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Pathogenic mechanisms of caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Goats infected with caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV) show chronic arthritis and cachexia, which are progressive in nature. The immunopathogenic mechanisms responsible for these progressive clinical symptoms have not been fully elucidated. Various haematological and immunological parameters were evaluated in experimentally-infected goats showing typical signs of CAEV-induced disease. Infected goats showed recurrent lymphocytosis that may be due to constant presentation of antigen by infected cells of a monocyte/macrophage lineage. The serum alkaline phosphatase and -glutamyl transferase concentrations were elevated in infected goats, a characteristic of hepatic and bone disorders. All other serum chemistry parameters were similar between infected and control goats. Importantly, the serum tumour necrosis factor- (TNF-) levels were higher in infected goats. The cachexia seen in infected goats may be at least partly due to altered metabolism as a result of prolonged elevation of serum TNF- levels. Depressed natural killer cell activity was observed in infected goats and may contribute towards the establishment of a persistent infection with CAEV.Abbreviations AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - CAEV caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus - GGT -glutamyl transferase - HBSS Hanks' balanced salt solution - HIV human immunodeficiency virus - NK natural killer - PBMC peripheral blood mononuclear cells - PCR polymerase chain reaction - SAP serum alkaline phosphatase - TNF tumour necrosis factor  相似文献   
SUMMARY: Muzzle dermatoglyphics - n. ridges, granula and vibrissae - were analysed in various breeds. Differences among these in most traits were significant. Herd effects accounted for about 1/10 of the variance and heritability, estimated by combining sib, halfsib and dam-daughter correlations corrected for herd differences was above 50% for ridges and vibrissae and about 30% for granula. Genetic correlations between ridge counts and n. vibrissae in different nose fields, respectively, were high as they were between the former and n. granula but they were negative or very low between vibrissae and the other two traits. Asymmetry among the counts in the two muzzle sides was significant for nearly all traits, Heritabilities were low, around 10 to 20%, and the crossbreds had less asymmetry than their parental breeds. The correlations among asymmetry measures were low. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Rassenunterschiede und genetische Variabilit?t von Flotzmaulmustern Flotzmaulmerkmale - Zahl von Leisten, Warzen und Haaren - wurden in verschiedenen Rassen untersucht. Unterschiede zwischen diesen waren für alle Merkmale signifikant. Herdeneinflüsse verursachten etwa 1/10 der Varianz und Heritabilit?tswerte, gesch?tzt aus Korrelationen zwischen Zwillingen, Halbgeschwistern und T?chter-Müttern, korrigien für Herdeneinflüsse, variierten zwischen 36 und mehr als 50%. Genetische Korrelationen zwischen Leistenzahl und Zahl von Haaren in verschiedenen Flotzmaulfeldern waren hoch, ebenso wie die zwischen ersteren und Zahl von Warzen, aber sie waren negativ oder sehr gering zwischen Haaren und den andern beiden Merkmalen. Asymmetrie zwischen Zahlen in beiden Flotzmaulh?lften war signifikant für fast alle Merkmale. Heritabilit?tswerte waren niedrig, etwa 10-20% und Kreuzungstiere zeigten weniger Asymmetrie als ihre Herkunftsrassen. Die Korrelationen zwischen Asymmetriema?en waren niedrig.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: Effects of PMSG and genotype on various measures of reproductive efficiency were investigated. Prenatal data were obtained at 40 d of gestation from 96 gilts representing four genotypes. Data on Duroc (D), Yorkshire (Y), Synthetic (Large White × Landrace) (SYN), and Crossbred Duroc × Yorkshire (XB) gilts were collected from January, 1990 through May, 1991. Litter size (LS) data were collected from 482 farrowings of siblings. Treatment with exogenous hormones significantly increased number of corpora lutea (CL), number of embryos (EN), ovum wastage, (OVWS) and embryo length (ELG). Breed group differences (P < .05) were detected for natural ovulation rate, hormone-induced ovulation rate, CL, OVWS, ELG, embryo weight, ovum success, uterine length, ovary weight, range and variance of within-litter embryo weight (RWT and VWT), and litter size born alive. Natural ovulation rates for D, Y, SYN and XB were 10.46 ± 1.61, 12.64 ± 1.41, 14.10 ± .99 and 10.90 ± 1.47, and hormone-induced ovulation rates were 15.00 ± 1.53, 17.69 ± 1.40, 19.43 ± 1.17 and 12.19 ± 1.43, respectively. Range and variance of within-litter embryo length were not affected by either treatment or genotype. Increases in RWT and VWT observed in D and XB gilts after PMSG treatment did not adversely affect embryo survival to 40 d gestation. Significant genetic differences existed for litter size at birth. The PMSG treatment and interactions with PMSG were not significant for litter size born alive. Breed groups seem to differ for CL and EN in response to PMSG but only Yorkshire showed any response in LS (P < .10). Although PMSG increased ovulation rate in siblings by 4.06 ova and number of embryos at 40 d gestation by 1.87 compared with control gilts, there were no differences in litter size born alive due to PMSG treatment. The increase in ovulation rate and number of embryos generated by PMSG seems to be negated by fetal losses occurring both before and after 40 d of gestation. