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The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible association between hormonal changes that occur during oestrus and biomarkers related with glucose metabolism (glucose and insulin), lipid metabolism (lipidic profile and BChE) and adipokines (adiponectin and ghrelin) in healthy bitches. For this purpose, we measured these analytes in serum of bitches, at two times: before (T1) and after (T2) the LH peak that were established according to progesterone concentrations. Increased levels of total cholesterol (p < 0.01), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL‐C) (p < 0.01), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL‐C) (p < 0.01), adiponectin (p < 0.01) and ghrelin (p < 0.05) were observed at T2 in comparison with T1. No statistically significant changes were observed in serum glucose, insulin, homoeostasis model assessment for insulin sensitivity (HOMA), triglycerides and BChE. When all data of T1 and T2 were pooled, serum adiponectin showed positive correlation with progesterone (r = 0.353; p = 0.022) and HDL‐C (r = 0.307; p = 0.048), and negative with insulin (r = ?0.429; p = 0.005), HOMA (r = ?0.446; p = 0.003) and BChE (r = ?0.522; p < 0.001). Ghrelin showed negative correlation with estradiol (r = ?0.701; p = 0.004). BChE was negatively correlated with estradiol (r = ?0.441; p = 0.018) and glucose (r = ?0.343; p = 0.028), and positively with insulin (r = 0.460; p = 0.003) and HOMA (r = 0.505; p < 0.001). In conclusion, changes in metabolic biomarkers occur in bitches after LH peak, characterized by increased lipids (total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol) without changes in BChE activity, and increased adiponectin and ghrelin concentrations, without significant changes in glucose and insulin.  相似文献   
A heterologous in vitro system, using zona‐intact sheep oocytes, was used to evaluate the relationship between sperm factors of Iberian red deer thawed epididymal sperm and the percentage of cleaved oocytes. Epididymal spermatozoa were recovered from six males, diluted with freezing extender and cryopreserved. After thawing sperm motility (SM) and acrosome and membrane integrities were evaluated. Again, these parameters were assessed after incubation in freezing extender at 37°C for 2 h. After cryopreservation the values for SM and acrosome and membrane integrities were high (~80, 80 and 70% respectively). However, these values significantly decreased after incubation (~59, 62 and 47% respectively). Red deer thawed epididymal sperm fertilized zona‐intact sheep oocytes, although the percentage of cleaved oocytes was low (~22%). No relationship was found between sperm parameters assessed after thawing and the percentage of cleaved oocytes. Likewise, any sperm parameter evaluated after incubation was assessed in relation to the percentage of cleaved oocytes. However, acrosome and membrane integrities were near to significance (p = 0.06 and p = 0.09 respectively). Then, we conducted a reduced model with these two variables and both were related to the percentage of cleaved oocytes (p = 0.02 and p = 0.04 respectively). Thus, acrosome and membrane integrities were related to the percentage of cleaved oocytes negatively and positively respectively. It was concluded that the classical parameters assessed in deer thawed sperm samples can be good predictors of the ability to fertilize zona‐intact sheep oocytes.  相似文献   
A GnRH antagonist (Acyline) was used to study the role of FSH in early development of a follicular wave in 61 mares. In Experiment 1, a single dose of 3 mg per mare, compared with 0 and 1 mg, suppressed both the FSH and follicle responses to exogenous GnRH. In Experiment 2, high concentrations of FSH were induced by two successive ablations of all follicles ≥ 6 mm on days 10 and 13 (day 0 = ovulation). A single treatment with Acyline resulted in significantly greater suppression of plasma concentrations of FSH than a single treatment with charcoal-extracted follicular fluid (source of inhibin) or oestradiol. Suppression of FSH was not significantly different between the group treated with Acyline alone and a group treated with a combination of Acyline, inhibin and oestradiol. In Experiment 3, all follicles were ablated on day 10 to induce an FSH surge and a new follicular wave. Acyline treatment on day 10 resulted in an immediate decrease in FSH, without a significant effect on day of emergence of a new wave or growth of follicles from 7 to 11 mm on days 11–13. Treatment on day 15, a day before expected follicle deviation and after the peak of the wave-stimulating FSH surge, resulted in an immediate decrease in FSH and cessation of follicle growth. Results indicated that growth of follicles for about 2 days after wave emergence was independent of FSH. In contrast, during the decline in the wave-stimulating FSH surge and before follicle deviation, growth of follicles was dependent on FSH.  相似文献   
The embryonic collection techniques in dogs present a vast methodological variation and low recovery rates. The objectives were to compare and describe two techniques as to the recovery of canine embryos, on the 12th day after the first mating or artificial insemination. Embryos were recovered through uterine horn flushing in vivo, before performing the ovariohysterectomy (OHE) (Group 1; n = 9) or ex vivo, immediately after the OHE (Group 2; n = 9). In total, 43 and 47 embryonic structures were recovered in Groups 1 and 2, respectively. There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) between groups on recovery rates (72.8% and 81.0%, respectively). We inferred that both in vivo and ex vivo techniques allow a high rate of embryonic recovery; in the collection technique prior to the OHE, it is essential to carefully handle the reproductive system during the trans‐surgical period and that the 12th day (D12) after the first mating/artificial insemination is an efficient option for the high recovery rate of morulae and blastocysts.  相似文献   
