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为了解植物化合防御物质皂苷对专食性天敌莲草直胸跳甲Agasicles hygrophila的防御作用,测定莲草直胸跳甲2龄幼虫取食皂苷后的排泄和肠道变化,利用转录组测序筛选参与皂苷代谢的候选基因,并采用 RNA 干扰技术鉴定候选基因功能。结果发现,取食皂苷导致莲草直胸跳甲幼虫排泄量增加,肠道畸变,排泄量与取食皂苷浓度正相关。转录组测序发现,与对照相比,取食 100 mmol/L皂苷处理的莲草直胸跳甲幼虫肠道有496条差异表达基因,其中261个上调基因和235个下调基因。GO分类和KEGG分类分析发现糖苷水解酶家族1(glycoside hydrolase family1,GH1)基因集中在碳水化合物水解通路。利用RNA干扰技术鉴定发现,莲草直胸跳甲AghyGH1a基因沉默可导致幼虫取食皂苷后排泄量增加,肠道内容物颜色更暗沉。表明莲草直胸跳甲AghyGH1a参与皂苷代谢。  相似文献   
为明确大豆-玉米带状间作种植模式对点蜂缘蝽Riptortus pedestris发生规律的影响,2023年在山东省大豆单作田中进行诱捕效果试验,筛选诱捕效果最好的诱捕器对黄淮海地区山东、河南和安徽3个省6个市不同种植模式下点蜂缘蝽的发生动态进行监测。结果显示,风叶型诱捕器对点蜂缘蝽的诱捕效果最佳。在大豆单作田内点蜂缘蝽的发生高峰期为7月中旬—8月中旬,此时大豆正值盛花-始荚期。在大豆-玉米带状间作田内点蜂缘蝽的发生动态与大豆单作田的无明显差异,但点蜂缘蝽发生数量及高峰期发生时间可能与杀虫剂的施用时间和次数密切相关。  相似文献   
Agar is widely applied across the food, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, owing to its various bioactive functions. To better understand the agar biosynthesis in commercial seaweed Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis, the activities of four enzymes participating in the agar biosynthesis were detected, and phosphoglucomutase (PGM) was confirmed as highly correlated with agar accumulation. Three genes of PGM (GlPGM1, GlPGM2 and GlPGM3) were identified from the G. lemaneiformis genome. The subcellular localization analysis validated that GlPGM1 was located in the chloroplast and GlPGM3 was not significantly distributed in the organelles. Both the GlPGM1 and GlPGM3 protein levels showed a remarkable consistency with the agar variations, and GlPGM3 may participate in the carbon flux between (iso)floridoside, floridean starch and agar synthesis. After treatment with the PGM inhibitor, the agar and floridean starch contents and the activities of floridean starch synthase were significantly decreased; products identified in the Calvin cycle, the pentose phosphate pathway, the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway and the tricarboxylic acid cycle were depressed; however, lipids, phenolic acids and the intermediate metabolites, fructose-1,6-phosphate were upregulated. These findings reveal the essential role of PGM in regulating the carbon flux between agar and other carbohydrates in G. lemaneiformis, providing a guide for the artificial regulation of agar accumulation.  相似文献   
总结了上海优质粳稻产业发展现状,分析了产业发展中存在的问题,提出了相应对策。具体对策为:进一步优化茬口布局,推进用养结合型稻田农作制;实现优质水稻品种创新和绿色生产关键技术提升;以智慧农业为引领,积极推进现代农机农艺应用,提升绿色水稻产能水平;实施地产稻米品牌战略,促进提质增效。  相似文献   
This research aims to improve erosion control practice in the Loess Plateau, by studying the surface erosion processes, including splash, sheet/interrill and rill erosion in four contrasting soils under high rainfall intensity (120 mm h−1) with three-scale indoor artificial experiments. Four contrasting soils as sandy loam, sandy clay loam, clay loam and loamy clay were collected from different parts of the Loess Plateau. The results showed that