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Einflüsse von Stutenserum-Gonadotropin (PMSG) auf Reproduktionsmerkmale von vier Genotypen bei Jungsauen Einflüsse von PMSG und Genotyp auf verschiedene Merkmale der Reproduktion wurden untersucht. Daten wurden am 40. Tr?chtigkeitstag von 96 Jungsauen von vier Genotypen-Duroc (D), Yorkshire (Y), Synthetik (Edelschwein × Landrasse (SYN)) und Kreuzungen-Duroc × Yorkshire (XB) zwischen Januar 1990 und Mai 1991 erhoben. Wurfgr??e (LS) wurden von 492 Würfen von Geschwistertieren erhoben. Behandlung mit exogenem Hormon steigert signifikant die Zahl der Gelbk?rper (CL), Zahl der Embryonen (EN), Ovarverlust (OVWS) und Embryol?nge (ELG). Differenzen zwischen Genotypen wurden für natürliche und hormoninduzierte Ovulationsrate, CL, OVWS, ELG, Embryogewicht, Embryoerfolg, Geb?rmutterl?nge, Ovargewicht, Streuungsbereich und Varianz des Embryogewichtes von Wurfgeschwistern (RWT und VWT) und Zahl lebendgeborener Ferkel erhoben. Die natürlichen Ovulationsraten für D, Y, SYN und XB waren 10,46 ± 1,61, 12,64 ± 1,41, 14,10 ± 0,99 und 10,90 ± 1,47, und die hormoninduzierten 15,00 ± 1,53, 17,69 ± 1,40, 19,43 ± 1,17 und 12,19 ± 1,43. Streuungsbereich und Varianz zwischen Embryonenl?nge eines Wurfes wurden weder durch Behandlung noch Genotyp tangiert. Steigerungen in RWT und VWT in D und XB Jungsauen nach Hormonbehandlung hat Embryoüberleben bis 40 Tage nicht beeintr?chtigt. Signifikante genetische Unterschiede existieren zwischen Wurfgr??e bei Geburt. Hormonbehandlungen und Interaktionen mit Genotypen waren für die Wurfgr??e nicht signifikant. Rassengruppen scheinen für CL und EN im Hinblick auf Hormonbehandlung sich zu unterscheiden, aber nur Yorkshire zeigten Reaktion bei LS (P < .1). Obwohl das Hormon die Ovulationsrate um 4,06 Eier und Zahl der Embryonen bei 40 Tagen um 1,87 gegenüber Kontrollsauen vergr??erte, verblieben keine Unterschiede in Wurf gr??e. Die Steigerung der Ovulationsrate und Zahl der Embryonen nach Hormonbehandlung scheint durch F?talverluste vor und nach 40 Tagen Tr?chtigkeit eliminiert zu werden.  相似文献   
Replant disease is a common phenomenon in asparagus growing in the Netherlands. It is distinct from the decline phenomenon reported from many other asparagus producing area’s. The involvement of autotoxins from root residues of former asparagus crops was evaluated. Residues of aspar agus roots decompose extremely slowly. At two locations, each with fields where asparagus production was terminated 1 and 10 years before, biomass of root residues was 4180 and 11060 kg dw ha?1 after 1 year and 420 and 1140 kg dw ha?1 after 10 years.Although 10-year-old residues were for the greater part decomposed, crude aqueous extracts inhibited root growth of asparagus seedlings significantly and even more of garden cress. In root observation boxes with field soil mixed with non-sterilized or sterilized asparagus root fragments, growth of secondary roots was inhibited. Non-sterilized strawberry roots did not inhibit root growth, suggesting that effects of organic matter were not involved. In a pot experiment, sterilized asparagus root fragments inhibited root growth when added at a rate of 20 g1?1, but not a 2 g1?1 Addition of non-sterilized root fragments strongly inhibited root growth at both levels. This was probably due to simultaneous infection byFusarium oxysporum present in these residues. When an asparagus field is replanted, the amount of root residues left behind in soil after termination of the crop in the previous season is about 2 g dw 1?1, that corresponds to approx. 11000 kg dw ha?1. This level is too low for considering direct growth inhibition by autotoxins as a major factor. Their possible indirect effects are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata Mill.) seedlings in 24 open-top chambers were exposed to combinations of ozone (carbon-filtered (control), ambient, 1.7 x ambient, and 2.5 x ambient) and acidic precipitation (pH 5.3, 4.3 and 3.3) for 16 months (1989 harvest) or 28 months (1990 harvest). Although the effects of acid rain were generally not significant, there was a trend toward increased aboveground biomass and leaf area in seedlings subjected to the low pH treatments. Because N concentrations in the soils generally increased with decreasing pH, we concluded that the effects of acid rain on aboveground biomass and leaf area were a consequence of an increasing concentration of soil N. In the 1989 harvest, seedlings in the 2.5 x ambient ozone treatment had significantly less biomass in all aboveground plant components and significantly less total leaf area than seedlings in the 1.7 x ambient ozone treatment. In the 1990 harvest, there were no significant effects of ozone on total aboveground biomass, although there was a trend toward reduced biomass in seedlings in the 2.5 x ambient ozone treatment. Both total leaf area and leaf biomass were significantly less in seedlings exposed to 2.5 x ambient ozone for 28 months than in both control seedlings and seedlings in the 1.7 x ambient ozone treatment. The greater, but not always significant, aboveground biomass and leaf area of seedlings in the 1.7 x ambient ozone treatment compared with control seedlings may be associated with the observed increase in soil nitrate concentration as a result of increased rates of leaf senescence and litterfall.  相似文献   
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