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The enantioselectivity of the generation of 3-mercaptohexanal and 3-mercaptohexanol, two potent sulfur-containing aroma compounds, by lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis of the corresponding 3-acetylthioesters was investigated. The stereochemical course of the kinetic resolutions was followed by capillary gas chromatography using modified cyclodextrins as chiral stationary phases. The enzyme preparations tested varied significantly in terms of activity and enantioselectivity (E). The highest E value (E = 36) was observed for the hydrolysis of 3-acetylthiohexanal catalyzed by lipase B from Candida antarctica resulting in (S)-configured thiol products. Immobilization of the enzyme (E = 85) and the use of tert-butyl alcohol as cosolvent (E = 49) improved the enantioselectivity. Modification of the acyl moiety of the substrate (3-benzoylthiohexanal) had no significant impact. The sulfur-containing compounds investigated possess attractive odor properties, and only one of the enantiomers exhibits the pleasant citrus type note.  相似文献   
The proliferation of fake and inferior edible bird's nest (EBN) products has recently become an increasingly serious concern. To identify and classify EBN products, a competitive enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) was developed to quantitate sialoglycoprotein in EBN used in food and cosmetic applications. The characteristic sialoglycoprotein in EBN was found, extracted, purified, and analyzed. Sialoglycoprotein, considered the main carrier of sialic acid in EBN, consisted of 106 and 128 kDa proteins. A monoclonal antibody that could recognize both proteins was prepared. The heat-treated process did not change the affinity of sialoglycoprotein with the antibody. An optimized ELISA method was established with a cross-reactivity of less than 0.1% and an IC(50) of 3.3 μg/mL. On the basis of different food and cosmetic samples, the limits of detection (LOD) were 10-18 μg/g. Recoveries of fortified samples at levels of 20 and 80 μg/g ranged from 81.5 to 96.5%, respectively. The coefficients of variation were less than 8.0%.  相似文献   
Synchronizing rock clocks of Earth history   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Calibration of the geological time scale is achieved by independent radioisotopic and astronomical dating, but these techniques yield discrepancies of approximately 1.0% or more, limiting our ability to reconstruct Earth history. To overcome this fundamental setback, we compared astronomical and 40Ar/39Ar ages of tephras in marine deposits in Morocco to calibrate the age of Fish Canyon sanidine, the most widely used standard in 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. This calibration results in a more precise older age of 28.201 +/- 0.046 million years ago (Ma) and reduces the 40Ar/39Ar method's absolute uncertainty from approximately 2.5 to 0.25%. In addition, this calibration provides tight constraints for the astronomical tuning of pre-Neogene successions, resulting in a mutually consistent age of approximately 65.95 Ma for the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary.  相似文献   
