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Two studies were conducted to assess the performance of a commercially available neck‐mounted activity meter to detect cows about to ovulate in two paddock‐based Holstein‐Friesian dairy herds. The activity monitoring system recorded cow activity count in 2‐hourly periods. Study I investigated the ability of the system to detect cow ovulatory periods in dairy herds managed in two different Australian environments and breeding systems using five activity alert algorithms. Herd 1 consisted of approximately 130 milking cows calving year‐round in a sub‐tropical environment and kept in a single dry lot paddock. Herd 2 consisted of approximately 400 milking cows calving seasonally in a temperate climate and fed pasture by rotation through multiple grazing paddocks. Ovulatory periods and non‐ovulatory days were identified using milk progesterone monitoring alone or in combination with ovarian ultrasonography; using these ‘gold standards’ 141 and 135 ovulatory periods were identified in 64 and 135 cows in Herds 1 and 2 respectively. Sensitivity of the activity monitoring system for detecting cow ovulatory periods ranged from 79.4% to 94.1%, specificity from 90.0% to 98.2% and positive predictive value from 35.8% to 75.8%. Study II investigated the ability of the activity meter system to predict the timing of ovulations in paddock‐based pasture‐fed dairy cattle (Herd 2). The time of ovulation was estimated by repeat trans‐rectal ovarian ultrasonography at approximately 0, 12, 24 and 36 h after artificial insemination (AI). The mean times (±SD) from onset and end of increased activity to ovulation were 33.4 ± 12.4 and 17.3 ± 12.8 h respectively (n = 94). Fifty per cent of cows (n = 47) ovulated within the 8‐h period between 30 to 38 hs after the onset of increased activity, 76.6% (n = 72) within the 16 h between 24 to 40 h, 85.1% (n = 80) within the 24 h between 18 and 42 h and 90.4% (n = 85) within the 32 h from 19 to 51 h after the onset of increased activity. Results from these studies show that in paddock‐based dairy cows in two diverse management systems, this neck‐mounted activity meter system detects high proportions of cows that are about to ovulate and provides a useful indication of when ovulation is likely to occur. However, the specificities and positive predictive values using the algorithms assessed may be lower than desirable.  相似文献   
Structure, histochemistry and chemical composition of tension (TW), opposite (OW) and normal wood (NW) of Leucaena leucocephala have been studied using histological, histochemical and biochemical methods. TW vessels are longer and have a larger diameter than NW vessels, and the rays are shorter and thinner. The G-layer replaced S3 and parts of S2 wall layers in TW fibres. TW further contained less lignin that also had a lower syringyl-to-guaiacyl ratio. The lignin was also more condensed. The content of α-cellulose was high in TW. TW contains hemicelluloses and pectins composed of more galactose, and less xylose, mannose, 4-O-methylglucuronic acid and galacturonic acid compared to that of OW. This study suggests that in the TW of Leucaena, the amount and composition of lignin, hemicelluloses and pectins differ considerably from that in OW and NW.  相似文献   
The Mouse Tumor Biology Database (MTB) is designed to provide an electronic data storage, search, and analysis system for information on mouse models of human cancer. The MTB includes data on tumor frequency and latency, strain, germ line, and somatic genetics, pathologic notations, and photomicrographs. The MTB collects data from the primary literature, other public databases, and direct submissions from the scientific community. The MTB is a community resource that provides integrated access to mouse tumor data from different scientific research areas and facilitates integration of molecular, genetic, and pathologic data. Current status of MTB, search capabilities, data types, and future enhancements are described in this article.  相似文献   
B6.Cg-Tg(Thy1-YFP)16Jrs/J transgenic mice were created to express the yellow fluorescent protein gene driven by a mouse Thy1 promoter that labeled motor and sensory neurons such that individual nerves could be followed. These mice were used to identify nerves in the skin that innervate the erector pili and panniculus carnosus muscle. Whole mounts demonstrated yellow fluorescent protein expression in nerves of the skin, which was confirmed by labeling the neuromuscular junction with fluorescinated α-bungarotoxin. Frozen and paraffin-embedded skin sections revealed innervation of the panniculus carnosus muscle. Paraffin sections labeled with an anti-green fluorescent protein antibody revealed innervation of the panniculus carnosus as well as the erector pili muscle and around the hair follicle bulge.  相似文献   
Reasons for performing study: Two genetically and phenotypically distinct horse breeds are used for harness racing in Scandinavia: the Standardbred (SB) and Coldblooded Trotter. These racehorses have identical environmental, management and racing conditions. Therefore, this study was undertaken to identify and compare the relative prevalence of upper respiratory tract (URT) obstructive disorders in these 2 breeds. Objectives: To determine whether these 2 phenotypically different breeds of harness racehorses have different predispositions for URT disorders. Methods: Retrospective study of 88 Norwegian Coldblooded Trotters (NCT) and 97 SBs referred to this hospital for URT evaluation between 1998 and 2006. Case records of all horses diagnosed with an URT disorder during resting endoscopy, and all horses undergoing high‐speed treadmill videoendoscopy (HSTV) with one or more periods of induced poll flexion were evaluated. The relative prevalence of URT disorders between the 2 breeds was analysed using a Fisher's exact test. Results: There was a significant (P<0.05) breed predisposition regarding 6 URT disorders. Bilateral dynamic laryngeal collapse associated with poll flexion and flaccid epiglottis was significantly more frequent in the NCT. Alar fold collapse and nasopharyngeal collapse were significantly more frequent in SBs. Epiglottic entrapment and nasal flutter were only diagnosed in the SBs. Dynamic disorders were more common than resting disorders in both breeds. Conclusion: URT obstructive disorders (dynamic laryngeal collapse associated with poll flexion, flaccid epiglottis, pharyngeal collapse, alar fold collapse, nasal flutter and epiglottic entrapment) are breed related, indicating an anatomic or functional cause. Periods of induced poll flexion during HSTV was essential to declare harness racehorses free of URT disorders. Potential relevance: Further anatomic or physiological studies comparing these breeds could potentially provide insight into the pathogenesis of certain URT obstructive disorders. Induced poll flexion should be included in routine HSTV examinations of all harness racehorses.  相似文献   
