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SUMMARY A haemagglutination inhibition assay was used to detect antibody to psittacine beak and feather disease virus in sera from wild sulphur crested cockatoos (Cacatua galerita), galahs (Eolophus roseicapillus), short-billed corellas (Cacatua sanguinea), eastern long-billed corellas (Cacatua tenuirostris) and other psittacine birds in New South Wales. The seroprevalence of psittacine beak and feather disease ranged from 41% to 94% in different flocks, indicating infection with the virus is widespread in wild populations.  相似文献   
SUMMARY A multivalent footrot vaccine has been developed, containing pilus antigens produced in recombinant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and representing all nine serogroups of Dichelobacter (Bacteroides) nodosus commonly recognised in the field. The responses of sheep to the multivalent vaccine have been compared with those to monovalent vaccines representing only a single serogroup. Antigenie competition between serogroups occurred in sheep immunised with the multivalent formulation, but high levels of protection were still achieved. The study showed that in multivalent footrot vaccines, antigenic competition is predominantly due to the presence of a family of immunologically-related pilus antigens rather than to interference by extraneous proteins.  相似文献   


A territory as a prerequisite for breeding limits the maximum number of breeders in a given area, and thus lowers the proportion of breeders if population size increases. However, some territorially breeding animals can have dramatic density fluctuations and little is known about the change from density-dependent processes to density-independence of breeding during a population increase or an outbreak. We suggest that territoriality, breeding suppression and its break-down can be understood with an incomplete-control model, developed for social breeders and social suppression.


We studied density dependence in an arvicoline species, the bank vole, known as a territorial breeder with cyclic and non-cyclic density fluctuations and periodically high densities in different parts of its range. Our long-term data base from 38 experimental populations in large enclosures in boreal grassland confirms that breeding rates are density-regulated at moderate densities, probably by social suppression of subordinate potential breeders. We conducted an experiment, were we doubled and tripled this moderate density under otherwise the same conditions and measured space use, mortality, reproduction and faecal stress hormone levels (FGM) of adult females. We found that mortality did not differ among the densities, but the regulation of the breeding rate broke down: at double and triple densities all females were breeding, while at the low density the breeding rate was regulated as observed before. Spatial overlap among females increased with density, while a minimum territory size was maintained. Mean stress hormone levels were higher in double and triple densities than at moderate density.


At low and moderate densities, breeding suppression by the dominant breeders, But above a density-threshold (similar to a competition point), the dominance of breeders could not be sustained (incomplete control). In our experiment, this point was reached after territories could not shrink any further, while the number of intruders continued to increase with increasing density. Probably suppression becomes too costly for the dominants, and increasing number of other breeders reduces the effectiveness of threats. In wild populations, crossing this threshold would allow for a rapid density increase or population outbreaks, enabling territorial species to escape density-dependency.  相似文献   
As a result of anatomic and physiologic differences, draft breeds may be at greater risk of developing anesthetic complications. The aim of the study was to evaluate and compare anesthetic management of draft (DR) and light (LT) horses. A case‐matched retrospective study of 371 clinical case records of DR (124 cases) and LT (247 cases) horses presented for general anesthesia between 1991 and 1998 was performed. Data were tabulated and comparisons were made using Student's t‐test (significance p < 0.05). Prior to induction, there were significant differences in mean body weight, rectal temperature, PCV, RBC, and serum TP concentration between DR and LT breeds. There were differences in mean doses of pre‐operative butorphanol (LT 21 µg kg?1; DR 17 µg kg?1), induction guaifenesin (LT 99 mg kg?1; DR 88 mg kg?1), and intraoperative ketamine (LT 0.35 mg kg?1; DR 0.56 mg kg?1) required. There were no significant differences in the mean doses of pre‐operative xylazine, detomidine, or induction barbiturate administered. The mean, average, and maximum concentrations of inspired halothane were significantly higher for DR than for LT horses. Draft horses received 33% less intraoperative IV fluids (8.2 mL kg?1 hour?1) than LT horses. Mean anesthetic duration, time to extubation, and standing recovery were not significantly different. Induction complications were not reported for either group. Rates of occurrence of intraoperative bradycardia, hypercarbia, hypoxemia, and metabolic acidosis (SBE, TCO2, and bicarbonate concentration) did not differ significantly. Average MAP was greater in DR horses, but neither the degree nor the mean duration of hypotension differed between DR and LT horses. Mean PaO2 was significantly lower in DR (246 mm Hg, 32.8 kPa) than in LT (305 mm Hg, 40.7 kPa) breeds. Draft horses were at greater relative risk of hypoventilation than LT horses. The greater MAP and requirement for halothane and intraoperative ketamine may indicate problems in achieving and maintaining a surgical plane of anesthesia. Draft horses may be at a greater risk of ventilation–perfusion mismatching.  相似文献   
AIM: To determine the frequency and type of skin wounds encountered by New Zealand veterinarians in their equine patients, the duration and estimated costs of treatment as well as the expected outcomes for these wounds.

