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为探究"玉米田养鹅"对农田生态系统杂草多样性、土壤理化性质及玉米生长状况的影响,以林芝市八一镇章麦村试验田为研究对象,运用对比方法,研究玉米田养鹅(Raising geese in cornfield,RGC)和对照(Control,CK)土壤理化性质、杂草多样性及玉米生长的异同,旨在通过田间状态的描述和中间状态的研究,为以后优化玉米田调控措施提供依据。结果表明:1)RGC处理有19种杂草,其中以菊科植物最多,对照组仅有9种。不同功能群杂草密度相差很大,双子叶一年生或越年生被子植物功能群杂草密度远远高于其他5种功能群;RGC处理提高了杂草群落Shannon-Wiener和Simpson多样性指数,但降低了Pielou均匀度指数和Margalef物种丰富度指数;2)RGC处理土壤含水率较对照高1.27%,与对照相比差异不显著(P0.05);3)随着土层加深,RGC和对照土壤紧实度均呈逐渐增加趋势,且RGC对紧实度影响显著;4)对照土壤碱解氮含量为86.48mg/kg,略高于RGC处理2.67mg/kg(P0.05),速效钾含量为161.07mg/kg,略高于RGC处理28.66mg/kg(P0.05),而RGC的土壤中速效磷含量为120.98mg/kg,是对照(106.25mg/kg)的1.14倍(P0.05)。结论:RGC处理增加了农田系统杂草数量、种类和生物量,提高了生物多样性,使土壤紧实度明显减小、土壤含水率增加及土壤养分含量出现差异,且玉米各项农艺性状低于对照。  相似文献   
老参地问题是制约参业发展的重大难题,笔者在总结前人关于老参地研究成果和经验的基础上,采取了测土施肥,有益微生物菌剂处理,酸碱度调整等土壤处理方法,成功地实现了老参地的短期再利用,建立了周期为1-3年的人参和西洋参的短期轮作体系。在处理后的老参地上种植西洋参,其长势,产量,病虫害及烧须情况,总皂苷含量等,与对照地新林土栽参无显著差异(P>0.05)。并开展了中试规模的推广,试验结果显示,老参地短期轮作制是改造老参地的有效措施之一,该轮作技术方法应用简便,实用,可操作性强,轮作效果好。  相似文献   
王宁芳  拉本 《农业科学与技术》2009,10(6):119-120,124
[目的]为区分不同产地大黄药材的质量及鉴别提供依据。[方法]将供试材料青海玉树掌叶大黄(样品1)、青海海南唐古特大黄(样品2)与青海果洛唐古特大黄(样品3)分别粉碎成粉末,过100目筛,即可供X射线衍射试验用。设定管压30 kV,管流20 mA,2θ扫描范围3°~90°,扫描速度0.06°/s,每种样时间0.5 s,获得3种不同产区大黄的X-射线衍射图谱。试验数据以晶面间距d与特征峰相对强度L/Io表示,记为d/(I/Io)。将试验数据导入中药指纹图谱相似度计算软件,经选峰,设定匹配模板,将谱峰自动匹配,然后设定标准模板,进行谱峰差异性评价和整体相似性评价。[结果]样品1中所含的化学成分与样品2相同,但峰的强度(I/Io)不同,表明相同成分在两种样品中的含量不相等。同样把样品3的图谱与其他两个样品进行比较,也会得到相同的衍射峰值。表明不同产区的大黄中各化学成分的含量有差异,但其衍射图谱及衍射峰值具有一定的指纹特征。[结论]X-射线衍射法是鉴别不同产区的大黄及其他中药材的一种快捷有效的方法。  相似文献   
为了解农牧一体化下"玉米田养鹅"生产模式的土壤温度影响机制,通过对比试验方法进行田间试验,结果表明:玉米田养鹅处理杂草群落平均密度为171.33株/m~2,是对照密度(11.11株/m~2)的15.42倍,处理间差异极显著(P0.01;n=9),该处理下杂草Shannon-Wiener多样性指数为1.76,Simpson多样性指数为0.77,均高于对照;玉米田养鹅处理的地上生物量为386.30g/m~2,是对照(5.67g/m~2)的68.13倍,处理间差异极显著(P0.01;n=9),同时玉米田养鹅处理的盖度为90.56%,是对照(7.22%)的12.54倍,处理间差异极显著(P0.01;n=9)。在白天土壤温度的变化过程中,玉米田养鹅处理较高的地上生物量和丰富的地表植被使得田间地下生物生理代谢活动旺盛,土壤呼吸作用增强,土壤CO2呼吸通量增加,高达308.64 mg/(m~2·h),显著高于对照的234.90mg/(m~2·h)(P0.05;n=9)。因此,在试验期间白天光照不足,地表接受光照辐射有限的情况下,生物代谢活动产生的热量是影响土壤温度的主导因素,白天的土壤温度高于对照。在夜间土壤温度的变化中,玉米田养鹅处理5~15cm的土壤含水量为16.14%,显著高于对照1.27%(P0.05;n=9),水的良好导热能力促进了土壤的散热,使得玉米田养鹅处理表层土壤夜间散热较快,以致夜间该处理下的土壤温度低于对照。因此,在"玉米田养鹅"模式生产过程的前期,生物代谢活动和土壤含水量是影响土壤温度变化的主要因素。  相似文献   
YW-S血缘玉米自交系昌7-2的选育及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
YW-S血缘玉米自交系昌7-2是运用相同雄亲交叉巢式遗传设计的选育技术,导入亚热带玉米种质,经安阳市农业科学研究所内、海南连续7个世代交替培育而成,目前国内育种单位利用该自交系已育成10多个通过国家审定、省审定的优良新杂交种。在全国推广应用面积达700万hm^2。获得了显著的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   
Plant invasions of natural communities are commonly associated with reduced species diversity and altered ecosystem structure and function. This study investigated the effects of invasion and management of the woody shrub Lantana camara (lantana) in wet sclerophyll forest on the south-east coast of Australia. The effects of L. camara invasion and management on resident vegetation diversity and recruitment were determined as well as if invader management initiated community recovery. Vascular plant species richness, abundance and composition were surveyed and compared across L. camara invaded, non-invaded and managed sites following L. camara removal during a previous control event by land managers. Native tree juvenile and adult densities were compared between sites to investigate the potential effects of L. camara on species recruitment. Invasion of L. camara led to a reduction in species richness and compositions that diverged from non-invaded vegetation. Species richness was lower for fern, herb, tree and vine species, highlighting the pervasive threat of L. camara. For many common tree species, juvenile densities were lower within invaded sites than non-invaded sites, yet adult densities were similar across all invasion categories. This indicates that reduced species diversity is driven in part by recruitment limitation mechanisms, which may include allelopathy and resource competition, rather than displacement of adult vegetation. Management of L. camara initiated community recovery by increasing species richness, abundance and recruitment. While community composition following L. camara management diverged from non-invaded vegetation, vigorous tree and shrub recruitment signals that long-term community reinstatement will occur. However, secondary weed invasion occurred following L. camara control. Follow-up weed control may be necessary to prevent secondary plant invasion following invader management and facilitate long-term community recovery.  相似文献   
