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The effects of intravenous xylazine (1.1 mg/kg) were studied in six thoroughbred horses (five mares and a stallion). Plasma glucose concentration increased to 168% of control at 45 min and decreased to 112% of control at 180 min. Insulin had decreased to 31% of control at 15 min. Thereafter, insulin concentration increased, reaching its highest concentration at 150 min. The mechanism for these changes is not fully understood and further investigation is indicated.  相似文献   
The effects on clover and grass growth of five levels of ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N) applied before sowing, at sowing and after nodule initiation have been investigated. A pot experiment in which S184 white clover was grown in a peat soil showed that NH4-N up to 688 mg N per pot (approx. equivalent to a field rate of 120 kg ha-1 N) applied before sowing and at sowing did not affect clover growth. N-fixing activity (C2H2-reduction), on the other hand, was reduced progressively up to the highest level (688 mg N per pot). Application after nodule initiation increased growth relative to the zero-N treatment at all levels of application. Maximum growth and N fixation occurred at 516 mg N per pot where the DM yield was 70% higher than in the absence of added N. A field trial in which S184 clover and S24 perennial ryegrass were surface sown on to a peat soil showed an increase in grass and clover growth in the first year in response to 120 kg ha-1 N applied at sowing. Grass growth alone was increased at 120 kg ha -1 N applied 40 d before sowing. Lower rates of application before sowing and at sowing did not affect clover or grass growth. The effect of the delayed application of NH4-N on legume growth was less marked than that in the pot experiment, 90 kg ha-1 N stimulating clover growth by 40% in the first year. The effect was however different from that in the pot experiment, in that, whilst 30kg ha-1 N increased N fixation relative to the zero-N treatment, plants exposed to higher levels showed a depression in N-fixing capacity. N-fixation was correlated with nodule numbers in the delayed NH4-N application, the closest correlation being with the number of multilobed nodules which was highest at 30 kg ha-1 N and lowest at 120 kg ha-1 N. It is suggested that circumstances exist when the use of a relatively low starter N dressing (20–60 kg ha-1 N) at sowing would not increase clover or grass growth in the early stages of the establishment of a hill reseed. Under such circumstances higher rates of application (100 kg ha -1 N), preferably delayed until the seedlings are in a position to take up the nitrogen rapidly, would have the greatest effect.  相似文献   
A pedicle skin flap based on the caudal superficial epigastric artery was created in 12 cats. The artery was ligated and the vein left intact. Six cats were treated with hyperbaric oxygen at 2 atm absolute for 90 minutes daily for 14 days, starting the day after surgery. Skin flap color was significantly better in the treated cats on days 1, 2, and 3. The amount of exudate was significantly less in the treated cats on day 3. There was no difference in the amount of swelling between treated and nontreated control cats. Although five of six of the treated cats had 100% skin flap survival, there was no significant difference in total flap survival between treated and nontreated control cats.  相似文献   
Twelve cats were treated with dosages of flufenamic acid varying from 80 to 5 mg/kg daily. Cats on high doses showed clinical signs compatible with phenol toxicity, while those on lower dosages were slightly depressed and inappetant. It was concluded that flufenamic acid should not be used in this species.  相似文献   
The iliac crest, rib and sternum were compared as sites for bone marrow biopsy in the dog using ten males and ten females of varying ages. It was concluded that the iliac crest was the easiest and safest of the three biopsy sites. Differential cell counts on marrow from the three sites were compared and little variation was found. There was, however, a difference in the myelograms between males and females. In the female the mean M: E ratio was lower, due mainly to more intermediate and late normoblasts, and less neutrophil leucocyte band- and polymorphonuclear-forms. Marrow from all sites showed a significant sex difference for total myeloid and total erythroid cells. The possible reasons for these findings are discussed and the values obtained are compared with those of other workers. The results were recorded as means and standard deviations, or as ranges. Résumé. On discute la possibilité de prélever les biopsies de moëlle osseuse sur les crêtes iliaques, les côtes et le sternum des chiens des deux sexes et d'âge différent. La crête iliaque se prête le mieux à ces prélèvements, étant donné la facilité et l'innocuité de l'opération. On compare les formules différentielles de la moëlle provenant de ces trois lieux de prélèvement, et l'on constate qu'il n'y a que peu de variation entre eux; cependant on note une différence entre les deux sexes: chez les chiennes le rapport moyen M: E cst plus bas, ce qui est principalement dû à un nombre plus grand des cellules intermédiaires et des normoblastes plus avancés, et à une réduction du nombre des leucocytes neutrophiles en bandelette et polymorphonucléaires. La moëlle de toutes les trois origines présente des différences dans le nombre total des myéloïdes et des érythroïdes suivant le sexe. On discute les raisons éventuelles de ces constatations et les valeurs obtenues sont comparées avec celles des autres auteurs. Les résultats sont consignés sous forme de moyennes avec les déviations standard ou par ordre de grandeur. Zusammenfassung. Der Darmbeinkamm, die Rippen und das Brustbein werden als Entnahmestellen für die Knochenmarkbiopsie beim Hund unter Verwendung von zehn männlichen und zehn weiblichen Tieren verschiedenen Alters miteinander verglichen. Es stellte sich heraus, dass der Darmbeinkamm die leichteste und sicherste der drei Biopsiestellen war. Die Differenzierung des Knochenmarkausstrichs von den drei Punktionsstellen wurde verglichen und es wurden wenige Unterschiede festgestellt. Es gab jedoch einen Unterschied zwischen den Myelogrammen männlicher und weiblicher Tiere. Bei den weiblichen Tieren war das mittlere Verhältnis M: E geringer, Hauptsächlich infolge grösserer Zahlen von mittleren und alten Normoblasten und geringerer Zahlen von neutrophilen Band- und Polymorphonuclearformen von Leucocyten. Das Mark von allen Punktionsstellen zeigte deutliche Geschlechtsunterschiede bei den Gesamtzahlen myeloider und den Gesamtzahlen erythroider Zellen. Die möglichen Gründe für diese Befunde werden besprochen und die erhaltenen Werte mit denen anderer Autoren verglichen. Die Ergebnisse wurden als Mittelwerte und Standardabweichungen oder als Bereiche angegeben.  相似文献   
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