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Disease prevalence in turkeys was estimated by totaling the flock size of necropsy cases submitted to the University of Georgia in 1986 for each disease reported and comparing it with the population at risk. Fowl cholera was the most prevalent disease in both commercial tom flocks (18.0%) and breeder hen flocks (14.7%). Prevalence of colibacillosis was 15.9% in commercial tom flocks, and prevalence of aspergillosis was 8.5% in commercial tom and 4.9% in breeder hen flocks.  相似文献   
Summary The influence of temperature, number of sprouts per tuber and concentration of supplementary inorganic nutrients on sprout growth and intersprout competition for tuber substrates during emergence was investigated in the potato varietyArran Pilot. The rate of sprout growth was found to be a positive function of initial tuber fresh weight. Dry weight data at emergence indicated that individual sprouts on multi-sprout tubers exhibited mutual interference for substrates from the tuber. The intensity of this interference increased with temperature in the range 7 25 C, but interference was reduced, and in some cases eliminated, by supplying inorganic nutrients in the rooting medium. It was concluded that a component of the inorganic nutrient solution used could replace the tuber factor the supply of which limited sprout growth. The effects of temperature and inorganic nutrient concentration on the partitioning of dry matter within the plant are deseribed and diseussed.
Zusammenfassung Die Einflüsse von Temperatur, ursprünglichem Knollengewicht, der Anzahl Keime pro Knolle und der Konzentration zus?tzlicher anorganischer N?hrstoffe auf das Keimwachstum sowie die Konkurrenz zwischen den Keimen um das Knollensubstrat w?hrend des Auflaufens wurden an der KartoffelsorteArran Pilot untersucht. Ween Knollen in ein n?hrstofffreies Medium gepflanzt wurden (Versuch 1), glich die Auflaufrate der Keime einer positiv linearen Funktion der Temperatur über einen Bereich von 7 C bis 25 C, aber sie war nicht signifikant beeinflusst durch die Zahl der Keime pro Knolle (Tabelle 1 und 2). Die einzelnen Keime von Knollen mit vielen Keimen konkurrierten um das Substrat der Mutterknolle, und die St?rke dieser Interferenz nahm mit steigender Temperatur w?hrend des Auflaufens zu (Abb. 1 und 2). In den Versuchen 2 und 3 wurde die Auflaufzeit durch die Beigabe einer anorganischen Volln?hrl?sung zum Wurzeln?hrboden verkürzt, aber sie wurde nicht signifikant beeinflusst durch die Zahl der Keime pro Knolle (Tabelle 4). Eine Erh?hung der N?hrstoffkonzentration in der anorganischen L?sung hatte eine Erh?hung des durchschnittlichen Trockengewichtes der Keime und des durchschnittlichen Trockengewichtes der Keime pro Knolle beim Auflaufen zur Folge (Abb. 4 und 5). In Versuch 2 setzte die Gabe von anorganischen N?hrstoffen die Intensit?t der Konkurrenz zwischen den Keimen um das Substrat aus der Knolle betr?chtlich herab, was darauf hindeutet, dass ein Bestandteil der verwendeten N?hrl?sung den “Knollenfaktor”, der das Keimwachstum begrenzt, ersetzen k?nnte. Im Versuch 3 dagegen wurde die Interferenz um die Substrate aus der Knolle durch die Konzentration der verwendeten N?hrstoffe nicht beeinflusst. Diese Abweichung zwischen den zwei Versuchen dürfte mit dem unterschiedlichen Grad der Interferenz zwischen den Wurzelsystemen der einzelnen Keime für die Zufuhr der verwendeten N?hrstoffe in Zusammenhang stehen (Tabelle 5). Die Temperatur nach dem Auspflanzen übte einen betr?chtlichen Einfluss auf die Verteilung der Trockensubstanz innerhalb des Stengel-systems aus. Anzahl, L?nge und Trockengewicht der Stolonen pro Keim (Abb. 3) und das Verh?ltnis des Stolonentrockengewichtes zum gesamten Trockengewicht der Stengel (Tabelle 3) waren in umgekehrter Bezichung von der Temperatur abh?ngig, in den Versuchen 1 und 3 stand das Verh?ltnis des Stolonentrockengewichtes zum gesamten Stengelgewicht in umgekehrter Bezichung zur Anzahl Keime pro Knolle: in Versuch 3 war diese Beziehung aber nicht signifikant beeinflusst durch die Konzentration der mineralischen N?hrstoffe. Diese Ergebnisse wiesen darauf hin, dass neben der Temperatur ein spezifischer Faktor in der Mutterknolle auf das Stolonenwachstum einwirkte und dass dieser Faktor nicht durch eine den Knollen zur Verfügung stehende mineralischen N?hrstoffl?sung ersetzt werden kann. In den Versuchen 2 und 3 erweiterte sich das Stengel/Wurzel-Verh?ltnis mit der Erh?hung der Konzentration der verwendeten anorganisehen N?hrstoffe, aber es war nicht signifikant beeinflusst durch die Zahl der Keime pro Knolle.

