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The finite element analysis on electromechanical behaviors in bone tissues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Osteoblast is looked as a homogeneous isotropic and viscoelastic body which can’t be compressed. Using the standard linear model of viscoelasticity, the matrix form of the relationship between stress and strain can be achieved, so the finite element balance equation can be got through Lagrange equation. An example for bone tissues on porous media board under loading is calculated, the history of displacement, velocity and stress are obtained. Then the osteoblast cultured invitro can be numerically analyzed by computer program, and the deformation, the velocity and the stress of osteoblast can be calculated.  相似文献   
For the duct grouting of prestressed beams,due to the narrow passageways grouting,the paste in the flow condition is very complex. In order to understand the grouting body in flow,the article establishes a three dimension finite element model of the grouting body,and uses the fluid mechanics software Fluent to analyze the grouting process of the standard prestressed beams through the finite element numerical method for the first time. The results show in the speed of cloud,the paste which is in a straight space and passes top space flows slow,may cause grouting defects. In the cloud of duct static pressure,the static pressure in the centre of the duct is greater than those on both ends. When paste is in hydration process,secrete water is forced to flow to the two ends,which causes grouting defects. The analysis results provide theoretical and actual testing data processing support for grouting nondestructive testing technology.  相似文献   
High molecular weight glutenin subunit (HMW-GS) plays an important role in determining dough property and breadmaking quality, and the exploration of novel genes for HMW-GS will be crucial for quality improvement program. A gene coding the y type HMW-GS at Glu-A1 locus in Triticum urartu (AA, 2n=2×= 14) with an electrophoretic mobility similar to that of 1Dyl2, was cloned, sequenced, and heterologously expressed. This novel active lay gene FJ404595 was confirmed by structure analyses of nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences combining with phylogenetic analysis. The open reading frame (ORF) of this gene was 1 830 bp, encoded a protein of 608 amino acid residues containing 46 hexapeptides and 14 nonapeptides, which was mostly similar to the lAy gene AM183223 at a high identity of 99.62% with the two substitutions of both leucine/proline and valine/glutamate, obviously different from the lAy gene EU984504 with 587 residues containing 44 hexapeptides and 13 nonapeptides in T. urartu. The amino acid (leucine) at 446 differed from that (proline) of all the eight compared active lAy subunits. The predicted secondary protein structure implied that this lAy subunit might also have positive impact on flour processing quality.  相似文献   
AIM: To search the biomarker for illustrating the pathogenesis of human gastric adenocarcinoma by differential proteome analysis of the cytosol of human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line SGC7901 and the corresponding immortalized normal gastric gland cell line GES. METHODS: The differential expression of cytosol protein between SGC7901 and GES cells was identified with subcellular protein separation and two-dimensional SDS-PAGE combined with MALDI-TOF-MS. The differential proteins were confirmed by Western blotting and semi-quantity RT-PCR. RESULTS: Ten repeatable differential proteins were identified. Compared with the expression level in normal gastric cell line GES, ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L1(UCHL1) was obviously down-regulated one both at protein and mRNA levels in gastric adenocarcinoma cell lines of SGC7901, AGS, BGC823 and MKN45. The expression of UCHL1 was also far lower in gastric cancer tissues than that in the corresponding normal tissues. CONCLUSION: Our finding suggests that UCHL1 has potential value as a biomarker for the diagnosis of gastric adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   
内蒙古黄河流域水土保持工程水文设计模型把水土保持工程设计中水文计算复杂繁琐的过程变的十分简捷。通过研究绘制水土保持工程所需不同频率24h降雨等值线图,将直接应用于水土保持工程设计中,使工程设计水文计算简便、准确、缩短设计时间,提高设计水平和效率。  相似文献   
立足乡镇级别,以江苏省海安县为例,从农村成片林建设角度出发总结成片造林工程的特点、重点、难点,分析当前工程造林在农村成片林建设中应用的现状,提出相应实施策略。  相似文献   
优质杂交中籼稻新组合天优1120的选育与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天优1120(天丰A/盐恢1120)系江苏沿海地区农科所育成的三系杂交中籼稻新组合,具有米质优,高产稳产、增产潜力大,熟期适中、适应性广,抗病性强等特点,2008年通过江苏省品种审定.介绍了该组合的选育经过、产量表现、特征特性及高产栽培和制种技术要点.  相似文献   
颜志立 《蜜蜂杂志》2006,26(7):24-27
2005年8月,在出席了第39届国际养蜂大会之后,中国养蜂学会代表团一行18人,又应法国养蜂者联合会(U N A F)的邀请,顺道访问法国。由于时间短暂,加上我们的机票是北京-巴黎的往返连程票,热心的法国东道主将中国同行的参观考察活动,集中安排在巴黎市区和附近的省份(法国人称之为“大巴黎地区”)。与我2004年到法国所看到的南部山区、乡间的养蜂业有极大的不同。有些深受启发,有一些又觉得十分有趣。1访问法国农业部8月30日下午,当我们再度返回巴黎时,法国养蜂者联合会主席亨利·克雷芒(H enriCLEM EN T)和法国南部郎格多克一湖西涌大区(L…  相似文献   
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