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为探索贵州主要耕作制度与胜红蓟入侵危害相关性,选择贵州主要入侵区域田块进行3年定点跟踪监测。结果表明,监测田块杂草发生种类有51种,以胜红蓟田间盖度、相对多度最高,田间盖度值为50.03~66.54,3年平均值为59.11,相对多度值为36.98~59.59,3年平均值为46.27,其发生危害远大于其他杂草,且发生危害总体保持在稳定状态。田间耕作制度长期保持单一耕作管理模式有利于胜红蓟的发生危害,建议在农业生产上适时改变耕作制度,增加更多的田间管理方式控制胜红蓟入侵危害。  相似文献   
为鉴定谷子品种(系)的耐盐碱性,以24个谷子品种(系)为试验材料,设置0、40、80、120和160mmol/L5个盐碱梯度,通过对响应盐碱胁迫的8个主要指标进行多重比较、相关性分析、主成分分析、隶属函数分析、聚类分析、灰色关联度分析及回归分析等了解谷子萌发期对盐碱胁迫的响应并筛选出强耐盐碱性材料。结果表明,耐盐碱性谷子鉴定的最适宜盐碱浓度为80mmol/L。根据综合耐盐碱系数(CDC值)、耐盐碱性度量值(D值)及加权关联度(WDC值)对谷子耐盐碱性进行排序,其中耐盐碱性最强的5个品种(系)为泰谷004、豫谷18、龙谷25、冀谷168和K148。通过聚类分析将供试材料分为4类,分别包含9、10、3和2个品种(系)。灰色关联度及逐步回归分析表明,相对发芽势、相对发芽率、相对根长和相对芽长4个指标可以作为谷子品种耐盐碱性鉴定的综合指标。本研究为谷子盐碱机制的深入研究提供理论依据,为耐盐碱新品种的选育提供重要材料基础。  相似文献   
Latest published information is limited on agronomic responses of winter wheat to irrigation quantity and the necessity of irrigation at the anthesis stage. This study was conducted to (1) evaluate winter wheat yield, water use, assimilate redistribution and economic benefit with respect to water input and (2) quantify relationship between water input and yield to develop a standard for withholding irrigation at anthesis. A 4-year long field experiment was conducted to evaluate winter wheat water use, yield formation pathway and farmers' income under three irrigation regimes: rainfed, irrigation at sowing and jointing (SJ-W) and irrigation at sowing, jointing and anthesis (SJA-W). The yield formation pathway was correlated with the water-induced variation in assimilate redistribution and accumulation. Throughout the experimental period, wheat yield was 19–38% lower in rainfed than that under other irrigation treatments. Moreover, SJ-W treatment substantially increased biomass accumulation at anthesis, accelerated assimilate redistribution in vegetative organs and eventually resulted in a similar wheat yield to that of SJA-W. Simultaneously, the SJ-W treatment had lower irrigation water, reduced additional irrigation cost, suppressed yield loss and obtained a similar farmer's net income to the SJA-W treatment. Water-induced variations in yield were determined by irrigation, rainfall and soil water storage. SJ-W plots receiving 204–331 mm water input (rainfall + irrigation) before anthesis and holding 549–587 mm soil water during anthesis stage achieved higher irrigation water use efficiency and yield relative to the rainfed and SJA-W plots. In contrast, water input under rainfed plots exceeded 200 mm before anthesis, limiting yield substantially even when seasonal soil water consumption exceeded 160 mm. Developing a standard for withholding irrigation at the anthesis stage should incorporate 204–331 mm of water input (rainfall + irrigation) before anthesis and 549–587 mm soil water storage at anthesis, which could achieve a high wheat yield and save water resources.  相似文献   
This paper theoretically investigates the characteristics of cavitating bubbles in the pulsed abrasive water jet(PAWJ) and establishes the dynamic equations of cavitating bubbles. The effects of abrasive diameter and density on the spherical bubble collapse are also analyzed. It is found that the change of abrasive diameter rarely affects the bubble collapse when the abrasive diameter and density are small whereas the smaller abrasive greatly blocks the bubble collapse when the abrasive diameter and density are comparably big. It is also shown that when the abrasive density is increased, the fluid viscosity rises, and the kinetic energy of the abrasives near the collapsed bubble is enhanced and meanwhile the intensity of cavitating erosion is weakened.  相似文献   