sediment load was significantly impacted by soil properties in all three sub-processes. Splash rate (4.0–21.6 g m−2∙min−1) was highest in sandy loam from the north part of the Loess Plateau and showed a negative power relation with the mean weight diameter of aggregates after 20 min of rainfall duration. The average sediment load by sheet/interrill erosion (6.94–42.86 g m−2∙min−1) was highest in clay loam from middle part of the Loess Plateau, and the stable sediment load after 20 min showed a positive power relation with the silt content in soil. The average sediment load increased dramatically by rill and interrill erosion (21.03–432.16 g m−2∙min−1), which was highest in loamy clay from south part of the Loess Plateau. The average sediment load after the occurrence of rill showed a positive power relation with clay content and a negative power relation with soil organic matter content. The impacts of slope gradient on the runoff rate and sediment load also changed with soil properties. The critical factors varied for different processes, which were the aggregate size for splash erosion, the content of silt particles and slope gradient for sheet/interrill erosion, and the content of clay particles, soil organic matter and slope gradient for rill erosion. Based on the results of the experiments, specific erosion control practices were proposed by targeting certain erosion processes in areas with different soil texture and different distribution of slope gradient. The findings from this study should support the improvement of erosion prediction and cropland management in different regions of the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   
[目的]对山东省烟台市水资源承载具体状况进行定量与定性分析,提出相应提高水资源承载力的对策和建议,为实现烟台市水资源可持续发展提供科学参考.[方法]建立涵盖水资源、社会、经济和水环境4个准则层的评价指标体系,运用CRITIC-GR-TOPSIS法,对2003-2018年烟台市水资源承载力进行综合评价,以相对贴近度Cj作...  相似文献   
对70头山羊、50头绵羊和5头奶山羊进行了人工培植羊黄研究。在植黄后一年,对42头山羊,10头绵羊和1头奶山羊取黄,在羊的胆囊内形成了羊黄。对11个羊黄样品进行了胆色素、总胆固醇和总胆酸等项目测定,结果表明与天然牛黄主要成分相同,但含量有所不同。对5个羊黄样品进行了超微结构观察,结果与天然牛黄一致。 对人工培植羊黄羊的胆囊胆汁进行了测定,β-葡萄糖醛酸苷酶活性(以下简称β-G酶活性)和粘蛋白含量明显升高。因接种的大肠杆菌血清型不同,β-G酶活性也呈现不同程度的变化。对培植羊黄羊的胆囊进行了组织学检查,胆囊壁粘膜上皮柱细胞间的杯状细胞及固有膜中的粘液腺大量增生,是胆汁中多糖粘蛋白增高的组织学基础。 对培植羊黄进行了药理学试验,其结果与天然牛黄完全一样。  相似文献   
从采取的新鲜麋鹿血液中提取麋鹿基因组DNA,通过PCR的方法从麋鹿基因组中扩增麋鹿PrP蛋白核心片段的DNA,并分别在引物的5′和3′端引入EcoRⅠ和HindⅢ两个酶切位点,下游引物将原序列TATTAC突变为TAAT从变成两个终止密码子。通过两个酶切位点将麋鹿PrP蛋白核心片段DNA连接到pET-32a(+),转化DH5α,通过酶切鉴定和PCR鉴定,筛选出阳性克隆送菌液测序,从测序结果分析阳性克隆是否符合要求。测序正确后将核心片段基因连接到pET-32a(+),阳性质粒命名为MPrP-pET-32a(+),阳性质粒转化E.coli BL21(DE3),进行诱导表达、蛋白质纯化鉴定。  相似文献   
"物极必反,困则思变",非洲猪瘟和新冠疫情没有让养猪行业止步不前,反而促使人们去尽最大努力探索养猪科技新技术.无抗替代技术、发酵混合饲料技术、区块链+畜产品溯源技术和生猪期货合约上市等承压前行,在不平凡的2020年交上了不俗的答卷.  相似文献   
我国茶资源丰富,且其富含多种独特的营养成分,可以调节畜禽机体的生理功能,在畜禽养殖应用中无残留、无毒副作用,能从根本上满足人们对畜禽产品品质安全的需求,从而改善和提高人们的生活水平。为此,文章就茶及其副产物的生物学特征和营养水平进行介绍,并综述其作为饲料资源对畜禽自身的生长发育、畜产品品质的影响,以及在畜禽养殖上的保健作用,旨在为茶及其副产物作为新型饲料资源的开发应用提供参考。  相似文献   
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