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致泻大肠埃希氏菌O157:H7(STEC O157:H7)是大肠埃希氏菌中致病性最严重的一种食源性致病菌,主要存在于牛肉、牛奶、水果及其制品中,对身体健康造成很大危害,甚至引发死亡。食品中STEC O157:H7检测尤为重要。本文对国内外STEC O157:H7的检测标准进行比较,提出我国标准在样品前处理、快速筛选方法的应用等方面需要加强,以便为该菌快速准确检测提供帮助,实现与国际标准化体系建设接轨,满足实验室检测需要。  相似文献   
The biological effects of ELFMES including proliferation and apoptosis of cells as well as the damage of DNA are initially evaluated with the treatment of plant cells and human pulmonary fibroblasts in low frequency magnetic fields with certain intensity and different time intervals in vitro. Cell culture, counting in vitro, fluorescent dyeing analysis and single cell gel electrophoresis are adopted. The results demonstrate that the electromagnetic field with the intensity of 3mT can affect the proliferation and apoptosis of cells significantly.  相似文献   
A new type of inorganic anchoring material is developed as a substitution for anchoring adhesive to overcome some imperfections in the process of planting reinforcing steel bar.The mix proportion of the anchoring material is determined by experiments.The compressive strength,adhesive force to concrete,volume stability and anchoring force with steel bar are studied.The early strength of the anchoring inorganic material is quite high: for 1d up to 38.5MPa and 3d up to 60MPa.It is a good adhesive to concrete and the adhesive strength of 28d is about 2MPa.The anchoring material will have tiny volume expansion with the age,which is beneficial to enhancing the anchoring force.The essential component of the inorganic anchoring material is cement-based material,so some defects of the organic macromolecular material can be avoided,such as poor stability and requirement for vigorous construction conditions.Its characteristics in early strength,adhesive force to concrete and volume expansion can satisfy the requirement of the construction to the planting reinforcing steel bar and the loading force,thus it can be used as a substituting material for anchoring adhesive.  相似文献   
In CDMA communication system, the relativities between users result in Multiple Access Interference (MAI). With the increase of users, MAI becomes the main jam of broadband CDMA communication system. Multi-User Detection (MUD) is the most important technology of anti-jamming in the broadband CDMA communication system, which can eliminates MAI effectively by using the information of all user signals to detection single. This paper analyze the expression of system capability without MUD and with MUD, and puts forward the way to increase system