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The infection of stored apples by the fungus Penicillium expansum causes the contamination of fruits and fruit-derived products with the mycotoxin patulin, which is a major issue in food safety. Fungal attack can be prevented by beneficial microorganisms, so-called biocontrol agents. Previous time-course thin layer chromatography analyses showed that the aerobic incubation of patulin with the biocontrol yeast Rhodosporidium kratochvilovae strain LS11 leads to the disappearance of the mycotoxin spot and the parallel emergence of two new spots, one of which disappears over time. In this work, we analyzed the biodegradation of patulin effected by LS11 through HPLC. The more stable of the two compounds was purified and characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance as desoxypatulinic acid, whose formation was also quantitated in patulin degradation experiments. After R. kratochvilovae LS11 had been incubated in the presence of (13)C-labeled patulin, label was traced to desoxypatulinic acid, thus proving that this compound derives from the metabolization of patulin by the yeast. Desoxypatulinic acid was much less toxic than patulin to human lymphocytes and, in contrast to patulin, did not react in vitro with the thiol-bearing tripeptide glutathione. The lower toxicity of desoxypatulinic acid is proposed to be a consequence of the hydrolysis of the lactone ring and the loss of functional groups that react with thiol groups. The formation of desoxypatulinic acid from patulin represents a novel biodegradation pathway that is also a detoxification process.  相似文献   
The prevalence of food allergies in the world population requires integrated approaches to identify new potential allergens, especially those of plant origin. The aim of this work was the allergen in vitro analysis of Lupinus albus seed proteome, a promising food protein source, and the assessment of IgE cross-reactivities with other more diffused legume species. A combination of one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting analyses with specific IgGs for band identification and lupin-sensitized patients' circulating IgEs for allergenicity studies has been used. Two lupin proteins, namely, conglutin gamma and 11S globulin basic subunits, strongly reacted with all patients' sera. Also, cross-reactivities with the homologous polypeptides of other legume species were observed. Otherwise, no reaction at all was detected with a 2S-type lupin protein. This global electrophoretic approach has allowed the identification of a new potential lupin allergen and confirmed the cross-reactivity among the legume 11S globulin basic subunits.  相似文献   
Summary A program designed to develop two base populations of perennial ryegrass was initiated in 1985 in Galicia. Multitrait mass selection by a base index was practised in two genetic resources groups of wild Galician populations. Plants selected were intercrossed and the two resulting base populations (F and G) were evaluated in two locations at the spaced plant level and in plot trials with the aim of estimating the genetic parameters and the possibilities for future breeding. The two populations did not show significant differences from commercial cultivars. Production characters had low heritabilities (0.01–0.32) in both locations. Seasonal yields had medium to high family heritabilities (0.36–0.73). For the economic traits chosen, the expected genetic advances were important in both populations for summer and autumn growth in Mabegondo and spring and summer-autumn dry matter yield (1st and 3rd year) in Puebla de Brollón. Expected genetic advance for early spring growth was 0.62 in population F. In the autumn of 1991 equal numbers of plants, selected at each location by combined family and mass selection from each of these populations, were planted in two polycrosses with the aim of improving the genetic basis and adaptation of these populations.  相似文献   
A sample of 58 natural ryegrass populations (Lolium perenne L.) from the French and Spanish oceanic coast was evaluated for three seasonal growth traits (i.e. spring, autumn and winter vigour traits) in 5 evaluation sites (three in France and two in Spain). This sample showed a high level of genotype (population) × environment (evaluation sites) interactions for the three agronomic traits. A factor regression analysis, using both isozyme frequencies of populations and climatic factors of evaluation sites as covariates, was carried out on a sub-sample of 30 populations in order to explain these interactions. This method succeeded in explaining most population × location interactions by the product of two covariates. For instance, for spring vigour trait, 72.8% of the interaction term could be explained by the use of two covariates: the PGI2-20 allelic frequency of populations and the minimum temperature of the coldest month of evaluation sites. This study shows the advantage of such a method for plant breeders who need to identify promising ryegrass populations for their breeding objectives. A number of genetic and evolutionary hypotheses are also discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The species Cynara cardunculus includes the globe artichoke (var. scolymus), the cultivated cardoon (var. altilis) and the wild cardoon (var. sylvestris). The three taxa are sexually compatible and originate fertile F 1 progenies, which, given the high heterozygosity of the species, are highly segregating. We report the characterization of two F 1 populations, one bred from a cross between globe artichoke and cultivated cardoon, and the other between globe artichoke and wild cardoon. Both populations featured a wide array of phenotypes in relation to several traits, and some of the newly developed genotypes are of interest for the ornamental market. The two populations were genotyped at 50 microsatellite (SSR) loci: in the globe artichoke × wild cardoon and globe artichoke × cultivated cardoon progenies 116 and 97 alleles were respectively detected. SSR pattern scores were used to produce an UPGMA dendrogram and a PCoA plot. A set of nine SSR loci, evenly dispersed across the genome, was shown to be sufficient to unambiguously identify each segregant. The molecular fingerprinting is useful for establishing the true to type correspondence of propagative materials in nurseries and ensures the effective correspondence between the real and the declared identity of a clone.  相似文献   
