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The basal area and height growth of trees and saplings in silver fir–European beech single stem selection forest were studied with regard to their social status and crown parameters of size, coverage, shading and vitality. On 24 permanent research plots (20 m × 20 m each) all trees [diameter at breast height (dbh) ≥10 cm] and saplings (≥1.3 m tall and dbh <10 cm) were surveyed. Repeated measurements of dbh (N = 1,608) and height (N = 1,135) 10 years apart enabled the calculation of annual basal area increment (BAI) of trees and saplings, and annual height (HI) increment of saplings. To obtain the growth characteristics for individual trees and saplings, their social status and crown parameters were assessed by rank. In the multivariate general linear model for BAI, social status, crown size and crown coverage of individuals as the predictors, and dbh2 as the covariate, explained 70% of total variability. Similarly, social status, crown size, crown coverage and crown shading had a significant impact on the HI of saplings, explaining 70% of total variability. Among the observed variables, social status determined according to the individual’s position in vertical stand structure was, in addition to dbh, the most important predictor for both BAI and HI. Significant differences were observed between the BAI and HI models for the main tree species (European beech and silver fir), indicating their different growth characteristics. The applied method could be used as a supplement to the more widely used approaches for studying basal area and height growth of individual trees in selection forest stands.  相似文献   
Uneven-aged silver fir-European beech forest stands were studied to (1) analyse the dynamics of diameter structure and tree species composition in the past two centuries and (2) determine the impact of red deer on the regeneration and recruitment of silver fir. The study used current data on forest stands, archival data from old forest management plans for the period 1789–2004, and red deer harvesting records for the period 1907–2006. During the observation period, the silver fir population aged and silver fir and European beech alternated in dominance. The study revealed a strong impact of red deer on the composition and recruitment of tree regeneration, especially on silver fir regeneration. The drastic changes in red deer density (from extermination up to 5.8 animals km−2) and past forest management practices were apparently the main factors driving the population dynamics of silver fir (regeneration, recruitment, and diameter structure) in the study area during the past two centuries.  相似文献   


Recruitment is an important process in forest stand dynamics, especially in uneven-aged stands. Continuous recruitment is a prerequisite for diverse, uneven-aged silvicultural systems, but patterns may vary significantly.


The main goals of the study were to examine the recruitment of the main tree species in selection and irregular shelterwood stands in silver fir?CEuropean beech?CNorway spruce forests and to determine the main predictors of the recruitment occurrence.


Data from 5,486 permanent inventory plots were used to study recruitment of saplings into the tree layer (diameter at breast height ??10?cm).


Recruitment rate differed significantly between selection (7.6?trees?ha?1?year?1) and irregular shelterwood (26.1?trees?ha?1?year?1) stands. Shade-tolerant fir and beech recruited with higher probability in selection stands, while light-dependent sycamore recruited with higher probability in irregular stands. In addition, forest types, soil pH, stand basal area, mean diameter, and the basal area of the same tree species with respect to recruitment were found to be important predictors of recruitment occurrence.


