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Serine and glycine are 2 of the first-affected nonessential amino acids in low crude protein (CP) diets for pigs. Therefore, we explored the effects of different dietary serine-to-glycine ratios on growth performance and lipid metabolism in growing-finishing pigs. A total of 160 crossbred healthy barrows, with a similar body weight of around 59.50 kg, were randomly allotted into 1 of 5 treatments (8 pens per treatment and 4 pigs per pen). The serine-to-glycine ratios of the 5 dietary treatments were as follows: diet A (NORMAL group), 1.18:1 (16% CP); diet B (LOW group), 1.2:1 (12% CP); diet C (S2G1 group), 2:1 (12% CP); diet D (S1G2 group), 1:2 (12% CP); and diet E (S1G1 group), 1:1 (12% CP).We found that the pigs fed a low CP diet (12% CP), when maintaining serine-to-glycine ratio at 1:2 and a total amount of 1.44%, had the same average daily gain as the pigs fed a normal CP diet (16% CP) (P > 0.05), but they had increased intramuscular fat (P < 0.05). Furthermore, they exhibited higher expression of genes involved in lipid oxidation (P < 0.05), which was regulated by modulating methylation levels in the promoters of acyl-CoA oxidase 1 (ACOX1) and acyl-CoA dehydrogenase medium chain (ACADM). When compared with the pigs fed a normal CP diet, these pigs had more oxidative myofibers (P < 0.05), which were regulated by AMPK-PGC-1α and Calcineurin-MEF2/NFAT pathways in a coordinated manner. Our findings suggested that a dietary serine-to-glycine ratio of 1:2 is beneficial for improving meat quality in pigs fed a low CP diet.  相似文献   
试验研究了卡死克对通缘步甲成虫的急性致死毒性及田间撒施卡死克毒饵后对其种群数量消长的影响。室内口腔灌喂250ppm浓度的卡死克药液2μl/头后的第1~15天,灌药组与灌清水组的存活率均在70~90%,统计结果无显著差异,说明药剂对该步甲元急性致死毒性。在毒饵撒施后的7~17天,采用陷阱诱捕法调查对通缘步甲田间种群数量的影响,结果表明:处理区与对照区的日均诱捕数量为28.3和28.5头,两区间的差异并不显著。卡死克既不杀伤草地上游猎捕食的通缘步甲又能有效控制蝗虫种群数量的增长,使其能够发挥控制害虫的作用。通缘步甲发生数量大,与蝗虫种群消长有跟随现象,是一种值得研究保护利用的优势天敌种类。  相似文献   
PMSG提高初产母猪繁殖力的研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
70头初产断奶母猪随机分为两组,试验组于断奶当日颈部肌肉注射1000Ⅰ.U.PMSG;对照组只注射等容量生理盐水(注射用水),以观察初产母猪断奶后发情配种和2胎产仔的情况。结果表明:试验组母猪断奶发情配种的时间比对照组显著提前(P<0.01);2胎产仔数增加(P<0.01);而两组母猪发情配种的受胎率差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   
嘉兴平原桑园土壤分类及肥力的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择浙北嘉兴平原桑园代表性土壤,进行调查,研究其成因、分类及特性,并对高低产桑园土壤的理化性状进行化验分析,明确了嘉兴平原桑园土壤是历史上由人工堆迭而成,在分类系统上归属于潮湿土纲、正常潮湿土亚纲、潮土土类、暗潮土亚类、堆迭土土属,又分为粘质堆迭土、壤质堆迭土、粉质堆迭土3个土种。在统计众多土壤理化性状数据的基础上,暂拟本区高产桑园土壤16项理化性状,作为本地区桑园地力建设的参考。  相似文献   
蛋白质饲料木聚糖含量及其体外酶解效果研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文通过体外酶解试验,考察木聚糖酶对豆粕、菜籽粕和棉籽粕的总木聚糖和水溶性木聚糖的降解效果,试图建立木聚糖酶与不同蛋白质饲料种类的定量关系.试验结果表明:①不同蛋白质饲料的总木聚糖和水溶性木聚糖的含量不同,豆粕、菜籽粕和棉籽粕的总木聚糖含量分别为5.62%、6.56%和8.20%;水溶性木聚糖含量分别为0.35%、0.97%和0.84%;②不同来源的3种蛋白质饲料的总木聚糖和水溶性木聚糖含量变异较小.在适宜的水环境中,菜籽粕的水溶性木聚糖含量显著增加,豆粕和棉籽粕的水溶性木聚糖变化不大;③木聚糖酶对3种蛋白质饲料的总木聚糖均有显著降解作用,对水溶性木聚糖有一定的降解作用,其中对菜籽粕的总木聚糖和水溶性木聚糖的降解作用均较大;以总木聚糖酶为标识,结合考虑成本,豆粕、菜籽粕、棉籽粕的适宜添加木聚糖酶水平分别为1 000、1 000和1 500 U/kg.  相似文献   
所谓经验学习就是学习者通过对自己过去所掌握的知识和经验的深刻回顾与系统反思,结合需要学习的新知识、新内容,从中总结归纳并产生出新知识的过程。实践证明,经验学习对警犬技术专业成人培训的影响是巨大而深刻的,有时往往会超出人  相似文献   
有机铬的合成及其产品质量评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钟国清  张国庆 《饲料工业》2005,26(16):16-20
三价铬离子是构成葡萄糖耐量因子的重要组成部分,能够增强胰岛素的作用,是人和动物不可缺少的微量元素之一。有机铬化合物在生物机体中具有多种极其重要的活性功能,如果人体缺铬,将导致糖尿病和其它相关疾病;动物缺铬,则会导致对应激敏感、免疫功能受抑制、繁殖功能下降以及胴体品质下降等。本文综述了有机铬化合物的生物功能及其合成方法,介绍了产品的检测及质量评价方法,并对其发展前景做了一定的展望。  相似文献   
  1. The advantage of supplemental sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) on eggshell quality in laying hens changes with age. Besides increasing calcium (Ca) secretion in the eggshell gland, it may improve Ca absorption in the intestine or kidney.

