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棉花AFLP银染技术及品种指纹图谱应用初报   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8  
本文介绍了一种适合于棉花研究的AFLP银染方法,并利用该方法获得了几个棉花品种的指纹图谱  相似文献   
通过对焊修方法的选取和工艺的分析,提出解决农业机械铸铁基件的修复方法。  相似文献   
中国摩托车第三阶段排放标准中增加了关于排放限值和耐久性试验的要求,对电喷系统的空燃比控制及尾气后处理装置的空燃比"催化窗口"的高温稳定性提出了更高要求。文章提出了氧传感器自适应控制策略并采用了新研制的基于高性能稀土储氧材料的新型三元催化剂。高性能稀土储氧材料具有高的比表面和高的储氧量以及优异的高温稳定性。整车试验结果表明,新型三元催化剂不仅具有优异的初始活性,而且具有良好的抗老化特性,能够满足电喷发动机排放耐久试验的苛刻要求。  相似文献   
According to the graphics characteristics of metallic doors & windows design and based on the research of graphics dimension restriction problems. This paper provides a new method for parameterized design of metallic doors & windows in virtue of expression solution. In this method, the restrictions of graphic elements have been changed into the parameter expressions of sizes and positions of graphic elements. Through the calculation of such expressions, the parameter driven method has been reached. Thus the parameterization of graphics can be easier and quicker than before. It can be used to setup the open parameterized graphics libraries.  相似文献   
针对串联式混合动力系统中两种动力源——发电机组和蓄电池组在进行功率合成时存在电压合成范围窄、合成效果不理想的问题,搭建了串联式混合动力系统理论模型,推导出了两种动力源功率合成的规律公式,得到了功率合成的规律,并在串联式混合动力试验台上进行了台架试验,验证了其正确性。  相似文献   
我国地方政府融资平台存在的问题及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方政府融资平台融资规模急剧膨胀,问题日益凸显,不仅给地方政府的财政偿付带来巨大压力,还给商业银行的信贷资金安全带来隐患。本文在分析我国地方政府融资平台存在问题的基础上,提出解决对策。  相似文献   
造林树种苗木定向培育理论探讨   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
为解决苗木培育的技术难题 ,作者提出了苗木定向培育的概念 .苗木定向培育 ,是根据造林地立地条件主要限制因子对苗木的要求 ,在苗木培育过程中采取相应调控技术措施 ,使苗木在形态、生理及活力等方面满足造林需要 ,做到适地适树造林 .我们以困难立地条件下造林用苗为目标 ,阐述了苗木定向培育技术体系 ,通过不同的育苗技术措施 ,如抗性基因与种源选择、林木种子处理技术、苗木抗逆性调控技术、苗木活力保护技术与管理技术等措施 ,为做到适地适苗造林提供理论依据  相似文献   
晋南麦后直播短季棉主要性状分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对2011—2013年优异短季棉品系生育性状、产量性状和纤维品质的比较,并分析不同年份各性状的变化趋势。结果表明,近年来,晋南地区在短季棉育种中取得了巨大进步,生育期缩短至105 d以内,铃大、衣分高,产量显著提高,纤维品质符合纺织工业要求,有的甚至达到优质棉标准;筛选出6个早熟、高产、优质的品系。有些品系个别性状(如高衣分、上半部平均长度长、比强度高)非常优异,可通过杂交、回交等手段将优良性状聚合,打破遗传负相关,选育综合性状优良的短季棉新品种。  相似文献   
Dynamic Monitoring of the Mud   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[Objective] The research aimed to provide basic files and theoretical guidance for constructing sluicing-siltation dam using soil with high clay content soil.[Method] The soils of Dagou basin near Xiwu Village of Baishui County,Shaanxi Province were taken as experimental materials.pvc pipes with same height and diameter were used to construct testing model for dynamically determining settlement,shear strength,wet density of grouting bulk under 2 different grouting speeds(15 cm/d and 25 cm/d).[Result] Under different grouting speeds,general change trend was similar during grouting course.The subsidence,deformation,shear strength and wet density increased with the increase of grouting speed.Five or six days after grouting,daily displacement under 25 cm/d grouting speed was fewer than that under 15 cm/d grouting speed.[Conclusion] The increase of grouting speed could shorten the time for reaching the same subsidence,deformation,shear strength and wet density and increased displacement at the initial stage of grouting,however,with the increase of grouting time,lower grouting bulk was bad for displacement at later grouting period because it was near impermeable layer.  相似文献   
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