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A 6-wk-old tiger (Panthera tigris) was evaluated for severe skin lacerations from an adult tiger attack. A caudal superficial epigastric skin flap was surgically placed to cover a defect that could not be closed over the hind limb; however, the skin flap did not adhere well to the granulation tissue over a period of 1 mo. The granulation bed matured and deteriorated. A subatmospheric pressure technique (vacuum-assisted closure, V.A.C. Therapy, Kinetic Concepts Inc., San Antonio, Texas 78219, USA) was utilized, and flap adherence occurred after 4 wk. This technique should be considered when dealing with severe or chronic wounds in tractable animals.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to use transgenic sows that overexpress IGF-I in milk to investigate the effect of a short-term fast on piglet intestinal morphology and disaccharidase activity and to determine how milk-borne IGF-I influences the response to fasting. After farrowing, litters were normalized to 10 piglets. On d 6, piglets (n = 30) suckling IGF-I transgenic (TG) sows and piglets (n = 30) suckling nontransgenic sows (control) were assigned randomly to three treatments: fed piglets (0 h), which remained with the sow until euthanized on d 7, or fasted piglets, which were removed from the sow at either 6 or 12 h before euthanasia on d 7. Serum IGF-I and IGFBP, intestinal weight and length, jejunal protein and DNA content, disaccharidase activity, and villus morphology were measured. Fasting for 12 h resulted in a negative weight change between d 6 and 7 (quadratic response to fasting; P < 0.001). Piglets suckling TG sows tended to have greater intestinal length (P = 0.068), but no effect of IGF-I overexpression was noted for intestinal weight. Fasting, however, resulted in linear (P < 0.001) and quadratic (P = 0.002) decreases in intestinal weight. Serum IGF-I did not differ between control and TG sows, but decreased linearly (P = 0.003) with fasting. Serum IGFBP-4 decreased (linear and quadratic; P < or = 0.02) with fasting, whereas IGFBP-1 increased quadratically (P < 0.001) with fasting. Jejunal villus height, width, and crypt depth were all increased with fasting (linear and quadratic; P < 0.04). Disaccharidase activity was not affected by fed state; however, piglets suckling TG sows had greater jejunal lactase-phlorhizin hydrolase (P < 0.01) and sucrase-isomaltase (P = 0.02) activities than control piglets. In summary, intestinal weight, villus morphology, serum IGF-I, serum IGFBP-1 and -4, and piglet BW change were altered (P < or = 0.02) in response to fasting. Thus, the duration of food deprivation before euthanization should be considered when designing experiments to assess intestinal development or the IGF axis, as the magnitude of differences between the fed and fasted state may exceed those expected as a result of experimental treatment.  相似文献   
Alterations in Carbohydrate Metabolism in Canine Lymphoma   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Following an overnight fast, blood samples were obtained from 14 dogs with previously untreated lymphoma before and 5, 15, 30, 45, 60, and 90 minutes following an intravenous challenge with 500 mg/kg dextrose. Samples were assayed for glucose, lactate, and insulin concentrations and compared statistically with ten control dogs of similar weight and age undergoing an identical dextrose challenge. Dogs with lymphoma had similar glucose tolerance curves when compared with controls. Lactate concentrations were significantly higher (P less than 0.001) at baseline and all time periods of the glucose tolerance test in dogs with lymphoma when compared with controls. Rise in lactate concentrations over baseline levels in the first 30 minutes of the glucose tolerance test were significantly higher in dogs with lymphoma (P = 0.011). Insulin concentrations were significantly higher (P less than 0.001) at baseline and at the 5-, 45-, 60-, and 90-minute time periods of the glucose tolerance test in dogs with lymphoma. Rise in insulin concentrations over baseline in the first 5 minutes of the glucose tolerance test were also significantly greater in dogs with lymphoma (P = 0.021). These results indicate carbohydrate metabolism is altered in dogs with lymphoma. Many of these alterations parallel those observed in human patients suffering from cancer cachexia making canine lymphoma a potential model for further study of the pathogenesis and therapy of cancer cachexia.