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[Objective] The aim of this study is to evaluate nitrogen efficient cotton germplasms and improve nitrogen use efficiency. [Method] Eighty cotton germplasms were selected and evaluated in the hydroponic experiment under low (0.25 mmol·L-1) and high (5 mmol·L-1) nitrogen concentration. Different traits for screening were identified and nitrogen use efficiency types were classified. Field experiments were also performed for comparison and confirmation of the identified germplasms. [Result] The results showed that there were significant differences in the total plant dry matter, shoot nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen absorption efficiency in cotton germplasms at the two nitrogen levels. Based on coefficient of variation, principal component analysis and correlation, six traits including total plant dry matter, shoot dry matter, root dry matter, total nitrogen accumulation, shoot nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen absorption efficiency were used as screening indicators. According to the Heatmap clustering analysis and the nitrogen efficiency comprehensive index, two germplasms (Lu05R59 and CCRI 69) were identified as low nitrogen tolerant and nitrogen efficient, and two germplasms (Coker 201 and Xinluzhong 30) as low nitrogen sensitive and nitrogen inefficient. The results of field experiment were consistent with the results of the hydroponic culture at the seedling stage. [Conclusion] It was finally determined that Lu05R59 and CCRI 69 were the low nitrogen tolerant and nitrogen efficient germplasms, and Coker 201 and Xinluzhong 30 were low nitrogen sensitive and nitrogen inefficient germplasms. The results of these studies provide the possibility for screening and rapid identification of nitrogen use efficiency in cotton at the seedling stage, and provide the ideal materials and theoretical basis for further study of cotton nitrogen efficient.  相似文献   
The species Pseudogymnoascus is known as a psychrophilic pathogenic fungus with a ubiquitous distribution in Antarctica. Meanwhile, the study of its secondary metabolites is infrequent. Systematic research of the metabolites of the fungus Pseudogymnoascus sp. HSX2#-11, guided by the method of molecular networking, led to the isolation of one novel polyketide, pseudophenone A (1), along with six known analogs (2–7). The structure of the new compound was elucidated by extensive spectroscopic investigation and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Pseudophenone A (1) is a dimer of diphenyl ketone and diphenyl ether, and there is only one analog of 1 to the best of our knowledge. Compounds 1 and 2 exhibited antibacterial activities against a panel of strains. This is the first time to use molecular networking to study the metabolic profiles of Antarctica fungi.  相似文献   
张成林  刘晃  张宇雷 《农业工程》2019,9(10):128-132
在渔业方面,贯彻落实“一带一路”倡议,实施渔业“走出去,引进来”战略,促进我国水产养殖业和周边国家地区的交流合作,共同推动区域传统渔业向现代渔业转型升级,是现代渔业发展的必然方向。泰国作为“一带一路”之东盟国家,从泰国的渔业资源现状、渔业产业发展、渔业现阶段存在的优势和不足以及中泰渔业协作发展探索等多个方面进行阐述,通过研究泰国渔业现状及探索中泰渔业协作发展之路,提出技术支撑、资源引进、取长补短、共同进步等相对应的策略与建议,为中国-东盟国家在基于“一带一路”倡议的渔业层面战略发展提供样本。   相似文献   
为探究毛乌素沙地大规模现代化高标准农田地下水开采对地下水位的影响,以榆林市榆阳区昌汗敖包村土地开发项目地下水监测网覆盖区作为研究区,选取分布于研究区的8眼机井进行了为期1年的地下水位埋深动态特征监测。结果表明:在灌溉期间,地下水位埋深呈先减小后增大的趋势;灌溉结束至进入下个灌溉周期之前,地下水位埋深逐渐增大至正常值。因此群井开采并未对项目区地下水位造成实质影响。   相似文献   
赵勤辉  郭承建 《猪业科学》2021,38(8):106-108
当前养猪业进入困难时期,企业运营成本高企。炎热的夏季,种猪繁殖问题较为突出,再加上非洲猪瘟直接或者间接的原因,行业内母猪整体繁殖水平低下。团队近期对53家不同区域、不同规模、不同生产模式的养猪企业进行了调研,发现公猪问题、后备猪问题和哺乳期管理是当前猪场最为关心的3个问题。  相似文献   
The prognosis of liver cancer was inferior among tumors. New medicine treatments are urgently needed. In this study, a novel exopolysaccharide EPS364 was purified from Vibrio alginolyticus 364, which was isolated from a deep-sea cold seep of the South China Sea. Further research showed that EPS364 consisted of mannose, glucosamine, gluconic acid, galactosamine and arabinose with a molar ratio of 5:9:3.4:0.5:0.8. The relative molecular weight of EPS364 was 14.8 kDa. Our results further revealed that EPS364 was a β-linked and phosphorylated polysaccharide. Notably, EPS364 exhibited a significant antitumor activity, with inducing apoptosis, dissipation of the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in Huh7.5 liver cancer cells. Proteomic and quantitative real-time PCR analyses indicated that EPS364 inhibited cancer cell growth and adhesion via targeting the FGF19-FGFR4 signaling pathway. These findings suggest that EPS364 is a promising antitumor agent for pharmacotherapy.  相似文献   
为了丰富紫花槭转录组数据,进一步开展紫花槭秋季叶片呈色机制研究.本研究以紫花槭秋季转色期三个阶段(前期,中期,后期)叶片为材料,采用高通量测序技术进行转录组初步分析.转录组数据共获得50501条Unigene,有35316条Unigene在数据库中得到注释,其中NR数据库中注释到的Unigene数量最多,共35024条,占69.4%.在注释到的物种中,紫花槭比对的Unigene与甜橙(Citrus sinensis)相似度最高,共有4290条,占12.25%.紫花槭转录组中的Unigene根据GO功能可分为生物学过程、细胞组分和分子功能3大类,共有25375条,其中生物学过程的基因最多,主要聚集于代谢过程和细胞过程等.基于Unigene库的基因结构分析,其中SSR分析共获得12711个SSR标记,占Unigene总数的36%.SSR位点共包含150种重复基元,单碱基重复所占比例最高(7184个,61.86%),四碱基重复、五碱基重复和六碱基重复所占比例较低.Unigene库中共有328239个SNP位点,发生频率为1/190 bp,SNP位点分为转换和颠换两种类型的碱基替换方式,其中碱基转换位点213787个(65.13%),碱基颠换位点114452个(34.87%),碱基转换类型发生频率高于颠换类型.6种单碱基变异中,2种转换类型A/G、C/T的发生频率分别为33.03%和32.10%;4种颠换类型中A/T发生频率最高,为11.52%;C/G发生频率最低,为5.79%.紫花槭转录组秋季叶色表达的转录组分析,可为紫花槭叶色基因调控、定向分子育种和培育彩叶新品种提供研究提供基础的数据信息.  相似文献   
概述了ZHM19的选育过程、特征特性、产量、纤维品质和抗病性等特点及主要栽培技术措施。  相似文献   
为解决豚草提取物在林业病虫害防治中的推广与应用问题,以豚草叶片为试验材料,采用温浸-超声波联合提取法提取抑菌活性物质,并开展其对杨树水泡型溃疡病病原菌的室内外抑菌试验。室内抑菌试验表明,粗提物浓度为16 mg/mL时,抑菌率达到73.62%;林间防治试验表明,最小抑菌浓度为 40 mg/mL,抑菌率达到95.14%。通过以上抑菌试验确定豚草粗提物对杨树水泡型溃疡病有较好的抑制效果。  相似文献   
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