RAPD (randomly amplified polymorphic DNA) technology was applied to analyze the genetic variability of sweet potato germplasm existing in Chile and elsewhere. Analysis of 28 cultivars from all over the world showed polymorphic bands with all 18 primers tested. A total of 124 RAPD bands were scored with an average of 6.9 polymorphic bands per primer. These results confirm that sweet potato exhibits high genetic variation. Two groups were distinguished: one containing Peruvian cultivars, and another containing cultivars from the rest of the world. Analysis of 14 accessions from Central Chile and one from Northern Chile showed polymorphic bands with 24 of 26 primers tested, but almost all of the 140 polymorphic bands merely showed the distinctness of the Northern accession. The almost complete uniformity of the other 14 accessions shows that sweet potato germplasm collected in Central Chile has very little genetic variability and may be derived from a single cultivar. Based on these results and on historical records, some hypotheses are proposed to explain the origin of sweet potatoes cultivated in Chile. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The seasonal and annual variability of sensible heat flux (H), latent heat flux (LE), evapotranspiration (ET), crop coefficient (Kc) and crop water productivity (WPET) were investigated under two different rice environments, flooded and aerobic soil conditions, using the eddy covariance (EC) technique during 2008-2009 cropping periods. Since we had only one EC system for monitoring two rice environments, we had to move the system from one location to the other every week. In total, we had to gap-fill an average of 50-60% of the missing weekly data as well as those values rejected by the quality control tests in each rice field in all four cropping seasons. Although the EC method provides a direct measurement of LE, which is the energy used for ET, we needed to correct the values of H and LE to close the energy balance using the Bowen ratio closure method before we used LE to estimate ET. On average, the energy balance closure before correction was 0.72 ± 0.06 and it increased to 0.99 ± 0.01 after correction. The G in both flooded and aerobic fields was very low. Likewise, the energy involved in miscellaneous processes such as photosynthesis, respiration and heat storage in the rice canopy was not taken into consideration.Average for four cropping seasons, flooded rice fields had 19% more LE than aerobic fields whereas aerobic rice fields had 45% more H than flooded fields. This resulted in a lower Bowen ratio in flooded fields (0.14 ± 0.03) than in aerobic fields (0.24 ± 0.01). For our study sites, evapotranspiration was primarily controlled by net radiation. The aerobic rice fields had lower growing season ET rates (3.81 ± 0.21 mm d−1) than the flooded rice fields (4.29 ± 0.23 mm d−1), most probably due to the absence of ponded water and lower leaf area index of aerobic rice. Likewise, the crop coefficient, Kc, of aerobic rice was significantly lower than that of flooded rice. For aerobic rice, Kc values were 0.95 ± 0.01 for the vegetative stage, 1.00 ± 0.01 for the reproductive stage, 0.97 ± 0.04 for the ripening stage and 0.88 ± 0.03 for the fallow period, whereas, for flooded rice, Kc values were 1.04 ± 0.04 for the vegetative stage, 1.11 ± 0.05 for the reproductive stage, 1.04 ± 0.05 for the ripening stage and 0.93 ± 0.06 for the fallow period. The average annual ET was 1301 mm for aerobic rice and 1440 mm for flooded rice. This corresponds to about 11% lower total evapotranspiration in aerobic fields than in flooded fields. However, the crop water productivity (WPET) of aerobic rice (0.42 ± 0.03 g grain kg−1 water) was significantly lower than that of flooded rice (1.26 ± 0.26 g grain kg−1 water) because the grain yields of aerobic rice were very low since they were subjected to water stress.The results of this investigation showed significant differences in energy balance and evapotranspiration between flooded and aerobic rice ecosystems. Aerobic rice is one of the promising water-saving technologies being developed to lower the water requirements of the rice crop to address the issues of water scarcity. This information should be taken into consideration in evaluating alternative water-saving technologies for environmentally sustainable rice production systems.  相似文献   
In this study the estimation of reflectivity at 1730 MHz (l-band), measured with a microwave digital cordless telephony (DCT) patch antenna, is presented as an easy-to-handle and non-destructive new method to assess the relative water content (RWC) of poplar leaves and filter discs at different levels of dehydration. The accuracy of this new method has been contrasted with the R1300/R1450 index, determined by a portable near infrared (NIR) spectrometer. The close correlations found between RWC and the reflectivity at a frequency of 1730 MHz, both for filters and leaves, indicate that microwave determinations are rather independent of the physical properties of the material analysed. On the contrary, the differences found between poplar leaves and leaf filters in the relationships established between RWC and the R1300/R1450 index demonstrate a strong influence of the properties of the material in NIR reflectance measurements, specifically as they relate to changes in leaf thickness during dehydration. It should be noted that the amount of energy received by the leaf for the microwave technique (0.1 mW) was much lower than that received for the measuring of the R1300/R1450 index (2.5 W). Moreover, R-square coefficients were higher for microwaves than for the R1300/R1450 index. The use of a technologically simple, low cost and portable device, based on a microwave DCT patch antenna, could yield a solid support for the development of a commercial apparatus enabling the determination of plant water status under field conditions.  相似文献   
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