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与甘蔗抗黑穗病基因连锁的SSR标记筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑穗病是世界各植蔗区最普遍、最主要的一种气传真菌性病害。为筛选与甘蔗抗黑穗病基因连锁的分子标记,利用高抗和感病亲本杂交的后代群体为材料,分别应用浸渍法和针刺法进行人工接种,通过一年新植一年宿根的抗病性鉴定,采用混合分组分析法(Bulked Segregant Analysis,BSA)构建了抗感池,并结合SSR(Simple Sequence Repeat)分子标记技术筛选出一个与甘蔗抗黑穗病性基因连锁的SSR标记,该标记在甘蔗抗黑穗病育种的辅助选择中具有应用潜力。  相似文献   
A number of field trials on rice productivity have demonstrated very high yield, but reported limited information on environmental factors. The objective of this study was to reveal the environmental factors associated with high rice productivity in the subtropical environment of Yunnan, China. We conducted cross-locational field experiments using widely different rice varieties in Yunnan and in temperate environments of Kyoto, Japan in 2002 and 2003. The average daily radiation throughout the growing season was greater at Yunnan (17.1 MJ m−2 day−1 average over 2 years) relative to Kyoto (13.2 MJ m−2 day−1). The average daily temperature throughout the growing season was 24.7 °C at Yunnan, and 23.8 °C at Kyoto. The highest yield (16.5 tonnes ha−1) was achieved by the F1 variety Liangyoupeijiu at Yunnan in 2003, and average yield of all varieties was 33% and 39% higher at Yunnan relative to Kyoto in 2002 and 2003, respectively. There was a close correlation between grain yield and aboveground biomass at maturity, while there was little variation in the harvest index among environments. Large biomass accumulation was mainly caused by intense incident radiation at Yunnan, as there was little difference in crop radiation use efficiency (RUE) between locations. Large leaf area index (LAI) was also suggested to be an important factor. Average nitrogen (N) accumulation over 2 years was 49% higher at Yunnan than at Kyoto, and also contributed to the large biomass accumulation at Yunnan. The treatments of varied N application for Takanari revealed that the ratio of N accumulated at maturity to the amount of fertilized N was significantly higher at Yunnan than at Kyoto, even though there was no great difference in soil fertility. The Takanari plot with high N application showed a N saturation in plant growth at Kyoto, which might be related to low radiation and relatively high temperatures during the mid-growth stage. These results indicate that the high potential yield of irrigated rice in Yunnan is achieved mainly by intense incident solar radiation, which caused the large biomass and the N accumulation. The low nighttime temperature during the mid-growth stage was also suggested to be an important factor for large biomass accumulation and high grain yield at Yunnan.  相似文献   
黄秋葵和红秋葵的细胞学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对黄秋葵和红秋葵的染色体数目和气孔进行了研究,结果表明,黄秋葵染色体数目为2n=7x=126,红秋葵为2n=7x=133;两者的气孔形态、密度和叶绿体数均无显著差异。  相似文献   
对"三叶"宜昌橙茎尖细胞有丝分裂中期染色体联会现象进行了初步的观察与分析。结果表明:在观察到的154个中期分裂相中,有62个存在染色体联会现象,出现频率为40.3%;共观察到124个联会复合体,其中以2条染色体之间的联会最多,占总数的59.6%,其次分别为3条、4条和5条染色体联会复合体,各占25.8%、12.9%和1.6%;染色体联会一般以端部-端部、端部-中部连接并形成棒形、V形、U形、Y形、T形和O形等多种构型。对宜昌橙体细胞联会研究意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   