We analyzed processes limiting photosynthesis in two-year-old, container-grown Pinus pinaster Ait. seedlings subjected to phosphorus (P) deficiency. After withholding P for 3 months, seedlings were supplied P at four relative addition rates (0, 0.005, 0.01 and 0.02 day(-1)) in a nutrient recycling system. At Weeks 12 and 22, responses of photosynthesis to CO(2) and irradiance were measured and the following parameters derived: maximal velocity of carboxylation by Rubisco, V(m); apparent quantum efficiency of electron transport, alpha maximal electron transport rate, J(m); stomatal conductance and relative stomatal limitation of photosynthesis. At Week 22, these measurements were combined with concurrent measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence to determine the quantum yield of PSII, and a theoretical partitioning of total light-driven linear electron flow between fractions used to regenerate carboxylated and oxygenated RuBP. After 12 weeks of treatment, needle P concentrations ranged from 0.04 to 0.15 x 10(-2) g g(DW) (-1), and then remained constant until Week 22. Values of J(m), alpha and V(m) increased with increasing needle P concentration (from 30 to 133 &mgr;mol m(-2) s(-1), 0.02 to 0.25 mol mol(-1) and 13 to 78 &mgr;mol CO(2) m(-2) s(-1) at the lowest and highest needle P concentrations, respectively). Under ambient conditions, net assimilation rates in P-deficient seedlings were limited by V(m) under saturating irradiance, and by J(m) under limiting irradiance, but not by triose-P regeneration. There was no detectable change in the partitioning of total light-driven linear electron flow between the fractions used for carboxylation and oxygenation. Predawn photochemical efficiency of PSII was significantly reduced in seedlings with low P concentrations. Although stomatal conductance tended to decrease with decreasing needle P concentration, relative stomatal limitation was not significantly affected. At Week 22, there was an attenuation of the effects of P nutrition on V(m) and an increase in alpha and J(m) that was probably related to cessation of growth and the seasonal decline in natural irradiance.  相似文献   
The dietary habits of the sea urchin Salmacis sphaeroides and the gastropod Trochus maculatus in ex situ mariculture were examined. Fouling algal assemblages on terracotta tiles were exposed to the grazers and compared. Except for Day 0, the assemblages on Days 2, 13 and 27 differed significantly across treatments. S. sphaeroides rapidly consumed most algae, leaving an assemblage dominated by turf algae and bare tile. T. maculatus primarily fed on green filamentous algae, resulting in an even distribution of other algal functional groups, while control tiles were dominated by green filamentous algae. Using three representative fouling algae species (Bryopsis corymbosa, Hypnea spinella and Lobophora variegata), the consumption rates of both grazers and dietary preferences of S. sphaeroides were examined through a single‐diet and a choice experiment respectively. The single‐diet experiment revealed differential algal consumption rates for S. sphaeroides (H. spinella = B. corymbosa > L. variegata) and T. maculatus (B. corymbosa > H. spinella = L. variegata). The choice experiment showed that S. sphaeroides preferred H. spinella over the other two species. These experiments highlighted the importance of understanding the dietary habits of grazers as this has direct implications on their effectiveness as biological controls of fouling macroalgae in mariculture.  相似文献   
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