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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of temperature, light and oxygen on the germination of Amaranthus caudatus (var. viridis) seeds. At the highest temperature studied (35°C), seed germination was found to be most rapid and highest in both the dark and the light. Germination was inhibited by continuous white light. The lower the temperature, the greater the inhibitory effect of light. The far-red and blue spectral regions were the most effective in light inhibition. The light effect was also dependent on the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere around the seeds; it was less marked in O2-enriched atmospheres. Light/ oxygen dependency resulted from the action of the seed coat and endosperm. Scarified seeds were much less sensitive to light and hypoxia than non-scarified seeds. Effets combinés de la température, de la lumière et de I'oxygène sur la germination des graines d'Amaranthus caudatus L. Le but de ce travail était d'étudier les effets de la température, de la lumiere et de I'oxygène sur la germination des graines d'Amaranthus caudatus (var. viridis). A la temperature la plus élevée utilisée (35°C), la germination était la plus rapide et la plus complète tant à la lumière qu'à 1'obscuritè. La germination était inhibée par la lumière blanche continue. Plus la temperature était basse, plus 1'effet inhibiteur de la lumière était important. Les radiations rouge sombre et bleues du spectre étaient les plus in-hibitrices. L'effet de la lumière dépendait aussi de la teneur de 1'atmosphère en oxygène; il était moins marqué dans des atmosphères enrichies en oxygène. L'interaction lumière/oxygène provenait du tégument et de 1'albumen. Les graines scarifiées étaient beaucoup moins sensibles à la lumière et a 1'hypoxie que les graines non scarifiées. Wechselwirkungen von Temperatur, Licht und Sauerstoff auf die Keimung der Samen von Amaranthus caudatus L. Sowohl im Dunkeln als auch im Licht keimten die Samen von Amaranthus caudatus (var. viridis) bei 35°C, der höchsten Temperatur der Versuche, am schnellsten und meisten. Durch weiβes Dauerlicht wurde die Keimung gehemmt. Je niedriger die Temperatur, desto hölier die Hemmung durch Licht. Im entfernt roten und blauen Spektralbereich war die Lichthemmung am stärksten. Die Wirkung des Lichts hing auch vom Sauerstoffgehalt der die Samen umgebenden Luft ab: Bei O25-Anreiche-rung war sie weniger deutlich. Die Licht/ Sauerstoff-Wechselwirkung wurde von der Samenschale und dem Endosperm beeinfluβt: Geritzte Samen waren gegenüber Licht und O2-Mangel viel weniger empfindlich als ganze.  相似文献   
Freshly harvested mature Bromus rubens L. seeds are dormant. This dormancy corresponds to the inability of seeds to germinate in the dark at temperatures above 15°C, but is practically not apparent at temperatures between 5 and 15°C. Continuous white light markedly inhibits germination of dormant seeds, even at low irradiances, and reinforces their sensitivity to oxygen deprivation. However, prolonged illumination with white light does not alter subsequent germination in the dark. Breaking of dormancy during dry storage at 20°C results in a widening of the temperature range within which a high rate of germination occurs, and in almost complete disappearance of sensitivity of seeds to light. The structures surrounding the embryo (glumellae, caryopsis envelopes and possibly endosperm) are mainly responsible for dormancy and photosensitivity of whole seeds, probably because they limit the oxygen supply to the embryo. However, the embryo itself appears to play a role in dormancy. The results obtained are discussed in relation to dormancy of cereal seeds, and in relation to field establishment of B. rubens as a weed. La dormance des semences de Bromus rubens L. en relation avec les effets de la température, de la lumière et de l'oxygène Les semences mûres de Bromus rubens L. fraîchement récoltées sont dormantes. Leur dormance correspond à une inaptitude à germer à l'obscuritéà des températures supérieures à 15°C, mais elle ne se manifeste pratiquement pas entre 5 et 15°C. La lumière blanche continue inhibe nettement la germination des semences dormantes, même à de faibles énergies, et renforce leur sensibilitéà la privation d'oxygène. Cependant, un éclairement prolongé n'a aucune conséquence sur la germination ultérieure à l'obscurité. L'élimination de la dormance pendant la conservation au sec, à 20°C, se traduit par un élargissement de la gamme thermique qui assure une bonne germination et par la disparition presque complète de la sensibilité des semences à la lumière. Les structures qui entourent l'embryon (glumelles, enveloppes du caryopse et peut-être albumen) sont, en grande partie, responsables de la dormance et de la photosensibilité des semences entières, sans doute parce qu'elles