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Ten pentaploids were isolated from seedling populations developed from seed of tetraploid plants grown in association with hexaploid timothy. About 80% of the prophase sporocytes exhibited severe or moderate pycnosis. These pycnotic accumulations appear to arrest the meiotic processes and apparently result in sporocyte lethality. Surviving sporocytes at diakinesis possessed nuclei with configurations that varied from 1 VI+14 II+1 I to 9 II+17 I. It is suggested that the conventional sorts of irregularities (univalents, inversions and translocations) cannot account for the low percentages of stainable pollen. Pairing relations indicated that considerable duplication and/or autosyndesis occurred in the genomes combined, and suggest that even though the tetraploid (2n=28) and hexaploid (2n=42) forms of Phleum pratense are closely related they are not identical. A portion of the sterility observed may be due to nuclear-cytoplasmic interaction.Results of co-operative work of the Crops Research Division, A.R.S., U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, Madison, Wis.Geneticist, Crops Research Division, A.R.S., U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Graduate Assistant, Department of Agronomy, Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station. 相似文献
为探明春大麦可溶性糖含量与籽粒淀粉组分含量的关系,以蒙啤3号和蒙啤5号为试材,设375,450,525,600万株/hm2共4个密度处理,于2018—2019年研究不同种植密度下大麦灌浆期叶片、茎秆和籽粒可溶性糖与淀粉组分含量的动态变化,分析了其对籽粒淀粉组分形成的影响。结果表明,2 a 2个品种各处理叶片、茎秆和籽粒可溶性糖含量随着灌浆进程均呈单峰曲线变化,峰值在花后21 d出现;随着种植密度增加先升高后降低,最大值在525万株/hm2密度处理出现。2 a 2个品种各处理籽粒总淀粉、直链淀粉和支链淀粉含量随着灌浆进程呈逐渐上升趋势,随着种植密度增加先升高后降低,峰值均为525万株/hm2处理。相关分析显示,各灌浆阶段叶片、茎秆和籽粒可溶性糖含量与成熟期籽粒淀粉组分含量均呈极显著正相关关系;通径分析显示,对成熟期籽粒总淀粉含量影响最大的是花后21 d叶片、花后7 d茎秆和籽粒可溶性糖含量,通径系数分别达到1.002 3,0.580 4和0.745 5;对直链淀粉含量影响最大的是花后35 d叶片、花后7 d茎秆和籽粒可溶性... 相似文献
为了筛选富硒稳产高效型小麦品种和定位适宜种植优质强筋小麦的区域。选取石家庄藁城区、邢台宁晋县、邯郸馆陶县3个试验点,7个优质和5个高产冬小麦品种,收获后测定籽粒硒含量,比较了相同小麦品种不同地区间和同一地点不同小麦品种间籽粒硒含量的差异,分析产量与籽粒硒含量的关系。结果表明:不同地点间小麦籽粒硒含量的平均值以藁城最高为0.177 mg/kg,总体达到富硒小麦的标准,宁晋次之为0.084 mg/kg,馆陶最低为0.04 mg/kg;同一地点优质强筋小麦籽粒硒含量平均值均小于中筋小麦,藁城优质强筋小麦籽粒硒含量平均值较中筋小麦减少37.6%,宁晋减少26.7%,馆陶减少15.6%;土壤中硒含量与小麦籽粒硒含量呈正相关关系(R=0.972),差异不显著(P=0.152>0.05)。中筋小麦品种衡4444、济麦22及高产品种石麦22、邢麦13和婴泊700的籽粒硒含量均达到0.2 mg/kg以上,可作为适宜本地区的富硒小麦品种。 相似文献
对于玉米育种而言,新组合的科学评价至关重要。以西南区55个玉米新组合为研究材料,对其产量等15个农艺性状进行灰色关联度分析、主成分分析和聚类分析。结果表明:不同玉米新组合农艺性状与产量的关联度大小依次为单株粒重>穗粗>籽粒含水量>百粒重>空杆率>穗行数>出籽率>穗长>倒折率>行粒数>茎粗>株高>穗位高>秃尖长。以产量最高组合1703为理想品种,综合评价表现较优的组合有成单388、绵1308、川单1751和荣玉1756。通过主成分分析将14个性状降为9个主成分,可解释表型变异的91.11%。依据主成分综合评价模型,可将所有组合分为6类,其中,川单1751、青青711、恩1010、成单388、绵1308、青青733和1703表现最优。聚类分析结果则将所有材料分为5类,结果与主成分分析法得出的结论基本一致。结果表明,玉米新组合绵1308、成单388、川单1751和1703表现最优。 相似文献
Here we report the adaptation optimization of an efficient accurate inexpensive assay that employs custom-designed silicon-based optical thin-film biosensor chips to detect unique transgenes in genetically modified 《分子植物育种》2007,5(2):241-241
Here we report the adaptation and optimization of an efficient, accurate and inexpensive assay that employs custom-designed silicon-based optical thin-film biosensor chips to detect unique transgenes in genetically modified (GM) crops and SN-P markers in model plant genomes. Briefly, aldehyde-attached sequence-specific singlestranded oligonucleotide probes are arrayed and covalently attached to a hydrazine-derivatized biosensor chip surface. Unique DNA sequences (or genes) are detected by hybridizing biotinylated PCR amplicons of the DNA sequences to probes on the chip surface. In the SN-P assay, target sequences (PCR amplicons) are hybridized in the presence of a mixture of biotinylated detector probes and a thermostable DNA ligase. Only perfect matches between the probe and target sequences, but not those with even a single nucleotide mismatch, can be covalently fixed on the chip surface. In both cases, the presence of specific target sequences is siL, nified by a color change on the chip surface (gold to blue/purple) after brief incubation with an anti-biotin IgG horseradish peroxidase (HRP) to generate a precipitable product from an HRP substrate. 相似文献
Vargas-Segura César López-Gamboa Emmanuel Araya-Valverde Emanuel Valdez-Melara Marta Gatica-Arias Andrés 《Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology》2019,22(5):451-464
Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology - Coffee (Coffea Arabica L.) is threatened by biotic and abiotic stresses. Nevertheless, the breeding of Arabica coffee is restricted due to its low... 相似文献
