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Ruminant animals fed mainly or exclusively on brassica crops may develop a severe Heinz body anaemia. Clinical signs of the disease include haemoglobinuria, jaundice, increase in pulse rate and fall in milk production; there may also be growth retardation. Nitrate and thiocyanates were excluded as primary haemolytic factors in kale which contains up to 2% in DM of S-methylcysteine sulphoxide (SMCO). In test goats, daily intakes of SMCO in the range 15 to 19 g/100 kg liveweight, whether given as kale or the pure synthetic compound, elicited comparable haemolytic responses. SMCO was thus implicated as the major primary toxin in brassica poisoning. Rumen organisms converted SMCO into dimethyl disulphide which mimicked the haemolytic action of kale and SMCO in goats and is thus considered to be the secondary haemolysin. The practical consequence of this disulphide mechanism is that, because there is no simple way of counteracting the systemic action of dimethyl disulphide, prophylactic measures are restricted to limiting the intake of SMCO or to inhibiting disulphide production. Manipulation of rumen flora by dietary means to exclude organisms with SMCO-lyase is seen as a possible way of minimising the problem which in the long term however calls for developing brassica varieties with low SMCO content. The SMCO content of leafy brassicas increases as the plants mature; within a single plant highest SMCO levels are found in young leaves and growing shoots. SMCO is a heritable character and its selection will probably not lead to marked changes in protein or carbohydrate contents. In steers acute haemolytic response with growth inhibition was obtained with daily SMCO intakes, given as cabbage, of 18 to 35 g/100 kg liveweight. At the lower daily intake of 10–15 g the response was sub-acute, but the low grade anaemia produced would probably be incompatible with maximum productivity. Daily intakes below 10 g/100 kg generally lead to mild disturbances only in blood picture; and it is speculated that, on balance, at this level the effects of SMCO may even be beneficial to the animal. The possible prophylactic action of the S-alkylcysteine sulphoxides in coronary heart disease in man is briefly discussed.Resume Les ruminants nourris principalement ou exclusivement de crucifères peuvent contracter une grave anémie à corpuscules endoglobulaires. Les signes cliniques de la maladie comprennent l'hémoglobinurie, la jaunisse, l'élévation du pouls et la baisse de la production de lait et éventuellement aussi un retard de la croissance. Le nitrate et les thiocyanates ont été exclus comme facteurs hémolytiques primaires du chou à feuilles, qui contient jus qu'à 2% en matières sèches du sulfoxyde de s-méthylcystéine (SMCO). Chez les chèvres utilisées comme sujets d'expériences, des doses quotidiennes de SMCO de l'ordre de 15 à 19 g par 100 kg de poids corporel, absorbée sous la forme de chou ou sous celle de composé synthétique pur ont donné des réactions hémolytiques comparables. On a donc conclu que le SMCO était la principale toxine primaire responsable de l'empoisonnement brassicaire. Les organismes du rumen ont transformé le SMCO en disulphide de diméthyle qui a reproduit l'action hémolytique du chou et du SMCO chez les chèvres, et qui est donc considéré comme l'hémolysine secondaire. Étant donné qu'il n'y a pas de moyens simples de contrecarrer l'action systémique du disulphide de diméthyle, les seules mesures prophylactiques sont la limitation de l'absorption de SMCO ou l'inhibition de la production de disulphide. L'action sur la flore du rumen par des moyens diététiques, à fin d'exclure les organismes à SMCO-lyase, semble un moyen possible d'atténuer le problème. Mais à long terme, il faudra développer des variétés de crucifères à faible teneur en SMCO. La teneur en SMCO des crucifères feuillus augmente au fur et à mesure de la maturation. Sur une même plante, les teneurs les plus élevées se rencontrent dans les jeunes feuilles et dans les pousses en croissance. Le SMCO est un caractère héréditaire et une sélection operée en fonction de lui n'entraînera probablement pas de modifications importantes des teneurs en protéines ou en hydrates de carbone. Une réaction hémolytique aiguë avec inhibition de la croissance a été provoquée chez les bouvillons au moyen de doses quotidiennes de SMCO de 18 à 35 g par 100 kg de poids corporel, administrées sous forme de chou. A la dose quotidienne plus faible de 10 à 15 g la réaction a été sub-aiguë mais l'anémie faible qui en résulte serait probablement incompatible avec une productivité optimale. Les doses quotidiennes inférieures à 10 g par 100 kg ne provoquent généralement que de légères perturbations de la formule hématologique. On estime qu'à ce taux les effets du SMCO peuvent même, dans l'ensemble, être bénéfiques à l'animal. L'action prophylactique possible des sulfoxydes de s-alkylcysteine dans les cas de maladies coronaires chez l'homme est examinée brièvement.