The present research developed a bioeconomic model for control of Californian thistle (Cirsium arvense L. Scop.) in intensive, lowland sheep pastures in New Zealand. Production costs included two control methods: herbicides and defoliation, with defoliation encompassing both physical means and biocontrol measures. The model was used to examine the economic value of a research programme into biological control of the weed, given several different future scenarios. These scenarios were high herbicide prices, a price premium for lamb raised without chemical herbicides, and development of herbicide resistance. The model results were used to estimate national impacts. If the only change in the agricultural sector was the cost of the biocontrol to the nation's farmers, the research programme to find an effective biocontrol agent had little economic impact. If other factors changed, such as the price of petroleum or levels of herbicide resistance in the weed. the model's results suggested that intensive sheep farming could grow or shrink by as much as NZ$219 million dollars over five years. In the latter case, having an alternative control method reduced potential losses and increased potential gains, resulting in a net benefit of between NZ$81 million and NZ$153 million. This work extended prior research in several ways. First. Californian thistle reproduces via root buds, which affected the modelling of weed behaviour. Secondly, the model allowed optimistation over continuous levels of weed control for two different methods. Thirdly, the model accounted for both weed control and damage to nitrogen-fixing clover from herbicide use. Finally, the research investigated optimal weed control in several different alternative future states.  相似文献   
[目的]新鲜精液在离开生殖腺后存活时间很短.相关研究表明副睾液为精子的存活提供了特殊的环境.试验探讨和研究牛附睾精子在体外模拟附睾液中的存活试验的各因素的影响.[方法]试验对公牛附睾头部和尾部的摩尔渗透压和蛋白质浓度进行了分析,牛附睾尾部精子在不同蛋白浓度的CEP-2溶液中,在4℃条件下孵育120h.每24h做一次精子活力检测.[结果]5 d后精子活力仍然超过60;.附睾头、尾部的渗透压分别为(287.0±13.7)mOsm和(310.8±17.0)mOsm.蛋白浓度分别为(37.43±12.55)mg/mL和(50.58±11.08)mg/mL.[结论]附睾尾精子在蛋白浓度为40mg/mL,渗透压为345 mOsm时,精子存活率最高.  相似文献   
饲料和环境中会滋生沙门氏菌和其他感染畜禽的病原微生物。因此有必要采取措施控制动物沙门氏菌感染,以改善食品安全和减少生产损失。本研究旨在研究将替代饲料基质内细菌减少的挤出条件的优化。用单螺杆挤出机来处理饲料,用嗜热性脂肪芽孢杆菌12980(美国典型菌种收藏所,莱斯顿,弗吉尼亚州)人工接种饲料。初步实验表明在中度挤出强度(每kg糊状饲料含水分285g,挤出机出桶温度为83℃,挤出机桶保留时间为7S)条件下,可以从饲料中清除鼠伤寒沙门氏菌(鼠伤寒NALr),因此,还需要研究更耐热生物体。将B型嗜热性脂肪杆菌12980的芽孢接种到替代饲料基质上,基质中组成分别为玉米粉600g/kg,豆粕300g/kg,动物蛋白质100g/kg,用来研究三个挤压变量对杀菌的影响。三个变量为挤出机出桶温度(T),糊状饲料水分含量(MC),和饲料在挤出机桶的平均保留时间(Rt)。每个旋转中心复合设计使用三个自变量和五个水平。用计算孢子数的二次响应面模型来预测最大限度杀菌的挤出条件。响应面证实在设计区的平稳点是一个鞍点。最大杀菌的估测峰表明,在挤出机设置为T=110℃,Mc=245g/kg和Rt=11s时,会发生最高1.03个数量级的减幅,由于在中度强度条件(T=83℃,Mc=285g/kg和Rt=7s)下,可以完全清除测试饲料中可检出的鼠伤寒沙门氏菌,可见在中央复合设计区,所有鼠伤寒沙门细胞和所有耐热的嗜温生物体在多数挤出条件下会被清除。  相似文献   
大麦黄矮病毒(BYDV) cDNA的合成、克隆及初步应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 以大麦黄矮病毒二叉蚜和麦长管蚜专化株的病毒核酸为模板,以小牛胸腺DNA为引物,合成cDNA的第一条链,再用缺口翻译法合成第二条链,然后采用加装BamH1人工接头的方法将ds-cDNA插入到质粒载体pUC8中,重组质粒于大肠杆菌JM—83中进行克隆,以克隆的颜色变化选择含有外源DNA的克隆,再用病毒核酸制备的探针筛选真正病毒cDNA插入的克隆。重组质粒中ds-DNA的插入长度在300—1600bp之间。用缺口翻译法制备质粒DNA分子探针检测同源病毒液,反应灵敏度在100pg-1ng之间。应用cDNA探针检测不同病毒和病毒株系,从中筛选出黄矮病毒株系专化克隆系,黄矮病毒专化克隆系和黄矮病毒组专化克隆系.  相似文献   
 由(Xanthomonas campestris pv.glycines)所致大豆斑疹病病斑隆起成疱。盆栽大豆感病品种(Chippewa和Horosoy)和它们的抗病品系在二片真叶展开2/3时,用高压喷雾接种(Xanthomonas campestris pv.glycines),接种后的第3、6、9天分别取样;样本分二种处理分别在扫描电镜、透射电镜和普通光学显微镜下观察病斑形成过程.接种后3天,肉眼可见褪绿斑时,病斑部分的表皮细胞和薄壁细胞组织已开始膨大,病斑部分稍有隆起.第6天,肉眼能见疱斑时,表皮细胞和薄壁细胞膨大明显,少数细胞开始破裂.第9天病斑开始变褐,电镜下可见疱斑完全破裂,表皮细胞和薄壁细胞膨大数倍于正常细胞,且细胞破裂,大量细菌溢出。同时可以看到大豆斑疹病细菌在发病初期是在细胞间隙中存活和繁殖的,在表皮细胞和薄壁细胞破裂后进入细胞内,最后完全破坏细胞.从电镜切片中也可以看到疱斑形成主要是由于细胞体积增大所致.抗病品种只有褪绿斑,渐变褐,肉眼看不见疱斑,但在电镜下可见得下表皮稍隆起,有少数细菌存在于细胞间隙,未见有细菌溢出现象。  相似文献   
水稻品种苗期阶段对白叶枯病的抗性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 根据水稻品种各叶期对白叶枯病的抗性表现和强弱程度可分为四类:(1)全期抗病型;(2)全期中抗型;(3)苗感成株抗病型;和(4)全期感病型。可以看出,水稻品种除少数苗感成抗型外,其余三种抗性类型苗期与成株期的抗性反应是一致的。由于中抗、成抗和感病品种各叶期的抗性有随着叶位的升高而抗性增强的趋势,不同抗性品种在苗期阶段抗感对比均较成株期明显。因此,水稻品种对白叶枯病的抗性鉴定采用苗期鉴定方法是可行的。影响水稻品种苗期抗性的因素是:苗龄(叶期)、观察时期、品种与菌株的组合等。  相似文献   
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