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to determine whether the presence of the bovine alpha-lactalbumin transgene in first-lactation gilts enhances lactational performance and litter growth. Transgenic and sibling nontransgenic gilts were bred to nontransgenic boars. Litters were standardized to 10 piglets within 24 h of farrowing. Milk production was measured by the weigh-suckle-weigh method on d 3, 6, 9, and 12 of lactation. Bovine alpha-lactalbumin was present in the colostrum and milk of transgenic gilts throughout lactation. The expression of the transgene was associated with alterations in composition of mammary secretions, especially in early lactation. Lactose concentrations were greater (P < 0.05) in mammary secretions of transgenic gilts during the first 12 h postpartum compared with controls. In contrast, total solids concentration in mammary secretions from transgenic gilts were lower (P < 0.05) relative to controls during the first 6 h postpartum. Transgenic gilts produced more milk than controls on d 3, 6, and 9 of lactation (P < 0.01). By d 12, differences in milk production between transgenic and control sows were no longer different. Lactose intake by transgenic-reared litters was greater than lactose intake by control-reared litters on d 6 of lactation (P < 0.05). Total solids intake was significantly greater (P < 0.05) by transgenic-reared litters on d 3 and 6 compared to control-reared litters. The day x genotype interaction on litter weight gain after birth was highly significant (P = 0.011), with transgenic-reared litters gaining weight at a greater rate than control-reared piglets. Expression of the transgene was associated with increased milk production in lactating gilts and increased growth of transgenic-reared piglets. Increased lactose synthesis in response to the presence of the transgene may result in increased milk production in early lactation, leading to increased milk component intake by transgenic litters, and ultimately to increased growth of litters reared by first-parity transgenic gilts.  相似文献   
REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Quantification of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) levels within synovial fluid from the tarsometatarsal joint has not previously been reported and an effective synovial fluid marker would allow monitoring of disease progression and treatment. OBJECTIVES: To quantify levels of COMP and hyaluronan (HA) in synovial fluid from the tarsometatarsal joint, identify differences in levels from horses with osteoarthritis (OA) of the tarsometatarsal joint compared to a control population and to correlate levels with radiographic changes in horses with OA. METHODS: Synovial fluid was collected from the tarsometatarsal joint of 25 horses without hindlimb lameness (controls) and 25 lame horses, subjected to analgesia of the joint. COMP concentrations were measured using a homologous inhibition ELISA. Immunoblots of synovial fluid from 3 lame horses and 3 controls were performed to identify fragmentation of COMP. Hyaluronan (HA) concentration in synovial fluid was determined using a competition ELISA. Radiographs of the lame horses with OA were scored and correlated with levels of COMP and HA. RESULTS: Concentrations of COMP in OA of the tarsometatarsal joint were significantly lower than in the control samples. An additional fragment band of COMP (approximately 30 kDa) was identified on the immunoblots of the horses with OA and this fragment was not identified in controls. No significant difference was identified in the HA or HA:COMP ratio between lame and control horses. There was no correlation between levels of synovial fluid COMP and HA, and radiographic changes. CONCLUSIONS AND POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Lowered levels of COMP in synovial fluid of tarsometatarsal joints correlates with the presence of osteoarthritis. However, a single value cannot be used to stage the disease process. Levels of HA may not be a useful marker for this disease. Decreased, rather than increased COMP levels, may reflect significant loss of cartilage in established osteoarthritis. A specific assay for the COMP fragment generated with osteoarthritis may allow the earlier detection of clinical cases.  相似文献   
