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The influence of Al3+ on the mineral content of mycorrhizal fungi was studied in vitro. Amanita muscaria (L. ex Fr.) Pers. ex Hooker whose growth is reduced and Lactarius piperatus (L. ex Fr.) S.F. Gray whose growth is stimulated by Al3+ where chosen for the experiments. 0, 0.1, 1, and 10mM A3+ were added as Al2(SO4)3 · 18H2O to modified M-40 medium. Al3+ drastically affected the mineral contents of the mycelia of both fungi: the Al, Ca, and Na contents increased while P, Mg, and K decreased with the increasing Al3+ concentrations in the media. On the other hand, some important differences between the two mycelia were detected. In the mycelia of Lacterius piperatus grown on the control media, there was about twice as much Ca content and a three times lower P content than in the Amanita muscaria mycelia. The Al3+ content in the mycelia of Lactarius piperatus grown on 10mM Al3+ was six times higher than in Amanita muscaria at the same concentration.  相似文献   
Specific contrast ultrasound is widely applied in diagnostic procedures on humans but remains underused in veterinary medicine. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of microbubble-based contrast for rapid ultrasonographic diagnosis of thrombosis in small animals, using male New Zealand white rabbits (average weight about 3.5 kg) as a model. It was hypothesized that the use of microbubble-based contrast agents will result in a faster and more precise diagnosis in our model of thrombosis. A pro-coagulant environment had been previously established by combining endothelial denudation and external vessel wall damage. Visualization of thrombi was achieved by application of contrast microbubbles [sterically stabilized, phospholipid-based microbubbles filled with sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas] and ultrasonography. As a result, rapid and clear diagnosis of thrombi in aorta abdominalis was achieved within 10 to 30 s (mean: 17.3 s) by applying microbubbles as an ultrasound contrast medium. In the control group, diagnosis was not possible or took 90 to 180 s. Therefore, sterically stabilized microbubbles were found to be a suitable contrast agent for the rapid diagnosis of thrombi in an experimental model in rabbits. This contrast agent could be of practical importance in small animal practice for rapid diagnosis of thrombosis.  相似文献   
Rhizoctonia solani is an important soil-borne pathogen causing diseases in numerous economically important crops. The pathogen R. solani can be responsible for relevant yield losses as well as on lettuce and potato. To develop a biocontrol strategy, two bacterial strains, Pseudomonas fluorescens L13–6-12 and Serratia plymuthica 3Re4–18 were evaluated against R. solani causing black scurf in potato and bottom rot in lettuce. The disease suppression effect of the two antagonists was tested as well as in a climate chamber and in the field during two vegetation periods. The results of the climate chamber experiments showed, that R. solani can significantly reduced the lettuce growth. The dry mass losses on lettuce and the disease severity on potato sprouts were significantly limited through bacterization. The antagonist L13–6-12 showed best disease suppression effect in climate chamber experiments on both crops. A significant lower disease severity was to observed in treatments with bacterial antagonists as well as on lettuce plants and harvested potato tubers during both vegetation periods. Also the dry mass losses on lettuce were clear reduced in treatments with bacterial antagonists, whereas only a partly limitation of yield losses on potato was to achieved. In summary, the results supported that the use of bacterial antagonists can be part of a control strategy against R. solani.  相似文献   
The effect of thermal energy intensity (TEI) on the rate of nitrogen (N) accumulation by maize from a Hamerly clay loam soil (Aerie Calciaquoll) was examined with and without supplemental irrigation. Soil- and air-TEI expressed as cumulative growing degree days (GDD) was determined from hourly temperature measurements taken within each plot at soil depths of 0.05-, 0.15-, and 0.3-m and at a height of 1.2-m above ground surface. A daily mean TEI (GDD per day) was calculated for each growth period. Estimates of time coefficient(s), k, in uni- and diphasic tanh[k(time)] functions, plotted against mean TEI for the periods; 1) planting to emergence, 2) emergence to eighth leaf, 3) eighth leaf to time(s) of maximum N accumulation rate, (t0), 4) planting to t0, 5) emergence to t0, 6) first diphasic maximum accumulation rate (t01) to 50 % silking, and 7) silking to second diphasic maximum accumulation rate t02 showed several linear relationships. Uniphasic time coefficients were modelled as functions of air-TEI. The first diphasic time coefficient, k1 was modelled as a function of pre- and post-emergent soil-TEI. Attempts to model k2, the second time coefficient of the diphasic model were unsuccessful; however, this time coefficient was linearly related to TEI for the growth period ‘t01, to 50 % silking’ and curvilinearly related to k1.  相似文献   
