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In the study,the recombinant expression plasmid pET28a-TGEV-N was constructed,and expression and purification of the TGEV N protein was completed.Through SDS-PAGE and Western blotting analysis,the N protein could be identified by transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) positive serum.Using the TGEV N protein as diagnosis antigen,we established an indirect ELISA method for detecting TGEV serum antibodies.The coefficients of variation of intro-batch and inter-batch duplicability test were less than 5%.The specificity was 100%,and the rate of false positive and the false negative rate were 0 and 5%,respectively.No cross reactions with seven porcine diseases positive serum were detected.Using this method,the clinical serum samples were detected.The results showed 100% coincidence rate compared with neutralization test.The method could detect TGEV antibody quickly and effectively,and had good repeatability and specificity,which laid the foundation for the development of standardized diagnostic kits.  相似文献   
兽药新剂型的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者概述了当前国内外兽药制剂的新剂型,兽药新剂型的研究主要集中在缓控释制剂和脂质体制剂,其次是透皮给药系统、环糊精包合物、固体分散体等。从药物制剂学角度论述了我国兽药制剂生产中存在的主要问题,并简要分析了兽药新剂型的发展趋势。  相似文献   
试验旨在研究中药复方健宫散治疗奶牛子宫炎对部分血液及代谢指标的影响,探讨中药复方对产后子宫炎作用机理,为早期预防奶牛子宫炎提供理论依据。选取年龄、体重和胎次相近的18头奶牛按临床症状、阴道分泌物的性状、B超检查分为3组,患病组(患子宫炎不治疗)、正常组(未患子宫炎)和治疗组(患子宫炎治疗),每组6头。治疗组灌服中药健宫散,患病组与正常组灌服生理盐水。灌药期为7 d。分别于用药前、用药中、用药后1、4、7、11、15、20 d采集血液,通过ELISA方法检测用药前后3组奶牛部分血液及代谢指标。结果表明,健宫散能显著提高血液中的红细胞数、血红蛋白含量、淋巴细胞数(P<0.05),显著降低血液中的白细胞数、粒细胞数、β-羟丁酸、尿素氮、天门冬氨酸转氨酶含量(P<0.05)。由此可见,中药健宫散能调节部分血液和代谢指标,提高机体抗炎、免疫能力,改善机体的代谢功能,更好地预防和治疗子宫炎。  相似文献   
The life history of many animals includes periods of food shortage. Two behavioral strategies are involved in small mammals in response to food shortage: an increase in activity behavior, representing the increased foraging or migratory behavior, and a decrease in activity level, serving as a mechanism for conserving energy. However, it is uncertain whether animals adopt both strategies in response to food shortage, and whether hormone and neuroendocrine mechanisms are involved in both strategies. In the present study, changes in behavior and metabolic rate were examined in food‐deprived striped hamsters (Cricetulus barabensis). The effects of leptin supplement on activity behavior, metabolic rate and hypothalamic neuropeptide gene expression were also examined. The behavior of food‐deprived hamsters significantly changed with photoperiod phases: with increasing activity during the dark phase compared to those fed ad libitum, whereas decreasing activity and simultaneously increasing resting behavior during the light phase. Resting metabolic rate, body mass, and masses of fat depots and digestive tracts significantly decreased in food‐deprived hamsters compared with ad libitum controls. Leptin supplement tended to attenuate the increased activity in the dark phase. Gene expression of hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY) was significantly upregulated in food‐deprived hamsters, while was significantly attenuated by exogenous leptin. These findings suggest that both behavior strategies are important behavioral adjustments in free‐living animals to cope with food shortage. Leptin and hypothalamic NPY gene expression may be involved in the adjustments of physiology and behavior in animals demonstrating a hyperactivity strategy in response to food shortage.  相似文献   
