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Summary A study of pre- and post-fertilisation barriers after interspecific crosses of diploid and tetraploid Trifolium pratense L. and wild species T. alpestre L., T. medium L. and T. sarosiense Hazsl. was aimed at finding of a promising cross combination for obtaining hybrids. The growth of pollen tubes was arrested in interspecific crosses mainly when T. pratense was at a diploid level. To investigate the post-fertilisation barriers in detail, the hybrid embryo viability was traced by two clearing treatments of immature seeds: (1) using chloral hydrate (which proved to be most appropriate); and (2) a mixture of benzyl benzoate and dibutly phthalate. In interspecific combinations T. pratense (4×) × either T. alpestre or T. sarosiense, enlargement of immature seeds occurred, but no hybrid embryo was traced. Of the wild species used as a male parent for crosses, T. medium was the only exception from the point of view of fertilisation. Globular, heart and the early torpedo stages of hybrid embryos were observed 7 days after pollination (DAP) but only when T. pratense was at a tetraploid level. When T. pratense (2×, 4×) was used as a male parent for interspecific crosses with T. alpestre, T. medium and T. sarosiense, strong defects in various stages of embryogenesis were observed, particularly wrinkled and narrowing embryo sacs caused by an expansion of endothelial cells. We conclude with the following finding: (1) to make crosses only in one direction with T. pratense as a female parent and T. medium as a male; (2) to use tetraploid plants of T. pratense; (3) and to excise hybrid embryos at an early torpedo stage, about 7 DAP.  相似文献   
Biochemical and hematological examination of blood and individual assessment of the birds were performed in Lohman Brown laying hens at 45 weeks of age housed in different systems. The biochemical examination revealed higher (p < .01) corticosterone levels, creatine kinase, and aspartate aminotransferase activity and lower (p < .01) levels of lactate, triglycerides, albumin, calcium, and phosphorus in aviary hens compared to hens housed in furnished cages. Hematological examination of hens housed in aviaries revealed higher (p < .05) hematocrit, leukocytes, heterophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, and H/L ratio. Furthermore, hens housed in aviaries had lower (p < .01) body weight than hens in furnished cages, they were worse feathered (p < .001), had more damaged combs (p < .05), and poorer physical condition (p < .01). In contrast, caged hens showed worse (p < .01) feather condition of the wings due to abrasion and claws due to overgrowth. The results have shown that the housing system has a significant impact on the internal environment and condition of birds and that housing in aviaries without taking into account the specifics of such housing may lead to significant stress and disturbance to the welfare of laying hens.  相似文献   
Three case studies of ammonia autointoxication of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) are described. In the first case, carp yearlings with a full digestive tract were transferred during the growing period from pond water (22°C) to tap water (17°C). In the second case, marketable carp were transferred from the fishing ground of a pond (18°C) to a storage pond (10–12°C). Harvest was performed in late September when the fish were still ingesting natural feed. In the third case, marketable carp after storage for 1 month were transferred to storage ponds with markedly lower water temperature. Stress because of harvest and handling also occurred in this case. In all cases, highly increased concentrations of ammonia were found in the blood plasma of the fish (mean ± SD 1760 ± 350 μmol L−1 in the first case, 870 ± 540 μmol L−1 in the second case, and 880 ± 150 μmol L−1 in the third case). Highly congested, dark-red coloured, oedematous gills were observed for all specimens. We can avoid similar cases of ammonia autointoxication by protection of fish from sudden changes of temperature during rearing, harvesting, and handling.  相似文献   
Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of inland water salinity on growth performance, feed conversion efficiency and intestinal enzyme activity in grey mullet. In experiment I, a 90 day monoculture of grey mullet at different salinity levels (0, 10, 15, 20 and 25%) was carried out. The fingerlings were stocked at 5000 per hectare and fed on a supplementary diet at 5% BW d–1. This Study revealed that fish growth mean body weight (90.5 ± 4.5 g) and mean length (21.6 ± 0.4 cm), SGR (4.70%) and growth per day (0.99 g d–1) were significantly (p < 0.05) enhanced in fish maintained at 10% salinity in comparison with other treatments. Nutrient levels, phytoplankton population, NPP and chlorophyll a all decreased with an increase in salinity (>10%). In addition, zooplankton populations increased with an increase in the salinity level. Most of the other hydrochemical characteristics remained at optimal levels in all other treatments. Fish weight gain showed a significant positive correlation with productivity indicating parameters viz. alkalinity (r = 0.53), turbidity (r = 0.62), NPP (r = 0.75) and chlorophyll a (r = 0.46), clearly revealing that fish growth is also related to the trophic status of the ponds. In the second experiment (Experiment II), mullet fry were exposed to five different salinity levels (10, 15, 20, 25 and 30%) and maintained for 70 days in the laboratory. Significantly (p < 0.05) high growth, (SGR and per cent increase in body weight), feed conversion efficiency and intestinal enzyme activity were observed in the group maintained at 10 salinity in comparison with other groups maintained at similar salinity levels. Carcass composition, musc1e and liver glycogen levels were also significantly (p < 0.05) affected by salinity changes.  相似文献   
