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研究土地利用特征及其空间布局是实现区域土地合理开发和利用的基础。该文以松嫩高平原典型地域黑龙江省巴彦县为研究区,以2006年巴彦县土地利用变更调查矢量数据库为基础,运用计量地理模型和现代地理信息空间分析技术相结合方法,探讨使用土地利用总体组合类型、土地利用综合程度及各地类的区位意义,来表征巴彦县18个乡镇土地利用的数量特征,进而分析其空间布局特征等。结果表明:研究区土地利用的数量特征总体存在一定的差异性,土地利用组合类型表现为土地整体功能较弱,土地利用程度高低不一,各地类中耕地和水域的区位意义较为突出;空间格局的总体特征表现为各地类斑块的形状总体较为复杂,其中耕地、林地的形状较规则且分布集中连片,为该区域的景观基质,未利用地、其他农用地和园地的分布最为离散。  相似文献   
稻秸秆覆盖对麦田细菌种群数量及小麦纹枯病发生的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用稀释平板计数法分析了秸杆覆盖麦田和未秸杆覆盖麦田的细菌数量变化,并系统调查了小麦纹枯病的发生。结果表明,秸杆覆盖麦田总细菌及荧光假单胞菌数量比未秸秆覆盖麦田有明显的提高;稻秸杆覆盖有增加麦田总细菌和荧光假单胞菌的效应,前期高于后期;秸杆覆盖田块和未秸杆覆盖田块小麦根际拮抗菌所占比例无显著差异,90%以上的荧光假单胞菌对小麦纹枯病菌具拮抗能力;秸杆覆盖田小麦纹枯病发生比未秸杆覆盖田有明显降低。  相似文献   
博优258是广西大学支农开发中心利用自选恢复系测258与不育系博A配组,于1998年晚造育成的感光型晚籼杂交水稻新组合。该组合株高110 cm左右,生长势强,茎杆粗壮,熟期转色好,抗逆性强,全生育期123 d。2000年和2001年参加广西晚造区域试验,结果显示:博优258比对照博优桂99增产3.0%和3.2%,增产效果显著,2003年2月通过广西区农作物品种委员会审定。经多年多点生产试验,博优258表现高产、优质、多抗,产量一般7 500 kg/hm2,高产的达9 750 kg/hm2,至今累计推广面积29.26万hm2,已成为广西晚造主导品种。  相似文献   
生活垃圾微生物强化堆肥对放线菌群落的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了探讨微生物强化堆肥对生活垃圾好氧堆肥过程及堆肥过程中放线菌群落的影响,在堆肥过程中接种高效细菌复合菌剂和真菌复合菌剂,并以不接种的堆体为对照,对堆肥过程的温度变化和木质纤维素的降解效率进行了测定,并借助于PCR-DGGE方法对堆肥过程中放线菌群落的动态变化和种群多样性进行研究。结果表明:微生物强化堆肥能缩短堆体起爆时间,并能有效提高堆体降温期和二次发酵期的温度;和自然堆肥相比微生物强化堆肥使半纤维素、纤维素和木质素的降解率分别提高8.95%、12.72%和10.13%。DGGE图谱显示:2种堆肥方式的放线菌多样性指数表现出极显著差异,微生物强化堆肥能增加堆体中优势菌群的种类和数量,能有效提高腐熟期的放线菌群落多样性,有利于堆肥腐熟。优势条带测序结果表明:在接种堆肥过程中检测到了放线菌门的棒杆菌属、分支杆菌属、链霉菌属、热孢菌属、迪茨菌属、糖丝菌属和放线菌属。  相似文献   
为了提高作物生长模型的计算速度,论文提出了多种分布式并行调度方案。综合分析了田块尺度下作物生长子模型以及子模型内部组分的数据依赖关系和计算流程。以流水线技术和分治策略为基础,分别在模型组分层、子模型层和驱动数据层设计了不同的分布式并行调度方案。在WCCS2003(Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003)组成的PC集群环境下,分别采用了OpenMP、MPI_OpenMP混合以及MPI编程模型实现了多种调度方案的并行模拟。并行加速比的实验分析表明,优化后的子模型层并行调度方案,在6个双核CPUs组成的PC集群上的平均加速比可达到8.2,更接近模型并行计算加速比的预测值。在分布式集群环境下,采用基于MPI的子模型层中等粒度的并行调度方案具有更快的计算速度,更适合于作物生长模拟系统。  相似文献   
暖季型草坪草对高温胁迫的生理响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以沟叶结缕草(Zoysia matrella)与结缕草(Z.japonica)为材料, 测定了高温胁迫下两种暖季型草坪草叶片主要抗性生理指标的变化, 结果表明: 40 ℃高温处理下, 两种结缕草叶片渗透调节物质(可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质、脯氨酸)和ABA、GA3、IAA、MDA含量均显著增加, SOD、POD与CAT酶活性都显著增强; 两种结缕草叶片的Chla、Chlb、Car含量以及Chla/Chlb的比值则出现了不同程度的下降.高温下, 沟叶结缕草渗透调节物质的积累量和ABA、GA3、IAA含量的增加均高于结缕草, SOD和CAT活性的增强也大于结缕草, 表现出更强的耐热特性.  相似文献   
抚仙湖重金属污染强度、历史及来源的沉积记录   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ZENG Hai-Ao  WU Jing-Lu 《土壤圈》2009,19(5):562-569
This study focused on the concentration change of heavy metals of sediment cores in heavily polluted north area and less polluted middle area of Fuxian Lake in Southwest China.On the basis of the analysis of Cu,Ni,Ti,V,Pb,Cd,and Zn concentration-depth profiles,the pollution history of heavy metals was studied using 137cesium (137Cs) dating.The sources of heavy metals were distinguished by normalization of their profiles to aluminum and analysis of heavy metal concentrations of potential source materials.Geoaccumulation index (Igeo) was used to quantify their contamination