The application of different uneven-aged silvicultural systems and their forms makes it possible to considerably influence the future tree species composition of uneven-aged forests.  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of dietary addition of sage extract on the biochemical parameters, weight of some body organs and changes in the counts of Salmonella Enteritidis PT4 (SE) in experimentally infected chickens. The following diets were used: basal diet, basal diet with addition of an extract of Salvia officinalis L. (S), basal diet and SE, and basal diet and S and SE (SSE). Compared to the SE group, sage extract in the SSE group decreased activities of ALP and ALT and concentrations of glucose and bilirubin on the 4th day post inoculation (p.i.). However, on the 18th day p.i., lower levels of bilirubin and ALT activity only were detected. Addition of sage extract to the diets decreased the counts of Salmonella in the liver, spleen and caecum at both sampling times, along with lower production of mucus in the chickens' intestines. Our results suggest that the addition of sage extract to the diet could be effective in protecting SE-infected chickens.  相似文献   
The effect of application of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 PUFA) on intestinal colonization by Lactobacillus paracasei and on cellular immunity has been investigated in gnotobiotic pigs. The administration of polyunsaturated fatty acids positively affected the adhesion of Lactobacillus paracasei to the jejunal mucosa of gnotobiotic piglets. When compared to the control group, the number of Lactobacillus paracasei adhering to the jejunal mucosa was by 12% higher in piglets of the experimental group (5.10 log 10/cm2 vs. 4.55 log 10/cm2). The respective counts of Lactobacillus paracasei adhering to the ileal and colonic mucosa of 28 day old gnotobiotic piglets reached 4.45 and 5.05 log 10/cm2 in group C and 4.44 and 4.95 log 10/cm2 in group E. Omega-3 PUFA supplementation increased the phagocytic activity of neutrophils by almost 100% on day 28 of life as well as the subpopulations of lymphocytes (CD8) in the peripheral blood of germ-free piglets on day 21 of life. Our results indicate that the action of probiotics in the gut may be modulated by dietary PUFA. The stimulatory effect of PUFA upon adhesion of lactobacilli could be used for enhancing the effectiveness of probiotics in inhibiting digestive tract pathogens.  相似文献   
Biological invasions of insects, plants, and fungal pest species often cause substantial disturbance to forest ecosystems and as well as severe socioeconomic impacts. Central Europe acts as a ‘bridge’ between Western and Eastern Europe both ecologically and as an important transit corridor for people. Human activity, including the movement of material goods, increases the risk of invasions. Some species introduced in the past have been established, becoming common and causing serious problems (such as Dreyfusia nordmannianae or Hyphantria cunea). The status, importance and spatial distribution in Slovakia of seven different forest pests recently introduced into Slovak forest ecosystems (Cameraria ohridella, Coleotechnites piceaella, Cryphonectria parasitica, Dothistroma septospora, Ips duplicatus, Parectopa robiniella, Phyllonorycter robiniellus) as well as two others not yet recorded in Slovakia (Anoplophora glabripennis, Phytophthora spp.) is discussed.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of two types of selective thinning on beech stands formed by a shelterwood cut in 1910 — with lower number of crop trees and higher thinning intensity (T1) and higher number of crop trees with lower thinning intensity (T2). The stands were thinned in 1980, 1991 and 2001. Despite a lower stand density after thinning, the annual basal area increments of thinned stands in both thinning periods (1980–1991 and 1991–2002) were around 20% higher compared to those of the control (unthinned) stands. The mean annual basal area increment of dominant trees was 30–56% larger in the thinned plots compared to the control plots. Of 176 initial crop trees in the T1, 72% were chosen again during the last thinning. In the T2, 258 crop trees were chosen in the first thinning, and only 62% of these trees were chosen again during the last thinning. Only crown suppression and diameter classes of crop trees significantly influenced their basal area increment when diameter classes, crown size, crown suppression, and social status were tested. In the thinned stands, the dominant trees are more uniformly distributed if compared to the dominant trees in the control plots. Finally, the herbaceous cover and the species diversity were higher in the thinned plots.  相似文献   
