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J.-D. Lee    J. G. Shannon    Y.-S. So    D. A. Sleper    R. L. Nelson    J.-H. Lee    M.-G. Choung 《Plant Breeding》2009,128(1):97-100
Lutein is a major carotenoid in soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seed, and has been shown to be beneficial for eye health in humans. Development of soybeans high in lutein is a goal of some breeding programmes. Little is known about how different growing environments affect lutein content. The objective of this study was to determine the variation of lutein and its relationship to seed protein, oil and individual fatty acids in soybean seed. Fifteen soybean genotypes were planted at four environments. There was no effect of year and planting date on lutein content in soybean seed. However, genotype × year, genotype × planting date and genotype × year × planting date were significant for lutein content. Although each genotype showed similar response across environments, lutein content varied significantly across the four growing environments in 14 of the 15 genotypes evaluated. Lutein content was not correlated with seed protein or oil and palmitic or stearic acid concentrations. However, lutein was positively correlated with oleic acid content and negatively correlated with linoleic and linolenic acids content.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate the origin of chromosome segments of maize (Zea mays L.) inbred B86 from its parental inbreds B52 and Oh43 using RFLPS. B86 was selected to combine resistance to the first and second brood of the European corn borer with the favorable agronomic performance of Oh43. RFLP analyses of the three inbreds were performed with three restriction enzymes (EcoRI, EcoRV, HindIII) and 178 DNA probes covering all ten maize chromosomes. For two DNA probes in combination with one enzyme, B86 showed a new RFLP pattern not present in the two parents. Based on results from 119 polymorphic DNA probes, the proportion of the B86 genome contributed by B52 (51.3 %) and Oh43 (48.7 %) was almost equal.  相似文献   
Approximately 7,000 accessions of Korean soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) landraces, largely composed of three collections, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute’s soybean (KAS), the Korean Crop Experiment Station’s soybean (KLS) and the Korean Agricultural Development and Technology Center’s soybean (KADTC) collections, have been conserved at the Rural Development Administration (RDA) genebank in Korea. The accessions within collections were classified based on their traditional uses such as sauce soybean (SA), sprouted soybean (SP), soybean for cooking with rice (SCR), and OTHERS. A total of 2,758 accessions of Korean soybean landraces were used to profile and to evaluate genetic structure using six SSR loci. A total of 110 alleles were revealed by at the six SSR loci. The number of alleles per SSR locus ranged from 9 to 39 in Satt187 and Satt_074, respectively. The number of alleles ranged from 87 in the KADTC collection to 96 in the KLS collection, and from 63 in the SCR group to 95 in the SP group. Nei’s average genetic diversity ranged from 0.68 to 0.70 across three collections, and 0.64 to 0.69 across the usage groups. The average between-group differentiation (G st) was 0.9 among collections, and 4.1 among the usage groups. The similar average diversity among three collections implies that the genetic background of the three collections was quite similar or that there were a large number of duplicate accessions in three collections. The selection from the four groups classified based upon usage may be a useful way to select accessions for developing a Korean soybean landrace core collection at the RDA genebank. DNA profile information of accessions will provide indications of redundancies or omissions and aid in managing the soybean collection held at the RDA genebank. The information on diversity analysis could help to enlarge the genetic diversity of materials in breeding programs and could be used to develop a core collection.  相似文献   
This study was carried out to determine the pretreatment effect of proton beam irradiation on germination and pasting properties of starches in two rices. Mature and healthy seeds irradiated with 10 doses (0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, and 800 Gy) for determination of LD50 and characteristics of germination were recorded at 14 days after irradiation. The rice seeds irradiated with five doses (0, 50, 100, 200, and 300 Gy) were used to evaluate the irradiation effects of pasting properties of starches. It showed that a lower survival rate in germinated rice seeds was observed above 300 Gy showing 31 and 35% in Ilpum and Hanmaum, respectively. The higher plant height and root length were also recorded in 50 and 100 Gy. Amylose content in proton beam irradiated with 50, 100, 200, and 300 Gy was significantly decreased in two rice cultivars. Peak viscosity, hot peak viscosity, cooling peak viscosity, and setback viscosity decreased with increasing proton beam dose levels. The degree of crystallinity was significantly increased with increasing proton beam dose levels. Consequently, it might be deduced that proton beam irradiation causes changes of starch properties affecting crystalline regions of starch granules, especially at high dosage irradiation.  相似文献   
