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A suspected inherited form of rickets was diagnosed in Corriedale sheep on a commercial sheep farm in Marlborough. Affected lambs were normal at birth but showed a reduced growth rate and a range of skeletal abnormalities, including both varus and valgus deformities and a characteristic dip in the shoulder region. Up to 20 affected lambs had been born on the property over the last two seasons. Skeletal lesions in affected lambs included swollen costochondral junctions, moderate to marked thickening of physes in long bones, and collapse of weakened subchondral bone, particularly in the proximal humerus. These lesions, together with the microscopic changes, strongly suggested a diagnosis of rickets. Affected lambs were hypocalcaemic and hypophosphataemic, consistent with a deficiency of vitamin D.

Vitamin D assays revealed significantly higher 1,25(OH) vitamin D concentrations in affected lambs than in controls, suggesting a defect in the vitamin D receptor as the likely mechanism. DNA testing revealed that 4/10 Corriedale rams used during the previous season had sired affected lambs. Studies aimed at confirming the genetic nature of the disease and the mechanism are continuing at Massey University.  相似文献   
SUMMARY Clinical, diagnostic and biochemical features of generalised glycogenosis are described In 96 Brahman-type calves. Typically the calves were presented when about 6 months of age, with III-thrift and muscular weakness as the most common signs. Acidic α-glucosidase activity was reduced in peripheral blood lymphocytes and skeletal muscle. Muscle glycogen concentration was consistently higher in affected animals than In clinically normal cattle. Other observations in affected calves Included elevation of serum aspartate amlnotransferase and creatine kinase activities and excessive amounts of high molecular weight oligosaccharides in urine. Fine cytoplasmic vacuolation of neurones In the brain and spinal cord, skeletal muscle, myocardlum and of Purkinje fibres were consistent histological observations. Periodic acid-Schlff staining revealed the presence of glycogen-like material In peripheral blood lymphocytes of all affected calves, Indicating that this is a useful aid for the diagnosis of glycogenosis. While 3 of the 96 calves showed somewhat different clinical signs, the similarity of pathology and the biochemical and clinical evidence in the remainder suggested that, In these animals, the disease was expressed as a single syndrome.  相似文献   
Some aspects of the epidemiology of equine salmonellosis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A survey of 2 horse populations was done to detect the number of asymptomatic faecal excretors of Salmonella sp. 1201 faecal samples from 250 horses hospitalised at the University of Sydney were cultured. Three serotypes, S. typhimurium (4 horses), S. anatum (2) and S. tennessee (1) were isolated from 7 horses (2.8%). None was detected in 75 mares similarly examined at a thoroughbred stud farm. In retrospect, S. typhimurium was also the most common (70%) of the 19 serotypes recovered from 171 horses with clinical salmonellosis seen at Camden, 1969 to 1986. Forty cases occurring since 1983 were reviewed in detail; the mortality rate was high (60%) and an increased proportion was due to S. bovis-morbificans. Five horses developed salmonellosis while hospitalised and it was usually impossible to be certain whether these cases developed from the carrier state into overt disease or resulted from infections acquired in hospital.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine whether there is a seasonal variation in the phenotypic hip score of dogs born in New Zealand as assessed by the New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA) canine hip dysplasia (CHD) scheme.

METHODS: Data from dogs born in New Zealand between 1988 and 2009 that have been scored for CHD were retrospectively evaluated for the effect of month of birth on radiographic phenotype. Data included both the total score and the subtotal score, comprising Norberg's angle, the subluxation score and changes to the cranial acetabular edge, for each dog. Datasets were created for all breeds combined and for the four most populous breeds using the scheme (German Shepherd dog, Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever and Rottweiler) and stratified according to month of birth and season. Due to the skewed nature of the data, a Kruskal–Wallis Rank Sum test was used to test for statistical significance. Additionally, χ2 analysis was performed using the median of each dataset (proportion above/below the median). The null hypothesis was that there would be no effect of month of birth, and hence seasonality, on hip phenotype for dogs born and scored in New Zealand by the NZVA.

RESULTS: For all breeds combined, month of birth had an effect on total and subtotal NZVA CHD scores (p<0.001) with a lower total hip score in the autumn months of March and April than other months. When individual large breed data were analysed, there was an effect of month of birth on total and subtotal scores for the Labrador Retriever and the Rottweiler (p≤0.05), but not the German Shepherd dog or Golden Retriever breeds.