The effect of postmortem aging (7, 14, 21 or 28 d), high-voltage electrical stimulation (stimulated or not stimulated) and blade tenderization (none or once; crossbreds only) on the sensory and cooking properties of meat from four beef breeds or breed-types (purebred Hereford, purebred Brahman, Hereford x Brahman and Brahman x Hereford) was determined. The meat from purebred Brahman cattle that was not electrically stimulated was less tender and more variable in tenderness than that from other breed-types but electrical stimulation reduced these differences in tenderness. The Brahman crossbred steers produced meat that was not different in tenderness or variability in tenderness from that of purebred Hereford steers, although all were only judged "slightly tender." Electrical stimulation reduced the length of postmortem aging needed to reach a given level of tenderness regardless of breed or breed-type. Meat from crossbred animals that was blade-tendernized was not different in tenderness from meat that was electrically stimulated. The results of this investigation indicate that purebred Brahman muscle was inherently less tender, but postmortem tenderization procedures produced meat that was similar tenderness to that of the other breed-types used in this study.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine and correlate subchondral bone mineral density and overlying cartilage structure and tensile integrity in mature healthy equine stifle (low magnitude loading) and metacarpophalangeal (high magnitude loading) joints. ANIMALS: 8 healthy horses, 2 to 3 years of age. PROCEDURE: Osteochondral samples were acquired from the medial femoral condyle (FC) and medial trochlear ridge (TR) of the stifle joint and from the dorsal (MC3D) and palmar (MC3P) aspects of the distal medial third metacarpal condyles of the metacarpophalangeal joint. Articular cartilage surface fibrillation (evaluated via India ink staining) and tensile biomechanical properties were determined. The volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) of the underlying subchondral plate was assessed via dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. RESULTS: Cartilage staining (fibrillation), tensile moduli, tensile strength, and vBMD were greater in the MC3D and MC3P locations, compared with the FC and TR locations, whereas tensile strain at failure was less in MC3D and MC3P locations than FC and TR locations. Cartilage tensile moduli correlated positively with vBMD, whereas cartilage staining and tensile strain at failure correlated negatively with vBMD. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In areas of high joint loading, the subchondral bone had high vBMD and the articular cartilage surface layer had high tensile stiffness but signs of structural wear (fibrillation and low failure strain). The site-dependent variations and relationships in this study support the concept that articular cartilage and subchondral bone normally adapt to physiologic loading in a coordinated way.  相似文献   
Sediment, water, and fish gut samples taken at three sites near the headwaters of the San Marcos River, Texas, were analyzed for salmonellae Salmonella spp. by culture and molecular techniques. While enrichment cultures from sediment and water samples from the two uppermost sites were negative for salmonellae in polymerase chain reaction analyses, both sediment and water samples were positive at the downstream site. At all sites, salmonellae were present in the guts of different fishes (e.g., largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides, channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus, common carp Cyprinus carpio, and suckermouth catfish Hypostomus plecostomus). The highest percentage of detection (33% of analyzed fish) occurred at the downstream site, whereas detection percentages at the upper two sites were 18% and 17%. Detection of salmonellae was usually limited to one segment of the gut (i.e., upper or lower part). Serovars were highly variable among individuals and differed between the upper and lower gut in the only individual (a common carp) that had salmonellae in both gut segments. In situ hybridization demonstrated that salmonellae were normally associated with particulate material in the gut and occurred in highly variable numbers ranging from an occasional organism to a majority of the gut microbe population. These results demonstrate the presence of different serovars of potentially human pathogenic salmonellae among four ecologically distinct fishes within natural environments. They also suggest that salmonellae are not components of the indigenous microbial community in fish intestines but rather are ingested with particulate material.