Kurzfassung Bei Wiederkäuern, die hauptsächlich oder ausschliesslich Brassica-Futter erhalten, kann es zu einer schweren Innenkörperanämie kommen. Klinische Anzeichen hierfür sind u.a. Bluthernen, Gelbsucht, erhöhte Pulsfrequenz und Rückgang der Milcherzeugung, ausserdem unter Umständen ein verlangsamtes Wachstum. Nitrat und Thiocyanat wurden als primäre hämolytische Faktoren im Brassica oleracea, das bis zu 2% S-Methylcystein sulfoxid (SMCO) in der Trockenmasse enthält, ausgeschlossen. Bei Test-Ziegen führten Tagesdosen von SMCO im Bereich von 15 bis 19 g/100 kg Lebendgewicht in Form von Brassica oleracea oder dem reinen, synthetisierten Bestandteil zu vergleichbaren hämolytischen Reaktionen. SMCO war also als wichtigstes Primärtoxin bei Brassica-Vergiftungen beteiligt. Die Pansenorganismen setzten SMCO in Dimethyldisulfid um, das die selbe hämolytische Wirkung wie Brassica oleracea und SMCO bei Ziegen hatte und so als sekundäres Hämolysin gilt. Die praktische Folge dieses Disulfidmechanismus ist, dass vorbeugende Massnahmen auf die Begrenzung der SMCO-Aufnahme oder die Verhinderung der Disulfidproduktion beschränkt sind, da es keine einfache Möglichkeit gibt, der systematischen Aktion von Dimethyldisulfid entgegenzuwirken. Eine Manipulation der Pansenflora durch entsprechende Ernährung zur Ausschaltung von Organismen mit SMCO-Lyase gilt als Möglichkeit zur Minimalisierung des Problems, das langfristig gesehen jedoch die Entwicklung von Brassica-Arten mit geringem SMCO-Gehalt erforderlich macht. Der SMCO-Gehalt von Blattkohl nimmt mit zunehmender Reife der Pflanze zu; innerhalb einer Pflanze findet sich der grösste SMCO-Gehalt in jungen Blättern und wachsenden Trieben. SMCO ist ein erbliches Merkmal, und seine Selektion wird vermutlich nicht zu grösseren Aenderungen im Protein-oder Kohlehydratgehalt führen. Bei Ochsen wurde eine akute hämolytische Reaktion mit Wachstumsverzögerung bei täglichem SMCO-Dosen von 18 bis 35 g/100 kg Lebendgewicht in Form von Kohl erzielt. Bei der geringeren Tagesdosis von 10–15 g war die Reaktion subakut, die entwickelte geringfügige Anämie wäre jedoch vermutlich mit maximaler Produktivität unvereinbar. Tagesdosen unter 10 g/100 kg führen im allgemeinen nur im Blutbild zu geringen Störungen; man vermutet, dass alles in allem SMCO bei dieser Dosierung sogar eine positive Auswirkung auf das Tier haben kann. Die mögliche prophylaktische Wirkung der S-Alkylcystein sulfoxide bei Erkrankungen der Herzkranzgefässe beim Menschen wird kurz erörtert.

