protein quality of some improved high-lysine barley genotypes was measured chemically — including amino acid analyses and sequential protein extraction — and biologically in N-balance experiments with growing rats. The increased content of lysine, mainly due to an enhancement of the glutelin protein fraction, and other essential amino acids improved the nutritional quality as the biological value of the protein was significantly higher in the high-lysine material compared to normal. This improvement is undoubtedly of importance to meet the essential amino acid requirement of man as well as monogastric animals.  相似文献   
Pigeonpea occupies an important place in human nutrition as a source of dietary proteins in several countries. Some of the important factors that affect the protein quality of pigeonpea have been reviewed and summarised in this paper. Among important food legumes, pigeonpea contained the lowest amount of limiting sulphur amino acids, methionine and cystine implicating the importance of these amino acids in protein quality improvement program. Large variation existed in the levels of protease inhibitors of pigeonpea varieties. The concentration of these inhibitors were significantly higher in some of the wild relatives of pigeonpea. Protein digestibility of cooked pigeonpea meal remained low and this could be due to the presence of certain compounds other than trypsin inhibitors. Pigeonpea polyphenolic compounds adversely affected the activity of digestive enzymes and this would affect the protein quality of pigeonpea. The protein quality of pigeonpea was greatly influenced by storage and processing practices.  相似文献   

