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Colletotrichum gloeosporioides is the causal organism of anthracnose inCarica papaya L. (papaya, papaw). The effect of ammonium carbonate (3%) or sodium bicarbonate (2%) in aqueous solution or when incorporated into a wax formulation on anthracnose severity in inoculated or naturally infected fruits was examined. Both salts had significant effects, but that of ammonium carbonate was greater than that of sodium bicarbonate in controlling anthracnose. Ammonium carbonate (3%) incorporated into the wax formulation effectively reduced anthracnose incidence by 70% in naturally infected papaya and extended the storage life by maintaining the firmness, color and overall quality of the fruit in low temperature storage (13.5°C) and 95% r.h. for 21 days followed by 2 days under marketing conditions. The mode of action of ammonium carbonate on the control of anthroacnose appears to bevia complete inhibition of radial mycelial growth and conidia germination. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Aug. 14, 2002.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine pharmacokinetics and plasma concentrations of erythromycin and related compounds after intragastric administration of erythromycin phosphate and erythromycin estolate to healthy foals. ANIMALS: 11 healthy 2- to 6-month-old foals. PROCEDURE: Food was withheld from foals overnight before intragastric administration of erythromycin estolate (25 mg/kg of body weight; n = 8) and erythromycin phosphate (25 mg/kg; 7). Four foals received both drugs with 2 weeks between treatments. Plasma erythromycin concentrations were determined at various times after drug administration by use of high-performance liquid chromatography. Maximum plasma peak concentrations, time to maximum concentrations, area under plasma concentration versus time curves, half-life of elimination, and mean residence times were determined from concentration versus time curves. RESULTS: Maximum peak concentration of erythromycin A after administration of erythromycin phosphate was significantly greater than after administration of erythromycin estolate (2.9 +/- 1.1 microg/ml vs 1.0 +/- 0.82 microg/ml). Time to maximum concentration was shorter after administration of erythromycin phosphate than after erythromycin estolate (0.71 +/- 0.29 hours vs 1.7 +/- 1.2 hours). Concentrations of anhydroerythromycin A were significantly less 1 and 3 hours after administration of erythromycin estolate than after administration of erythromycin phosphate. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Plasma concentrations of erythromycin A remained > 0.25 microg/ml (reported minimum inhibitory concentration for Rhodococcus equi) for at least 4 hours after intragastric administration of erythromycin phosphate or erythromycin estolate, suggesting that the recommended dosage for either formulation (25 mg/kg, q 6 h) should be adequate for treatment of R equi infections in foals.  相似文献   
AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of a new long acting injectable selenium ( Se ) formulation to increase the Se status and prevent Se deficiency in red deer. METHODS: Groups of weaned red deer (four stags and six hinds/group) grazing pastures containing <30 mg Se/kg DM were injected subcutaneously with either 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 mg Se/kg as a new formulation of BaSeO4 (Deposel Multidose), 1.0mgSe/kg of a current formulation (Deposel), or not treated. Blood Se concentrations and liveweight were measured nine times at intervals over 377 and 270 days, respectively. RESULTS: Both formulations of Se elevated blood Se concentrations from 105 nmol/l pre-injection for at least 377 days with peak levels of 1894, 1395 and 818 nmol/l for high, medium and low doses of Deposel Multidose, respectively, at 73141 days, and 1508 nmol/l at 73-141 days for the medium dose of Deposel, which persisted at similar levels for the duration of the study. Deposel Multidose produced fewer and less severe subcutaneous tissue reactions than Deposel. Pastures contained 10 to 30 mg Se/kg DM. There was no significant difference in growth rate between treated and control deer. There was a significant (p<0. 01) linear relationship (y = 1.25x + 71.6, R2=0.86) between blood (x) and liver (y) Se concentrations in the range of 120 - 2100 nmol/l for blood concentrations, and 200 - 3000 nmol/kg for liver concentrations. CONCLUSION: Injections of BaSeO4 in both formulations studied were effective in increasing the Se status of deer but the new formulation produced fewer and less-severe tissue reactions. Young growing red deer appear less sensitive to Se deficiency as measured by weight gain, than sheep and cattle, suggesting that reference ranges for those species are not appropriate for deer. There was a linear correlation between blood and liver selenium concentrations.