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This study was conducted to determine the effect of immunization with inhibin DNA vaccine delivered by attenuated Salmonella choleraesuis on ovarian responses and fertility in cross‐bred buffaloes. A total of 134 cross‐bred buffaloes were divided into four groups: groups T1 (n = 34), T2 (n = 35) and T3 (n = 31) were nasal immunized twice a day with 10 ml of 1 × 1010 CFU/ml of the C501 (pVAX‐asd‐IS) vaccine for 5, 3 and 1 day, respectively. Group C (n = 34) was nasal immunized with 10 ml PBS for 5 days. All animals were immunized twice with an interval of 14 days and administered with 200 μg of a GnRH analogue on day 28, 0.5 mg PGF on day 35 and 200 μg of the same GnRH analogue on day 37. TAI was performed at 18 and 24 hr after the second GnRH treatment. Fourteen days after primary immunization, C501 (pVAX‐asd‐IS) elicited significant immune responses, and anti‐inhibin IgG antibody titres in group T1 were significantly higher (< .01) than groups T3 and C. After the second GnRH treatment, the growth speed of the dominant follicles in group T1 was significantly faster (< .05) than groups T3 and C. The number and diameter of large follicles (≥10 mm) as well as ovulatory follicles in group T1 were the greatest in all groups, resulting in a greater conception rate in buffaloes with positive anti‐inhibin antibodies. These results demonstrate that immunization with the C501 (pVAX‐asd‐IS) vaccine, coupled with the Ovsynch protocol, could be used as an alternative approach to improve reproductive performance in cross‐bred buffaloes.  相似文献   
A commercially available absorbed ELISA for the diagnosis of Johne's disease (JD) (paratuberculosis) in cattle, the Johne's Absorbed EIA, was compared with the conventional complement-fixation test (CFT) used in Australia. Stored plasma from 3 Victorian dairy herds with a history of JD, sera from specimens submitted from animals showing clinical signs of JD and sera from the US National Repository for Paratuberculosis Specimens were used to determine the sensitivity of each test. The EIA detected 48.8% of 43 Australian animals with subclinical JD, while the CFT detected only 12 (21.4%) of 56 subclinically affected cattle. Of 150 subclinically infected US cattle, the EIA detected 47.3% and the CFT detected 52.0%. The EIA detected 59.7% of animals which at the time of sampling were shedding Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in their faeces, but showed no clinical signs of JD, while the CFT detected 57.3%. The EIA correctly identified 88.2% of 136 histologically confirmed clinical cases, and the CFT detected 83.4%. The specificity of each test was determined by testing sera collected at slaughter from animals residing in a known JD-free area of Australia, and from samples from the US National Repository of Paratuberculosis Specimens collected from certified-free herds in Wisconsin. The EIA was found to have a specificity of 99.8% when 998 Australian animals were used as the test population, and 99.0% when 196 US animals were used. The specificity of the CFT using Australian samples was 96.9% and 95.2% using American samples.  相似文献   
Bacteroides nodosus involved in several outbreaks of ovine footrot over a number of years were subjected to DNA restriction endonuclease analysis. Individual isolates were found to have characteristic Bam HI profiles which permitted their accurate identification and differentiation from other isolates. Bam HI profiles of B. nodosus isolates were used in epidemiological investigations involving consecutive outbreaks of footrot on individual and neighbouring farms. The relationship of given isolates to a common source could be established by this means. Restriction endonuclease analysis provides an additional epidemiological tool in ovine footrot investigations as it accurately identifies interstrain differences in a manner not possible by conventional bacteriological and serological means.  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the usefulness of the gamma-interferon assay in the diagnosis of caprine tuberculosis in comparison with a single intradermal tuberculin test, and to obtain a group of animals free from this infection in a herd with a high prevalence.
Design An immunological study involving four serial comparative gamma-interferon and single intradermal tuberculin tests.
Animals A herd of 87 goats of Guadarrama breed.
Procedure Serial testing and segregation of animals.
Results We found that the number of infections detected by the gamma-interferon test was considerably greater than the number detected by the single intradermal tuberculin test. A group of 10 animals was negative to both tests in two consecutive rounds and three kids were negative in the last round of testing.
