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AIM: To investigate the nature of a neurological disease in Wiltshire sheep.

METHODS: Three affected lambs were examined, humanely killed and necropsied. Selected neurological tissues were examined by light and electron microscopy.

RESULTS: Primary neurological lesions were confined to the cerebellum and were characterised by loss of Purkinje cells and the presence of large hypertrophied dendrites of surviving Purkinje cells. These contained stacks of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. There was hyperplasia and cell swelling of Bergmann glia. Mild Wallerian-type degeneration affected white matter in the cerebellum and spinal cord.

CONCLUSION: The cerebellar lesions were of a degenerative and reactive rather than hypoplastic nature. These, and the history, suggest a genetic cause with putative inheritance as an autosomal recessive trait. Accordingly, the disorder is described as a cerebellar abiotrophy.  相似文献   
Bilateral hypoplasia of the soft palate and aspiration pneumonia occurred in a Standardbred foal. The filly was presented with a history of illthrift, dyspnoea, coughing and bilateral nasal discharge. Abnormal sounds (crackels and wheezes) were auscultated over all lung fields and the cervical trachea. Endoscopy revealed a shortened soft palate with a uvula-like mass protruding from the free border into the nasopharynx. Mucopurulent material was present in the trachea. Samples obtained by tracheal wash were submitted for cytology, culture and sensitivity testing. Results indicated a septic inflammatory process. On lateral radiographs of the thorax there were patchy areas of consolidation and air bronchograms. The foal was euthanased. Necropsy confirmed the presence of a palatal defect and aspiration pneumonia of moderate severity. No other congenital abnormalities were present.  相似文献   
Adverse reactions to intramuscular injections of procaine penicillin G are reported in 11 horses, five of which died. The clinical findings are presented and suggest central nervous involvement in most cases. Post mortem findings in one horse were consistent with anaphylaxis whereas in other cases the clinical findings, duration of treatment, speed of onset and subsequent completion of treatment supports diagnosis of an acute procaine toxicity syndrome.  相似文献   
Percolation of core melts at lower mantle conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experiments at high pressure and temperature to determine the dihedral angle of core melts in lower mantle phases yielded a value of approximately 71 degrees for perovskite-dominated matrices. This angle, although greater than the 60 degrees required for completely efficient percolation, is considerably less than the angles observed in mineral matrices at upper mantle pressure-temperature conditions in experiments. In other words, molten iron alloy can flow much more easily in lower mantle mineralogies than in upper mantle mineralogies. Accordingly, although segregation of core material by melt percolation is probably not feasible in the upper mantle, core formation by percolation may be possible in the lower mantle.  相似文献   
AIM: To determine the period prevalence of needlestick injury (NSI) at the Massey University Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) and to identify handling and disposal practices that may contribute to the risk of NSI.

METHODS: Observations of personnel were conducted in the equine (EVH) and companion animal (CAH) clinics of the VTH during scheduled clinical activities over 9- and 10-day periods, respectively. The number and type of NSI incidents, needle uncapping, capping and disposal events were recorded for veterinarians, nurses and other personnel (visitors and students). The number of needle-related practices, as a proportion of observations, were compared between CAH and EVH, and veterinarians, nurses and others using χ2 tests.

RESULTS: Needlestick injury was not observed during 190 and 163 needle handling and disposal observations in the CAH and EVH, respectively. Uncapping of needles by mouth was observed and was practised more by veterinarians (15/119; 13%) than nurses (2/42; 5%) and others (6/193; 3%) (p=0.001). Two-handed needle recapping after use was observed 265/354 times, and the one handed scooping technique was rarely observed (8/352). In the case of needle disposal, EVH workers used a container that was not purpose built for disposal more than CAH staff (p=0.02), or placed them in a pocket more frequently (p=0.003). Needle disposal containers were available on adjacent bench tops for 65/190 (34%) CAH observations, but no EVH observations. For 51/163 (31%) EVH observations the needle disposal containers were located on the ground, whereas none were observed there in the CAH. No approved sharps containers were observed in the immediate EVH and CAH work areas for 47/163 (28.8%) and 1/191 (0.5%) needle-handling activities, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: Unsafe needle-handling practices must be reduced by policies and training programmes to encourage safe needle-related practices, and ensuring that approved sharps containers are available in close proximity to where needles are used.  相似文献   

Ketamine has been implicated as causing increases in intraocular pressure. The purpose of this study is to document the effects of ketamine, diazepam, and their combination on intraocular pressure (IOP) in normal, unpremedicated dogs. Random-source dogs were assigned to one of five groups of 10 dogs each: ketamine 5 mg kg–1 (KET5), ketamine 10 mg kg–1 (KET10), diazepam 0.5 mg kg–1 (VAL), ketamine 10 mg kg–1 with diazepam 0.5 mg kg–1 (KETVAL), saline 0.1 mL kg–1 (SAL), all given intravenously. A baseline IOP was measured before injection, immediately after injection, and at 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes following injection. IOP was increased over baseline immediately after injection in the KET5, KET10, and KETVAL groups; at 5, 10, and 15 minutes in the KET5 group; and at 20 minutes in the KETVAL group. The mean IOP change compared to SAL increased immediately after injection and at 5 minutes in the KET5, KET10, and KETVAL groups; at 10 and 15 minutes in the KET5 group, and at 20 minutes in the KETVAL group. The mean IOP increased up to 5.7, 3.2, and 3.1 mm Hg over mean baseline in the KET5, KET10, and KETVAL groups, respectively. All dogs in the KET5 group and the majority in the KETVAL and KET10 groups had an increase in their IOP over baseline. Ketamine caused a clinically and statistically significant elevation in IOP over baseline and compared to SAL. The concurrent addition of diazepam did not blunt this increase. Ketamine should be avoided in dogs with corneal trauma, glaucoma, or in those undergoing intraocular surgery.  相似文献   


Differences among species and among years in reproductive seasonality (the tendency for clusters of events to fall at approximately the same point in each year) and synchrony (amount of clustering of events within a year) have been intensively studied in bats, but are difficult to assess. Here, we use randomization methods with circular statistics to test for synchrony and seasonality of reproduction in three species of nectarivorous megachiropteran bats on Negros Island in the central Philippines.  相似文献   

AIM: To conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the administration of anthelmintics to adult ewes around lambing.

