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An introgression line RBPH660, derived from wild rice Oryza rufipogon, showed stable resistance to brown planthopper(BPH). Segregation analysis indicated BPH resistance of RBPH660 was controlled by multiple genes/QTLs. By using the bulked segregant analysis(BSA)-seq method, two genomic regions harboring QTLs resistance to BPH were identified from 1.20 to 16.70 Mb on chromosome 4 and from 10.20 to 12.60 Mb on chromosome 9 in RBPH660, respectively. A major resistance locus, designated as Bph35 accounting for 51.27% of the phenotypic variation with a LOD score of 42.51, was mapped to the candidate region of chromosome 4 between In Del(insertion-deletion) markers PSM16 and R4 M13. For fine mapping of Bph35, one simple sequence repeat and three newly developed In Del markers were used to screen the recombinants. Finally, the Bph35 locus was delimited in the region from 6.28 to 6.93 Mb and there were 18 predicted protein-encoding genes with a total of 114 non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) variant sites between the resistant and susceptible parents. Out of these genes, Os04 g0193950, encoding a putative NB-ARC(nucleotidebinding adaptor shared by APAF-1, R proteins and CED-4) and LRR(leucine-rich repeat) domain protein with nine non-synonymous SNP substitutions in its coding sequence regions, might be the candidate gene for Bph35. These findings would facilitate the map-based cloning of the Bph35 gene and development of resistant varieties against BPH in rice.  相似文献   
开远、建水等半干旱暖热地区的新植被类型属偏干性常绿阔叶林和细叶云南松林 ,并对其下的二个群落 :毛叶青冈、红木荷群落及细叶云南松、红木荷群落进行了初步报导。  相似文献   
南酸枣是南方重要的经济林、用材林、园林绿化树种。野生状态南酸枣10a挂果,20a进入盛果期。自2001年起,崇义县推广嫁接技术培育南酸枣,比野生南酸枣树提前6年挂果,提前12年进入盛果期。为以南酸枣果实为主的食品、饮料加工企业提供了原料保证,并具较好的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益。  相似文献   
毛竹实生苗选育的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
于1995~2000年对毛竹实生苗进行了从苗期到幼林的生长对比试验,通过对毛竹实生苗逐年的苗高、地径、发笋数三项指标的试验结果表明:毛竹实生苗个体之间的生长存在着较大的差异,反映出毛竹种子的遗传品质存在着差异,且遗传品质较差的苗木从苗期到幼林的生长表现都比较差,具有相对的稳定性。因此把好实生苗的选择关,是提高毛竹实生苗造林成林、成材率的一个关键。  相似文献   
The conversion of SO2-4 -S and changes in content of S in various constituents in leaves of rape seedlings transplanted were investigated by using (NH4)235SO4 as a tracer to exploit formation and accumulation of glucosinolates in oilseed rape. Seedlings grown under sandy culture absorbed 35SO2-4 which was added to the cultural solution and incorporated into amino acids, glucosinolates and proteins rapidly. Distribution of extractable 35S with 70 % methanol in glucosinolates in leaves declined with time from labelling, while those in amino acids rised correspondingly. Per cents of 35S incorporated into bound form in total 35S increased linearly and those of 35S into glucosinolates and amino acids decreased with time within five days from labelling. After that the relative amounts of 3SS in three constituents was basically constant. Content on dry weight basis of labelled glucosinolates and amino acids expressed as μmol S/g.d.w. increased linearly with time from labelling with absorption of 35SO2-4from soil by the seedlings under soil culture. Compared with seedlings grown under sandy culture, more 35S was incorporated into glucosinolates in leaves of seedlings grown under soil culture.  相似文献   
新番20号是以TD-09-4-1-2为母本、以TD-06-5-2-3为父本配制而成的早熟加工番茄一代杂种。植株有限生长类型,果实椭圆形或方圆形,鲜红色,平均单果质量64 g,番茄红素含量110 mg?kg-1(FW),可溶性固形物4.76 %;从出苗至85 %果实红熟约108 d(天),成熟期集中,每667 m2产量6 500 kg左右,已在新疆、甘肃、内蒙古等地推广种植630 hm2。  相似文献   
水稻白叶枯病抗性基因Xa4、Xa23聚合及分子标记检测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究以含Xa23的水稻品种WBB1为亲本,分别与含Xa4的恢复系杂交,对后代进行白叶枯病菌系接种及SSR分子标记检测,进行Xa23和Xa4的聚合及Xa23显性程度观察,研究结果如下:1.含Xa23亲本与不同遗传背景品种杂交,F1代经鉴别菌系C1~C7及毒力强的P6接种,表现抗谱广.2.利用SSR标记RM206进行Xa23和Xa4杂交聚合的检测,RM206与Xa23紧密连锁且共分离,在亲本间存在多态性,在后代选择中准确性好.桂99×WBB1、R402×WBB1和IR30×WBB1的F2群体中的准确率分别达到了97%、96%和98%.这说明利用SSR标记RM206对白叶枯病抗性基因Xa23进行分子辅助选择育种是切实可行的.3.Xa23与Xa4聚合体比含Xa4的恢复系对白叶枯病的抗性有很大的提高,经C1~C7菌系接种,病斑普遍在1 cm以下,抗性水平达到高抗水平.  相似文献   
试验旨在探讨羊口蹄疫与小反刍兽疫疫苗单独与联合免疫对动物保护情况,为缓解动物应激、提高免疫效果提供研究依据。选取2 106只昌吉州辖区7个地区的散养羊,采用液相阻断ELISA方法检测口蹄疫O型、A型抗体效价,ID Screen小反刍兽疫病毒抗体检测试剂盒检测小反刍兽疫抗体效价,分析各地区不同年份羊口蹄疫O型、A型和小反刍兽疫免疫抗体效果,比较单独免疫与联合免疫的免疫结果。结果显示,2018、2019、2020年口蹄疫抗体合格率分别为85.65%、93.86%、92.22%;2018、2019、2020年小反刍兽疫抗体合格率分别为76.99%、86.46%、88.59%。研究表明,2019、2020年口蹄疫和小反刍兽疫联合免疫效果保护性好于2018年,联合免疫效果良好,达到预期的免疫效果。  相似文献   
天然芦荟在各类化妆品配方中应用的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
曾丽梅  黄安 《热带林业》2004,32(1):12-15
本文研究了天然芦荟在各类化妆品配方中的应用,结果显示:(1)13~4%的芦荟在护肤霜中具有一定的抑制暗疮性能、滋润保湿性能、去死皮性能以及抗衰老性能;(2)在沐浴露和香皂中的性能:芦荟粉(1.8%~2、0%)在沐浴产品和香皂中的抗刺激性效果非常优越,并具有非常明显的富脂性能和滋润效果及除臭作用。  相似文献   
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