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AIM: To investigate the renal function and pathological changes in Npc1 mutant (Npc1-/-) mice. METHODS: Different genotypes of Niemann-Pick disease type C1 (Npc1) mice were identified by PCR. Subsequently, the renal function of Npc1-/- and Npc1+/+ mice at postnatal day 60 (P60) was evaluated by measuring the activity and content of important indicators in the serum including ALT, AST, LDH, urea, UA and Cr. Furthermore, β-galactosidase staining and Masson staining were performed to examine the aging and fibrosis of the renal tissues, respectively. RESULTS: Compared with the Npc1+/+ mice, the body weight and kidney weight had a significant reduction (P<0.01) in the Npc1-/- mice. The results of hepatic and renal functions showed that the activities of ALT, AST and LDH, and contents of urea, UA and Cr had marked increases (P<0.05) in the Npc1-/-mice. Moreover, the results of senescence-associated β-galactosidase staining in the renal tissues demonstrated accelerated aging in the Npc1-/- mice (P<0.01), and these results were confirmed by Masson staining, which clearly showed the formation of collagen fibers (P<0.01).CONCLUSION: Mutation of the Npc1 gene results in abnormal lipid metabolism, which accelerates kidney senescence by promoting fibrosis in the renal tissue and subsequently causes reduction in renal function.  相似文献   
In the study,the recombinant expression plasmid pET28a-TGEV-N was constructed,and expression and purification of the TGEV N protein was completed.Through SDS-PAGE and Western blotting analysis,the N protein could be identified by transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) positive serum.Using the TGEV N protein as diagnosis antigen,we established an indirect ELISA method for detecting TGEV serum antibodies.The coefficients of variation of intro-batch and inter-batch duplicability test were less than 5%.The specificity was 100%,and the rate of false positive and the false negative rate were 0 and 5%,respectively.No cross reactions with seven porcine diseases positive serum were detected.Using this method,the clinical serum samples were detected.The results showed 100% coincidence rate compared with neutralization test.The method could detect TGEV antibody quickly and effectively,and had good repeatability and specificity,which laid the foundation for the development of standardized diagnostic kits.  相似文献   
在河南省夏玉米生长发育过程中,高温、干旱、大风降雨等自然灾害天气频繁发生,导致玉米减产.从品种选用、适期播种、秸秆覆盖、采用适宜播种方式进行合理密植、科学施肥、合理排灌、加强病虫草害防治、适时收获和机械化作业等技术环节来提高夏玉米抗逆、稳产能力,为河南省夏玉米抗逆、稳产栽培提供技术支持.  相似文献   
分析华南大型饮用水源水库浮游动物群落结构特征及主要环境影响因子,为水库生态环境保护提供基础资料和参考依据。于2019年8月至2020年6月在新丰江水库设置12个采样站点进行每2个月1次的浮游动物监测,设置采样站点12个。结果显示,调查期间共采集到浮游动物19属30种,其中轮虫8属17种,枝角类5属7种,桡足类6属6种,夏季出现的种类数最多(25种),春季最少(14种);各站点浮游动物密度和生物量月均值分别为11.52~161.52个/L和0.92~17.65 mg/L,具有极显著的季节差异(P<0.01),表现为夏季高、冬季低的特点;空间分布上呈现为上游和下游河道型库区高,中心敞水区低的分布趋势;浮游动物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数为0.87~1.19,Margalef丰富度指数为0.97~1.53,Pielou均匀度指数为0.54~0.93。浮游动物密度与环境因子的相关分析和冗余分析(RDA)结果表明,水温、叶绿素a和p H是影响新丰江水库浮游动物群落结构的主要环境因子。  相似文献   
利用2001~2004年河北省和国家区域试验结果,分析和研究了衡7228小麦的产量及与构成因素之间的关系.结果表明:衡7228产量水平﹥6750kg/hm2,单位面积穗数和千粒重对产量的贡献较大.为达到高产、稳产,群体结构一般以穗数630万~675万穗/hm2、穗粒数32~34个、千粒重39~42g为宜.  相似文献   
土壤含盐量对大葱生长状况及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大葱栽培方式独特--深土栽种,根系一般在30~50 cm的地下土层生长,可回避含盐量高且变化大的地表土层,而10 cm以下土层含盐量较低且相对稳定,这样在盐碱地种植大葱具有可行性.大葱耐盐性试验尚未见报导.研究土壤含盐量对大葱生长及产量的影响,可为盐碱地开发种植大葱提供理论依据.……  相似文献   
二化螟严重为害浏阳市水稻生产,为有效防治该虫害.笔者进行了田间药效试验。试验结果表明:5%氟虫腈SC防治水稻二化螟具有作用快、药效期长、防效高等优点,防治效果显著优于杀虫双、敌百虫、三唑磷等药剂。大田用药量一般以30-40ml/667m^2为宜。  相似文献   
本文介绍了丹麦有机猪的生产情况(有机猪的品种、畜舍环境和条件、畜舍卫生和饲养饲料状况)、沙门氏菌控制计划的情况(饲料、种猪群、断奶仔猪群、育肥猪群和屠宰场的监控)和效果。同时,简析了我国发展有机畜牧业的必要性,最后提出实行危害分析和关键控制点(HACCP)预防管理体系和有机养殖是我国养猪业的发展方向。  相似文献   
本研究旨在探究H9N2亚型禽流感病毒(H9N2 AIV)感染对小鼠肠道菌群的影响.选用24只SPF级BALB/c雄性小鼠,随机平均分为对照组和感染组,对照组小鼠鼻腔接种正常尿囊液,感染组小鼠鼻腔接种含有1.2×105 PFU H9N2 AIV的尿囊液.收集对照组小鼠在第0、33天和感染组小鼠在感染后第4、8、21和33...  相似文献   
超声波直接转导外源基因转化八棱海棠的技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用超声波直接转导法,对八棱海棠进行rolC基因转化,同时,利用gus基因瞬间表达的方法研究了超声波处理时间、处理功率和转化缓冲液中二甲基亚砜(DMSO)对rolC基因转化率的影响.结果表明:当DMSO为5%(体积分数)时,用80 W功率处理20 min,能够获得最佳的转化效果.在超声波最佳处理条件下转化486个八棱海棠叶片,共得到237个抗性愈伤组织和9株抗性苗,转化率为1.85%.GUS染色、PCR及Southern blotting检测结果显示,有8个八棱海棠株系的基因组中整合了完整的外源rolC基因.  相似文献   
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