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基于GF-1影像的普达措国家公园森林地上生物量遥感估算   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
精确估算森林地上生物量有利于掌握森林资源碳储量的分布特征,该研究以普达措国家公园为研究区,基于国产高分一号(GF-1)全色多光谱(Panchromatic Multispectral Sensor,PMS)卫星影像和数字高程数据,提取波段信息、植被指数、纹理信息和地形因子,利用多元线性逐步回归、支持向量机、神经网络和随机森林模型,估算森林地上生物量。研究结果表明,基于GF-1影像构建的随机森林模型的精度效果最佳,决定系数为0.77,均方根误差为27.53 t/hm2;普达措国家公园森林地上生物量为7 085 614 t,平均生物量达136.01 t/hm2,表明公园内寒温性针叶林发育完好;海拔>3 500~4 000 m区域森林生物量平均值最高,为126.56 t/hm2,与生态保护目标分布范围相符;不同坡向生物量存在差异,阴坡和半阴坡平均生物量高出其他坡向20.48%,立地条件较优。研究结果证实基于GF-1优化的生物量经验模型具有对亚高山天然林地上生物量的估算潜力,对区域森林资源的有效科学管理和维护森林生态环境具有重要意义。  相似文献   
为研究有机肥培肥复垦土壤过程中磷的有效性如何变化、不同有机肥在什么施磷水平下能使作物取得最大生产效率以及合理培肥土壤,依托采煤塌陷定位培肥试验基地(山西省孝义市偏城村),在4个磷水平下(0,25,50,100 kg/hm2)研究不同肥料(鸡粪、猪粪、牛粪和化肥)对玉米产量及土壤速效磷含量的动态变化.经过2年的田间试验,...  相似文献   
针对目前海水养殖模式遥感识别中的效率低,"同物异谱"、"异物同谱"和"椒盐"噪声等问题,该文研究了关联规则分类和面向对象相结合的养殖模式遥感识别方法,通过不同养殖模式的对象分割和关联规则的自动和智能获取,来构建海水养殖模式分类器。以高分一号PMS1卫星影像为数据源,把不同养殖模式对象的光谱、空间形态和纹理特征及其关联关系作为事务数据,使用Apriori算法挖掘类别作为后件的强规则,对粤东柘林湾养殖核心区内4种海水养殖模式(池塘养殖、网箱养殖、滩涂插养、浮筏吊养)水面信息进行提取。结果表明:基于关联规则面向对象的海水养殖模式分类精度能达到88.65%,比K-近邻法面向对象法精度提高了14.38个百分点,比关联规则挖掘分类法精度提高了12.16个百分点。关联规则分类和面向对象结合方法拓宽了传统逻辑推理分类方法中获取信息的途径,使分类更加自动化和智能化,且分类精度得到显著提高,可以成为海岸带海水养殖复杂模式识别的有效支持手段。  相似文献   
汉江水源区生态沟渠对径流氮、磷的生态拦截效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]研究汉江水源区生态沟渠对径流氮、磷的生态拦截效应,为农业非点源污染的控制提供重要参考和依据。[方法]设置生态沟渠在不同时间对不同断面水体进行监测。[结果]同段沟渠内,侧面外来水对沟渠径流氮浓度变化影响比磷浓度变化明显;径流TN,NO3-N浓度在上游、中游和下游断面变异系数分别达到19.81%~31.88%,9.57%~16.73%和32.14%~42.81%;NH+4-N和TP在4个断面变异系数在33.33%~88.46%范围内变化;生态沟渠断面之间,水草拦截净化沟渠段氮、磷含量降低幅度在9.52%~31.11%。[结论]沟渠生态拦截对径流氮素净化效果较明显,同时适当布局拦沙工程可以削减磷素流失。  相似文献   


Soils provide a variety of ecosystem services (ESs) that are crucial to food security, water security, energy security, climate change abatement, and biodiversity, especially in densely populated countries such as China. At present, China is facing great challenges from serious soil heavy metal (HM) contamination which has damaged soil ESs and soil security. In this paper, we evaluate the ESs that contaminated soils can potentially provide before and after remediation, and we explore the connections between these ESs and the achievement of soil security in China.

Materials and methods

After an introduction to the concepts of ESs and soil security and a review of the current status of soil HM contamination in China, the ESs that can potentially be provided by HM-contaminated soils are discussed. Finally, we discuss the current remediation status of HM-contaminated soils from the standpoint of optimizing the ability of these soils to provide ESs.

Results and discussion

The status of the provision of ESs by HM-contaminated soils of croplands, brownfields, and mining wastelands is described in detail. Contaminated cropland soils fail to provide provisioning (e.g., food production), cultural, and regulating services, while the regulating and supporting services of brownfield soils are greatly reduced. The ESs of mining wasteland soils have been severely damaged, resulting in a high potential for contamination of surrounding ecosystems. Recent soil remediation projects have demonstrated that the damaged ESs of HM-contaminated soils can be restored, which would enhance Chinese soil security. However, it has often been the case that only visible ESs (e.g., food production and vegetation cover) are addressed, while other less noticeable but important services (e.g., water quality and biodiversity) are neglected. Therefore, we propose a framework for the evaluation of ESs provided by HM-contaminated soils.


