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Five species of invasive Aedes mosquitoes have recently become established in Europe: Ae. albopictus, Ae. aegypti, Ae. japonicus japonicus, Ae. koreicus and Ae. atropalpus. These mosquitoes are a serious nuisance for people and are also competent vectors for several exotic pathogens such as dengue and chikungunya viruses. As they are a growing public health concern, methods to control these mosquitoes need to be implemented to reduce their biting and their potential for disease transmission. There is a crucial need to evaluate methods as part of an integrated invasive mosquito species control strategy in different European countries, taking into account local Aedes infestations and European regulations. This review presents the control methods available or in development against invasive Aedes mosquitoes, with a particular focus on those that can be implemented in Europe. These control methods are divided into five categories: environmental (source reduction), mechanical (trapping), biological (e.g. copepods, Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis, Wolbachia), chemical (insect growth regulators, pyrethroids) and genetic (sterile insect technique and genetically modified mosquitoes). We discuss the effectiveness, ecological impact, sustainability and stage of development of each control method. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
(天津市植物保护研究所,天津 300112)  相似文献   
为研究西藏绒山羊羊绒细度,以及了解相关候选基因对绒山羊产绒性能的影响,本研究对筛选chi-miR-105a靶基因进行验证,以西藏绒山羊为研究对象,联合RNA测序数据和蛋白质组学数据,筛选与羊绒细度相关的关键候选基因,并通过实时荧光定量和双荧光素酶报告基因试验对候选基因进行调控作用验证。结果表明:1)通过转录组和蛋白组数据整理得到384个DE mRNAs,12个DE miRNAs和29个DEPs。通过多组学联合分析发现CXCL10、SRC、CXCL9、FOS、ETV6、GMPSPIP5K1B基因与羊毛细度相关。2)通过DEG-DE miRNA互作网络图发现chi-miR-105a与靶基因ETV6和PIP5K1B均在网络当中出现。因此对该调控因子进行验证和分析,根据靶基因表达水平试验发现转染chi-miR-105a mimics后引起毛乳头细胞中ETV6基因的mRNA表达显著降低(P<0.001),而PIP5K1B基因的表达量均无显著变化。3)通过双荧光素酶报告基因试验表明,过表达chi-miR-105a后,ETV6酶活性显著降低,即chi-miR-105a可与ETV6的3′UTR区结合。综上,通过多组学联合分析筛选出与羊毛细度相关基因CXCL10、SRCCXCL9、FOSETV6、GMPSPIP5K1B。通过双荧光素酶报告基因进行chi-miR-105a与其预测靶基因ETV6和PIP5K1B的靶标验证,确定chi-miR-105a是ETV6潜在的调控因子,本研究为加快优质绒山羊新品种(系)的培养提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Rare crystal phases that expand in one or more dimensions when hydrostatically compressed are identified and shown to have negative Poisson's ratios. Some of these crystals (i) decrease volume and expand in two dimensions when stretched in a particular direction and (ii) increase surface area when hydrostatically compressed. Possible mechanisms for achieving such negative linear and area compressibilities are described for single crystals and composites, and sensor applications are proposed. Materials with these properties may be used to fabricate porous solids that either expand in all directions when hydrostatically compressed with a penetrating fluid or behave as if they are incompressible.  相似文献   
吉林省粮食单产年景预测——基于加权马尔柯夫链   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对粮食年单产量是相依随机变量的特点,采取以规范化的各阶自相关系数为权重,以26年的统计资料为实例,用加权的马尔柯夫链模型预测和分析了我省未来粮食生产的丰欠年景。  相似文献   
We present video-rate (28 frames per second) far-field optical imaging with a focal spot size of 62 nanometers in living cells. Fluorescently labeled synaptic vesicles inside the axons of cultured neurons were recorded with stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy in a 2.5-micrometer by 1.8-micrometer field of view. By reducing the cross-sectional area of the focal spot by about a factor of 18 below the diffraction limit (260 nanometers), STED allowed us to map and describe the vesicle mobility within the highly confined space of synaptic boutons. Although restricted within boutons, the vesicle movement was substantially faster in nonbouton areas, consistent with the observation that a sizable vesicle pool continuously transits through the axons. Our study demonstrates the emerging ability of optical microscopy to investigate intracellular physiological processes on the nanoscale in real time.  相似文献   
The defining morphological feature of chemical synapses is the vesicle cluster in the presynaptic nerve terminal. It has generally been assumed that vesicles closest to release sites are recruited first during nerve activity. We tested this by selectively labeling the "readily releasable" pool, those vesicles released first during physiological stimulation. The readily releasable vesicles were not clustered close to the presynaptic membrane but instead were dispersed almost randomly throughout the vesicle cluster. Thus, vesicles are not recruited according to proximity to release sites but are mobilized differently, perhaps by being peeled from the surface of the cluster.  相似文献   
An energy based parameter for the assessment of aggregate bond energy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The energy applied to a soil-water suspension by an ultrasonic probe was determined for seven vertisol soils using calorimetric techniques. The rate of energy consumed by aggregate dispersion during sonification was calculated as the difference between the energy components measured before and after complete dispersion. Dispersive energy consumption was found to vary significantly during sonification and significant differences (P<0.05) were found between soils for the total dispersive energy required for complete dispersion. The soil dispersion characteristic curves, which relate the dispersive energy consumption during sonification to the quantity of <2 μm and <20 μm material dispersed, were also significantly different between soils. Error analysis of the calorimetric technique revealed that the energy consumed by complete dispersion is calculated with a precision of ±0.5 J g?1. For the soils studied, this was smaller than the observed variance in total dispersive energy consumed suggesting sample variability was the major source of variation. The ultrasonic technique was also used to determine the equivalent total energy applied and the amount of energy consumed by aggregate breakdown and dispersion during 30 min of end-over-end shaking. No significant difference (P<0.05) was found between soils for the total energy applied. However, a significant difference (P<0.05) was observed between soils for the quantity of dispersive energy required to produce the equivalent end-over-end dispersion.  相似文献   
转鼓式微滤机颗粒去除率及能耗的运行试验研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
滤网是转鼓式微滤机的主要工作部件,其网目数(孔径)直接影响转鼓式微滤机的总悬浮颗粒物(TSS)去除效率、反冲洗频率、耗水耗电等.分别选用150目、170目、200目、250目、325目5种规格的不锈钢滤网.利用循环水养殖设施进行转鼓式微滤机滤网网目与TSS去除效率、反冲洗频率、耗水耗电等关系的试验研究.结果表明,200目滤网的技术经济效果最为明显,其TSS去除率达到(54.90±10.42)%,而反冲洗频率为2.1次/h,电耗为6.902 kW·h/d,耗水量为1.68 m3/d.  相似文献   
AIM: To investigate growth responses of cobalt-deficient lambs to increasing doses of microencapsulated vitamin B12, and to measure associated changes in serum and liver vitamin B12 concentrations over 243 days.