Riassunto I ruminanti la cui dieta è in gran parte o esclusivamente rappresentata da cavoli (Brassica spp.) possono essere colpiti da una grave forma di anemia (Heinz body anaemia). I sintomi clinici della malattia comprendono emoglobinuria, ittero, aumento della frequenza cardiaca e caduta della produzione lattea. A volte si può anche avere ritardo della crescita. I nitrati e i tiocianati sono stati esclusi come fattori emolitici primari nei cavoli che contengono fino al 2% in DM di S-metilcisteina sulfossido (SMCO). In experimenti condotti sulle capre, la somministrazione giornaliera di SMCO in dosi di 15–19 g/100 kg di peso vivo, sia sotto forma di vegetale che di prodotto sintetico puro, ha provocato fenomeni emolitici relativamente simili. L'SMCO è stato pertanto indicato come la principale tossina che ha un ruolo primario nell'intossicazione da cavoli. La flora ruminale converte infatti l'SMCO in dimetil bisolfuro, il quale svolge un'azione emolitica simile a quella osservata nelle capre dopo l'assunzione di cavoli e di SMCO; il dimetil bisolfuro, pertanto, e ritenuto costituire l'emolisina secondaria. Le conseguenze pratiche di tale produzione di dimetil bisolfuro è che, non esistendo un metodo semplice per contrastare l'azione sistemica del dimetil bisolfuro, le misure profilattiche non possono essere volte ad altro se non a limitare l'assunzione di SMCO o ad inibire la produzione di bisolfuro. Gli interventi sulla flora del rumine mediante una dieta capace di eliminare i microrganismi provvisti di SMCO-liasi vengono considerati come un possibile mezzo per minimizzare il problema, il quale, tuttavia, se visto a lungo termine, richiede la creazione di varietà di cavoli a basso contenuto di SMCO. Il contenuto di SMCO delle foglie dei cavoli aumenta col maturare della pianta: nella pianta singola i livelli piu alti di SMCO si riscontrano nelle foglie giovani e nei germogli. La presenza di questa sostanza costituisce un carattere ereditario ed un intervento selettivo in tal senso non dovrebbe condurre a significative alterazioni del contenuto in proteine e carboidrati della pianta. Nei vitelloni e stato possibile indurre una risposta emolitica di tipo acuto somministrando giornalmente, sotto forma di cavoli, 18–35 g di SMCO per 100 kg di peso vivo. Un' assunzione giornaliera minore, pari a 10–15 g, ha dato luogo ad una forma emolitica subacuta, ma e tuttavia da ritenere che la lieve anemia cosi indotta non sia compatibile con una produttività ottimale. Livelli giornalieri al di sotto dei 10 g/100 kg hanno causato soltanto lievi alterazioni a carico del quadro ematico, ed è stata avanzata l'ipotesi che, tutto sommato, gli effetti dell'SMCO possano, a questi livelli, essere addirittura di beneficio all'animale. Viene discussa brevemente la possibile azione preventiva degli S-alchilcisteina sulfossidi sulle malattie cardio-coronariche dell'uomo.
The science of control of infectious diseases in hospitals was born in 1847 when Semmelweis, a physician, ordered his medical students to scrub their hands in chlorinated lime water between patients and demonstrated that this simple procedure resulted ina dramatic decline in patient morbidity and mortality. In the late nineteenth century came huge breakthroughs in the understanding that microorganisms cause many disorders, and methods to eliminate and control these microorganisms were attempted. By 1910, sterile instruments, gowns, masks, and gloves had become standard for surgical procedures in large university human hospitals, and isolation of human and veterinary patients with contagious diseases became standard. With the advent of vaccines, many epidemic viral diseases could be controlled, and antimicrobial drugs allowed many previously devastating bacterial diseases to be treated effectively. Before long, however, bacterial resistance became an important issue and remains so today, particularly for Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus in horses. Vaccination has decreased the number of animals susceptible to equine influenza and equine herpesvirus 1, yet these contagious diseases still pose a serious issue in large equine veterinary hospitals. The development of equine isolation facilities and improved methods of barn cleaning; mandatory application of procedures, such as handwashing or use of disinfectant hand wipes, to prevent the spread of infectious diseases; and monitoring of antimicrobial resistance and use of restricted antimicrobial drugs were driven by recognition and necessity and have given rise to current equine infection control programs.  相似文献   
Seasonal speedup along the western flank of the Greenland Ice Sheet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been widely hypothesized that a warmer climate in Greenland would increase the volume of lubricating surface meltwater reaching the ice-bedrock interface, accelerating ice flow and increasing mass loss. We have assembled a data set that provides a synoptic-scale view, spanning ice-sheet to outlet-glacier flow, with which to evaluate this hypothesis. On the ice sheet, these data reveal summer speedups (50 to 100%) consistent with, but somewhat larger than, earlier observations. The relative speedup of outlet glaciers, however, is far smaller (<15%). Furthermore, the dominant seasonal influence on Jakobshavn Isbrae's flow is the calving front's annual advance and retreat. With other effects producing outlet-glacier speedups an order of magnitude larger, seasonal melt's influence on ice flow is likely confined to those regions dominated by ice-sheet flow.  相似文献   
Abstract. Under the Kyoto Protocol, the European Union is committed to an 8% reduction in CO2 emissions, compared to baseline (1990) levels, during the first commitment period (2008–2012). However, within the overall EU agreement, the UK is committed to a 12.5% reduction. In this paper, we estimate the carbon mitigation potential of various agricultural land-management strategies (Kyoto Article 3.4) and examine the consequences of UK and European policy options on the potential for carbon mitigation.