Résumé L’auteur a recherché, sur la variété de Pomme de terreArran Pilot, l’influence de la température, du poids initial du tubercule, du nombre de germes par tubercule et de la concentration en éléments nutritifs inorganiques supplémentaires sur la croissance du germe et la compétition entre les germes pour les réserves du tubercule pendant la levée. Quand les tubercules sont plantés dans un milieu dépourvu d’éléments nutritifs (expérience 1), la vitesse d’émergence d’un germe est une fonction linéaire positive de la température dans les limites de 7 C à 25 C mais n’est pas significativement influencéc par le nombre de germes par tubercule (tableau 1 et 2). Les germes des tubercules à plusieurs germes rivalisent individuellement pour les réserves du tubercule-mère et il se révèle que l’intensité de cette interférence s’accro?t avec l’augmentation de la température pendant l’émergence (Fig. 1 et 2). Dans les expériences 2 et 3, le temps d’émergence est réduit par l’application au milieu d’enracinement d’une solution nutritive complète inorganique, mais n’est pas significativement influencé par le nombre de germes par tubercule (Tableau 4). Une augmentation de la concentration en éléments nutritifs inorganiques entra?ne, lors de l’émergence, une augmentation du poids sec moyen d’un germe et une augmentation du poids sec moyen de tous les germes du tubercule (Fig. 4 et 5). Dans l’expérience 2 l’application d’éléments nutritifs inorganiques réduit l’intensité de la compétition entre germes pour les réserves du tubercule, ce qui signifie qu’un composant de la solution nutritive utilisée remplace le facteur du tubercule qui limite la croissance du germe. Cependant, dans l’experience 3, la compétition pour les réserves du tubercule n’est pas influencée par la concentration des éléments nutritifs appliqués. La différence dans les deux expériences peut provenir des différences dans le degré d’interaction entre les systèmes radiculaires des germes individuels pour les approvisionnements en éléments nutritifs appliqués (Tableau 5). La température après plantation exerce une influence considérable sur la répartition de la matière sèche dans le système radiculaire. Le nombre, la longucur et le poids sec de stolons par germe (Fig. 3) et le rapport du poids sec des stolons au poids total sec des germes (Tableau 3) sont des fonctions inverses de la température. Dans les expériences 1 et 3 le rapport poids sec des stolons au poids total des germes est inversément relié au nombre de germes par tubercule, mais dans l’expérience 3 ce rapport n’est pas significativement influencé par la concentration externe des éléments minéraux. Ces résultats indiquent qu’en plus des effets de la température, un facteur spécifique provenant du tubercule-mère influe sur la croissance du stolon, et que ce facteur ne peut être remplacé par un apport externe d’éléments nutritifs minéraux. Dans les expériences 2 et 3 le rapport bourgeon/ racine augmente avec l’accroissement de la concentration en éléments nutritifs inorganiques appliqués mais n’est pas significativement influencé par le nombre de germes par tubercule.
