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为了探明马尾松人工林林下植物多样性,在广西田林县乐里林场境内选择4、6、14年生马尾松人工林设置样地,研究了林下植物多样性的变化规律.结果表明:①3种林龄马尾松林林下灌木层种类显示4年生(47)>6年生(38) >14年生(30);而草本层种类则显示6年生(32)>4年生(30) >14年生(23)的规律.②林下灌木层的丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener指数分别为30~47、2.4989~3.1513,随着林龄的增加而递减,而Simpon指数、Jsw指数和Jsi指数则依次为0.8901~0.9387、0.7230~0.8135和0.9096~0.9521,变化规律为4年生>14年生>6年生.③林下草本层的丰富度指数为6年生>4年生>14年生;而Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpon指数、Jsw指数和Jsi指数的变化规律为6年生>14年生>4年生.  相似文献   
Oil content of soybean was a valuable quantitative trait controlled by multiple genes. Eleven QTLs were detected by both CIM and MIM method with the population crossed between Charleston and Dong nong594 in recent 3 years (2007, 2008, 2009). Combining the QTLs collected over the past 20 years, an integrated map of oil-content major QTLs in soybean was established using soymap2, which was published in 2004, as a reference. Using the software BioMercator ver.2.1, QTLs were projected from their own maps onto the reference map. In total, ninety-eight QTLs were integrated into soymap2. A meta-analysis method was used to narrow down the confidence interval, and 20 consensus QTLs and their corresponding markers were obtained. Using a local version of GENSCAN, 10,137 sequences in the consensus QTL intervals were predicted. With BLAST, these predicted genes were compared to the International Protein Index database to mine the related genes. The results offer a basis for gene mining and molecular breeding in soybean.  相似文献   
干旱区水氮耦合效应对棉花生长性状及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旨在分析干旱区水氮耦合效应对膜下滴灌棉花的生长机制。采用灌溉定额和施氮量二因素完全随机试验,研究水氮耦合效应对棉花生长性状及产量的影响。结果表明:灌溉定额为3300 m3/hm2时棉花苗期-蕾期天数增加,开花期-吐絮期天数缩短,地上部干物质积累量较低。灌溉定额为4500 m3/hm2时随着施氮量的增加,棉花株高、地上部干物质积累量增加,但产量呈先增加后下降的趋势。不同的灌溉定额下,施氮量为150 kg/hm2时,棉花蕾期-盛铃期天数最短,蕾铃脱落率较高,施氮量增加至 375 kg/hm2时,棉花株高、地上部干物质积累量较高,但叶面积指数、单株有效铃数和单铃重呈下降趋势。灌溉定额为3900 m3/hm2施氮量为300 kg/hm2时,棉花蕾期-盛铃期天数延长,优化了产量构成因素,产量达到最高为6992.33 kg/hm2。  相似文献   
为了能改善水质、渔业增殖和修复生态环境,EM菌的应用得到了广泛的关注,成为近几年研究的热点。鉴于此,本研究系统梳理了EM菌的定义及来源,综述了国内外近几十年EM菌在水产养殖中的作用效果及其作用机理,阐述了影响EM菌作用效果的因素等;发现EM菌在调控微生物生态结构、降低水环境中有害物质、提高免疫、增重增产等方面有着显著的效果,但EM菌技术的基础理论研究还比较薄弱,且生产技术及应用过程等还存在着不足。因此今后应提高生产技术,建立和提高筛选系统,并开发EM菌在水产养殖研究和应用的新领域,为水产养殖创造更大的经济价值,并为可持续养殖提供可能。  相似文献   
Every growing season, paddy fields are kept both flooded and drained for a significant period of time. As a consequence, these soils develop distinct physico-chemical characteristics. For practical reasons, these soils are mostly sampled under dry conditions, but the question arises how representative the results are for the wet growing conditions. Therefore, the apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) of a 1.4 ha alluvial paddy field located in the Brahmaputra