We developed some wheat-Th. intermedium translocation lines,Yw642, Yw443 and Yw243, etc., showing good BYDV resistance from L1by induced homoeologous pairing using CS ph mutant. Characterization ofthese wheat lines was carried out by GISH and RFLP analysis. The resultsof GISH showed that the lines, YWw42, Yw443 and Yw243, etc., arehomozygous wheat-Th. intermedium translocation lines, in which thechromosome segments of Th. intermedium were transferred to thedistal end of a pair of wheat chromosomes. RFLP analysis indicated that thetranslocation chromosome of the wheat lines is T7DS · 7DL-7XL. Thebreakpoint of the translocation is located on the distal end of 7DL, betweenXpsr965 and Xpsr680 about 90–99 cm from the centromere. The BYDVgene is located on the distal end of 7XL around Xpsr680, Xpsr687 andXwg380. The RFLP markers of psr680, psr687 and wg380 werecosegregated with the BYDV resistance respectively and could be used formolecular assisted selection (MAS) in wheat breeding program for BYDVresistance.  相似文献   
Flowing dynamic characteristics and its temperature dynamic characteristics of a three-level sewage pipe network in Chongqing were analyzed. A mall's building whole year load was simulated. In the adverse condition of wastewater flow, the market construction peak discharge heat was compared with the sewage heat load, the balance between the most adverse flow and the building demand was found. Explored supply and demand matching method between urban sewage and city building load in flow adverse condition to take full advantage of the urban sewage cold and hot resources. the composite system was adeptcd to make up the most unfavorable flow time of sewage average heat load and the construction load difference; it also puts forward principle of load sharing and control strategy aimed at compound system.  相似文献   
旨在减少棉花杂交制种用工,提高棉花杂交制种工效,降低棉花杂交种子生产成本。采用GA3溶液诱导棉花长柱头,不去雄直接授粉;采用小型强磁高速电动机作为动力,研制小型田间快速采粉器,同时研制与采粉器配套使用的简易授粉器。通过多年的研究,研制出一种新的杂交棉制种新方法,即用100 mg/kg浓度的GA3溶液,处理8~18天母本的幼蕾,每花点滴量150~200 μL,开花当天,不去雄父本花粉直接授予母本伸长的柱头上;研制出与之相配套的棉花快速采粉器和低温贮能式授粉器,操作简便,田间采粉速度快,授粉效率高,生产的杂交种子纯度在95%以上,符合国家良种要求。该研究将稳定的诱导技术与采粉器和授粉器结合应用于棉花杂交制种,可节省大量用工,综合提高制种工效30%以上。  相似文献   
卢霖  董志强  董学瑞  焦浏  李光彦  高娇 《作物学报》2015,41(12):1870-1879
为探讨乙矮合剂调控夏玉米氮素同化和防止后期早衰的生理机制,为建立华北夏玉米区密植高产稳产化学调控技术提供理论依据,2013—2014年在中国农业科学院新乡试验站,以中单909和浚单20为材料,设置乙矮合剂(ECK)和密度梯度处理,研究密度梯度对花后玉米穗位叶氮同化特征和早衰的影响,以及ECK的化学调控效应。结果表明,灌浆期(花后0~40 d),穗位叶硝酸还原酶(NR)活性和谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)活性随密度增加而显著下降;灌浆后期(花后30~40 d),谷草转氨酶(GOT)和谷丙转氨酶(GPT)活性随种植密度增加而显著降低。穗位叶叶绿素相对含量、可溶性蛋白含量和游离氨基酸含量在灌浆中后期(花后20~40 d)随种植密度增加而显著降低;两品种产量在7.5万株hm–2密度达最大值,7.5~10.5万株hm–2密度群体产量下降,高密群体易发生早衰。ECK处理显著提高了各密度群体灌浆中后期(花后20~40 d)穗位叶NR活性、GS活性、游离氨基酸含量、可溶性蛋白含量和叶绿素含量;显著提高了高密群体(7.5~10.5万株hm–2)GOT活性和GPT活性;较高密群体下(7.5~10.5万株hm–2),中单909和浚单20较各自对照的增产幅度分别为5.59%~6.63%和6.73%~8.10%。ECK处理提高了高密群体夏玉米穗位叶片氮代谢关键酶活性及其产物含量,保证密植群体氮代谢正常进行,有效防止早衰及提高产量。综上所述,采用合理的种植密度并结合喷施乙矮合剂可作为华北夏玉米区高产栽培的重要技术措施。  相似文献   
为了研究基质还田对大田土壤和辣椒生长生产的影响,以日光温室连续栽培蔬菜6年的废弃基质还施露地种植辣椒,测定了不同施用量(0,45,90,135 m~3/hm~2)的土壤理化性质及辣椒生理特性和产量。结果表明:基质还田能够减少土壤pH变化,减小土壤容重、略微增加土壤孔隙度、保持土壤气水比,改善了土壤的理化性状,促进辣椒植株的生长且利于其干物质积累,其中株高、茎粗及干物质积累量均以T2最好。提升了辣椒叶片光合荧光的表现,T2的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、Fv/Fm、ΦPSⅡ均为最高,T1的q P最高,NPQ为T3最低。提高了辣椒果实的品质及产量,T2产量达67.04 t/hm~2,可溶性糖含量以T2最高,为2.21%,Vc含量T3最高,为1.97 mg/g,T1的可溶性蛋白含量最高、硝酸盐含量最低,分别为2.07,204.93 mg/kg。而与此同时,较大的还田施用量(135 m~3/hm~2)在辣椒生长的中前期造成了一定的毒害现象,在生育后期此现象消失,最终各项指标全面优于未还田处理。废弃基质露地还田这样的重复利用方式切实有效,(在种植同科作物的情况下)还田施用量宜选择90 m~3/hm~2。  相似文献   
包头市全巴图工业污染区盐渍土特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
包头市西南全巴图工业污水排放地区,在水文地质、气候等因素综合作用下,形成以草甸盐土为主的盐渍土,土壤中含盐量0.32~19.02%,是中度-强度盐渍化土或盐土,盐害较重,在进行改良后才能利用。盐土盐分以表层最高,土层中下部浓度变低,尤其改良地淡化过程明显(表3)。在本区盐渍土地上,采取合理的改良措施后,可以逐步地进行防污林带营造等保护生态环境的工程。  相似文献   
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