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Aquaporins are transmembrane channels found in cell membranes of all life forms. We examine their apparently paradoxical property, facilitation of efficient permeation of water while excluding protons, which is of critical importance to preserving the electrochemical potential across the cell membrane. We have determined the structure of the Escherichia coli aquaglyceroporin GlpF with bound water, in native (2.7 angstroms) and in W48F/F200T mutant (2.1 angstroms) forms, and carried out 12-nanosecond molecular dynamics simulations that define the spatial and temporal probability distribution and orientation of a single file of seven to nine water molecules inside the channel. Two conserved asparagines force a central water molecule to serve strictly as a hydrogen bond donor to its neighboring water molecules. Assisted by the electrostatic potential generated by two half-membrane spanning loops, this dictates opposite orientations of water molecules in the two halves of the channel, and thus prevents the formation of a "proton wire," while permitting rapid water diffusion. Both simulations and observations revealed a more regular distribution of channel water and an increased water permeability for the W48F/F200T mutant.  相似文献   
Slugs are a major pest in arable agriculture that are typically controlled by using pesticide-impregnated pellets (molluscicides). We received multiple requests from farmers in 2018 for research into the impact of slug pellets on earthworms because they had been told that ferric-based pellets were ‘worm-friendly’. We measured soil fauna feeding activities within Lumbricus terrestris middens on a replicated field plot experiment comparing the recommended product rates of a metaldehyde (4%) based or ferric phosphate EDDS (3%) based slug pellets. There was a significant decrease in feeding activity in the presence of either type of slug pellet, particularly in the top 25 mm of the soil indicating movement away from the pesticide. This could be explained by the significantly lower abundance (numbers and biomass) of earthworms in the topsoil. Four months after ferric phosphate-based slug pellet application, there was no significant difference between the control and treated plots in earthworm abundance, indicating the effects were temporary. In the laboratory, individual Lumbricus terrestris earthworms consumed up to 4 slug pellets over 14 days and no significant differences in biomass were measured. A burrowing fitness assay indicated that earthworms exposed to ferric phosphate-based slug pellets burrowed to a greater depth. This suggests an avoidance behaviour response, which could also explain the field results. A consultation with farmers (n = 68) rated this information service as useful and indicated widespread interest in minimizing the effects of pesticides on non-target soil fauna.  相似文献   
The objectives of the present study were to determine ionic and organic composition of seminal plasma, sperm concentration and their relationships in the Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus). In this regard, ionic content (Na+, K+, Cl?, Ca2+ and Mg2+) and organic content (total protein, glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride) along with sperm concentration were measured in 17 specimens of the Persian sturgeon. The seminal plasma contained 59.53 ± 2.56 mm /l sodium, 9.1 ± 1.42 mm chloride, 4.72 ± 0.3 mm potassium, 1.45 ± 0.075 mm calcium and 0.7 ± 0.072 mm magnesium. The following organic contents were found: total protein 0.11 ± 0.02 g/dl, glucose 22.18 ± 4.16 mg/dl, cholesterol 6.67 ± 1.04 mg/dl and triglyceride 15.2 ± 0.65 mg/dl. The mean sperm concentration was estimated to be 1.6 ± 0.12 (×109 sperm/ml). A significant relationship was found between sperm concentration and K+ of seminal plasma (r = 0.533, p < 0.05). Significant correlations were observed between ionic contents: Na+ vs Cl? (r = ?0.854, p < 0.01) and Mg2+ vs K+ (?0.583, p < 0.05). Also, level of triglyceride was negatively correlated with Mg2+ (r = ?0.503, p < 0.05). Presented data could be considered as a complementary study for developing special extenders and protectant solutions for improving artificial fertilization in this valuable species.  相似文献   
AIM: To use an established high through-put genotyping procedure to gain an estimate of the frequency of alleles of the prion protein (PrP) gene in some common sheep breeds in New Zealand.

METHODS: Using a genotyping procedure based on matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation-time of flight (MALDI-TOF), DNA samples from 3,024 sheep from New Zealand, including breeds such as Romney, Texel, Coopworth, Merino and mixedbreed, were isolated, genotyped and the results analysed.

RESULTS: The 15 scrapie genotypes commonly reported, and derived from the five commonly reported allelic variants (ARR, ARQ, AHQ, ARH and VRQ), were all observed in the samples analysed. The estimates were indicative of the frequencies in the population of alleles present in breeds of sheep in New Zealand. There was a significant difference between the frequencies of alleles between breeds, but the ARQ, followed by the ARR allele, were, except in Carwell sheep, the most common alleles present.

CONCLUSION: This study gave an indication of the percentages of PrP gene alleles in sheep in New Zealand, including data previously unreported from breeds in this country. It is of interest because of the relatively large size of the sheep population in New Zealand compared with many countries, and it provides some useful information on the genetic susceptibility or resistance of the sheep population in New Zealand to scrapie. The frequencies of the alleles can be different for an individual breed compared between countries.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY:?A 3-month-old female Warmblood foal was presented after displaying signs of colic with pyrexia for 5 days.

CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS:?The foal continued to show signs of colic, frequently passed urine, and was pyrexic with an elevated white blood cell count. The umbilical stalk was thickened but there was no evidence of purulent material. Exploratory laparotomy revealed an enlarged left umbilical artery remnant tightly adhered to the bladder wall. The left umbilical artery continued to an aneurysm involving the distal aorta. The foal was subject to euthanasia and post-mortem examination confirmed a spherical aortic aneurysm, in the dorsal midline caudal to the kidneys that contained a large thrombus. Histopathological examination revealed inflammation and necrosis of the tunica intima and tunica media of the left umbilical artery with suppuration and bacterial colonies evident in the periarterial tissues.

DIAGNOSIS:?Infected aortic aneurysm presumably caused by an umbilical artery infection.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE:?A previously undetected umbilical infection appears to have resulted in an unusual delayed complication causing signs of colic in a foal. Veterinarians should be aware of this condition, and the possibility that it may be a cause of signs of colic in foals. Diagnosis based on ultrasonography should be possible, but may require sedation, visceral analgesia and careful examination.  相似文献   
Objectives To define the prevalence of Bartonella spp., Rickettsia felis, Mycoplasma haemofelis, ‘Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum’ (Mhm) and ‘Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis’ (Mtc) in cats and their fleas in eastern Australia. Design and procedure Conventional PCR assays that detect Bartonella spp., M. haemofelis, Mhm, Mtc, Rickettsia spp., Ehrlichia spp., Anaplasma spp. and Neorickettsia spp. were performed on DNA extracted from blood and fleas collected from 111 cats. Cat sera were assayed by ELISA for IgG of Bartonella spp. Results DNA of M. haemofelis, Mtc and Mhm was amplified from 1 (0.9%), 1 (0.9%) and 17 cats (15.3%), respectively. Only DNA of Mhm was amplified from the 62 of 111 pooled flea samples (flea sets; 55.9%). Overall, the prevalence rates for Bartonella spp. DNA in the cats and the flea sets was 16.2% (18 cats) and 28.8% (32 flea sets), respectively. Bartonella spp. IgG was detected in 42 cats (37.8%), of which 11 (26.2%) were positive for Bartonella spp. DNA in their blood. R. felis DNA was amplified from 22 flea sets (19.8%), but not from cats. Overall, DNA of one or more of the organisms was amplified from 27% (30) of cats and 67.6% (75) of the flea sets. Conclusions This is the first Australian study to determine the prevalence of R. felis and B. clarridgeiae in both fleas and the cats from which they were collected. Flea-associated infectious agents are common in cats and fleas in eastern Australia and support the recommendation that stringent flea control be maintained on cats.  相似文献   
The interferon-tau (IFN-tau) secretion levels after hatching by bovine blastocysts derived from in vitro maturated oocytes (Group A) and from in vivo (Group B) were investigated considering embryo quality. Only very homogeneous blastocysts of excellent or good quality were considered from day 7 of culture (Group A) and day 7 after artificial insemination with frozen-thawed from the same bull used for in vitro fertilization (Group B). All embryos were individually cultured into a 50 microl droplet of synthetic oviduct fluid medium with 10% fetal calf serum. After 24-h culture both Group A (n=44) and B (n=40) secreted <54 pm IFN-tau. After 48-, 72-, 96- and 120-h culture, Group A daily secreted 143 +/- 24 pm IFN-tau (n=19) vs 85 +/- 12 pm IFN-tau (n=21) for Group B (p < 0.01), 491 +/- 128 pm IFN-tau (n=29) vs 216 +/- 37 pm IFN-tau (n=23) (NS), 499 +/- 135 pm IFN-tau (n=26) vs 353 +/- 93 pm IFN-tau (n=21) (NS), 559 +/- 136 pm IFN-tau (n=22) vs 333 +/- 75 pm IFN-tau (n=20) (NS), respectively. Taken all together during 5 days, Group A produced per embryo 1690 +/- 290 pm IFN-tau (n=22) vs 982 +/- 182 pm IFN-tau (n=20) for Group B (p < 0.05). For all culture time there were sizable percentages of embryos that did not produce concentrations of IFN-tau above a certain cut-off level, and as such were not used to compute the means. In respect of the embryo quality whatever the groups after days 7-12 of culture, IFN-tau secretions were 1815 +/- 453 pm (n=10) for the embryos of excellent quality vs 1356 +/- 200 pm (n=28) for those of good quality (NS) and 360 +/- 188 pm (n=4) (p < 0.05) for embryos of fair quality. A positive relationship between IFN-tau production and in vitro development of quality I embryos was observed, whatever the embryos origins and, the embryos completely produced in vitro secreted more IFN-tau than the embryos produced in vivo.  相似文献   
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