Development of the primary and secondary lymphoid organs is a tightly controlled process. These tissues are highly organized to maximize efficiency of the immune response. Spontaneous and targeted mutations in laboratory mice have led to better understanding of the molecular interactions and signaling pathways essential to the development and organization of lymphoid tissues, and the functional consequences of loss or disruption of the normal structures. On the basis of studies of mutations in mice and other species, it has been determined that a wild-type allele of the Foxn1 gene is required for normal thymic development and function. The Tlx1, Bapx1, Tcf21, Wt1 and Dh genes are essential for development of the spleen, while mutations of Nkx2-3, Lta, Ltb, Ltbr, Map3k14, Relb, Tnf, Tnfrsf1a, Cxcl13, Blr1 (Cxcr5), or cpdm genes result in disruption of normal splenic microarchitecture. The requirements for organized lymph nodes vary according to anatomic location, but most rely on Id2 (Idb2) and Rorc, in addition to lymphotoxins and Tnfrsf11a, Tnfsf11, Relb, Map3k14, Cxcl13, and Blr1 genes. Development of Peyer's patches is dependent on Id2 and Rorc genes, lymphotoxins, and Relb, Map3k14, Il7r, and cpdm genes. Less is known about the requirements for nasal-associated lymphoid tissues (NALT), but Id2 is a requirement. Here we review abnormalities of lymphoid organ development in immunodeficient mutant mice, including spontaneous and targeted mutations of Id2, Rorc, Tnf, Tnfrsf1a, Lta, Ltb, Ltbr, Tnfrsf11a, Tnfsf11, Relb, Map3k14, IL7r, Blr1, and Cxcl13 genes.  相似文献   
Deer Fibroma: A Review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Fibromas are frequent cutaneous neoplasms of young deer of many species, characterized by proliferation of both epithelial and dermal cells. Virus particles, similar to those found in fibrous skin tumors of several wild and domestic species, have been identified in some species by electron microscopy. Attempted transmission of fibromas has not been uniformly successful using filtered preparations.  相似文献   
Papilloma-like masses affecting the cloaca of 19 Amazons, 16 macaws, 3 parrots, 1 conure, and 1 parakeet were examined. Papillomatous lesions were characterized by proliferation of the lining epithelium on thin fibrovascular stalks. Carcinoma in situ was diagnosed in the cloaca of a macaw in addition to the other 16 macaws with papillomas. Papillomavirus group-specific antigens were not detected in any of the 41 lesions, using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique. The DNA extracts from 6 different frozen papillomas did not contain papillomavirus genomes detectable by Southern blot hybridization, using an African gray parrot cutaneous papillomavirus as a probe. Evidence of an infective agent was not found by electron microscopic examination of 8 of the papillomas. Inoculations of partially purified homogenates of a cloacal papilloma from a yellow-crowned Amazon did not induce lesion formation on cloacal mucosa of an adult yellow-crowned Amazon, green and yellow macaw, sulphur-crested cockatoo, or mollucan cockatoo.  相似文献   
Persistent cutaneous ulcers developed in a female cheetah cub after an episode of rhinotracheitis. When they were 3 weeks old, the cub and a male littermate developed mucopurulent oculonasal discharge consistent with feline herpesvirus type 1 infection (feline viral rhinotracheitis). The male cub was weaned and its lesions resolved. The female cub remained with the dam until the cub was 3 months old, at which time plaque-like lesions developed on the eye margins and muzzle. These plaques regressed over the next month and were replaced with cutaneous ulcers ranging from 1 to 10 mm in diameter. Feline herpesvirus type 1 was isolated from biopsy specimens collected from the ulcers. Cutaneous ulcers are uncommon manifestations of feline herpesvirus infections and have not been reported in other exotic fields. A proposed susceptibility to viral infections related to low genetic diversity has been proposed in cheetahs, and may be involved in the pathogenesis of persistent herpetic ulcers.  相似文献   
In a retrospective study, 37 male and 19 female inbred laboratory mice, from 1 to 36 weeks of age, were diagnosed with "lipomatous" hamartomas or choristomas from nearly 10,000 mice examined at necropsy over a 24-month period. Hamartomas and choristomas were found to be rare, noninherited tumor-like conditions that occurred spontaneously in 18 inbred strains of mice with a predominance of the conditions in the C3H/HeJ and C57BL/6J strains. Prevalence between strains ranged from 0.6 to 6.2 cases per hundred thousand mice. The 56 cases studied had soft, raised masses that arose on the dorsal midline, primarily above the sutures of the skull. The lesions were prominent on gross examination due to abnormally long hair, change in direction of the hairs, and a change in hair color compared to the normal pelage. Microscopically, the masses consisted of normal adipose tissue in the reticular dermis and subcutis that sometimes extended through the cranial sutures, entering the brain, or expanding into the ventricles. Large masses occasionally contained normal appearing thyroid, intestine, respiratory epithelium lined cysts, squamous epithelial cysts, bone and marrow, cartilage, glands, and angiomatous anomalies. In all cases, the epidermis was intact. Hair follicles were larger in the affected areas of many cases compared to those in adjacent skin. Breeding studies did not yield affected offspring, indicating this is a congenital, noninherited abnormality. This condition resembles "lipomatous" hamartomas, a congenital defect in human beings.  相似文献   
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