The major Indian carps, rohu (Labeo rohita), catla (Catla catla) and mrigal (Cirrhinus mrigala), were hitherto known to breed only once a year—during the monsoon season—either in their natural habitat or by hypophysation in captivity. It has been found possible to mature and induce these carps to spawn twice in the same season, within an interval of about 2 months, and thus augment the spawn production. The technique in brief is as follows. (i) The fish are bred by hypophysation early during the monsoon, in June. (ii) After the first spawning, prophylactic measures are adopted. (iii) The fish are fed supplementary feed consisting of groundnut oil cake and rice bran at a ratio of 1 : 1 and 2–5% body weight of the fish. The spent fish, under favourable weather conditions, were found to mature for a second time and were ready for a second spawning, using hypophysation, in about 2 months. This finding is a breakthrough in the field of fish culture at it helps to obtain more spawn from the same specimens in one season. These results demonstrate the possibility of extending this practice to other cultivated species and thereby augmenting the supply of quality fish seed.  相似文献   
In August 2008, the first detection of the spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii, to the North America mainland in California caused great concern, as the fly was found infesting a variety of commercial fruits. Subsequent detections followed in Oregon, Washington, Florida and British Columbia in 2009; in Utah, North Carolina, South Carolina, Michigan, and Louisiana in 2010; and in Virginia, Montana, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Mexico in 2011. In Europe, it has been detected in Italy and Spain in 2009 and in France in 2010. Economic costs to the grower from D. suzukii include the increased cost of production (increased labor and materials for chemical inputs, monitoring and other management tools) and crop loss. An effective response to the invasion of D. suzukii requires proper taxonomic identification at the initial phase, understanding basic biology and phenology, developing management tools, transferring information and technology quickly to user groups, and evaluating the impact of the research and extension program on an economic, social, and environmental level. As D. suzukii continues to expand its range, steps must be initiated in each new region to educate and inform the public as well as formulate management tactics suitable for the crops and growing conditions in each.  相似文献   
The objective of the study was to determine the immunostimulatory effect of β-(1,3/1,6)-D-glucan in puppies. The effect exerted on the efficacy of vaccination, especially against canine parvovirus and rabies infection, was studied. The application of vaccine and glucan leads to significant increases in the nonspecific immunological parameters (phagocytic ability of leukocytes, blastogenic response of lymphocytes, metabolic and chemotactic activity of polymorphonuclear cells). The level of antibodies against canine parvovirus (Ab CPV) and rabies infection reached the most statistically significant values on the 28th day after the application of vaccine and a syrup containing β-(1,3/1,6)-D-glucan (Group GV) as compared to the control group (Group V, puppies receiving only vaccine). Dogs without glucan supplementation did not produce such significant levels of antibodies. We can conclude that glucan has relevant immunostimulatory effects in dogs with altered immunity. The glucan product tested in this study (PleraSAN V, PLEURAN, Bratislava, Slovakia) could be used in the small animal clinical practice.  相似文献   
Biodegradation of pentachlorophenol (PCP) in soil by autochthonous microflora and in soil bioaugmented by the bacterial strain Comamonas testosteroni CCM 7530 was studied. Subsequent addition of lignite, an abundant source of humic acids, has also been investigated as possible sorbent for PCP immobilization. Biodegradation of PCP and number of colony-forming units were determined in the three types of soil, haplic chernozem, haplic fluvisol, and haplic arenosol, freshly spiked with PCP and amended with tested sorbent. The enhancing effect of sorbent addition and bioaugmentation on PCP biodegradation depended mainly on the soil type and the initial PCP concentration. Microbial activity resulted in biotransformation of PCP into certain potentially toxic substances, probably lower chlorinated phenols that are more soluble than PCP, and therefore more toxic toward present biota. Therefore, it was necessary to monitor soil ecotoxicity during biodegradation. Addition of lignite resulted in a significant improvement of PCP biodegradation and led to a considerable decrease of soil toxicity especially in bioaugmented soils. The method could potentially serve as a promising technique in remediation technology for reducing high initial PCP content in contaminated soils.  相似文献   
The effect of estradiol-17β (E(2)) on the number and distribution of neurons in the caudal mesenteric ganglion (CaMG) supplying the ovary of adult pigs was investigated. Also, the numbers of ovarian dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DβH-), neuropeptide Y (NPY-), somatostatin (SOM-), galanin (GAL-) and estrogen receptor (ER)-immunoreactive perikarya as well as the density of the intraganglionic nerve fibers containing DβH and/or NPY, SOM, GAL were determined. E(2) was administered i.m. from day 4 of the first studied estrous cycle to the expected day 20 of the second studied cycle. Injections of E(2) (1) increased the E(2) level in the peripheral blood approximately 4-5 fold, (2) decreased the number of small-sized Fast Blue-positive postganglionic neurons in the CaMG, (3) decreased the number of small perikarya in the ventral, dorsal and central regions of the CaMG, (4) decreased the number of large perikarya in the dorsal and central regions, (5) decreased the number of small and large perikarya in the CaMG that were DβH(+)/NPY(+), (6) decreased the number of small DβH(+) but NPY(-) perikarya, (7) decreased the number of small perikarya coded DβH(+)/SOM(+) and DβH(+)/SOM(-), (8) decreased the number of small DβH(+)/GAL(-) perikarya, (9) decreased the number of small and large perikarya expressing ER subtypes α and β and (10) decreased the total number of nerve fibers in the CaMG containing DβH and/or NPY and DβH and/or GAL. These results show that long-term E(2) treatment of adult gilts downregulates the populations of both noradrenergic and ERs expressing ovarian neurons in the CaMG. Our findings suggest also that elevated E(2) levels that occur during pathological states may regulate gonadal function(s) by affecting ovary supplying neurons.  相似文献   
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