CONCLUSIONS: Being born in the autumn was associated with a protective effect on hip phenotype in some breeds. These results suggest that weather and/or another seasonal factor may have a significant environmental effect on the phenotype of the coxofemoral joint.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The protective effect of being born in autumn suggests that a decreased level of exercise during subsequent development over winter may positively impact on final coxofemoral joint conformation. Whilst statistically significant, the magnitude of the sparing effect is not likely to be clinically relevant. However, this study, in concert with other studies, may suggest that the effects of exercise can be manipulated to improve hip phenotype.  相似文献   
Receiver functions derived from teleseismic body waves recorded by ocean-bottom seismometers on the southern East Pacific Rise reveal shear waves converted from compressional waves at the mantle discontinuities near 410- and 660-kilometer depth. The thickness of the mantle transition zone between the two discontinuities is normal relative to the global average and indicates that upwelling beneath the southern East Pacific Rise is not associated with an excess temperature in the mantle transition zone.  相似文献   
The Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) project estimates the frequencies, amplitudes, and linewidths of more than 250,000 acoustic resonances of the sun from data sets lasting 36 days. The frequency resolution of a single data set is 0.321 microhertz. For frequencies averaged over the azimuthal order m, the median formal error is 0.044 microhertz, and the associated median fractional error is 1.6 x 10(-5). For a 3-year data set, the fractional error is expected to be 3 x 10(-6). The GONG m-averaged frequency measurements differ from other helioseismic data sets by 0.03 to 0.08 microhertz. The differences arise from a combination of systematic errors, random errors, and possible changes in solar structure.  相似文献   
Objective To assess the toxicity to insects of drug residues excreted in cattle faeces following treatment with deltamethrin.
Design Bioassays were performed on one species of dung-breeding fly ( Musca vetustissima ) and two species of dung beetle ( Onthophagus binodis and Euoniticellus fulvus ).
Animals Cattle on properties near Kangaroo Valley, Canberra and Gundagai were treated with pour-on formulations of deltamethrin. Untreated animals acted as controls.
Procedures Faeces from treated and untreated cattle were inoculated with newly emerged fly larvae or fed to adults of two species of dung beetle. Percentage survival and duration of development provided measures of the toxicity of deltamethrin residues in faeces.
Results Residues of deltamethrin were excreted in concentrations sufficient to inhibit survival of larvae of M vetustissima for 1 to 2 weeks after treatment. Peak concentrations of 0.4mg deltamethrin/kg dry weight of faeces occurred 3 days after treatment and were sufficient to kill adult beetles for at least twice this period. With one of two formulations tested, there was evidence of a reduction in dung beetle fecundity and an increase in the duration of juvenile development. A model of the effect of deltamethrin on the breeding success of dung beetles in the field suggests that a single treatment, applied when most of the population is in a non-parous condition, may cause up to 75% reduction in beetle acitivity by the end of the season. Multiple treatments at 10 or 21 day intervals may drive local populations towards extinction.
Conclusion Depending on the time and frequency of treatment, the effect of deltamethrin on insects in cattle faeces may range from negligible to catastrophic.  相似文献   
CASE HISTORY: Twelve of 150 goat kids, 4–10 days old, died 3 days after disbudding with a hot iron. Another 18 kids had been ill the previous day but survived following antibiotic therapy. Five of the dead kids were necropsied.

PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: There was necrosis and haemorrhage of the skin, subcutaneous tissues and frontal bone at disbudding sites in all five kids examined post mortem. Beneath disbudding sites in 4/5 kids there were bilateral, dark red, often cavitated areas of necrosis extending deep into the frontal cortex of the brain. Histologically, these areas consisted of coagulation necrosis, haemorrhage, vascular thrombosis and suppurative inflammation. Numerous bacteria, predominantly large Grampositive rods, were present in the necrotic brain tissue. In the remaining kid, bilateral areas of yellow discolouration and flattening of gyri in frontal lobes corresponded histologically to extensive polioencephalomalacia. A mixed growth of aerobes and anaerobes was cultured from the brain of one kid with suppurative lesions.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Thermal disbudding of neonatal kids is widely practised in dairy goat herds and is considered the method of choice for disbudding in New Zealand. However, the skull of goat kids is much thinner than that of calves and the safety margin for thermal injury to the brain is markedly reduced. This report highlights the risks associated with the technique and its potential as a welfare issue.  相似文献   
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