We show that integrated agricultural land management strategies have considerable potential for carbon mitigation. Our figures suggest the following potentials (Tg yr−1) for each scenario: animal manure, 3.7; sewage sludge, 0.3; cereal straw incorporation, 1.9; no-till farming, 3.5; agricultural extensification, 3.3; natural woodland regeneration, 3.2 and bioenergy crop production, 4.1. A realistic land-use scenario combining a number of these individual management options has a mitigation potential of 10.4 Tg C yr−1 (equivalent to about 6.6% of 1990 UK CO2-carbon emissions). An important resource for carbon mitigation in agriculture is the surplus arable land, but in order to fully exploit it, policies governing the use of surplus arable land would need to be changed. Of all options examined, bioenergy crops show the greatest potential. Bioenergy crop production also shows an indefinite mitigation potential compared to other options where the potential is infinite.
The UK will not attempt to meet its climate change commitments solely through changes in agricultural land-use, but since all sources of carbon mitigation will be important in meeting these commitments, agricultural options should be taken very seriously.  相似文献   
Seven organophosphate and carbanate insecticides were tested for their effects on C2H2-reduction by alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), sweetclovcr (Melilotus alba L.) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). Plants were grown in vitro for 21 days on nonstcrile vermiculite or soil substrates. Oftanol® was inhibitory to most plants on both soil and vermiculite. Carbofuran's inhibitory effect was almost entirely limited to soil-grown plants. Carbaryl, aldicarb, chlorpyrifos, and terbufos were inhibitory to certain plants under some conditions. Phosmet was the least toxic. Significant differences were observed in toxicity which were dependent on the growth substrate used. The effects of carbamates tended to be restricted to plants grown on soil substrates rather than on vermiculite. Loss of C2H2-reducing ability was usually correlated with inhibition of nodule formation. The insecticides did not inhibit growth of Rhizobium meliloti or R. trifolii in broth culture.  相似文献   
Herbicides released through agricultural activities to surface waters and drinking water systems represent a risk to human and environmental health, as well as a cost to municipalities for removal. This study focuses on the viability of glyphosate tolerant cropping systems as an alternative to atrazine-based systems, and the impact of tilling historically no-till ground on the runoff pollution potential of these systems. Variable intensity field rainfall simulations were performed on 2 m long × 1 m wide plots within a field in first-year disk and harrow following no-till (CT), and within a long-term no-tilled (NT) field, both treated with atrazine and glyphosate according to label. Rainfall sequence was: 50 mm h−1 for 50 min followed by 75 mm h−1 for 15 min, 25 mm h−1 for 15 min, and 100 mm h−1 for 15 min. Runoff was collected at regular time intervals during two simulated rainfall events and analyzed for herbicide concentration, sediment content, and volume. Maximum glyphosate concentration in runoff was 233 μg L−1 for NT and 180 μg L−1 for CT (approximately 33% and 26% of the maximum contaminant limit (MCL) for glyphosate (700 μg L−1), respectively, while maximum atrazine concentrations in runoff was 303 μg L−1 for NT and 79 μg L−1 for CT (approximately 100 times and 26 times the atrazine MCL (3 μg L−1)). Atrazine concentration and loading were significantly higher in runoff from NT plots than from CT plots, whereas glyphosate concentration and loading were impacted by tillage treatment to a much lesser degree. Results suggest that glyphosate-based weed management may represent a lower drinking water risk than atrazine-based weed management, especially in NT systems.  相似文献   
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