limitent l'apport d'oxygène à l'embryon. Toutefois, l'embryon lui-même semble participer à la dormance. Les résultats obtenus sont discutés par comparaison avec la dormance des semences des céréales et en relation avec l'implantation, dans les cultures, de B. rubens en tant que mauvaise herbe. Dormanz der Samen von Bromus rubens L. in Bezug auf Temperatur, Licht und Sauerstoffversorgung Frisch geerntete Samen von Bromus rubens L. sind im Dunkeln bei Temperaturen über 15°C dormant, während diese Dormanz bei Temperaturen zwischen 5 und 15°C praktisch nicht vorliegt. Ständiges weißes Licht hemmt die Keimung dormanter Samen deutlich, sogar bei niedriger Intensität, und verstärkt ihre Empfindlichkeit gegenüber Sauerstoffmangel. Ständige Beleuchtung mit weißem Licht verändert jedoch nicht die folgende Dunkelkeimung. Das Brechen der Dormanz während der trockenen Lagerung bei 20 °C führt zu einem vergrößerten Temperaturbereich, in dem die Samen gut keimen, und läßt ihre Lichtempfindlichkeit fast vollständig verschwinden. Die Strukturen um den Embryo (Spelzen, Schale der Caryopse und möglicherweise Endosperm) sind hauptsächlich für die Dormanz und die Lichtempfindlichkeit des ganzen Samens verantwortlich, vermutlich deshalb, weil sie die Sauerstoffversorgung des Embryos einschränken. Aber auch der Embryo selbst scheint bei der Dormanz eine Rolle zu spielen. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse werden im Vergleich zur Dormanz von Getreidesamen und hinsichtlich des Vorkommens von Bromus rubens als Unkraut diskutiert.  相似文献   
Soil water conservation is critical to long-term crop production in dryland cropping areas in Northeast Australia. Many field studies have shown the benefits of controlled traffic and zero tillage in terms of runoff and soil erosion reduction, soil moisture retention and crop yield improvement. However, there is lack of understanding of the long-term effect of the combination of controlled traffic and zero tillage practices, as compared with other tillage and traffic management practices.In this study, a modeling approach was used to estimate the long-term effect of tillage, traffic, crop rotation and type, and soil management practices in a heavy clay soil. The PERFECT soil–crop simulation model was calibrated with data from a 5-year field experiment in Northeast Australia in terms of runoff, available soil water and crop yield; the procedure and outcomes of this calibration were given in a previous contribution. Three cropping systems with different tillage and traffic treatments were simulated with the model over a 44-year-period using archived weather data.Results showed higher runoff, and lower soil moisture and crop production with conventional tillage and accompanying field traffic than with controlled traffic and zero tillage. The effect of traffic is greater than the effect of tillage over the long-term. The best traffic, tillage and crop management system was controlled traffic zero tillage in a high crop intensity rotation, and the worst was conventional traffic and stubble mulch with continuous wheat. Increased water infiltration and reduced runoff under controlled traffic resulted in more available soil water and higher crop yield under opportunity cropping systems.  相似文献   


Successful chelant-assisted phytoextraction requires application of an eco-friendly metal-complexing agent which enhances metal uptake but does not pose a significant risk of off-site movement of metals. Rhamnolipid biosurfactant has been used to enhance cadmium (Cd) removal from contaminated soil by washing. It has a strong affinity for Cd compared to some other hazardous metals, suggesting that rhamnolipid could be useful in Cd phytoextraction. This study investigated the potential use of rhamnolipid to enhance Cd phytoextraction.  相似文献   
Tools restricting the movements of invasive species (e.g. barriers) and reducing habitat fragmentation for native species (e.g. corridors, fishways) provide examples where actions taken to address one environmental concern can hinder efforts to address another environmental concern. We used perturbation analysis of stage-structured projection matrices to evaluate the efficacy of seasonally operated barriers and fishways for controlling non-native sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in the Laurentian Great Lakes while minimizing effects on non-target fishes. For non-jumping fishes migrating in spring, seasonally operated barriers without a fishway will not balance the management objectives satisfactorily. Migration phenologies of the seven common non-target fishes considered in our analyses overlapped considerably with the migration phenology of sea lamprey, with peaks in migration typically being 7–43 days (median 12) from the peak in the sea lamprey migration. Consequently, across species, years, and tributaries, 44–100% of the migratory runs of non-target fishes would be blocked under the 75-day operation period required to block 99% of the sea lamprey spawning run, on average. Reductions in the production of non-target fishes due to blocking were also projected to be similar in magnitude to reductions projected in the production of sea lamprey, unless density-dependent compensation was strong or overlap in migration phenologies between a non-target species and sea lamprey was low. Even under density-dependent compensation, providing a fishway is advisable and passage of non-target fishes may have to be highly effective to avoid population declines in non-jumping species that migrate between a Great Lake and its tributaries.  相似文献   