Spring calving is recommended for beef herds in the Salado region of Argentina, but autumn calving is an alternative being used by some farmers. This study explored the biological and economic feasibility of autumn calving in cow–calf systems and their long-term performance compared with spring calving. Reproduction and calf performance data were collected from an autumn calving herd (1999–2005) and from a spring calving herd (1966–1995) at the INTA-Balcarce Research Station (37°45′ S; 58°18′ W). Similar data were obtained from a commercial farm which practiced both autumn and spring calving (1998–2003). These data showed that autumn calving is feasible in the region, provided that cows calve with a high condition score. This is a major difference with spring calving, where cows can normally gain weight during breeding. A climatically driven computer model was used to compare, at farm level, the effect of calving season across a range of combinations of weaning dates and stocking rates. Spring calving systems had greater production potential (15–20%) and profitability (17–28%) at high stocking rates. However, at low to moderate stocking rates, calving season had little effect on expected production and risk efficiency. This suggests that autumn calving could be a suitable alternative for the Salado region of Argentina. To exploit its potential, however, calf weaning age should be greater than with spring calving.  相似文献   
Rickettsia species antibodies have been detected in some cats but it is unknown whether infected cats develop clinical signs. The prevalence of Rickettsia species deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in blood from clinically ill cats has not been determined. The objective of this study was to determine if cats with fever (body temperature >or=102.5 degrees F [39.2 degrees C]) were more likely to have evidence of rickettsial infection than healthy, age-matched, control cats with a body temperature<102.5 degrees F. Rickettsia species polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays were performed to detect rickettsial DNA extracted from blood (71 paired samples), indirect immunofluorescence assays (IFA) were performed to detect serum antibodies against Rickettsia felis (90 paired samples) and Rickettsia rickettsii (91 paired samples), and the results between pairs were compared. All samples were negative for Rickettsia species DNA. More cats with fever were seropositive for R felis or R rickettsii than control cats, but results were not statistically significant. Results of this pilot study failed to show an association between Rickettsia species DNA or Rickettsia species antibodies and fever.  相似文献   
Identification of interleukin-1 in equine osteoarthritic joint effusions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is a protein secreted by stimulated cells of the monocyte-macrophage line, which has a number of important biologic activities. Interleukin-1 has been implicated in the induction and augmentation of the pathologic processes involved in arthritis and articular cartilage destruction. Horses develop osteoarthritis with a frequency and degree of severity similar to human beings. To further document the similarity of the osteoarthritic process in people and horses, the synovial fluid from 5 horses with clinical osteoarthritis was tested for IL-1 bioactivity. Interleukin-1 activity was found in all tested synovial fluids. Upon column chromatography, the synovial fluid-derived factor had a molecular weight consistent with that of IL-1 in other mammalian species. Ion exchange chromatography of osteoarthritic synovial fluid revealed the principal peaks of bioactivity to be in the fractions with isoelectric points of 7.2, 5.4, and 4.7, which are characteristic of IL-1. A considerable degree of homology between human and equine IL-1 was demonstrated by the cross hybridization of human IL-1 beta cDNA probe with RNA derived from IL-1-producing equine adherent monocytes. These results indicate that equine IL-1 is in all of the osteoarthritic equine joints tested and that equine IL-1 has many of the characteristics of IL-1 isolated from other species.  相似文献   
Limited information is available about the prevalence and phylogenetic classification of fungal organisms in the gastrointestinal tract of dogs. Also, the impact of fungal organisms on gastrointestinal health and disease is not well understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of fungal DNA in the small intestine of healthy dogs and dogs with chronic enteropathies. Small intestinal content was analyzed from 64 healthy and 71 diseased dogs from five different geographic locations in Europe and the USA. Fungal DNA was amplified with panfungal primers targeting the internal transcriber spacer (ITS) region. PCR amplicons were subjected to phylogenetic analysis. Fungal DNA was detected in 60.9% of healthy dogs and in 76.1% of dogs with chronic enteropathies. This prevalence was not significantly different between the two groups (p=0.065). Fungal DNA was significantly more prevalent in mucosal brush samples (82.8%) than in luminal samples (42.9%; p=0.002). Sequencing results revealed a total of 51 different phylotypes. All sequences belonged to two phyla and were classified as either Ascomycota (32 phylotypes) or Basidiomycota (19 phylotypes). Three major classes were identified: Saccharomycetes, Dothideomycetes, and Hymenomycetes. The most commonly observed sequences were classified as Pichia spp., Cryptococcus spp., Candida spp., and Trichosporon spp. Species believed to be clinically more important were more commonly observed in diseased dogs. These results indicate a high prevalence and diversity of fungal DNA in the small intestine of both healthy dogs and dogs with chronic enteropathies. The canine gastrointestinal tract of diseased dogs may harbor opportunistic fungal pathogens.  相似文献   
Obesity is one of the most common medical diseases in cats, but there remains little information on success of weight loss regimes in obese client-owned cats. No information currently exists on body composition changes during weight loss in clinical cases. Twelve obese client-owned cats undertook a weight loss programme incorporating a high-protein low fat diet. Body composition was quantified by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, before and after weight loss. Mean (+/-standard deviation) weight loss was 27+/-6.8% of starting weight, and mean rate of weight loss was 0.8+/-0.32% per week. Mean energy allocation during weight loss was 32+/-7.0 kcal/kg target weight. Mean composition of tissue lost was 86:13:1 (fat:lean:bone mineral). The proportion of lean tissue loss was positively associated with overall percentage of weight loss (simple linear regression, r(2)=44.2%, P=0.026). Conventional weight loss programmes produce safe weight loss, but lean tissue loss is an inevitable consequence in cats that lose significant proportions of their starting body weight.  相似文献   
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