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine if there is a difference in in vitro growth of fibroblasts isolated from the trunk and distal aspect of the limb of horses and ponies. To determine the effects of a corticosteroid and monokine on in vitro growth of fibroblasts isolated from the trunk and distal aspect of the limb of horses and ponies. STUDY DESIGN: Growth of fibroblasts from tissues harvested from the trunk and limb were compared from horse and pony samples grown in control media and control media with triamcinolone or monokine added. ANIMALS OR SAMPLE POPULATION: Dermal and subcutaneous tissue from 22 horses and 17 ponies of various ages and breeds. METHODS: Fibroblast growth was assessed by tritiated thymidine uptake using standard cell culture techniques. The effect of a monokine or triamcinolone plus control media were compared with control media for fibroblast growth. RESULTS: Fibroblast growth from tissues isolated from the horse limb was significantly less than growth from the horse trunk and the limb and trunk of ponies. Monokine was more effective than triamcinolone in suppressing fibroblast growth from tissues isolated from the trunk and limb in both horses and ponies. CONCLUSIONS: There are growth differences in fibroblasts isolated from the limb of horses compared with those isolated from the trunk and from the limb and trunk of ponies. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The difference in fibroblast growth from tissues isolated from the trunk and limb of horses and ponies may provide evidence for the difference reported in the healing characteristics of limb wounds in horses and ponies. Influencing fibroblast growth may provide a key to controlling the development of exuberant granulation tissue in horses and ponies.  相似文献   
Progressive multisystemic disease caused by Blastomyces dermatitidis was diagnosed in a 17-year-old Quarter horse broodmare. The mare had been treated unsuccessfully with antibiotics for mastitis 3 months postpartum. The disease progressed to exudative cutaneous lesions affecting the ventrum, pectoral region, and limbs accompanied by weight loss across several months. Yeast bodies were observed in swabs of the cutaneous exudate, suggesting a clinical diagnosis of blastomycosis. Following referral, pleural effusion, cavitated lung lesions, and hyperproteinemia were identified, and the mare was euthanized because of poor prognosis. Necropsy revealed extensive pyogranulomas in the mammary gland, skin, subcutaneous tissues, and lungs, accompanied by thrombi in major blood vessels of the lungs and hind limbs. Histologically, pyogranulomatous inflammation was evident in many tissues, and fungal organisms were seen in sections of mammary gland, skin, subcutis, pericardium, and lung. Blastomyces dermatitidis was cultured from mammary tissue, lungs, lymph node, and an inguinal abscess. Although blastomycosis is endemic in the area of origin of the mare in northwestern Wisconsin, the disease is extremely rare in horses and hence easily misdiagnosed. Unique features of this case included the extent of mammary gland involvement and the presence of thrombi in multiple sites.  相似文献   
Over a 12-day period, 13 animals in a herd of 110 beef cattle developed ataxia with profound muscle fasciculations progressing to recumbency. Twelve animals (5 adults and 7 calves from 8-10 months of age) died, and 1 cow was euthanized. Hemorrhagic diarrhea occurred in some, but not all, animals. The onset of clinical signs was at least 12 hours after the cattle had gained access to contents of old buildings used for storage, and the majority of deaths occurred within 24 to 48 hours after the onset of clinical signs. Approximately 9 kg of unidentified pellets were found strewn in the barn area where the cattle had been. Autolysis considered more severe than expected for the postmortem interval, suggestive of high body temperature before death, and congestion of body tissues were the only significant findings detected in the cow that was euthanized and submitted for necropsy examination. The clinical history and lack of postmortem lesions were most consistent with toxicity. A toxic level of arsenic (6.18 ppm) was detected in the kidney, and metaldehyde was detected in the liver. The pellets were analyzed and found to contain both arsenic and metaldehyde, consistent with a discontinued molluscicidal product.  相似文献   