floodplain of Bangladesh was measured in both dry and wet conditions by a sensing system using the electromagnetic induction sensor EM38, which does not require physical contact with the soil, and compared both surveys. Due to the smooth water surface under wet conditions which ensured increased stability of the sensing platform, the results of the survey showed considerably reduced micro-scale variability of ECa. Furthermore, the wet survey results more reliably furnished soil-related information mainly due to the absence of soil moisture dynamics. The differences between ECa under wet and dry conditions were attributed to differences in soil texture, mainly the sand content variation having considerable effect on soil moisture differences when flooded following drainage. Accordingly, the largest differences between ECa under wet and dry conditions were found in those parts of the field with a large sand content. Hence, the conclusion was that an ECa survey on flooded fields has an added value to precision soil management.  相似文献   
快速、无损地估算盐生植物叶片盐离子含量在植物生长监测、耐盐植物筛选和土壤盐渍化监测等方面有实用价值。该研究以新疆艾比湖保护区内盐生植物为研究对象,通过分析植物叶片盐离子(K~+、Na~+、Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+))含量与冠层高光谱数据的光谱变换和二维植被指数(比值型植被指数(ratiovegetationindex,RVI)、差值型植被指数(difference vegetation index,DVI)、归一化型植被指数(normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI))的相关性选取特征波段,构建基于地理加权回归模型(geographically weighted regression,GWR)的叶片盐离子含量估算模型,并与BP神经网络模型(back propagation neural network)进行对比,研究基于GWR模型估算干旱区盐生植物叶片盐离子的可行性。结果表明,选取特征波段集中表现在红及短波红外波段:K~+含量在反射率倒数的对数选取的红光区域内波段使用GWR估算效果最佳;Na~+的特征波段在光谱变换下集中于短波红外区域,二维植被指数集中在近红外、短波近红外及黄、橙、红区域,各种波段选取下GWR对Na~+的含量估算均有较好效果,但反射率对数的一阶估算效果最好;Ca~(2+)含量在反射率平方根的一阶微分下选取的短波红外波段通过GWR模型估算效果最好;Mg~(2+)含量在DVI选取的位于红光区域特征波段估算效果最佳,但使用GWR模型对Mg~(2+)的估算精度不及BP模型。分析基于GWR盐离子模型估算模型发现,含量较高的离子估算效果更好,K~+、Na~+的模型精度优于Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)。在使用GWR模型估算植物叶片盐离子含量时,特征波段均指向红及短波红外波段,符合植被光谱机理的响应。  相似文献   
基于RUSLE的蔗区小流域土壤侵蚀特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的] 探讨广西壮族自治区典型赤红壤集约化蔗区小流域的土壤侵蚀状况,以及土壤侵蚀强度与不同坡度、土地利用类型的关系,为广西集约化蔗区小流域防治土壤侵蚀提供科学参考。[方法] 在GIS空间分析技术支持下,利用修正的通用土壤流失方程(revised universal soil loss equation,RUSLE)对其进行定量估算。[结果] ①那辣小流域坡度在0°~35°之间,坡耕地(甘蔗)、林地(桉树)分别占土地利用总面积的82.85%,10.99%,道路和沟渠共占6.16%。2020年流域平均土壤侵蚀速率为22.97 t/(hm2·a),属轻度侵蚀水平,是水利部规定的南方红壤丘陵区土壤允许流失量5 t/(hm2·a)的4.6倍;②流域土壤侵蚀主要发生在5°~25°的坡度范围内,是预防和治理水土流失的重点区域;③不同土地利用类型中,平均侵蚀速率最大的是林地(桉树),为53.59 t/(hm2·a),分别是坡耕地(甘蔗)、道路、沟渠的2.84,2.12,27.91倍。[结论] 应用RUSLE模型通过借助软件输入相关参数和处理数据,即可估算出蔗区土壤侵蚀及不同坡度、土地利用类型的土壤侵蚀强度分布特征,应合理规划并利用管理好流域的坡耕地(甘蔗)、林地(桉树)、道路等土地利用类型,采取具有针对性的、有效的水土保持措施。  相似文献   
农产品加工业是国民经济的重要支柱产业,具有广阔的发展前景.本文详细介绍了湖南省农产品加工业的发展现状,分析了制约湖南农产品加工业发展的主要因素,并就湖南省农产品加工业的发展思路、发展重点及对策措施等提出了意见和建议.  相似文献   
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