The inbred SLA miniature pig is a unique animal model developed for organ transplantation studies and pre‐clinical experimental purposes. Reported oestrous synchronization and superovulation treatments were examined in two SLA haplotypes (AA and DD) to allow collection of embryos for both practical embryo transfer and experimental technologies from a closed breeding colony. Pre‐puberal miniature pigs were poor responders to oestrous synchronization treatments, while post‐puberal sows were equivalent to commercial sows. Following superovulation, the ovulation number (corpora .hemorrhagica) was higher (p < 0.05) in the cycling sows when compared with non‐cycling sows. Ovulations were equivalent to commercial pre‐puberal gilts and non‐cycling sows (p > 0.05). No difference in ovulation number between haplotypes was observed, which differs from the previous report (DD>AA). Collection of zygotes for pronuclear injection was the highest in the non‐cycling post‐puberal miniature pig group (p < 0.05), although significantly lower when compared with the commercial pig treatment groups (p < 0.05). The incidence of cystic endometrial hyperplasia in our colony was equivalent to rates observed in commercial pigs. Pronuclear visualization following centrifugation was the highest in the non‐cycling miniature sow group and approximates to about 25% of ovulations and about half the rate observed in the commercial pigs (50%). Miniature pig embryos transferred between SLA haplotypes and transfer of DD embryos to commercial pigs resulted in live births at a higher efficiency than previously reported. This study demonstrates the feasibility of undertaking assisted reproductive technologies in a closed breeding colony of inbred SLA miniature pigs without compromise to the breeding programmes.  相似文献   
Computer-automated sperm-head morphometry was used in this study to determine the effects of cryopreservation on red deer sperm-head morphometry. Epididymal sperm samples were collected from 40 mature stags and were divided. One portion was diluted at room temperature in a Tris-citrate egg yolk medium, containing 6% glycerol. A microscope slide was prepared from single extended sperm samples prior to freezing. The remainder of each sample was frozen in nitrogen vapours. After thawing, sperm smears were prepared as described above. All slides were air dried and stained with Hemacolor. The sperm-head dimensions for length, width, area, perimeter and shape factor (length/width), for a minimum of 135 spermatozoa were determined for each slide by means of the Sperm-Class Analyser (SCA). Firstly, our results show that cryopreservation substantially reduced (p < 0.001) sperm motility and plasma membrane and acrosome integrities. In addition, sperm heads were significantly smaller in cryopreserved spermatozoa than in the companion extended samples for area (32.05 microm2 vs 32.56 microm2; p < 0.05), length (8.46 microm vs 8.53 microm; p < 0.0001) and shape factor (1.833 vs 1.849; p < 0.0001) for all stags. These differences were found within 29 of 40 stags (75%) for at least three of the morphometric parameters. The individual variability (CV) of sperm head measurements from extended samples was negatively correlated (p < 0.005) with the per cent of change in sperm head measurements after cryopreservation for area (r = -0.465), width (r = -0.483) and perimeter (r = -0.375). Thus, the lower the sperm head variability in the extended samples, the greater the sperm change as a consequence of the cryopreservation. These results suggest that the variability (heterogeneity) in sperm head dimensions of individual stags may be a good indicator of sperm freezability.  相似文献   
A 4-year-old Basque Shepherd male dog was presented for breeding soundness evaluation after the dog failed to impregnate the three bitches he had mated. Clinical examination showed no anomaly of the reproductive system. Semen evaluation showed normal sperm count (640 x 10(6)), 80% had progressively motile spermatozoa, and 96% had morphologically abnormal sperm of which 84% had proximal cytoplasmic droplet and 12% had proximal droplet plus other anomaly. A zona pellucida-binding assay, using canine oocytes derived from frozen-thawed ovaries, was performed in order to investigate the zona-binding ability of dog spermatozoa with proximal cytoplasmic droplets. For the zona pellucida-binding assay, ovaries were thawed and minced in phosphate-buffered saline + 0.4% bovine serum albumin, the oocytes recovered were divided into two groups of 35-40 oocytes to be, respectively, used with the infertile dog and with a control fertile dog. Spermatozoa were capacitated in Canine Capacitating Medium (CCM) at 38.5 degrees C and 5% CO(2) in air for 2 h before oocyte insemination. Groups of five to six oocytes placed in 45 microl droplets of CCM were incubated for 1 h. Afterwards, 5 microl of CCM containing 25,000 spermatozoa were added to each droplet and co-incubated for 2 h before fixation and evaluation of the complexes. After oocyte insemination, sperm motility and viability were evaluated: the sample from the infertile dog had 85% sperm motility with fast and linear progressive movement, and sperm viability of 92%. The sample from the control dog showed 40% sperm motility with fast and highly curvilinear and erratic movement, high degree of sperm agglutination and sperm viability of 32%. For the infertile dog the mean number of bound spermatozoa/oocyte was 0.33 whereas for the control dog it was 1.80. It was concluded that dog sperm with proximal cytoplasmic droplets seem to lack normal capacitating ability in vitro, and consequently, they may have reduced capacity to bind to the zona pellucida of canine oocytes.  相似文献   
For the vast majority of mammalian genes, maternally- and paternally-derived alleles behave identically and are either expressed or repressed, regardless of whether they were inherited from egg or sperm. For imprinted genes, however, this is not the case. The alleles of imprinted genes are epigenetically modified in a parent-of-origin-specific manner and, as a consequence, maternally- and paternally-derived alleles behave differently. Typically one allele is expressed while the other is silent. Although relatively few in number, imprinted genes are the focus of intensive study, as they have important roles in embryonic development. Abnormal expression of imprinted genes results in growth disorders and is implicated in several clinical conditions. Most studies of imprinted genes have been performed in rodents or primates, with limited studies in other mammals such as bovine and opossum. We have recently demonstrated the existence of imprinted genes in the canine, by showing that the canine insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor gene ( IGF2R ) is monoallelically expressed, with predominant expression of the maternally-derived allele and repression of the paternally-inherited allele. Our ultimate goal is to characterize all imprinted genes in the canine, and to understand how they contribute to canine reproduction, development and disease. Such knowledge will be vital for optimizing the success of most reproductive strategies in the canine.  相似文献   
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