Hypogammaglobulinemia as a result of failure of transfer of passive immunity (FTPI) is an important risk factor for infectious disease in neonatal foals. The current gold standard for determining serum immunoglobulin concentrations is radial immunodiffusion (RID). The purpose of this study was to compare immunoglobulin concentrations measured by RID with those determined by an automated turbidimetric immunoassay (TIA), which has a much shorter turnaround time. Immunoglobulin concentrations were measured by both RID and TIA in serum collected from 84 neonatal foals. Sixty-seven foals had results within the linear range for both assays. Sensitivity and specificity of TIA for diagnosis of FTPI with IgG < or = 800 mg/dL were 0.81 (95% CI 0.70-0.88) and 0.86 (95% CI 0.76-0.93) and with IgG < or = 400 mg/dL were 0.63 (95% CI 0.35-0.86) and 0.92 (95% CI 0.87-0.95), respectively. A significant linear relationship was found between IgG concentrations determined by TIA and RID (TIA = 0.9511RID + 8.4354; R2 = .59, P < .0001). The coefficients of variation for between-run and within-run precision for the TIA were 2.5 and 3%, respectively. Storage of samples from 10 foals at -20 degrees C for 10-12 months resulted in a reduction in TIA-measured serum IgG concentration of -17.6% (SD = 3.7%), indicating that long-term storage of samples at -20 degrees C should be avoided. The results of this study indicate that measurement of serum IgG by TIA can be used to evaluate foals for FTPI.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of low dose (LOEL - lowest observed effect level) of zearalenone (200 microg/kg b.w.), applied per os for 7 days (short-term intoxication), on sexual behavior, concentration of the examined xenobiotic and its metabolite and selected estrogens in sexually immature gilts: ovariohysterectomised (group D1) and intact (group D2) animals. Clinical signs of oestrus (reddening, oedema and hyperaemia of the vulva and serorhoea from the reproductive tract--lack of standing reflex) were obserwed in group D1 on day 6 and in group D2 on day 4 of the experiment. Laboratory analyses of blood plasma were carried out determine the presence of zearalenone and alpha-zearalenole. They revealed an increase in the level of alpha-zearalenol before the oestrus, decrease in total amount of both examined substances on day when the oestrus appeared and increase in the level of both examined xenobiotics in the post oestrus period together with the higher share of zearalenone. Medium concentrations of estrone and estradiol within the borders of method determination in the majority of periods examined. Higher levels of estrone (32.0 pg/ml) were found on day 4, in the group D2 and estradiol (6.5 pg/ml) on day 6 in the D2 group. The presents study revealed that zearalenone applied per os at LOEL dose causes the incidence of apparent sexual readiness (without standing reflex) in sexually immature gilts with the somatically immature reproductive system.  相似文献   
We describe the morphological, biological, and molecular characteristics of Cryptosporidium pig genotype II and propose the species name Cryptosporidium scrofarum n. sp. to reflect its prevalence in adult pigs worldwide. Oocysts of C. scrofarum are morphologically indistinguishable from C. parvum, measuring 4.81–5.96 μm (mean = 5.16) × 4.23–5.29 μm (mean = 4.83) with a length to width ratio of 1.07 ± 0.06 (n = 400). Oocysts of C. scrofarum obtained from a naturally infected pig were infectious for 8-week-old pigs but not 4-week-old pigs. The prepatent period in 8-week-old Cryptosporidium-naive pigs was 4–6 days and the patent period was longer than 30 days. The infection intensity of C. scrofarum in pigs was generally low, in the range 250–4000 oocysts per gram of feces. Infected pigs showed no clinical signs of cryptosporidiosis and no pathology was detected. Cryptosporidium scrofarum was not infectious for adult SCID mice, adult BALB/c mice, Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus), southern multimammate mice (Mastomys coucha), yellow-necked mice (Apodemus flavicollis), or guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). Phylogenetic analyses based on small subunit rRNA, actin, and heat shock protein 70 gene sequences revealed that C. scrofarum is genetically distinct from all known Cryptosporidium species.  相似文献   
