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A rapid recombinant antigen-based latex agglutination test (LAT) has been developed to detect specific anti-leptospiral antibodies from human and dog sera. The recombinant LipL32 antigen developed and used for detecting the antibodies is specific in detection of the pathogenic serovars of Leptospira as the expression of the LipL32 antigen is restricted only to the pathogenic leptospires. The sensitized latex beads are stable and could be stored at 4°C for more than three months without showing loss of activity for both weakly and strongly positive samples. The test is found to be sensitive, specific and accurate as compared to the standard microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Moreover, the recombinant antigen-coated latex beads could detect the specific anti-leptospiral antibodies in the acute phase of the illness. The test is simple and inexpensive, and is rapid in the management of large numbers of patients.  相似文献   
金优213是湖南杂交水稻研究中心用不育系金23A与自选恢复系213配组而成的杂交早籼新组合.具有高产稳产、熟期适中、适应性广、耐寒耐热、后期灌浆成熟快、外观米质好等特点,2004年通过湖南省品种审定.  相似文献   
恢复系晚3是利用明恢63作母本,26窄早作父本进行杂交,再将F1种子用60Co-λ射线处理,通过多代定向选育,所获早熟突变体与不育系配组、测交筛选,于1989年育成,1994年1月通过省级审定。在长沙地区种植,3月底播种,7月初始穗,主茎叶片数16叶左右,6月中旬播种,8月25日前后始穗,主茎叶片数历叶左右,大田种植作常规稻栽培一般亩产450kg左右,在我国南方稻区均可利用。在长沙地区春制,与珍汕97A制种,时差22~25天,叶差5~5.3叶,与V20A制种,时差30~35天,叶差7~7.3叶。…  相似文献   
湖南杂交水稻研究中心利用辐射等手段处理明恢63,获得了比原亲本材料早熟10~20天的早熟突变体,经定向培育,定向配组,现已筛选出晚3恢复系。该恢复系比明恢63短15天左右,与V20A、珍讪97A、优IA等不育系配组,优势强、产量高、生育期适中。其中汕优晚3通过3年多点试验,普遍反映比威优64、汕优64、汕优桂33、汕优桂99增产。 1990年在韶关市、桂林市、华容县、桃源县、大庸市永定区,湖南杂交水稻研究中心等地进行多点试验,汕优晚3平均亩产502kg,比对照威优64增产13%,比汕优桂33增产10.3%,均达极显著水平,生育期比威优64长5.3天,比汕优桂33短4…  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.), is a major insect pest of crucifers in the biodiversity‐rich north‐western Indian Himalayan hills. The present investigation was aimed at determining the susceptibility pattern of P. xylostella populations collected from different locations of this region to autochthonous and standard Bacillus thuringiensis strains. RESULTS: Among the reference as well as indigenous B. thuringiensis strains tested, sub spp. kurstaki HD‐1, kurstaki HD‐73, galleriae HD‐8, local galleriae/colmeri strain BtOa1 and some of their Cry1 class toxins were found to be highly toxic. Surprisingly, the sub sp. tolworthi HD‐125, local tolworthi strain BtHa1 and Cry9 class toxins were found to be non‐toxic. Midgut homogenate from fourth‐instar larvae was found to activate 130 kDa protoxin from the local tolworthi strain BtHa1 into 68 kDa toxin, but failed to exert any larval mortality, probably owing to lack of receptor binding. CONCLUSION: The present study provides valuable baseline susceptibility data for the deployment of B. thuringiensis‐based control methods, as well as for future monitoring of development of resistance in P. xylostella to B. thuringiensis in this ecologically sensitive region. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
A study is made of the kinetics and mechanism of the reaction of radiolytically produced hydrated electron (e-(aq)) with some triazine derivatives [1,3,5-triazine (T), 2,4,6-trimethoxy-1,3,5-triazine (TMT), 2,4-dioxohexahydro-1,3,5-triazine (DHT), 6-chloro N-ethyl N-(1-methylethyl)-1,3,5-triazine 2,4-diamine (atrazine, AT), and cyanuric acid (CA)] in aqueous medium using pulse and steady-state radiolysis techniques. The second-order rate constants were determined from the pseudo first-order decay of e(-)(aq) in the presence of triazines at 720 nm, and the values obtained with T, TMT, AT, and CA are in the order of 10(9) dm(3) mol(-1) s(-1) and that of DHT was 10(8) dm(3) mol(-1) s(-1) at pH 6. The transient absorption spectra from the reaction of e(-)(aq) with T and TMT are characterized by their lambda(max) at 310 nm, and those of DHT and CA are around 280 and 290 nm, respectively. However, a very weak and featureless absorption spectrum is obtained from AT. On the basis of the spectral evidence and on the quantitative electron transfer from the transient intermediates to the oxidant, methyl viologen (MV(2+)), the intermediate radicals are assigned to N-protonated electron adducts (with the unpaired spin density at carbon) of triazines. The degradation profiles, monitored as the disappearance of parent triazine concentrations as a function of dose, obtained with AT, TMT, CA, and DHT, highlight the potential use of e-(aq) in the degradation of triazines.  相似文献   
2001-2002年间,利用卫星遥感和GIS技术研究印度切蒂斯格尔邦的赖布尔地区干旱热带森林的土地利用、生物量和碳贮量情况。主要森林类型为:柚木森林、混合林、衰退森林和婆罗双树混交林。在这些不同森林类型中,立地的坡度和坡面影响森林植被类型、生物量和碳贮量。不同森林类型中,木材积蓄积量、生物量和碳贮量的变化范围分别为:35.59~64.31 m3·hm-2、45.94~78.31Mg·hm-2和22.97~33.27Mg·hm-2。混合林中每公顷的木材蓄积量、生物量和碳贮量最大,衰退森林中的最低。混合林、柚木森林、衰退森林和婆罗双树混交林的总碳量分别为8170.72 Mg、81656.91 Mg、7833.23 Mg和7470.45 Mg。蒂斯格尔邦地区干旱热带森林处于不成熟的生长阶段,且具有很强的碳回收潜力。图6表7参49。  相似文献   
棉花是印度泰米尔纳德邦的重要经济纤维作物。在1987年10—11月间,在哥印拜陀试验田MCU 9号品种棉株上发生茎枝枯萎病。45天的棉株约有23.8%出现了病症。病斑暗褐色,主要发生在棉株茎枝上,很少发生在叶柄和叶片上。以后病斑相互连接引致茎秆  相似文献   
An immunoblotting protocol for the detection of antibodies to Mycoplasma crocodyli was developed using sonicated antigen of the reference strain 266/93. Immunoblotting detected nine reacting antigens, of which the 33 and 40kDa antigens were immunodominant. There was no difference in reactivity of the antigens against sera obtained from vaccinated and infected crocodiles. Both antigens are candidates for other serological and molecular studies. This is the first report to develop and apply an immunoblotting test for detection of antibody to M. crocodyli infection in crocodiles.  相似文献   
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