capability by using MUD. Then the influence of MUD on CDMA system capability is discussed by MATLAB emulation. Basing analysis and emulation, the conclusion is got: the higher the MUD efficiency, the better the improvement of CDMA system capability; under the same MUD efficiency, the lower data rate, the smaller inter-cell interference, the lower the ratio of bit energy to power spectrum, the better the improvement of CDMA system capability.  相似文献   
受不规律潮汐的影响,现有的海岛地物类别自动识别方法存在精度低和时效性差等问题,通过改进深度卷积神经网络提出了一种基于遥感影像的海岛快速识别方法:(1)在深度卷积神经网络的卷积层中增设1×1的卷积核作为瓶颈单元,对多波段的遥感影像进行降维;(2)在池化层引入了重采样方法,基于灰度值对海量的遥感影像进行特征压缩。以300景Landsat-8遥感影像为源数据,分别采用CNN、RCNN和本文改进的深度卷积神经网络对遥感影像中的海岛进行识别,实验结果表明:(1)改进的深度卷积神经网络降低了海岛识别的计算耗时,其计算耗时仅为CNN的4.56%和RCNN的5.60%;(2)改进的深度卷积神经网络较CNN和RCNN提高了海岛识别的精度,识别精度分别为96.0%、93.3%和95.0%。结果说明,改进的深度卷积神经网络适用于面向遥感影像的海岛自动识别。  相似文献   
为探讨南方红壤旱地不同施氮量下花生农艺性状、产量和土壤养分的变化,采用田间随机区组试验,以高含氮肥料为材料,设置8个处理:不施氮肥(N0)、200%施氮量(N200%)、150%施氮量(N150%)、100%施氮量(N100%,纯施氮180.48 kg/hm2)、80%施氮量(N80%)、60%施氮量(N60%)、40%施氮量(N40%)和20%施氮量(N20%)。结果表明:与N0处理相比,施氮肥提高了花生荚果产量,增产幅度为12.94%~24.62%;荚果产量、单株果重和饱果率随施氮量的增加而增加;而分枝数和百仁重随施氮量变化不明显;株高和百果重以N80%效果最佳。土壤碱解氮随施氮量的增加而增加。相关分析结果表明,花生荚果产量与饱果率、有机质和碱解氮呈显著正相关;碱解氮与饱果率和有机质呈显著正相关,而与pH呈显著负相关。由主成分分析结果可知,第1主成分性状,即产量因子,如荚果产量、单株果重和百果重对花生生长有重要的作用。通径分析结果表明,百果重和饱果率通径系数较大,所以在提高花生荚果产量中应重视这2个性状。综上所述,从花生产量、农艺性状和成本考虑,以N80%处理(纯施氮144.38 kg/hm2)的荚果产量、株高、单株果重、百果重、百仁重表现最佳。  相似文献   
为论证镉污染土壤种植茶树的安全性与可行性,通过盆钵茶园试验研究了湖南9个主栽茶树品种在不同镉含量土壤中对镉的吸收积累特性和茶汤中镉元素的浸出率。结果表明,在pH值4.1的土壤中,通过根系吸收的镉元素从根系到主干,再到侧枝枝干和茶树叶片的转运过程中,各器官的镉含量依次递减,茶树嫩芽(叶)中镉的富集系数仅0.13~0.24;茶树种植在土壤镉含量低于3.0 mg/kg的土壤中,茶叶没有出现镉超标现象;镉元素在茶汤中的平均浸出率为9.87%,利用膳食暴露风险评估模型对茶叶和茶汤中的镉含量进行风险评估,表明供试茶叶样品中的镉不会对人体健康产生威胁。  相似文献   
为验证玉米脂肪酸值快速、简便、直观、准确的测定方法,以现行的国家标准GB/T 20570-2015《玉米储存品质判定规则》附录A中手工滴定法和电位滴定法为基础,采用盐酸返滴定法,对外观颜色相近的28个玉米样品及外观颜色明显差异的11个不同玉米品种的脂肪酸值进行测定。结果表明:28个外观颜色相近的玉米样品脂肪酸值手工滴定法与盐酸返滴定法的最小差为0.06 mg/100g,最大差为1.98mg/100g(小于2 mg/100g),2种方法测定脂肪酸值结果基本一致;二者的标准差分别在0.03~0.95mg/100g和0.11~0.82 mg/100g,RSD分别在0.22%~4.47%和0.62%~3.16%(RSD均小于5%),方法稳定性好。外观颜色明显差异的11个玉米品种脂肪酸测定值在手工滴定、电位滴定和盐酸返滴定3种方法间存在显著线性相关性(R2≥0.993)。盐酸返滴定法测定玉米脂肪酸值其精密度和稳定性均能满足测定要求,滴定速度快,终点颜色易判断,测定结果准确度高。  相似文献   
湖北省畜禽粪污还田安全性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2000—2018年四川省自贡市水稻(Oryza sativa L.)二化螟[Chilo suppressalis(Walker)]发生历史资料与气象资料研究自贡市气象条件对水稻二化螟发生的影响。通过对水稻二化螟灯下诱蛾量与气象条件的分析,选取相关性显著、生物学意义明确的气象因子,采用多元回归分析建立自贡市水稻二化螟发生气象等级预报模型。结果表明,自贡市冬季平均气温对水稻二化螟发生气象等级影响最为显著,翌年各时段温度、降水和湿度条件次之,且常年较高的冬季气温是导致二化螟发生气象等级多年处于3~4级的最关键气象因素。历史回代检验气象等级拟合准确率达72%,2018年试报检验气象等级准确率达到100%,模型预测效果较好,能够为自贡市开展水稻二化螟防治提供科学的气象决策依据。  相似文献   
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