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We evaluated the influence of scale on habitat use for three wetland-obligate bird species with divergent life history characteristics and possible scale-dependent criteria for nesting and foraging in South Dakota, USA. A stratified, two-stage cluster sample was used to randomly select survey wetlands within strata defined by region, wetland density, and wetland surface area. We used 18-m (0.1 ha) fixed radius circular-plots to survey birds in 412 semipermanent wetlands during the summers of 1995 and 1996. Variation in habitat use by pied-billed grebes (Podilymbus podiceps) and yellow-headed blackbirds (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus), two sedentary species that rarely exploit resources outside the vicinity of nest wetlands, was explained solely by within-patch variation. Yellow-headed blackbirds were a cosmopolitan species that commonly nested in small wetlands, whereas pied-billed grebes were an area-sensitive species that used larger wetlands regardless of landscape pattern. Area requirements for black terns (Chlidonias niger), a vagile species that typically forages up to 4 km away from the nest wetland, fluctuated in response to landscape structure. Black tern area requirements were small (6.5 ha) in heterogeneous landscapes compared to those in homogeneous landscapes (15.4–32.6 ha). Low wetland density landscapes composed of small wetlands, where few nesting wetlands occurred and potential food sources were spread over large distances, were not widely used by black terns. Landscape-level measurements related to black tern occurrence extended past relationships between wetlands into the surrounding matrix. Black terns were more likely to occur in landscapes where grasslands had not been tilled for agricultural production. Our findings represent empirical evidence that characteristics of entire landscapes, rather than individual patches, must be quantified to assess habitat suitability for wide-ranging species that use resources over large areas.  相似文献   
Summary CCC, when applied to the roots of potato plants sufficiently early, brought forward the time of tuber initiation and growth. An increase in net assimilation rate at the time of rapid tuber growth was found for both CCC treated and control plants.  相似文献   
Absorption by the tap-root and by different nodal roots of white clover S100 and translocation of 32P were investigated to find to what extent nodal roots can compensate for the absence of a tap-root. 32P absorbed from the tap-root was distributed evenly within the whole plant. When translocation from the 2nd and 7th nodal roots was studied, similar distribution was obtained only from the nodal root closer to the centre of the plant. The backward movement of 32P absorbed from nodal roots at the base of the plant increased as the root size increased. Removal of tap-roots resulted in temporary depression of translocation; its effect disappeared within 3 weeks.
It is concluded that the ability of nodal roots to compensate for loss of the tap-root depends on their position and size.  相似文献   
An experiment was carried out in which grass was cut and fed indoors, with or without supplementary barley. Seven animals were allocated to each of the following treatments: (1) grass ad lib . without supplementary barley; (2) grass ad lib . with supplementary barley at the rate of 0.5 lb/100 lb bodyweight; (3) grass ad lib . with supplementary barley at the rate of 1 lb/100 lb bodyweight. Supplementary barley increased total dry-matter intake and improved daily liveweight gain and food conversion rate. The mean daily liveweight gains for the 17-week experimental period were 1.60, 1.91 and 2.20 lb and the corresponding feed dry-matter conversion ratios were 6.18, 5.67 and 5.55 for Treatments 1, 2 and 3, respectively.
The dry-matter digestibility of the diets was slightly higher when the grass was supplemented with barley than when grass alone was given. Although barley depressed the digestibility of protein, the absolute and the proportionate retention of nitrogen was increased. This was particularly marked on Treatment 3, presumably because of the higher net energy value of the diet containing the greater amount of barley. The N-retention data corresponded to the rates of liveweight gain obtained.  相似文献   
An experiment is described in which S48 timothy seed, direct harvested at 3 stages of ripeness, was dried in layers 6 in. deep, at air temperatures from 75–135° F, immediately after harvest and after periods of from 1 to 3 days conditioning with cold air. Germination results for non-conditioned seed showed good agreement with those obtained in the previous year. The quality of seed hulled during threshing was inferior to that remaining unhulled after threshing, but the latter was more susceptible to high air temperature during drying. The relationship of the seed obtained in this experiment to commercial seed is discussed and a scheme for the practical application of the results will be presented in a subsequent paper.  相似文献   
N. Kedar  Nira Retig  J. Katan 《Euphytica》1967,16(2):258-266