Background, aims, and scope  Embankment of meandering river systems in many industrial areas results in the formation of artificial oxbow lakes that may act as perennial or intermittent traps for river sediments. Their deposits can be dated using a combination of historical and stratigraphic data, providing a good means to study historical records of contamination transported by rivers. Contamination history over the last few decades is of special significance for Central and Eastern Europe as it can reflect high pollutant levels in the second half of the twentieth century and the subsequent improvement after the fall of the Iron Curtain. The purpose of this study was to investigate recent sediments of an oxbow lake of the Morava River, Czech Republic, their stratigraphic records, sediment architecture, and history of contamination. Materials and methods  Seven ground-penetrating radar (GPR) profiles and three sediment cores up to 4 m deep were studied. The stratigraphy of the cores was inferred from visible-light spectrophotometry, X-ray radiography, grain size analysis, and semiquantitative modal analysis of sandy fractions. The sediments were dated using the 137Cs mass activity and combinations of stratigraphic and historical data. The cores were sampled for concentrations of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants. Wet sampled, lyophilized, and sieved sediments were extracted and analyzed for heavy metals by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) of aqua regia leachate and for persistent organic pollutants by gas chromatography (GC-ECD and GC-MS). Results  Three distinct sedimentary sequences (S1, S2, and S3) were identified. The basal sequence S1 represents river channel sediments deposited before the formation of the oxbow lake, most likely before the 1930s. The boundary between the S1 and S2 sequence correlates with the level of sediment dredging from 1981 evidenced from historical data. The overlying sequences S2 and S3 represent a postdredging sediment wedge, which progrades into the lake. 137Cs dating revealed a distinct Chernobyl 1986 peak at ∼150 cm depth inferring sedimentation rates up to 7.7 cm/year. Sediment contamination abruptly increased from the pre-1930s deposits to the post-1981 deposits. The concentration levels increased two to five times for Pb, As, Zn, and Cu, about 10 to 15 times for Cr, Sb, and Hg, up to 34 times for Cd, and 25 to 67 times for DDTs, PCBs, and PAHs. The concentrations of most contaminants remained approximately constant until the late 1980s when they started to decrease slowly. The decreasing trends were most prominent for heavy metals and anthracene, less prominent for DDTs, and almost absent for PCBs and most PAHs. Discussion  Different temporal and spatial patterns for various contaminants make it possible to distinguish between anthropogenic point sources from local industry (anthracene, Cr, Cd), possible diffuse sources (most PAHs), and geological background (V, Co, Ni, and Mo). The observed recent trends in heavy metal and persistent organic pollutant contamination are generally consistent with data from other Central European rivers. The roughly balanced contamination levels in sediments from the lake and the adjacent river channel suggest that the oxbow lake deposits reflect immediate levels of the contamination bound to suspended particulate matter passing through the river. Conclusions  The investigated oxbow lake accumulated suspended sediment from Morava River, developing a thick sedimentary body. The sediments offer a good time framework to study historical contamination of the river on a decade time scale. Continuous contamination trends can be traced back to the early 1980s. The results show that stratigraphic analysis of cores has a good potential for identification of uninterrupted historical trends and unconformities, e.g., due to dredging. Recommendations and perspectives  Oxbow lakes may provide an alternative to floodplains and reservoir deposits when studying river contamination history. High sedimentation rates of up to 7.7 cm/year offer a very good stratigraphic resolution, making it possible to study contamination patterns on annual or even seasonal time scales. On the other hand, oxbow lakes may represent long-term contamination stores, which are unlikely to be redistributed by river erosion and, hence, may possess significant environmental risks for the farther future.  相似文献   
Honeydew produced by aphids is a well-studied food source for mutualistic ants. Although considerable amounts drop onto the soil surface there are hardly any studies dealing with the potential effects of this additional C source for soil organisms, particularly those living at the soil surface. We studied this question by simulating honeydew and investigating plots under Populus canescens formerly infested with aphids on two ruderal sites differing in soil organic matter content and vegetation cover. The simulated honeydew input increased microbial biomass with some delay in week 10. Both natural and simulated honeydew raised the activity densities of an epigeic Collembola taxon, the Bourletiellidae, but not of the dominant Hemisotoma thermophila. The honeydew effect varied over time and with the site, and was more pronounced at the nutrient-poor site for Collembola, but not for microbial biomass. Ant consumption reduced the amount of honeydew reaching the soil surface by 50%. The activity density of H. thermophila was negatively related to ants and spiders, hinting at a top-down control. Honeydew clearly acts as a bottom-up force for soil organisms, which is however only part of the complex network connecting the food webs of primary producers and decomposers.  相似文献   
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