The ESs that could potentially be provided by HM-contaminated soils would help to achieve soil security in China, not only by improving food security, water security, and energy security but also by helping to protect soil biodiversity and abate global climate change. The ESs provided by HM-contaminated soils should be taken into account in soil policy and management systems as well as by the remediation industry.
为探究定位培肥矿区复垦土壤过程中不同有机肥对土壤磷素累积状况及环境流失风险的差异.以山西省孝义市采煤塌陷复垦土壤为研究对象,研究不同有机肥(鸡粪、猪粪、牛粪)和化肥在4个施磷水平下(0,25,50,100 kg/hm2)培肥4年后对矿区复垦土壤全磷、Olsen—P、Mehlich3—P、CaCl2—P以及磷饱和度(DP...  相似文献   


Developing routine methods that accurately predict soil nitrogen (N) mineralization is essential for fertilization recommendation; thus, chemical soil testing has received worldwide attention. However, the optimal chemical soil test for predicting soil N mineralization is region specific. This study aimed to determine suitable chemical soil tests for predicting N mineralization in paddy soils of the Dongting Lake region, China.

Materials and methods

Composite surface samples (0–20 cm) of soils (n?=?30) with diverse inherent properties were collected from representative paddy fields across the region. The benchmark indices for soil N mineralization were the net mineralization rate of soil N in a 112-day anaerobic incubation under waterlogged conditions (NMRN112) and N mineralization potential (N o ) estimated using a modified double exponential model. Laboratory-based measurements of soil labile organic N (SLON) were conducted using chemical fractionation methods including 0.01 M NaHCO3 extraction, hot 2 M KCl hydrolysis, phosphate-borate (PB) buffer hydrolysis, acidic KMnO4 oxidation, and alkaline KMnO4 oxidation. These were compared with the benchmark indices to assess their suitability for use as indicators for N mineralization.

Results and discussion

Acidic KMnO4-oxidative organic N (acidic KMnO4-N) and PB buffer-hydrolysable organic N (PBHYDR-N) correlated strongly with NMRN112 and N o (r?=?0.825–0.884, P?<?0.001, n?=?30). Grouping of soils based on soil texture generally provided no improvement in the relationships of chemical soil tests with NMRN112 and N o . Multiple stepwise regression analysis indicated that combining acidic KMnO4-N and PBHYDR-N yielded the best prediction of soil N mineralization, explaining 86.1 and 85.5 % of the variation in NMRN112 and N o , respectively, of the 30 tested paddy soils.


The results of acidic KMnO4-N and PBHYDR-N as indicators for soil N mineralization were promising, and the operations of acidic KMnO4 oxidation and PB buffer hydrolysis procedures are simple and cost-effective. Therefore, a combination of acidic KMnO4-N and PBHYDR-N shows promise in predicting N mineralization in paddy soils of the Dongting Lake region. However, further calibration through field studies is required and the chemical characteristics of acidic KMnO4-N and PBHYDR-N needs to be further clarified.
地膜覆盖栽培是有效保持寒旱区土壤水热条件、促进作物生产的措施之一。为解决长期覆盖普通地膜造成的土壤地膜残留污染及生物降解地膜破裂,且成本高的问题,通过多年试验研究,从地膜选择、肥料配比、绿色地膜复合覆盖技术、田间管理、地膜回收、秸秆与生物降解地膜还田等方面总结了寒旱区玉米普通地膜与生物降解膜覆盖栽培技术。  相似文献   
灌水量和时期对不同品种冬小麦产量和耗水特性的影响   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
为明确品种更替过程中冬小麦的耗水特性、产量和水分利用效率(WUE)的变化规律,以及对水分胁迫的响应,于2010-2012两个生长季选取河南中北部建国以来不同年代的7个主栽品种为试验材料,在田间设置三个水分处理下(W0,返青后不灌水;W1,拔节期灌水;W2,拔节和灌浆期分别灌水),研究了冬小麦的耗水特性、产量构成因素、收获指数和水分利用效率的变化过程。研究结果表明:在冬小麦更替过程中,冬小麦总耗水和土壤贮水消耗与年代差异不显著,而受降雨和灌溉影响较大。从20世纪50年代至现在,90年代及以后的冬小麦品种千粒重在41g以上,明显高于早期品种。两年生长季冬小麦籽粒产量增加58.4%和41.8%,平均每次更替增加396和362kg/hm2;收获指数增加37.0%和18.0%,平均每次更替增加0.2和0.1;WUE增加55.3%和40.8%,平均每次更替增加0.11和0.10kg/m3。现代品种源、库关系得到改善,千粒重大幅度增加和收获指数增加是籽粒产量提高的主要原因。籽粒产量和WUE由品种和水分互作效应决定,在拔节期和灌浆期灌水可明显提高籽粒产量水平,并在一定程度上提高了水分利用效率。  相似文献   
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