In recent years, innovations in fertilizer research have principally been in the design of products to supply more timely plant nutrients and mitigate detrimental losses to the environment. In the development of these fertilizers, a laboratory method to comparatively screen a large number of formulations for the rate of nutrient release is a critical first step in formulation optimization to significantly reduce time spent on pot and field trials, reducing costs considerably. Currently, given the absence of a standard laboratory method for all fertilizers, adaptions of a method for coated fertilizers from the International Organization for Standardization (2017) ISO 21263 and other column tests are being used which are often complex and/or require manual sampling which can be laborious, time consuming and costly. The method presented here evaluates the dynamic release in real time by continuously perfusing samples in columns utilizing an automated sample accumulation system for short‐term and long‐term release studies and eliminates the need for soil/sand packing of columns. Mass balance is accounted for by analysing the residue after dissolution and the amount released is expressed as a % of the total nutrient content in the product. This method is reliable, uncomplicated and cost‐effective and has been used to test uncoated soluble fertilizers, nanofertilizers, fertilizers with newly developed coating technologies and other slowly soluble fertilizers, to assess the effect of variables like coating chemistry and thickness, fertilizer composition or fertilizer particle size on release rate.  相似文献   
An island wide survey for Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) in citrus orchards across Jamaica (13 regions) was conducted over 2 years. Trees (1, 885) showing virus-like symptoms as well as asymptomatic trees were randomly sampled for testing by ELISA and 55 samples from the 6 major citrus growing regions were graft inoculated on indicator plants. Most samples (74%) reacted to polyclonal antibodies against CTV in ELISA, while 20% were positive in tests using monoclonal antibodies specific to severe CTV strains. Samples collected from the 6 major citrus growing regions produced vein clearing and stem pitting symptoms on Mexican lime indicator plants (87%). In addition, stem pitting symptoms were induced on Duncan grapefruit, sweet orange, sour orange or sweet orange grafted on sour orange. Nucleotide sequencing of the coat protein gene sequences isolated from these samples indicated high identities (88 to 95.5%) among the Jamaican isolates and previously reported stem pitting strains from Central and North America and Eurasia (88 to 100%). The results suggest a shared ancestry with isolates from other geographical locations, rather than geographical speciation, and presumably separate CTV introductions into Jamaica.  相似文献   
This study provides the first comprehensive characterisation of the calcium (Ca) homeostasis defects found in muscle and lymphocytes of a malignant hyperthermia (MH)-susceptible dog. Novel findings regarding this dog are reported, compared to controls. First, a canine stress syndrome occurs, analogous to the porcine stress syndrome; susceptibility can be identified by exercise challenge testing. Secondly, caffeine causes Ca release from muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum in a greater amount and at a greater rate. Thirdly, there is a compensatory increase in Ca sequestration by sarcoplasmic reticulum. Fourthly, lymphocytes have lower cytosolic-free Ca and a greater ability to prevent Ca increase. Halothane increases Ca by a greater amount and rate. Fifthly, muscle is more resistant to the contracture-producing effects of caffeine, as occurs in the non-rigid variant of MH susceptibility in man. This resistance, despite increased caffeine-induced release through the Ca channel, may be attributable to increased Ca sequestration by sarcoplasmic reticulum. Finally, erythrocyte osmotic fragility and creatine kinase tests fail to distinguish between the MH-susceptible dog and controls.  相似文献   
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