为明确气流干燥工序加工强度对烤烟烟叶感官质量的作用特点,寻求气流干燥工序加工烤烟烟叶的适宜条件,以国内外主要烟叶产区的烤烟烟叶为试验材料,采用对比评吸法比较了气流干燥工序不同加工强度条件下的烤烟烟叶感官质量变化。结果表明,气流干燥工序低加工强度处理的烤烟烟叶香气风格不变的样品比例最高,达96%,随着工序加工强度的增大,烤烟烟叶香气风格变化的样品比例逐渐升高;香气质、香气量、杂气、浓度、细腻程度、刺激性改善的烟叶样品比例先升高后降低,其中,以加工强度2为最高,分别达到49%、25%、72%、18%、62%、23%;劲头改善的烟叶样品比例逐渐升高,最高达到9%;干燥感和干净程度改善的烟叶样品比例逐渐降低,最高分别达到13%和35%;香气特性、烟气特性和口感特性各指标变差的烟叶样品比例逐渐升高。在加工强度1~2(工作风温为200~220℃)下,感官质量保持不变和有所改善的烟叶样品比例显著大于感官质量变差的烟叶样品比例;在加工强度1~2范围内设置气流干燥工序,有利于保持和改善烤烟烟叶感官质量。  相似文献   
发酵脱氢产氢过程对微生物铁还原的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
发酵型微生物是铁还原菌中的主要类群,但其发酵产氢过程对铁还原的作用尚不清楚,为此采用接种水稻土浸提液混合培养的方法对微生物分别利用葡萄糖、丙酮酸盐和乳酸盐为碳源时,Fe(Ⅲ)还原过程中脱氢酶活性变化、培养体系pH、氢气分压及铁还原特征进行分析,探讨了发酵微生物脱氢产氢过程与微生物Fe(Ⅲ)还原的内在关系。结果表明:2种水稻土浸提液中的微生物均能够以葡萄糖为优势碳源进行脱氢、产氢及还原氧化铁,Fe(OH)3可以诱导脱氢酶的产生,利用葡萄糖时脱氢酶活性在厌氧培养的4~6 d出现最大峰值,利用丙酮酸盐和乳酸盐时脱氢酶活性出现峰值的时间分别为培养的15 d和21~22 d,脱氢酶活性出现峰值的时间与最大铁还原速率Vmax显著负相关、与最大反应速率对应的时间TVmax存在显著正相关关系。脱氢产氢过程中产生的H+导致培养体系pH的变化是影响铁还原过程的主要原因,培养体系pH与体系氢气分压及Fe(Ⅱ)累积量呈极显著负相关。微生物利用不同碳源产氢时,利用葡萄糖的产氢能力最高,丙酮酸盐次之,乳酸盐最低。Fe(OH)3的加入增加了氢气的消耗量,培养体系氢气分压与Fe(Ⅱ)累积量存在极显著正相关关系。  相似文献   
Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici, the pathogen that causes wheat powdery mildew, is one of the most important diseases affecting wheat production in China, and the oversummering is the key stage of wheat powdery mildew epidemic. The more oversummering regionalization of wheat powdery mildew has played an important role in disease prediction, prevention and control. In this study, we analyzed the correlation between oversummering data of wheat powdery mildew and the meteorological factors over the past years, and determined that temperature was the key meteorological factor influencing oversummering of wheat powdery mildew. The average temperature at which wheat powdery mildew growth was terminated(26.2°C) was used as the threshold temperature to regionalize the oversummering range of wheat powdery mildew. This regionalization was done using the GIS ordinary kriging method combined with the Digital Elevation model(DEM) of China. The results showed that annual probability of oversummering region based on Model 26.2 were consistent with the actual survey of the more summer wheat powdery mildew. Wheat powdery mildew oversummering regions in China mainly cover mountainous or high-altitude areas, and these regions form a narrow north-south oversummering zone. Oversummering regions of wheat powdery mildew is mainly concentrated in the high-altitude wheat growing areas, including northern and southern Yunnan, northwestern Guizhou, northern and southern Sichuan, northern and southern Chongqing, eastern and southern Gansu, southeastern Ningxia, northern and southern Shaanxi, central Shanxi, western Hubei, western Henan, northern and western Hebei, western Liaoning, eastern Tibet, eastern Qinghai, western Xinjiang and other regions of China.  相似文献   
采用盆栽病土接种法,鉴定58份番茄(Solanum lycopersicum)种质材料对南方根结线虫(Meloido-gyne incognita)的抗性。结果表明:供试的58份番茄种质材料对南方根结线虫的抗病性存在明显差异,其中高抗材料1份,抗病材料3份,感病材料3份,高感材料51份;根据已知NBS-LRR类抗病基因NBS区域的保守系列,设计简并引物,对抗性材料基因组进行体外扩增,获得了约500bp的预期片段。  相似文献   
大麦黄矮病毒(Barley yellow dwarf virus,BYDV)所引起的麦类作物黄矮病是世界范围内的一个重要病害,对麦类作物生产影响巨大。近年来,该病害在青海省内不断发生流行,为明确该病害在青海省内的主要流行株系,采集90份来自6个地区(青海省西宁市、海西州、海南州、海东市、玉树州、黄南州)的小麦、燕麦、青稞田间病样,利用RT-PCR、基因克隆、序列拼接等技术进行相关试验及分析。结果表明,BYDV-GAV为青海省BYDV的主要流行株系。对青海省BYDV-GAV燕麦分离物进行全基因组克隆与序列分析,发现本试验所获得的BYDV-GAV燕麦分离物与BYDV-GAV中国分离物聚类到一个组内,序列同源性达96.85%~98.08%,说明该燕麦分离物为中国BYDV-GAV的一个分离物。本研究明确了青海省BYDV的流行株系,并获得了燕麦BYDV-GAV全基因组序列,可为后期该病害的防治提供一定的理论支持。  相似文献   
研究了在不同光照周期,pH和盐度突变条件下褶皱臂尾轮虫的存活和增殖率.试验结果表明,光照对褶皱臂尾轮虫种群增殖的促进作用明显,持续光照条件下轮虫种群增殖率为持续黑暗状态的3.5倍;pH存活上限9.5,下限5.5;种群增殖最适pH为7.5~8.5;种群繁殖的最适盐度为30~35,存活的下限为15,上限为40.研究结果显示,光照对于褶皱臂尾轮虫的增殖是必要的;pH的不同对褶皱臂尾轮虫带卵量、孵化率和孵化时间均有影响.盐度突变盐差越大,褶皱臂尾轮虫的适应能力(适应所需时间和存活率)越弱.  相似文献   
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