A study was performed to investigate the effect of environmental temperature (18°C or 28°C) and increasing levels of pea fibre in the diet on digestive tract, visceral organ size, digestibility and energy metabolism in rats. Thirty-six male Wistar rats, initial liveweight (LW) 77-79 g, were allocated to six groups and housed at either 18°C (three groups) or 28°C (three groups). Three wheat starch, fish meal and pea fibre-based diets were prepared to contain 100, 200 and 300 g pea fibre kg?1 (68, 110 and 157 g dietary fibre kg?1 DM) and 160 g protein (N × 6.25) kg?1. One group of rats at each temperature was fed one of the diets for four balance periods. Gas-exchange measurements were made and urine and faeces were quantitatively collected. Food to gain ratio was higher (P <.05) at 18°C than at 28°C and increased (P <.05) as the level of fibre was increased. The weight of the visceral organs from rats housed at 18°C was higher (P<.05) than at 28°C. The empty weight of the small intestine, caecum and colon increased (P <.05) as the level of pea fibre was increased. The digestibility of DM, protein and dietary fibre (DF) was lower (P <.05) at 18°C than at 28°C. As the level of pea fibre was increased, the digestibilities of nutrients and energy decreased (P <.05). However, the digestibility of DF increased (P <.05) as the level of pea fibre was increased. The partial digested energy value for pea fibre was 11.9 kJ g?1. The metabolizable energy (ME) intake and heat production at 18°C (1128 and 974 kJ (W0.75 day)?1 respectively) were higher (P<.05) than at 28°C (831 and 674 kJ (W0.75 day)?1 respectively). As the level of pea fibre was increased, ME intake (W0.75 day)?1 and heat production (W0.75 day)?1 decreased (P <.05). Heat production as a percentage of ME was higher (P <.05) at 18°C than at 28°C: 86.6% and 81.2%, respectively. Heat production as a percentage of ME was higher (P <.05) for rats fed the 100 g pea fibre kg?1 diet than the 200 or 300 g pea fibre kg?1 diet. In conclusion, environmental temperature as well as DF influenced digestive tract and visceral organ size, digestion and protein and energy metabolism.  相似文献   
Nitrogen retention (RN) was measured in 60 barrows of Danish Landrace and a total of 470 balance periods was carried out during the growth period from 20 to 85 kg live weight. In the first serie (Expt A) six different feed compounds of high biological value (HBV) were fed to 48 barrows, while in the second serie (Expt B) 12 barrows were measured on feed compounds of HBV or low biological value (LBV). Three different levels of gross energy were used in Expt B. Individual differences of 10-20% in the pigs capability for nitrogen retention were observed. Nitrogen retention increased from 12 to 21 g N/d on the HBV-compounds and was not influenced by increasing nitrogen or energy intake. Nitrogen retention was curvilinear in relation to metabolic live weight (kg0.75) in both series. A parabolic function on kg0.75 gave the best fit to the data with the following regression equations: Expt A + B: RN, g/d = 1.48 LW, kg0.75 - 0.027 LW, kg1.50 (HBV) Maximum = 20.5 g RN/d at 84 kg LW Expt B: RN, g/d = 1.03 LW, kg0.75 - 0.013 LW, kg1.50 (LBV) Maximum = 20.4 g RN/d at 133 kg LW  相似文献   
Nutrient composition of eight commonly consumed spices of South India was analysed. Spices analysed were red chillies (Capsicum annum), black pepper (Piper nigrum), coriander seeds (Coriandrum sativum), cumin seeds (Cuminum cyminum), garlic (Allium sativum), asafoetida (Ferula foetida), dry ginger (Zingiber officinale) and ajowan (Carum copticum). The nutrients analysed were proximate principles, minerals, starch, sugars, dietary fibre components, tannins, phytic acid, enzyme inhibitors and amino acids. Dry ginger, ajowan and asafoetida had high calcium (1.0–1.5%) and iron (54–62 mg/100 g) levels. The tannin content of spices was also high (0.9–1.3% DM). Dietary fibre ranged from 14–53%. Spices had appreciable amounts of essential amino acids like lysine and threonine. A survey revealed the average per capita consumption of spices to be 9.54 g and at that level, the nutrient contribution from spices ranged from 1.2 to 7.9% of an average adult Indian male's requirement for different nutrients.  相似文献   
Four new high-lysine barley mutants, the variety Lysimax, with the high-lysine genelys3a and the mutants mother variety Sultan were grown in a field trial in 1993 at Risø, Denmark. Mutants 609, 1242, 1385 and 1405 yielded in the range of 89 to 98 percent and cv Lysimax yielded 102 percent of cv Sultan (100 percent). One-thousand kernel weights for the mutants were in the range of 87 to 97 percent and cv Lysimax 83 percent of cv Sultan (100 percent). Protein contents of the mutants were slightly higher, in the range of 13.2 to 13.6 percent, than of cv Sultan (13.1 percent) and Lysimax which had a protein content of 12.6 percent. Fat content was higher in Lysimax and in the mutants except for mutant 1385 than in cv Sultan while dietary fibre contents of the barleys were similar. The levels of -glucans and starch were usually lower in Lysimax and in the mutants. The highest lysine levels: 4.6, 4.0 and 3.7 g/16 g N occurred in cv Lysimax and mutants 609 and 1405 compared to 3.3, 3.3 and 3.2 for cv Sultan and mutants 1242 and 1385, respectively. Mutants 609 and 1405 and cv Lysimax also had higher levels of threonine, histidine and valine. The increased lysine contents resulted in large, at most 20 percent, increases in biological value; 88.8, 81.7 and 78.3 percent for cv Lysimax and mutants 609 and 1405 compared to 74.2 percent for cv Sultan. True protein digestibilities and energy digestibilities were slightly lower in Lysimax than in Sultan, 5.3 and 4.3 percentage units, respectively. It is concluded that the development of high-lysine barley varieties is very beneficial for meeting the requirements of indispensable amino acids for humans and monogastric animals. In addition, nitrogen excretion into the environment is drastically reduced due to the higher biological values of the mutants.  相似文献   
The effect of heating and fortification with lysine on the protein quality of five minor millets namely Italian millet (S. Italica), French millet (Panicum miliaceum), Barnyard millet (Echinochloa colona), Kodo millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum) and Little millet (Panicum miliare) was carried out. The N content of the millets ranged from 1.69 to 2.76 per cent. Proximate composition and dietary fibre was estimated. A reduction of 19–25 in TD and increase of 4–18 in BV was observed on auto-claving and both the differences were significant (P<0.05) in all millets. However, heat processing did not have a pronounced effect on DE. Fortification with lysine at 0.6 g/100 DM increased both the BV and NPU. Although both heat processing and lysine fortification improved protein utilisation, the effect of fortification was comparatively more than heating.  相似文献   
1. Genetic adaptation was investigated in broilers selected for seven generations on a normal (A) or a low (B) protein diet.

2. Protein and energy metabolism were studied in males from these selected lines fed on a diet of intermediate protein content.

3. All selected birds retained more nitrogen than those studied 10 years previously.

4. There was no difference in nitrogen retention between groups, although relative growth rate of group B birds was higher.

5. Heat productions relative to gross energy intake were 0.38 (group B) and 045 (group A). Energy retentions relative to gross energy intake were 0.39 (group B) and 0.35 (group A); the difference being primarily due to higher fat retention in group B.

6. Using a common maintenance requirement for metabolisable energy, group B utilised metabolisable energy for growth (0.78) better than did group A (0.71).

7. At 53 d of age plasma glucose (10%) and insulin (50%) were higher in group B than in group A.  相似文献   

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