Significant deviations from the ratios expected, according to the single dominant gene hypothesis for resistance to Fusarium wilt, were found in crosses involving several susceptible and resistant tomato lines. The susceptible class was the deficient one in F2 and F3 populations, as well as in backcrosses in which the heterozygotic resistant F1 served as the male parent. The reciprocal backcross, with the F1 as the female and the homozygous susceptible as the male, gave segregations better approximating or consistent with the single gene hypothesis. Reciprocal F1 and F2 generations did not give any evidence of cytoplasmic effects.The results were interpreted assuming preferential fertilization of ovules by pollen grains carrying the dominant I allele for resistance.The practical implications of the phenomenon of preferential fertilization in breeding for Fusarium resistance are discussed.  相似文献   
Eight maize complexes and varieties representing high and low yield levels were tested for their suitability as top cross testers by comparing the performance of the crosses in relation to the combining ability of the parents estimated by diallel analysis. The discriminating ability of the testers was compared by Schumann and Bradley test. In both cases the results clearly showed that the low performing testers were better and more reliable than the high performing complexes. The utility of per se performance as an indication of general combining ability of the complexes has been discussed.  相似文献   
The effects of wilting and of various chemical additives on the digestibility and palatability of wet legume silages are reported. These silages showed most of the characteristics associated with the ensiling of wet herbage with a low content of soluble carbohydrate. Digestibility of all silages by wether lambs was low and exhibited little difference that might be attributed to the treatments. The untreated silage or the one sprayed with valeric/isovaleric acid, just before feeding, were more palatable to dairy heifers. Silage consumption was sharply reduced when urea was added during ensiling.  相似文献   
Summary The experiments reported fall into three groups: experiments on techniques of extraction and testing that reveal the maximal germination of which seed is capable; experiments on dormancy; and experiments on longevity. Dormancy is present in various degrees in most fresh potato seeds; it is preserved by dry or cool storage and broken by the application of gibberellic acid. Estimates of longevity vary widely from a few to many years, depending on plant material and storage conditions. A general review of the biology of potato seeds is presented in 4.Discussion.
Zusammenfassung Einige Kartoffelbeeren (warscheinlich die meisten) sind im Alter von sechs Wochen reif. Samen von jüngeren Beeren zeigen eine herabgesetzte Lebensf?higkeit und eine kürzere Keimruhe-periode (Tab. 1). Mit Hilfe einer Mischmachine k?nnen die Samen auf sichere Art gewonnen werden, wenn auch dabei einige Samenschalen zerbrochen werden. Für Keimversuche eignen sich Petrischalen, die mit feuchtem Filterpapier ausgelegt und unter Licht bei ungef?hr 20 C gehalten werden; Schaumgummi kann ebenfalls verwendet werden, nicht aber Fliesspapier. Kleine Samenk?rner haben eine verminderte Lebensf?higkeit. Bei Samen, die sich nicht mehr im Stadium der Keimruhe befinden, wird die Keimung durch Dunkelheit etwas gehemmt (Abb. 1). Die meisten Kartoffelsamen sind noch im Zustand der Keimruhe, wenn sie aus den Beeren gewonnen werden. Die Keimung von Proben nach vier Wochen ergibt ein umgekehrtes Mass für die Keimruhe, vorausgesetzt dass die Muster wie oben erw?hnt behandelt werden. Die Keimruhe in heterogenen Samenmustern von diploiden und tetraploiden Gew?chsen nahm in 6 Monaten merklich ab, doch verschwand sie auch nach 18 monatiger luftiger Lagerung nicht vollst?ndig (Abb. 2) Bei Versuchen, die Keimruhe zu unterbrechen, blieben verschiedene physikalische Vorbehandlungen wirkungslos; Sch?len war teilweise. Gibberellins?ure sogar sehr wirksam. Gibberellins?ure, in suboptimaler Menge angewendet, erzeugte mit Cystein synergistische Wechselwirkung (Tab. 2, 3 und 6). Licht begünstigt das Heraustreten aus dem Zustand der Keimruhe und hat, zusammen mit chemischen Behandlungen, komplexe Wechsel-wirkungen zur Folge (Tab. 3). Die Aufbewahrung von Samen w?hrend 8 Monate unter kalten oder trockenen Lagerungsbedingungen verz?gert das Erwachen aus dem Ruhezustand, und trockene Lagerung scheint die Keimruhe sogar zu verst?rken (Tab. 4). Das Auswechseln des als Keimmedium gebrauchten Filterpapiers f?rdert die Keimung ruhender Samen (Abb. 3); dies deutet auf das Vorhandensein eines wasserl?slichen Hemmstoffes, aber die Anstrengungen zu Identifizierung endigten nur in der Feststellung, dass in allen geprüften Samen unspezifische Hemmstoffe vorhanden waren (Tab. 5). Es gibt keinen Beweis dafür, dass phenolische Stoffe für den Zustand der Keimruhe ausschlaggebend sind. Die Keimf?higkeit von luftig aufbewahrten Samenmustern von Wildarten dauerte 6–8 Jahre, nach 11–12 Jahren war sie nur noch gering (Tab. 7). Einige alte Samenmuster zeigten eine h?chst unregelm?ssige “sekund?re Keimruhe” unbekannter Natur. Eine übersicht bezüglich der Korngr?sse von Wildkartoffelsamen ergab eine Schwankung zwischen 22 und 96 mg pro 100 Samen. Die Unterschiede sind nicht fest an die Zahl der Erbs?tze oder die Artzugeh?rigkeit gebunden. Ein allgemeiner überblick über die Biologie der Kartoffelsamen wird in der Diskussion geboten.

