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Assessment of the preference of sheep for fresh, dried or ensiled forms of mucuna (Mucuna pruriens var utilis) forage was followed by investigations into the effect of supplementing straw-based diets with the forage. Four sheep were offered fresh, dried and ensiled forms of the forage in a cafeteria style to assess their preference. In the second experiment, 20 sheep were randomly assigned to four dietary treatments, namely, alkali-treated straw only (M0), treated straw supplemented with mucuna forage at 0.3% (M10), 0.6% (M20) or 0.75% (M25) of body weight (approximately 10%, 20% and 25%, respectively, of the total dry matter intake). The daily feed intakes were determined and the sheep were weighed weekly for 10 weeks. The sheep showed a marked preference for fresh mucuna forage over either the dried or ensiled forms. The total dry matter intake increased by 15% and 21%, respectively, with M20 and M25. All the groups lost weight over the feeding period. However, only M0 gave weight losses during the second half of the feeding period. The feed conversion efficiency followed a trend similar to that for weight gains. M20 had the greatest effect on growth and feed conversion efficiency.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The aggressiveness of Sphaeropsis sapinea isolates was compared on water-stressed and nonstressed 3-year-old red pines (Pinus resinosa) in greenhouse and growth chamber experiments. Water was withheld from stressed seedlings to achieve mean predawn needle water potentials (psi(PD)) above -1.9 MPa. The lowest mean psi(PD) of well-watered seedlings was maintained at or above -0.8 MPa. Young shoots were inoculated by placing colonized agar plugs on wounds made by removing a needle fascicle. Two isolates of each recognized morphotype (A and B) were used in the greenhouse experiment and two isolates of morphotype A were used in the growth chamber experiment. After 4 weeks, isolates of morphotype A caused more severe symptoms and could be recovered farther from the inoculation site on water-stressed than on nonstressed trees in both experiments. In the greenhouse experiment, isolates of mor-photype A also caused more severe symptoms and could be recovered farther from the inoculation site than isolates of morphotype B, regardless of watering regime. These results indicate that water stress at levels observed typically in the field can result in increased disease development by isolates of S. sapinea morphotype A on red pine. The reduction of water stress of red pines in the field may reduce losses due to Sphaeropsis shoot blight.  相似文献   
Occurrence of melon necrotic spot carmovirus in Italy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Since 1995, a severe necrosis disease has been observed in winter melon ( Cucumis melo var. inodorus ) grown in the open in Sardegna region. At the stage of fruit ripening, infected plants show decline and premature death, a syndrome known as'collapse'. Fungal pathogens have never been detected. In 1998, melon necrotic spot carmovirus (MNSV) was isolated from diseased plants showing necrotic symptoms on leaves and branches. The virus was identified by biological and serological assays. MNSV may represent a limiting factor to winter melon production in Sardegna where the'inodorus'group is widely cultivated and appreciated for local consumption. This is the first occurrence of MNSV in Italy.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Pasteuria penetrans is a bacterial parasite of root-knot nematodes that shows great potential as a biocontrol agent. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy were used to study the ultrastructure, morphology, and sporogenesis of four isolates of P. penetrans. The effects of different Meloidogyne spp. and tobacco cultivars on sporangium size and morphology of endospores attached to the cuticle of second-stage juveniles (J2) of root-knot nematodes also were investigated. The P. penetrans isolates and their origins were P-20 from M. arenaria race 1 in Levy County, FL; P-100 from Meloidogyne sp. in Pasco County, FL; B-4 from Pratylenchus scribneri in Seminole County, FL; and P-120 from Meloidogyne spp. in Alachua County, FL. Sporangia of the four isolates were identical morphologically and similar in their dimensions, ranging from 2.39 to 3.42 mum in diameter and from 1.38 to 2.38 mum in height. Different Meloidogyne spp. and tobacco cultivars had no effect on sporangium size. Endospores attached to J2 were visualized in three forms: endospores retaining the sporangium wall, endospores covered with a thin exosporium, and endospores without covering. Sporogenesis of P. penetrans was similar to that of other gram-positive bacteria and generally matched the seven-stage scheme reported for Bacillus thuringiensis.  相似文献   
For nutritional purposes, a survey of the vitamin B6 levels from a variety of commercial presentations of table olives was carried out, taking into account the three main processing types (Spanish-style, directly brined, and ripe olives). The analysis was performed by HPLC, following the official French method for vitamin B6 determination in foodstuffs. In-house validation data for two commercial table olives showed that the method precision was good (coefficient of variation <6%) and recovery was quantitative (104% on average). There was a wide range of values for vitamin B6 in table olives (0–69.3 μg/100 g edible portion). The highest mean content was found in directly brined olives (33.9 μg/100 g edible portion) followed by Spanish-style (14.4 μg/100 g) and ripe olives (4.3 μg/100 g). On average, samples of the Gordal and Carrasqueña cultivars showed the highest vitamin B6 content in the case of Spanish-style olives, but in directly brined olives as well as in ripe olives the effect of cultivar was not statistically significant (p?相似文献   
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