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation for both Melastoma malabathricum and Tibouchina semidecandra were optimized using green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a reporter. The binary vector pCAMBIA1304 harboring the modified green fluorescent protein (mgfp) gene driven by the CaMV 35S promoter was used. Parameters optimized were bacterial strain, bacterial concentration, pre-culture period, co-cultivation period, immersion time, acetosyringone concentration and wounding type. Results obtained were based on the percentage of GFP expression which was observed 3 days post-transformation. Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 and EHA105 at concentration 1 × 107 cfu ml−1 (OD600nm 0.8) showed the highest virulence on M. malabathricum and T. semidecandra, respectively. Four days of pre-culture and 2 days of co-cultivation were optimum for M. malabathricum transformation, while 3 days of pre-culture and co-cultivation for T. semidecandra. Result also showed that 60 min of immersion and addition of 200 μM acetosyringone gave the highest percentage of positive transformants for both M. malabathricum and T. semidecandra. Mild wounding also significantly increased the efficiency of M. malabathricum transformation.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Biocontrol activity of Candida saitoana and its interaction with Botrytis cinerea in apple wounds were investigated. When cultured together, yeast attached to Botrytis sp. hyphal walls. In wounded apple tissue, C. saitoana restricted the proliferation of B. cinerea, multiplied, and suppressed disease caused by either B. cinerea or Penicillium expansum. In inoculated apple tissue without the yeast, fungal colonization caused an extensive degradation of host walls and altered cellulose labeling patterns. Hyphae in close proximity to the antagonistic yeast exhibited severe cytological injury, such as cell wall swelling and protoplasm degeneration. Colonization of the wound site by C. saitoana did not cause degradation of host cell walls. Host cell walls in close contact with C. saitoana cells and B. cinerea hyphae were well preserved and displayed an intense and regular cellulose labeling pattern. In addition to restricting fungal colonization, C. saitoana induced the formation of structural defense responses in apple tissue. The ability of C. saitoana to prevent the necrotrophic growth of the pathogen and stimulate structural defense responses may be the basis of its biocontrol activity.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT A rain simulator, with generated rains of 11 and 30 mm/h, was used to determine the effect of a cover crop or intercrop on the splash dispersal of Colletotrichum acutatum conidia. Dispersal through sudangrass, which can be used as a 'living mulch', was tested at two planting densities (140 or 280 kg/ha) and two heights (5 and 20 cm) and compared with a control consisting of a bare soil. Dispersal of C. acutatum conidia was assessed by counting colonies formed from spore-bearing splash droplets deposited in sheltered petri plates containing a selective medium. Both a cover crop and rain intensity significantly affected splash dispersal as measured by the interpolated total number of colonies (denoted by Sigma) from 0 to 72 cm from the inoculum source and in a time span of 61 min of generated rain (P < 0.001). However, there was no significant interaction of cover crop and intensity (P > 0.90). Dispersal with a 30-mm/h rain was higher than dispersal with a 11-mm/h rain, and presence of a cover crop significantly reduced dispersal compared with bare soil (P < 0.001). Of the treatments with sudangrass, cover crop planting density did not affect dispersal overall, but there was greater spore dispersal with the taller sudangrass at the higher planting density, due in part to the higher rate of water splashing with the tall grass compared with the short grass. Spore deposition in the petri plates could be functionally related to distance and time using a diffusion-type model, and parameter estimates could be used to explain the effects of cover crop on Sigma. Although the relationship between cover crop properties and splash dispersal is complex, results show the potential beneficial effects of the cover crop on disease management.  相似文献   
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