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土壤—作物资源多目标优化配置分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出一种多目标土壤—作物资源优化配置的数量化分析方法,并对江苏省东海县土壤资源进行优化配置。结果表明:白浆土、岭砂土、包浆土、紫砂土等岗岭低产土应稳定小麦面积,压缩玉米面积,优先发展春花生、大豆、水稻;洼地砂姜黑土、水稻土应发展小麦—水稻和小麦—玉米两熟制,并适时换茬;介于上述两类土壤间的潮棕壤亚类和潮土类应大力发展小麦—花生两熟制。  相似文献   
丛枝菌根真菌诱导玉米根系形态变化及其机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄京华  刘青  李晓辉  曾任森  骆世明 《玉米科学》2013,21(3):131-135139
以高油115和正大619为实验材料,分别通过盆栽和田间试验研究接种摩西球囊霉和地表球囊霉对玉米根系形态和根系内源生长素含量的影响。结果表明,玉米形成菌根后根系形态明显改变,根条数显著多于对照,并且接种处理与对照间的差异随菌根侵染率的上升而加大,差异极显著。生长60 d时,有菌根的玉米单株总根长度为788.61 cm,根系重量达8.26 g,均显著高于无菌根的对照。根系生长素含量随菌根侵染率上升而增加,并且显著高于不接种的对照。丛枝菌根真菌侵染可以促使玉米根内生长素含量上升,根条数增多,增加吸收面积,促进玉米生长。  相似文献   
A presumed genetic syndrome is described in a family of St. Bernards. Four identically affected littermates presented the association of palate agenesis, anotia, incomplete bifid tongue, preaxial hind paw polydactyly, and an extra thoracic vertebra and rib. Pedigree analysis is compatible with an autosomal recessive gene.  相似文献   
蚕桑业在我国有着几千年的历史,经过了无数代人的辛勤耕耘。蚕丝素有“纤维皇后”、“人的第二肌肤”美称,其舒适保健功能无与伦比。目前,世界丝绸生产中心已由发达国家向发展中国家转移,国内东桑西移推动丝绸业的整体调整,蚕桑由平原向山区、由发达地区向经济落后地区、由零星分散向集中成片地区转移已势在必然。随着人们崇尚自然,返璞归真的绿色保健消费习惯形成,蚕丝新用途的开拓,蚕桑发展的市场前景广阔,丝绸行业必然迎来产业结构调整后的又一个春天。  相似文献   
冯利臣 《饲料广角》2007,(19):17-19,34
进入9月已经到了玉米市场承上启下的阶段,一方面秋后结账;另一方面很多玉米收购主体及贸易商开始做新一年度的投资计划。可以说现在是相对平稳的一段时期,但这个时候正是蓄  相似文献   
Modern pigs grow fast but are highly susceptible to degenerative joint abnormalities, including osteochondrosis. Normal and osteochondrotic humeri and femurs were obtained from five normal and ten lame adolescent boars to study cartilage proteoglycans. Histological examination of joints indicated a locally-reduced intensity of proteoglycan staining by safranin-O in lesion areas of cartilage. Cartilage proteoglycans extracted with 4.0 M guanidinium chloride were studied using Sepharose 2B gel chromatography. The proteoglycans from severely osteochondrotic joints were less (P less than 0.05) aggregated and contained a greater (P less than 0.05) proportion of smaller monomers than those from normal joints. Loss or damage of core protein, including its hyaluronic acid-binding regions, may account for the greater proportion of small monomers. The results also indicated that the proportion of hyaluronic acid in the total glycosaminoglycan uronic acid fraction, estimated by Sephadex G-200 chromatography and cellulose acetate electrophoresis, was lower (P less than 0.05) for the extracted proteoglycans than for the residual or the whole cartilage proteoglycans in all joints studied.  相似文献   
Our study was designed to ascertain whether a flexible videoscope could be used to efficiently monitor ulcers of the pars esophagea in a large group of grower-finisher swine. Gastroscopy was performed on 2 separate occasions in 32 pigs following anesthesia with intravenous pentobarbital, and ulcers of the pars esophagea were subjectively graded. The pigs were then necropsied. Grades from the second endoscopic examination were compared for agreement with grades derived from gross inspection of the pars esophagea at necropsy, and with grades derived from histopathologic examination of sections of the same region. The pars esophagea was adequately visualized in all endoscopic examinations. The average duration of each examination, from anesthetic induction, was approximately 8 min. Gastroscopy permitted appreciation of a wide range of focal and diffuse superficial and deep ulcerative lesions of the pars esophagea, but failed to unequivocally identify parakeratosis of the pars esophagea. Agreement between endoscopic and subsequent necroscopic and histopathologic gradings of ulcerations was poor. We concluded that the use of a flexible videoscope permitted rapid inspection of the pars esophagea, and was therefore a practical method of experimentally monitoring the progression of spontaneous gastric ulcers in pigs. We also postulated that the poor agreement between endoscopic and postmortem findings occurred because endoscopy was possibly more sensitive at detecting small and superficial ulcerations. However, further studies are needed to verify the accuracy of endoscopic diagnosis of gastric ulcers in the live pig.  相似文献   
Pregnancy rates, foal-heat conception rates, early and late embryo loss, polyovulations and delivery loss were compared on a Russian breeding farm between Don mares with a low percentage of Thoroughbred (TB) blood and those with more than 25% TB blood, called Budenny mares. The overall pregnancy rate in the two groups was not significantly different; 85.5% and 85.6%, respectively. There was a significant difference in the foal heat conception rate, with the Don mares at 54.9% and the Budenny mares at 50.3%. Embryo loss before Day 100 was only 4.9% for the Don mares, but was 9.1% for the Budenny mares. Embryo loss after Day 100 was similar in the two groups; 10.2% for the Don mares and 9.0% for the Budenny mares. The loss of foals in the process of delivery was 3.3% for the Don mares and 5.0% for the Budenny mares. Estrous cycles with polyovulations was 8.7% for the Don mares and 13.1% for the Budenny mares.  相似文献   
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