The thick loess–paleosol-sequences in Tadzhikistan, which indirectly record the environmental changes from the Upper Pliocene to the present-day, have been extensively described from a chronostratigraphical and archaeological point of view. The genesis of the soil-sedimentary complexes and their implications for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction in Tadzhikistan, however, have been considered only relatively recently [Bronger, A., Winter, R., Derevjanko, O., Aldag, S., 1993. Loess–paleosol sequences in Tadjikistan as a palaeoclimatic record of the Quaternary in Central Asia. Quaternary Proceedings 4, 69–81; Lomov, S.P., Tursina, T.V., Zhou, L.P., 1996. Magnetic susceptibility of soils: Micromorphology and possible reconstructions of climate. In: Soil micromorphology. Studies in Soil Diversity, Diagnostics, Dynamics, 10th International Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology. Moscow, Russia, July 8–13, 1996, p. 145]. The pedocomplex of Last Interglacial and Early Glacial age (Oxygen Isotope Stage 5) in the Tagidjar and Darai Kalon sections near the town of Khovaling is represented by three major stages of soil formation. The soil characteristics have been micromorphologically analysed. The distinction between primary and secondary carbonates is of major importance to understand the soil forming processes. The relative distribution of needle fibre calcite (NFC), micritic infillings (M), hypocoatings (CHC), coarse calcitic grains (CCG) and calcified root cells (CRC) provides detailed insights into the environmental conditions prior, during and following pedogenesis. The abundance of coprolitic aggregates (CA) and pupal chambers gives a clear indication of the rate of biological activity which prevailed during the last two soil forming stages. Void pseudomorphs after gypsum crystals (gypsum pseudomorphs) are frequently observed beneath the Cca horizons of the paleosols. Using the present-day climate and soilscape as a reference base, the obtained pedosedimentary events detected in the Tadzhikistan sections provide a detailed palaeoenvironmental record. Indeed, glacial and interglacial climates and soils respond to contemporaneous climatic schemes and soil forming processes, which are still active in the region today. The amount and the seasonal variability of precipitation, mostly, are at the origin of the variable soils formed during glacial and interglacial ages.  相似文献   
Oh JS  Susor A  Conti M 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2011,332(6028):462-465
Waves of cyclin synthesis and degradation regulate the activity of Cdc2 protein kinase during the cell cycle. Cdc2 inactivation by Wee1B-mediated phosphorylation is necessary for arrest of the oocyte at G2-prophase, but it is unclear whether this regulation functions later during the metaphase-to-anaphase transition. We show that reactivation of a Wee1B pathway triggers the decrease in Cdc2 activity during egg activation. When Wee1B is down-regulated, oocytes fail to form a pronucleus in response to Ca(2+) signals. Calcium-calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) activates Wee1B, and CaMKII-driven exit from metaphase II is inhibited by Wee1B down-regulation, demonstrating that exit from metaphase requires not only a proteolytic degradation of cyclin B but also the inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdc2 by Wee1B.  相似文献   
Here we present δ13C and δ2H data of long-chained, even-numbered (C27-C31) n-alkanes from C3 (trees) and C4 (grasses) plants and from the corresponding soils from a grassland-woodland vegetation sequence in central Queensland, Australia. Our data show that δ13C values of the C4 grassland species were heavier relative to those of C3 tree species from the woodland (Acacia leaves) and woody grassland (Atalaya leaves). However, n-alkanes from the C4 grasses had lighter δ2H values relative to the Acacia leaves, but showed no significant difference in δ2H values when compared with C3 Atalaya leaves. These results differ from those of previous studies, showing that C4 grasses had heavier δ2H values relative to C3 grasses and trees. Those observations have been explained by C4 plants accessing the more evaporation-influenced and isotopically heavier surface water and tree roots sourcing deeper, isotopically lighter soil water (“Two-layered soil-water system”). By comparison, our data suggest that ecosystem changes (vegetation “thickening”) can significantly alter the soil hydrological characteristics. This is shown by the heavier δ2H values in the woodland soil compared with lighter δ2H values in the grassland soil, implying that the recent vegetation change (increased tree biomass) in the woodland had altered soil hydrological conditions. Estimated δ2H values of the source-water for vegetation in the grassland and woodland showed that both trees and grasses in open settings accessed water with lighter δ2H values (avg. −46‰) compared with water accessed by trees in the woodland vegetation (avg. −7‰). These data suggest that in semi-arid environments the “two-layer” soil water concept might not apply. Furthermore, our data indicate that compound-specific δ2H and δ13C analyses of n-alkanes from soil organic matter can be used to successfully differentiate between water sources of different vegetation types (grasses versus trees) in natural ecosystems.  相似文献   
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