METHODS: An online survey was sent to all veterinarians registered with the New Zealand Equine Veterinary Association. The survey comprised questions on the location and experience of respondents, the number of wound-related cases in relation to the total equine caseload, the type and anatomical location of wounds treated, the frequency, duration and costs of treatments, the outcome of wound treatment and an estimate of the most common causes of death or euthanasia in their equine patients.

RESULTS: The survey response rate was 110/262 (41.9%). The median number of equine cases seen by respondents was 20 (interquartile range (IQR) 6–60) per month; of these, five (IQR 2–10) were wound related. Wounds ranked third after lameness and respiratory disease for the relative frequency with which respondents encountered them. Of 102 respondents 59 (58%) reported that their clients frequently treated wounds incurred by their horse without consulting a veterinarian. Wounds on the distal limb, whether involving only the skin or also deeper structures, were reported by 86/101 (85%) respondents as the most frequently encountered. Wounds in this location also incurred the longest treatment period and were the most prone to develop complications. Finally, wounds ranked second, after colic, as the most common cause of death/euthanasia in the veterinary respondents’ equine patients.

CONCLUSIONS: The data obtained via the survey indicate that skin wounds, particularly on the distal limb, are a common occurrence in horses in New Zealand and, when they involve structures underlying the skin, are costly and time-consuming to manage and may lead to decreased performance, retirement or euthanasia. Consequently, we recommend that more effort be devoted to the education of equine veterinarians and owners, and that appropriate research funds be allocated to help improve patient outcomes.  相似文献   

Congenital luxation of the ulnar and radius is a rare orthopaedic condition in the dog. This case report describes a novel surgical treatment for congenital elbow luxation in a medium-breed dog. A 6-week-old Kelpie presented for left forelimb lameness and deformity. Radiographs and computed tomography (CT) confirmed the diagnosis of unilateral ulnar and radius luxation. The surgical repair involved open reduction followed by fixation with an extraarticular pin and a transarticular external fixator. The outcome of surgery was improved leg function and weight-bearing, however, reluxation of the radial head was diagnosed 7 weeks following surgery. This technique may offer an alternative surgical option to improve clinical signs, as well as insight into improving the management of this condition.  相似文献   
Objective: To assess the efficacy and safety of a formulation containing moxidectin and 6 in 1 vaccine in sheep under field conditions.
Design: Efficacy and safety study.
Animals: Two hundred and five crossbred Merino lambs and two hundred and eight Merino ewes were used in the studies.
Procedure: A formulation was made for the simultaneous treatment of sheep with moxidectin and immunisation against clostridial diseases and caseous lymphadenitis. The efficacy against nematodes, vaccine response and safety were assessed.
Results: Effective control of nematodes and responses to antigens were achieved following subcutaneous administration. The formulation was safe to administer; occasional minor tissue reactions were evident, but no other adverse effects of treatment were observed in either pregnant ewes or lambs, using either the recommended dose, or an overdose of the formulation.
Conclusion: Administration of a formulation containing moxidectin, five clostridial antigens and caseous lymphadenitis antigen proved safe and efficacious under field conditions.  相似文献   
The objective of the current study was to examine cyclooxygenase (COX), cytochrome P450 1A (CYP1A) and 2C (CYP2C) activity in bovine endometrial cell cultures following exposure to oxytocin (OT), interferon‐τ (IFN), estradiol (E2) and/or progesterone (P4). Bovine endometrial epithelial cells were treated with OT, IFN, a combination of OT+IFN or control (CON) media for 24 h. For the second experiment, cells were treated with E2, P4, a combination of E2 + P4 or CON media for 24 h. Treatments were performed in triplicate, and the experiment was repeated four times (n = 12 per treatment). Treatment with OT alone increased (p < 0.01) activity of COX compared with CON; however, OT alone did not alter activity of CYP1A (p = 0.55) or CYP2C (p = 0.46) compared with CON. Activity of CYP1A and CYP2C was decreased in cells exposed to IFN (p < 0.01) or OT+IFN (p < 0.01) compared with CON. Treatment with E2 alone did not alter activity of CYP1A (p = 0.64) or CYP2C (p = 0.06) compared with CON. Activity of CYP1A and CYP2C was decreased (p < 0.01) in P4 vs CON. In summary, IFN exposure, irrespective of OT treatment, decreased the activity of CYP1A and CYP2C. Activity of CYP1A was decreased following P4 treatment alone, while that of CYP2C was decreased following both P4 and E2 + P4 treatment. The mixed function monooxygenase enzymes, CYP1A and CYP2C, have been implicated in synthesizing embryotoxic compounds; therefore, downregulation in the endometrium may be necessary during maternal recognition of pregnancy.  相似文献   
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