METHODS: Production data from comparisons of different anthelmintic treatments with no treatment were used in a cost-benefit analysis. The data were from 14 trials (part of an experiment carried out on one farm in 1 year) conducted on sheep and beef farms (eight in 2011 and six in 2012) in the Wairarapa region of New Zealand. The cost structure involved the purchase price of products and the labour cost of administration. The four key benefits identified for the calculation of economic returns, relative to untreated ewes, were: increased value of ewes sold (culled) at weaning, additional lambs weaned related to ewe liveweight at mating, increased total weight of lamb weaned per ewe, and reduced number of ewes requiring removal of soiled wool at weaning due to a lower dag score. Commercial values for these variables as at December 2013 were used, with the measured production data, to calculate a net (NZ$) benefit for every treatment-trial combination.

RESULTS: The economic return on treating ewes around lambing with anthelmintics was highly variable and across all trials treatment resulted in a financial loss in 18/38 (47%) groups of ewes. The mean net benefit from pre-lambing administration of a controlled release capsule (CRC) containing albendazole and abamectin was 5.36 (95% CI=?2.64 to 13.35) $/ewe, but overall was not different from zero (p=0.171). A breakdown of the overall gross benefit into its various components showed that weight of lamb weaned per ewe had the largest influence (a mean benefit of $5.68/ewe), followed by ewe liveweight pre-mating ($2.45/ewe), ewe liveweight at weaning ($0.66/ewe) and reduced dag score ($0.15/ewe). Other anthelmintic treatments all showed highly variable responses amongst trials, with some negative cost-benefits. There was no significant difference between any of the treatments except a short-acting oral treatment at tail-docking had a lower net benefit than a CRC containing albendazole administered pre-lambing (p<0.05).

CONCLUSIONS: A positive financial return resulting from the anthelmintic treatment of adult ewes around lambing is neither consistent nor predictable, and is often not achieved. Given that the additional costs of accelerating the development of anthelmintic resistance were not included in these calculations, farmers need to consider carefully the merits of administering anthelmintics to ewes around lambing.  相似文献   
AIM: To identify whether cutting neck tissues or cutting major blood vessels initiates the mechanisms responsible for electroencephalographic (EEG) responses to slaughter by ventral-neck incision without prior stunning in halothane-anaesthetised calves.

METHODS: Calves were assigned to two groups, viz transection of neck tissues with intact blood circulation through the brain (n=10), or transection of the major blood vessels of the neck but not most other neck tissues (n=7). They were minimally anaesthetised with halothane, using an established anaesthesia protocol. The animals in the neck-tissue transection group had their carotid arteries and jugular veins exposed and cannulated proximal and distal to the proposed site of subsequent ventral-neck incision; this diverted blood fl ow through these vessels so that cerebral perfusion and drainage were preserved. In animals in the blood-vessel transection group, the carotid arteries and jugular veins were exposed bilaterally by surgical dissection. They were then transected without further damage to the remaining structures of the neck. Changes in the median frequency (F50), 95% spectral edge frequency (F95), total power of the EEG (Ptot), and arterial blood pressure were compared within each group before and after neck-tissue or blood-vessel transection, and between groups following treatments.

RESULTS: Neck-tissue transection resulted in little overall change in the F50, an increase in the F95, and an initial increase in Ptot followed by a transient decrease and eventual return to pre-treatment values. There was between-animal variation in these EEG parameters. Transection of the major blood vessels of the neck resulted in a decrease in F50 in most animals; changes in F95 were highly variable, and there was a decrease in Ptot.

CONCLUSIONS: The EEG responses seen following necktissue and blood-vessel transection were qualitatively distinct, and suggested that cutting neck tissues caused greater noxious sensory input than transection of only the major blood vessels of the neck. These observations support the conclusion that the EEG responses seen after ventral-neck incision in intact animals are primarily due to noxious stimulation as a result of incision of ventral-neck tissues and not mainly as a result of loss of blood flow through the brain.  相似文献   
A fusion defect of the proximal and middle phalanges of both hindlimbs, osteochondrosis dissecans of the distal interphalangeal joints of the forelimbs, and subluxation of all 4 distal interphalangeal joints occurred in a Standardbred filly. Lameness was the first abnormality noted and was observed at one week of age in the left forelimb and progressed until all 4 limbs were affected by 5 weeks of age. On radiographs of both forelimbs, the distal interphalangeal joints were subluxated with irregularity and lucency of subchondral bone. On radiographs of the distal hindlimbs, there was a subluxation of both distal interphalangeal joints and loss of the proximal interphalangeal joint spaces with fusion of the proximal and middle phalanges. The foal was euthanised. On necropsy, there were focal areas of erosion of articular cartilage in the distal interphalangeal joint of both forelimbs. The proximal and middle phalanges of both hindlimbs were fused. Histopathological examination of the distal interphalangeal joint of the right foreleg showed loss of articular cartilage and degenerative changes in the exposed subchondral bone.  相似文献   
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