  2. Hy-Line Brown layers (n = 384), 25 weeks of age, were allocated to two treatment groups in two experiments, each of which included 4 replicates of 24 hens. Hens were fed a basal diet (control) or the basal diet containing 3 g NaHCO3 g/kg for 50 or 20 weeks in Experiment 1 or 2, respectively. A 24-h continuous lighting regimen was used to allow hens to consume the dietary supplements during the period of active eggshell formation.

  3. In Experiment 1, particularly from 25 to 50 weeks of age, and in Experiment 2, NaHCO3 supplementation favoured hen-d egg production at the expense of lower egg weight. The increased eggshell thickness should have nothing to do with the additional eggshell formation, because of the unchanged egg mass and daily eggshell calcification.

  4. At 35 weeks of age in both experiments, NaHCO3 supplementation increased duodenal expression of calbindin-d28k (CaBP-D28k) protein, contributing to higher Ca retention and balance.

  5. From 50 to 75 weeks of age in Experiment 1, the hens had little response to NaHCO3 supplementation and showed a negative trend on eggshell thickness and strength.

  6. It is concluded that dietary supplementation with 3 g NaHCO3 g/kg improves Ca absorption and eggshell quality of laying hens during the peak but not late production period, with the introduction of continuous lighting.

紫花苜蓿多叶型与三叶型品种同工酶的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,对国外2种多叶型苜蓿及国内外5种三叶型苜蓿幼苗的5种同工酶进行了测定,将酶谱数量化,应用SPSS统计软件求出各品种间的遗传一致度及欧氏遗传距离,并进行了聚类分析.结果表明:1)测定的5种同工酶中过氧化物酶(PER)、酯酶(EST)、淀粉酶(AMY)具有多态性,综合此3种酶酶谱可以鉴定供试的7个品种;2)2个多叶型品种具有一共同特征酶带PER-4,国内品种的过氧化物酶活性明显高于国外品种;3)品种间的遗传一致度为0.826~0.952,欧氏遗传距离为0.500~1.118,多叶型品种间遗传一致度为0.904,欧氏遗传距离为0.500;4)等级聚类分析结果为,以欧氏遗传距离0.400为分界,供试品种分为3类,2个多叶型品种为一类,其余的5种三叶型品种分为另两类.  相似文献   
Phthalates, including di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), are common industrial chemicals in the environment. Recent evidence indicates that DEHP and its active metabolite mono-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (MEHP) negatively modulate reproductive functions and induce reactive oxygen species. Ascorbic acid (AA) is a dietary requirement for primates, and it acts as a potent free radical scavenger to protect tissues against oxidative stress. In this study, to investigate the toxic effects of MEHP on the follicle development and the beneficial role of AA, neonatal mouse ovaries were treated with different concentrations of MEHP with or without AA for 6 days. Then, the follicle constitution and oxidative status were compared in different groups. Results showed MEHP accelerated primordial follicle recruitment by increasing the percentage of primary and secondary follicles and decreasing the percentage of primordial follicles in the ovaries. Moreover, MEHP-induced ovarian oxidative stress by significantly increasing malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration and the expression of GSS and SOD1. When ovaries were co-administrated with MEHP and AA, follicle constitution was normalized, and the oxidative status was significantly decreased. These results suggested that AA ameliorated MEHP-induced ovarian oxidative stress and follicular dysregulation, which attested the clinical significance of AA for ovary protection in the case of MEHP exposure.  相似文献   
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