We evaluated the proximate composition, free sugar content, fatty acid composition, carotenoid content, total phenol content, and radical scavenging activity of the grain from various Korean maize hybrid cultivars grown in two different cropping seasons. The moisture, crude ash, crude fat, crude protein, total starch, and amylose contents were significantly higher in most of the maize hybrid cultivars when grown in the early-season than when grown in the late-season. The free sugar content, fatty acid composition, carotenoid content, and total phenol content differed significantly between cultivars and cropping seasons. The highest unsaturated fatty acid compositions of maize hybrids of early-season and late-season were 86.05 and 86.29%, respectively, in the Daanok cultivar. The carotenoid contents were significantly higher in maize hybrids of late-season compared to those of early-season. The highest total phenol content was 108.09 mg/100 g in Singwangok of the late-season. The radical scavenging activity of maize hybrids differed significantly between cultivars and cropping seasons.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the regional background concentration levels of mercury (Hg), measurements were routinely recorded on An-Myun Island off the coast of Korea (December 2004 to April 2006). The mean concentration of Hg computed from the entire measurement period was 4.61?±?2.21 ng m?3 with a range of 0.10–25.4 ng m?3 (N?=?10,485). Using these data, we inspected various aspects of Hg behavior from the relatively remote island of An-Myun in Korea. Inspection of the seasonal patterns of Hg indicated that its concentration levels generally peaked in spring, while reached a minimum in summer. The summertime deficiency of Hg along with the lack of diurnal variation suggests that the environmental behavior of Hg at the study site was strongly suppressed by heavy precipitation during specific period. The diurnal variations of Hg, typically characterized by a relative daytime dominance, are distinguishable between seasons so that such patterns disappear during the summer. The results of our analysis, when inspected in terms of long-range transport of airborne pollutants, imply that Hg concentration levels can be affected intensively by trans-boundary input processes over certain period of time. Its springtime dominance hence suggests the combined effects of various local source processes and the meteorological conditions favorable for the massive air mass transport phenomenon (such as Asian Dust storms) during that time period.  相似文献   
A method has been developed for the quantitative determination of linoleic acid in infant formulas by gas chromatography (GC). A known amount of triheptadecanoin was spiked into the sample. Total lipid was extracted from the product by an ethyl ether-petroleum ether-ethanol system in a Mojonnier flask. The sample was saponified by methanolic KOH after the solvents were evaporated. Methyl esters of the fatty acids were prepared by boron trifluoride (BF3) in methanol and analyzed by gas chromatography. A glass column packed with 10% SP-2340 (75% cyanopropyl silicone) was used to separate and identify the methyl linoleate and the methyl heptadecanoate. The quantity of methyl linoleate was calculated by comparing the integrated peak areas of these 2 fatty acid methyl esters. This method was satisfactory for both milk protein-based and soy protein-based matrixes. The results obtained by this method are comparable to those obtained by the AOAC spectrophotometric method 28.082-28.085.  相似文献   
Some South Dakota soils contain high levels of available selenium (Se) for crop uptake. A field study was conducted to determine if any popular wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties demonstrate differential Se uptake. A total of 280 samples including eight winter wheat and ten spring wheat varieties were analyzed for grain Se concentration and uptake for two growing years. Soil samples were sequentially fractionated into (1) plant available (0.1?M KH2PO4 extractable) and (2) conditionally available (4?M HCl extractable) pools and analyzed separately for total Se. Selenium concentration in wheat grain had a wide variability and the mean value over two years was 0.63?µg?Se?g?1. Grain Se concentration and Se uptake were not significantly different by wheat varieties tested in this study. Grain Se concentration was significantly correlated with soil Se levels, soil pH, and orthophosphate-P content within a location, but grain Se concentration was strongly influenced by geographical location in which different amounts of soil Se bioavailability occurred.  相似文献   
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