Summary We conducted a joint Ecuador/Colombia/United States wild potato (Solanum sect. Petota) germplasm collecting expedition in Ecuador from April 13–July 1, 1991. The goals of the expedition were to collect germplasm and study the species boundaries of all of the 25 Ecuadorian taxa accepted by current taxonomists. We made 126 collections of 24 of these 25 taxa, 113 as germplasm samples, 13 only as herbarium collections. We synonymize six of these 25 names (S. baezense Ochoa, S. cyanophyllum Correll, S. pichinchense Bitter & Sodiro, S. serratoris Ochoa, S. suffrutescens Correll as synonyms of S. andreanum Baker; S. correllii Ochoa as a synonym of S. regularifolium Correll). Four other names (S. chomatophilum f. angustifoliolum Correll, S. moscopanum Hawkes, S. solisii Hawkes, S. tundalomense Ochoa) could not be consistently distinguished from S. colombianum Dunal in the field. We are currently investigating them to determine their species status. 相似文献
两系杂交稻两优培九粒重因子的环境模型解析及生态特征分析 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
为探究两系杂交稻两优培九粒重对气候的反应和生态适应性,用2006年和2007年在南方稻区8个生态点29点次的田间种植试验资料,将粒重解析为谷粒长、宽、厚和比重4个因子,组建了谷粒面积(S)、厚度(H)和比重(ρ)的环境预测模型。相关分析表明,谷粒面积S的影响期在颖花分化期(III~IV期)至花粉母细胞减数分裂期(VI~VII期),温度是其主要影响因子,有利于谷粒长度和宽度发育的日平均气温( )为27~29℃,最高气温(Tmax) 34℃,最低气温(Tmin) 24℃。谷粒厚度H与抽穗后1~30 d的Tmax呈二次曲线关系,与 呈负相关。谷粒比重ρ与日照时数(SH)呈正相关,影响时期在抽穗后1~10 d;与Tmax呈负相关,影响时期在抽穗后1~30 d。有利于增加ρ的气象指标是SH达到8 h,Tmax低于30℃。用1951—2002年的气候资料模拟计算了95个地区的两优培九千粒重,按7个水稻生态区归纳,平均值变化在25.93~28.01 g之间。千粒重的区域分布明显随纬度而递增,由于地形影响,在湘、赣、粤北地区还表现出一定的经向影响。晚季稻的千粒重则比早季稻高1.39 g。幼穗分化期的温度和灌浆结实期的温度、日照时数是造成两优培九粒重区域和季节特征的主要生态原因。 相似文献
Christian R. Jensen Bjarne Joernsgaard Mathias N. Andersen Jrgen L. Christiansen Vagn O. Mogensen Poul Friis Carsten T. Petersen 《European Journal of Agronomy》2004,20(4):405-418
New high yielding early maturing cultivars of lupins have been introduced in north-west Europe as grain protein crops in crop rotations. This paper reports on a comparative study of lupins with peas and oats, and of their effect on yield of subsequent winter barley crops. These crops were given five levels of N under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions on sand and loam. Under rain fed conditions the grain yield of pea, oat and lupin varied between 24–36, 34–53 and 18–37 hkg DM ha−1, respectively. Supplemental irrigation raised grain yield of oat to 50–60 hkg DM ha−1, while grain yield in pea was not affected and grain yield in lupin in most cases decreased due to gray mould attack and excessive vegetative growth in the indeterminate lupin variety. Under rain fed conditions, the grain nitrogen content of pea, oat and lupin varied between 137–172, 61–80 and 189–226 kg N ha−1, respectively, and was significantly higher in lupin as compared with pea. On sandy soil, similar low-root densities were found for pea, oat and lupin below 30 cm depth. On sand, at final harvest the residual soil-N of lupin and pea, as measured in a subsequent winter barley crop not supplied with N fertilizer, was 15 and 8–10 kg N ha−1 higher than in winter barley following oat, respectively. The nature of the probably more N-root residues of lupin is discussed. On loam, the residual N of lupin and pea was similar, 18–27 kg N ha−1. On sand, under rain fed conditions preceding lupin and pea as compared with oat, increased the barley grain yield at zero N-application 77 and 49%, respectively; the effect of lupin was significantly higher than that of pea until the highest N-level 120 kg N-application ha−1. On loam under rain fed conditions preceding lupin and pea increased the barley grain yield at zero N-application by 36 and 62%, respectively, as compared with oat; at N-application>60 kg N ha−1 the grain yield was similar after all three crops. For both soil types the same level of effect was found under irrigated conditions. Conclusions: Supplemental irrigation might result in lower grain yield in lupin due to gray mould attack and excessive growth if indeterminate lupin varieties are used. Grain nitrogen yield of lupin is significantly higher than that of pea. On sand, the effect of lupin on the subsequent winter barley grain yield is significantly higher than that of pea, probably due to greater N-root nitrogen residues. On loam, lupin and pea have similar effects on the subsequent winter barley crop. 相似文献