METHODS: From a flock grazing pastures that had low cobalt (Co) levels (about 0.06 mg Co/kg dry matter), 4-6-week-old lambs (n=137) were assigned to four groups and received either no treatment or a subcutaneous injection of 3.0, 4.5 or 6.0 mg of microencapsulated vitamin B12 on Day 1. At approximately monthly intervals, all lambs were weighed and blood samples were collected from a selection (n=10) of monitor animals, up to Day 243. Liver biopsies were also carried out on the monitor lambs (n=8) on Days 1, 124 and 215.

RESULTS: The vitamin B12-treated lambs grew significantly faster (p<0.001) than untreated animals. Liveweights after 243 days were 28, 45, 45 and 47 kg for the untreated, 3.0, 4.5 and 6.0 mg vitamin B12-treated lambs, respectively. Of the initial group of untreated lambs, 68% had to be removed before the end of the trial because of substantial weight loss, but none of the treated animals were similarly afflicted. Serum vitamin B12 concentrations increased in all vitamin B12-treated lambs, reaching a peak at Day 25, and those of the 4.5 and 6.0 mg vitamin B12-treated lambs remained significantly higher (except at Day 124) than the untreated lambs to Day 187. However, at Day 124, but not Day 215, the liver vitamin B12 concentrations of treated lambs were two to three times higher than those of controls.

CONCLUSIONS: The growth rates of Co-deficient lambs were markedly improved by injection of 3.0, 4.5 or 6.0 mg of microencapsulated vitamin B12, and liveweights were maintained for at least 243 days. Serum vitamin B12 concentrations were related to this growth response; concentrations of <220 pmol vitamin B12/l were associated with a 95% probability that lambs were Co-deficient and would thus respond to Co/vitamin B12 supplementation. Based on these data, the current New Zealand reference criteria for Co deficiency should be reviewed.

CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: An injection of 3 mg microencapsulated vitamin B122 given to lambs at tailing will treat Co deficiency and will increase and maintain liveweights in a flock for up to 8 months.  相似文献   
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