Conclusions Gamma-interferon assay is appropriate for diagnosis and eradication of tuberculosis in goats. This test is able to detect early Mycobacterium bovis infection. Avian reactors with simultaneous increased reaction to bovine PPD in the gamma-interferon assay (designated as avianB reactors) should be considered test positive for M bovis . By serial testing with the gamma-interferon and the single intradermal tuberculin tests, and a policy of segregation of kids at birth, it is possible to achieve a group of animals test negative for tuberculosis from a herd of goats with high immunoreactivity to this infection.  相似文献   
To get an impression of the presence of pathogens in multi-aged flocks of old fancy chicken breeds in the Netherlands, plasma samples originating from 24 flocks were examined for antibodies against 17 chicken pathogens. These flocks were housed mainly in the centre and east of the Netherlands, regions with a high poultry density. The owners of the tested flocks showed their chicken at national and international poultry exhibitions. Antibodies against Avian Influenza, Egg Drop Syndrome '76 virus, Pox virus, Salmonella pullorum/gallinarum, Salmonella Enteritidis or Salmonella Typhimurium were not detected. However, antibodies against other Salmonella species, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, infectious bursal disease virus, infectious bronchitis virus, avian encephalomyelitis virus, chicken anaemia virus, infectious laryngotracheitis virus, and avian leukosis virus, subgroups A and B, and subgroup J were detected in a varying proportion of the flocks. This study shows that antibodies against many chicken pathogens are present among the flocks of old fancy chicken breeds that are exhibited at international poultry exhibitions.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to determine the non‐specific aerobic and anaerobic bacterial causes of endometritis causing repeat breeding of cycling Iraqi buffalo cows at Nineveh province, validate diagnostic criteria for endometritis and to evaluate the treatment efficiency of using systemic or intra‐uterine infusion of antibiotics for the treatment of endometritis. Data were collected from 60 buffalo cows with history of repeat breeding in different herds. All buffaloes were subjected to detailed clinical examination including external inspection, vaginoscopy and transrectal palpation of the cervix, uterus and ovaries. Swabs for bacteriology and biopsies for histopathology were collected from the uterine lumen from each cow. Character, odour and estimation of polymorphonuclear cells (PMN) of the vaginal mucus were scored. Blood samples were collected from cows for creatine kinase (CK) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) measurement. Treatment conducted using oxytetracycline with tylosin in local intrauterine infusion or systemically with hormonal treatment. The most pre‐disposing factor for uterine infection was retained placenta (13.3%). The most prevalent bacteria in uterine lumen were E. coli (23%), Archanobacterium pyogenes (13%) and Staphylococcus aureus (10%) were mostly isolated from buffaloes with repeat breeding. Vaginal mucus character score was associated with the bacterial growth density score. The difference in PMN was highly significant (p < 0.01) in animals with repeat breeding than control groups. In addition, PMNs was significantly (p < 0.01) correlated r = 0.894 with the character of vaginal discharge. High level of PMNs observed in buffaloes infected with A. pyogenes. Buffalo cows with endometritis had higher CK (321.47 ± 39.06 vs 162.01 ± 16.41 U/l) and AST (133.93 ± 12.43 vs 97.01 ± 6.86 U/l) activities (p < 0.05) than control‐heifers, but no significant difference was observed between buffalo cows with endometritis in CK (321.47 ± 39.06 vs 208.33 ± 5.84) and AST (133.93 ± 12.43 vs 156.17 ± 9.65) activities than control‐pluriparious. It could be concluded that A. pyogenes was the only non‐specific uterine pathogen directly associated with severe endometrial lesions. Vaginoscopy examination combined with palpation of uterus increase the accuracy of diagnosing endometritis and cytogenic examination of uterine discharge is more reliable method of establishing the presence or absence of uterine inflammation in buffalo cows. Animals with repeat breeding (endometritis) showed clinical cure and improved pregnancy in all treatment groups with no significant difference. The use of oestradiol in repeat breeder cases has no effect in improving neither clinical cure rate nor pregnancy rate.  相似文献   
CASE HISTORY AND CLINICAL FINDINGS: A dairy cow, from a herd in the Waikato region of New Zealand, was reported with regenerative anaemia on 12 September 2014. Testing of blood from the animal using PCR assays for Theileria orientalis produced a negative result for both Chitose and Ikeda types.

LABORATORY FINDINGS: Using PCR and DNA sequencing, blood from the cow was positive for Candidatus Mycoplasma haemobos. Further testing of another 12 animals from the case herd, 27 days after the affected cow was first reported, showed 11 animals were positive for Candidatus M. haemobos or Mycoplasma wenyonii in the PCR. None of these cattle were clinically anaemic or positive for T. orientalis Ikeda type using PCR.