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to determine the extent of variation in, and relationships among, biochemical and palatability traits within and among 11 major beef muscles. Longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LD), psoas major (PM), gluteus medius (GM), semimembranosus (SM), adductor (AD), biceps femoris (BF), semitendinosus (ST), rectus femoris (RF), triceps brachii (TB), infraspinatus (IS), and supraspinatus (SS) from one side of 31 Charolais x MARC III steer carcasses were vacuum-packaged, stored at 2 degrees C until 14 d postmortem, and then frozen at -30 degrees C. The 2.54-cm-thick steaks were obtained from two or three locations within muscles in order to assess biochemical traits and Warner-Bratzler shear force, and from near the center for sensory trait evaluation. The PM was most tender and was followed by IS in both shear force and tenderness rating (P < 0.05). The other muscles were not ranked the same by shear force and tenderness rating. The BF had the lowest (P < 0.05) tenderness rating. The PM, GM, and LD had lower (P < 0.05) collagen concentration (2.7 to 4.5 mg/g muscle) than muscles from the chuck and round (5.9 to 9.0 mg/g), except for the AD (4.9 mg/g). Desmin proteolysis was highest (P < 0.05) for BF and LD (60.7 and 60.1% degraded), and was lowest (P < 0.05) for PM (20.2%). The PM, TB, IS, RF, and ST had relatively long sarcomere lengths (> 2.1 microm), whereas the GM had the shortest (P < 0.05) sarcomere length (1.7 microm). Cooking loss was lowest (P < 0.05) for BF (18.7%) and was followed by LD and IS (20.7%); it was highest (P < 0.05) for ST (27.4%). Across all muscles, tenderness rating was highly correlated (r > 0.60) with shear force, connective tissue rating, sarcomere length, and collagen content. Within a muscle, correlations among all traits were generally highest in LD and lowest in AD. Within muscle, location effects were detected (P < 0.05) for shear force (PM, ST, BF, SM, and RF), sarcomere length (PM, ST, BF, LD, SS, IS, SM, and RF), collagen concentration (PM, BF, SS, IS, SM. AD, TB, and RF), desmin degradation (PM, GM, BF, SM, AD, and, RF), and cooking loss (all muscles except SS and AD). There is a large amount of variation within and among muscles for tenderness traits and tenderness-related biochemical traits. These results increase our understanding of the sources of variation in tenderness in different muscles and provide a basis for the development of muscle-specific strategies for improving the quality and value of muscles.  相似文献   
The present experiment was conducted to provide a validation of a previously developed model for online classification of US Select carcasses for LM tenderness based on visible and near-infrared (VISNIR) spectroscopy and to determine if the accuracy of VISNIR-based tenderness classification could be enhanced by making measurements after postmortem aging. Spectroscopy was conducted online, during carcass grading, at a large-scale commercial fed beef-processing facility, and the strip loin was obtained from the left side of US Select carcasses (n = 467). Slice shear force (SSF) was measured on fresh steaks at 2 and 14 d postmortem. Online VISNIR tenderness classes differed in mean SSF values at both 2 d (29.4 vs. 33.6 kg) and 14 d (18.0 vs. 21.2 kg) postmortem (P < 10(-7)). Online VISNIR tenderness classes differed in both the percentage of carcasses with LM SSF values greater than 40 kg at 2 d postmortem (5.1 vs. 21.0%; P < 10(-6)) and the percentage of carcasses with LM SSF values greater than 25 kg at 14 d postmortem (6.8 vs. 23.2%; P < 10(-5)). Whereas 15.0% of the carcasses sampled for this experiment had LM SSF values greater than 25 kg at 14 d postmortem, only 6.8% of the carcasses classified as tender by VISNIR had LM SSF values greater than 25 kg. All the carcasses sampled that had LM SSF values greater than 35 kg at 14 d postmortem were accurately classified as tough by VISNIR. Before measurement of SSF on d 14, VISNIR spectroscopy was conducted on the SSF steak. Tenderness classes based on d 14 VISNIR spectra differed both in mean SSF value at 14 d postmortem (17.7 vs. 21.6 kg; P < 10(-11)) and the percentage of carcasses with LM SSF values greater than 25 kg at 14 d postmortem (7.3 vs. 22.7%; P < 10(-5)). These data support our previous work showing that VISNIR spectroscopy can be used to classify US Select carcasses noninvasively for LM tenderness, and the results establish that this technology could also be applied to aged US Select strip loins. This technology would allow packing companies and other segments of the beef marketing chain to identify US Select carcasses or strip loins that excel in LM tenderness for use in branded beef programs.  相似文献   
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