intensity.The results showed that all the heavy metals found in the Fuxian Lake sediments originated naturally before 1980s.Cu,Ni,Ti,and V were still mainly natural in the north lake after 1980s,Cu,Ni,Ti,V,and Pb were mainly natural in the middle lake at all time,but the concentrations of Pb and Zn in the north lake were influenced by industrial wastes from the phosphorus fertilizer factory and cement plants.In all the lake,the contaminations of Cd and Zn were the results of agricultural cultivation using a large amount of fertilizers and the atmospheric fallouts of dusts from cement plants.At present,the geoaccumulation indices showed that the Fuxian Lake sediments were moderately to strongly polluted by Cd in the middle lake,and unpolluted to moderately polluted by Pb and Zn and strongly polluted by Cd in the north lake.Moreover,the pollution intensities of Cd,Zn,and Pb have been increased since 1980s.  相似文献   
Understanding organic matter characteristics(e.g., amount and state) of sediments is necessary for evaluating both the sediment and water environments; however, methods that have been proposed to investigate these characteristics are relatively expensive. This study attempted to evaluate the organic matter characteristics of littoral sediments by employing solely the loss on ignition(LOI)method, which is the most economical and accessible method in developing countries. Different types of sediments were first oven dried at 100℃ and then continuously burned at 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600℃ for 4 h at each temperature. The mass LOI at each temperature was calculated and compared with the 100℃ oven-dried weight. Our results suggested that the mass LOI across the temperature range of 200–300℃(LOI_(200-300)):mass LOI at 600℃(LOI_(600)) ratio(LOI_(200-300)/LOI_(600)) could represent different types of sediments as well as the organic matter:organic C ratio. Compared with the sediments unaffected by wastewater, the sediments that were more influenced by the inflow of domestic wastewater had a higher LOI_(200-300)/LOI_(600). Interestingly, LOI_(200-300)/LOI_(600) could also represent changes in the organic matter characteristics as a function of organic matter decomposition in sediments. In conclusion, the organic matter characteristics of littoral sediments could be evaluated using solely the LOI method, particularly with LOI_(200-300)/LOI_(600).  相似文献   
正Earthworms are important members of the soil macrofauna. Since C. Darwin (1881) described the important function of earthworms in pedogenesis and in maintenance of soil fertility, there has been continual interest in studying earthworm biology and ecology. Most of the attention in such studies is on earthworm functions in soil nutrient recycling. However,  相似文献   
文章根据乡镇工业发展的特点,研究确定了乡镇工业的分区依据、原则和分区指标,采用模糊聚类和动态聚类分析的数学方法完成了吉林省乡镇工业发展区划,提出了各区域乡镇工业发展的方向、重点、步骤和措施  相似文献   
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