A convenience sample of 47 blood samples from cattle throughout New Zealand, submitted to the Investigation and Diagnostic Centre (Ministry for Primary Industries) for surveillance testing for T. orientalis Ikeda, was selected for further testing for bovine haemoplasmas. Of these samples, 6/47 (13%) and 13/47(28%) were positive for M. wenyonii and Candidatus M. haemobos, respectively. There was no difference in the proportion of samples positive for the bovine haemaplasmas between cattle with anaemia that were negative for T. orientalis (6/20, 33%), or without anaemia or T. orientalis (10/18, 56%), or from cattle herds experiencing anaemia and infection with T. orientalis Ikeda type (3/9, 33%).

DIAGNOSIS: Bovine haemoplasmosis.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The presence of bovine haemoplasmas in blood does not establish causality for anaemia in cattle. Diagnosis of anaemia associated with haemoplasmosis would require exclusion of other causes of regenerative anaemia and an association of the agent with anaemia in affected cattle herds. The data collected in this study did not provide evidence that bovine haemoplasmas were associated with a large number of outbreaks of anaemia in cattle in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are fundamental for intracellular signalling. In spermatozoa, they are involved both to apoptosis and to capacitation, and changes in ROS levels can alter the balance between these two processes. Oestrous sheep serum (OSS) is considered an efficient agent for in vitro capacitation of ram spermatozoa. We have explored the effects of OSS on ram sperm physiology, especially on ROS production, during in vitro capacitation. Semen samples from 15 rams were cryopreserved. After thawing, samples were submitted to four treatments: control (CTL), 10% OSS supplementation for in vitro sperm capacitation, caspase inhibitor (INH, Z‐VAD‐FMK 100 μM) and OSS (10%) plus caspase inhibitor (I + E). Sperm samples were incubated for 30 min at 38.5°C and 5% CO2 and evaluated motility and kinetic parameters by computer‐assisted semen analysis (CASA) and viability (propidium iodide), apoptotic‐like membrane changes (YO‐PRO‐1), acrosomal status (PNA‐FITC), intracellular calcium (FLUO‐3), membrane fluidity (M540) and ROS production (CM‐H2DCFDA) by flow cytometry. OSS induced changes in kinetic parameters compatible with capacitation, with a decrease in the percentage of progressive motility and linearity, and an increase in the amplitude of the lateral displacement of the sperm head (< .05). Moreover, OSS increased the proportion of M540+ viable spermatozoa, YO‐PRO‐1+ and acrosome‐reacted spermatozoa (p < .05). After incubation, OSS and I+E achieved lower ROS levels (p < .05). Ca2+ levels did not change with the incubation, but were slightly higher (p < .05) when both OSS and the inhibitor were present. We suggest that OSS may modulate ROS levels, allowing intracellular signalling for capacitation to occur while preventing higher levels that could trigger apoptosis.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate how different protein profiles of seminal plasma (SP) fractions affect sperm functionality in vitro. Ejaculates from three boars were separated into six fractions. The fractions differed from each other in their sperm content, in their total SP protein content, and their spermadhesin PSP-I/PSP-II and heparin-binding protein (HBP) concentrations. Spermatozoa were mainly recovered in fraction 2 (sperm-rich fraction, >1800 × 106 spermatozoa/ml), whereas the pre-sperm fraction 1 and the post-sperm fractions 4–6 contained low numbers of spermatozoa (<500 × 106/ml). Except in fraction 2, the total SP protein concentration and the concentration of both, spermadhesin PSP-I/PSP-II and the HBPs increased with fraction order. Distinct time-dependent effects were observed on motility characteristics and membrane integrity of highly diluted boar spermatozoa upon incubation with a 10% dilution of the SP from each fraction. The highest sperm viability was recorded after exposure for 5 h to fraction 2, followed by fractions 1 and 3. The percentages of motile spermatozoa also differed significantly among fractions after 5 h of incubation. Spermatozoa incubated with SP of fractions 1–3 showed the highest percentage motility. We conclude that different SP fractions exert distinct effects on the functionality of highly diluted boar spermatozoa. Fractions 1–3 appear to promote sperm survival, whereas fractions 4–6 seem to be harmful for preserving the physiological functions of highly diluted boar spermatozoa.  相似文献   
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