锌,铁在食用菌菌体内的生物转化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
锌、铁可促进细胞膜脂相透入,再与细胞膜内的蛋白质、多糖,经生物转化结合成为蛋白锌、蛋白铁或多糖锌、多糖铁。  相似文献   
 分析比较了‘穗中红’、‘日升’和‘美中红’3个品种的核型, 发现3个品种均具有1对中部或中间随体, 但前两个品种的随体位于第6对染色体上, 而‘美中红’位于第7对染色体上。根据前两个品种中发现存在的异形染色体, 推测番木瓜性染色体的存在。3个品种的核型公式分别表示为: ‘穗中红’2n = 2x = 18 = 16m (2SAT) + 2 sm, ‘日升’2n = 2x = 18 = 14m (2SAT) + 4 sm, ‘美中红’2n = 2x = 18 =16m (2SAT) + 2 sm。3个品种均属于“2A”核型, 但核型有一定的区别。  相似文献   
灌浆期高温干旱胁迫对小麦籽粒淀粉积累的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨花后高温和干旱逆境胁迫对小麦淀粉组分的影响,采用盆栽和人工气候室相结合的方式研究了灌浆期短暂高温、干旱及其复合胁迫对两个不同品质类型小麦品种籽粒总淀粉、直链淀粉和支链淀粉含量的影响。结果表明,小麦籽粒淀粉的积累量符合Logistic方程,但逆境胁迫会缩短籽粒淀粉积累持续时间,降低其积累速率,使其最终淀粉积累量减少。与对照相比,高温、干旱及其复合胁迫显著降低两个小麦品种籽粒的支链淀粉和总淀粉含量,直链淀粉含量受影响较小,淀粉的直/支比增加。高温、干旱及其复合胁迫下,洛麦24的千粒重分别较对照下降42.03%、21.95%和50.01%,产量分别较对照下降57.88%、40.75%和61.08%;郑麦366的千粒重分别较对照下降34.39%、7.64%和43.16%,产量分别较对照下降41.58%、30.97%和48.49%。综上所述,高温、干旱胁迫抑制支链淀粉积累是造成产量下降的重要原因;复合胁迫对小麦籽粒淀粉积累量的影响大于干旱或高温单独胁迫;高温胁迫的影响大于干旱;洛麦24较郑麦366对高温和干旱胁迫更敏感。  相似文献   
修剪对高羊茅生长及草坪质量的影响   总被引:31,自引:3,他引:31  
江海东  曹卫星 《草业科学》1998,15(1):54-58,61
研究了不同修剪高度和修剪频率条件下,南京地区高羊茅的生长状况和草坪质量。方差分析表明,低剪(4cm)的生长量明显高于中剪(6vm)和高剪(9cm),而草坪质量低于高、中剪;高频率修剪(1周2次)的生长量显著高于中频(1周1次)和低频(2周1次),而草坪质量低于中、低频。因此,在管理上应适当采取高剪(6 ̄9cm)和低频(1 ̄2周1次),既可以提高草坪质量,又可减轻管理强度。试验结果表明,南京地区高羊  相似文献   
To evaluate the alteration of CD47 on RBCs of pigs infected with M. suis, we induced the experimental porcine eperythrozoonosis and collected the blood samples at the different time points. The result of analysis by flow cytometry after reaction with mouse-anti-human CD47 and caprine-anti-mouse IgG-FITC reagents indicated that the CD47 quantity on RBCs changed correlatively with the course of PE. The lowest value of M1 (percentage of the positive cells in fluorescence intensity) occurred on day 7 post inoculation at the peak of parasitemia and decreased 82% compared with the control sample. And then, the values of M1 on day 14 and 21 rised slowly but were still significantly different with the controls (p < 0.01). These suggested that the quantity of CD47 on RBCs altered progressively with the phases of the PE disease. The decrease of CD47 on RBCs maybe weaken the inhibitory CD47-SIRPalpha interaction and provide positive signals for phagocytosis of macrophages resulting in the removal of the RBCs from the circulation. In conclusion, CD47, a marker on RBCs, maybe play an important role on the mechanism of hemolysis caused by infection of M. suis.  相似文献   
为解决大面积水稻田无线传感器网络能量消耗过快和丢包率严重等问题,该文提出了不同天线模式下的3种组网方案:配备全向天线的分环多跳网络、配备定向天线的多跳网络和配备混合天线的分簇多跳网络。第一组网络,处于不同环中配备全向天线节点采用多跳传输模式将数据包传输到基站;第二组网络,各级配备定向天线节点采用多跳传输模式将数据包传输至第一级节点;最后一组网络,借助于双簇头分簇思想,主簇头接受副簇头汇聚于成员节点的数据包与基站多跳通信。首先,介绍了3种网络拓扑结构间的差异;然后,从网络能耗角度,理论上分别计算了3组网络的能量消耗;仿真试验表明,混合天线分簇多跳组网方案相比定向天线多跳方案数据包个数提升了近10倍;相比全向天线分环多跳方案网络稳定周期延长了24.3%,网络寿命延长了28.2%;最后,采用无线通信模块nRF905射频芯片和TDJ-0825BKM1定向天线进行了水稻田组网试验,结果表明混合天线分簇多跳网络相比全向天线分环多跳网络丢包率降低了8.11%,平均存活时间效率提高了8.66%。该研究可为大面积水稻田无线传感器网络组网方案的设计提供参考。  相似文献   
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