Résumé Certaines baies de pomme de terre (la plupart, probablement) sont m?res à l'age de six semaines, et les graines provenant de baies plus jeunes présentent une certaine réduction de la viabilité et de la dormance (Tableau 1). Les graines peuvent être extraites sans risque au moyen d'un malaxeur, bien qu'une certaine proportion ait le tégument endommagé par l'opération. Pour les tests de germination, des bo?tes de Pétri contenant du papier-filtre humide, conservées à la lumière à 20 C environ donnent satisfaction. Le plastiquemousse convient également comme milieu de germination, mais le papier buvard n'est pas approprié. Les graines de petite dimension se révèlent moins viables. La germination de graines non dormantes est légèrement inhibée par l'obscurité (fig. 1). La plupart des graines de pomme de terre sont en état de dormance au moment où elle sont récoltées, et la germination d'échantillons à quatre semaines suivant le procédé décrit ci-dessus fournit une mesure inverse de la dormance. La dormance de lots hétérogènes de graines de variétés cultivées diplo?des et tétraplo?des diminuait nettement en 6 mois, mais il en restait encore des traces jusque après 18 mois de conservation en plein air (fig. 2). Dans les essais de suppression de l'état de dormance, différents traitements physiques restèrent sans effet, l'enlèvement du tégument avait un effet partiel et l'administration d'acide gibérellique se révéla très efficace; ce dernier, administré à une dose inférieure à la dose optimale, produisait un effet synergique avec la cystéinc (Tableaux 2, 3 et 6). La lumière hate la fin de la dormance et présente des interactions complexes avec les traitements chimiques (Tableau 3). Le stockage des semences pendant huit mois dans un milieu froid ou sec retarde la fin de la dormance, et la sécheresse semble même rendre la dormance plus profonde pendant cette période (Tableau 4). Le renouvellement du papier-filtre servant de milieu de germination stimule la germination des graines en dormance (Fig. 3); cela implique la présence d'un substance inhibitrice hydrosoluble, mais les efforts tendant à l'identification de cette substance ont uniquement permis de démontrer la précence d'une ou de plusieurs, substances inhibitrices non specifiques dans toutes les semences étudiées (Tableau 5). Rien ne porte à croire que des corps phénoliques soient responsables de la dormance. La durée de vie des échantillons d'espèces sauvages conservées en plein air se trouva être de 6 à 8 ans, et on ne trouva que peu de faculté germinative après 11 à 12 ans (Tableau 7). Il existe très irrégulièrement une “seconde dormance” de nature inconnue dans certains lots de semences anciens. Un aper?u des grosseurs des graines de pommes de terre sauvages présente une variation de 22 à 96 mg les 100 graines, cette variabilité n'étant pas liée systématiquement à la plo?die ni à la taxonomie. La Discussion donne un aper?u général de la biologie des graines de pomme de terre.

Continuation of —Fortserzung voncontiuation de: Europ. Potato J., Vol. 6 (1963) No. 1 (March) 45–60.  相似文献   
Leafy grass varieties S24 perennial ryegrass, S26 cocksfoot, S215 meadow fescue and S51 timothy were cut in October and at various growth stages in spring; S53 meadow fescue was grazed at similar periods. Sub-plots were given different applications of N. The control plots had similar manurial treatments but were not defoliated. The seed yield of S24 following October cutting was significantly lower than the control in the first harvest year and significantly higher in the second; the mean yields over 2 years, as a result of cutting at this stage and before ear formation in March, were very similar to those of the control treatment. The mean yields from 3 harvest years for S26, S215 and S51 were generally improved by cutting in October and before ear formation, but cutting after ear formation reduced the number of heads and the seed yields. Extra N applied in conjunction with the defoliation had no significant effect on the number of seed heads or on seed yield. Double grazing of S53 in Sept. and Dec. reduced significantly its seed production in both harvest years. Application of N in spring gave a greater response than a similar application in autumn.  相似文献   
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