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Several experiments were performed to investigate the physiology of seawater acclimation in the striped bass, Morone saxatilis. Transfer of fish from fresh water (FW) to seawater (SW; 31–32 ppt) induced only a minimal disturbance of osmotic homeostasis. Ambient salinity did not affect plasma thyroxine, but plasma cortisol remained elevated for 24h after SW transfer. Gill and opercular membrane chloride cell density and Na+,K+-ATPase activity were relatively high and unaffected by salinity. Average chloride cell size, however, was slightly increased (16%) in SW-acclimated fish. Gill succinate dehydrogenase activity was higher in SW-acclimated fish than in FW fish. Kidney Na+, K+-ATPase activity was slightly lower (16%) in SW fish than in FW fish. Posterior intestinal Na+,K+-ATPase activity and water transport capacity (Jv) did not change upon SW transfer, whereas middle intestinal Na+,K+-ATPase activity increased 35% after transfer and was correlated with an increase in Jv (110%). As salinity induced only minor changes in the osmoregulatory organs examined, it is proposed that the intrinsic euryhalinity of the striped bass may be related to a high degree of “preparedness” for hypoosmoregulation that is uncommon among teleosts studied to data.  相似文献   
Legume root nodules originate from differentiated cortical cells that reenter the cell cycle and form organ primordia. We show that perception of the phytohormone cytokinin is a key element in this switch. Mutation of a Lotus japonicus cytokinin receptor gene leads to spontaneous development of root nodules in the absence of rhizobia or rhizobial signal molecules. The mutant histidine kinase receptor has cytokinin-independent activity and activates an Escherichia coli two-component phosphorelay system in vivo. Mutant analysis shows that cytokinin signaling is required for cell divisions that initiate nodule development and defines an autoregulated process where cytokinin induction of nodule stem cells is controlled by shoots.  相似文献   
The effect of cortisol on osmoregulatory parameters was studied in rainbow trout, (Salmo gairdneri), kept in freshwater (FW) and/or transferred to seawater (SW). Repeated injections of 20 μg cortisol/g fish stimulated gill and gut Na+/K+-ATPase activity and reduced plasma Na+ and Cl levels after 2 weeks of treatment in FW-adapted fish. Cortisol doses of 0.05 and 1.0 μg/g were without effect. Repeated injections of 10 μg cortisol/g stimulated gill Na+/K+-ATPase activity and reduced plasma Na+ and Cl levels in fish in FW, and significantly improved ion regulation after their transfer to 28SW. Higher doses of cortisol (10 and 20 μg/g) induced hyperglycemia, whereas low doses (0.05 and 1.0 μg/g were without effect or induced hypoglycemia. Plasma glucose levels decreased in cortisol-treated fish transferred to SW, whereas transient hyperglycemia was seen in the control fish.  相似文献   
A method for mapping potentially acid sulfate soils in Jutland, Denmark is described. First the wetlands were outlined, using already existing topographic maps. Then 7900 profiles, evenly distributed over the wetland areas, were examined to point out areas with potentially acid sulfate soils. The method used to identify potentially acid sulfate material was, for carbonate-free samples, a pH-measuring at the sampling time and after the samples were inoculated with soil water extract from an acid sulfate soil and 2, 8 or 16 weeks of incubation. For carbonate-containing samples the pyrite content was compared to the acid-neutralizing capacity. A map was constructed showing the ratio of profiles containing potentially acid sulfate soil samples to total number of profiles examined within natural geographical wetland regions.The investigation showed that 35% of the wetlands in Jutland have a high frequency of potentially acid sulfate soils.  相似文献   
A study of the aquatic fate of the triethylamine salt of triclopyr (3,5,6‐trichloro‐2‐pyridinyloxyacetic acid) was conducted in three bays of Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota. Triclopyr is under review by the US Environmental Protection Agency as a selective aquatic herbicide. The primary purpose of this study was to determine dissipation rates of the parent active ingredient, triclopyr, and its major metabolites, 3,5,6‐trichloropyridinol (TCP) and 3,5,6‐trichloro‐2‐methoxypyridine (TMP) in selected matrices including water, sediment, plants, finfish and shellfish. Two 6.5‐ha plots dominated by the weedy species Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L) were treated with triclopyr‐triethylammonum at a rate of 2.5 mg AE liter−1 (2.5 ppm) on 21–23 June 1994. A third 6.5‐ha plot was established as an untreated reference. Water and sediment samples were collected from within the plots and at selected locations up to 1600 m outside of the plots through six weeks post‐treatment for chemical residue analysis. In addition, residue samples were collected from the target and non‐target plants and other non‐target matrices, including game and rough fish, clams and crayfish. All test animals were sequestered in cages located in the center of each plot and samples were collected through four weeks post‐treatment. Half‐lives for dissipation of triclopyr and TCP in water ranged from 3.7 to 4.7 days and from 4.2 to 7.9 days, respectively, with trace amounts of TMP found. Peak triclopyr sediment values ranged from 257 to 335 ng gram−1, with a mean half‐life of 5.4 days, while peak TCP sediment levels ranged from 27 to 65 ng gram−1 (mean half−life = 11.0 days). Trace levels of TMP were detected at one treatment site at one sampling event. Triclopyr and TCP accumulated and cleared from animal tissues proportionately to concentrations in the water (triclopyr dissipation half‐lives <11 days, TCP < 14 days). TMP levels were two to three times higher than those of the other compounds, particularly in visceral tissue. In all cases, residues of these compounds were higher in the inedible portions of the animals, and were usually higher in bottom‐feeding fish species. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
The occurrence of Flavobacterium psychrophilum at four rainbow trout hatcheries was investigated to provide more knowledge about the reservoirs and transmission of this bacterium. Broodstock were sampled at stripping (including both unfertilized and fertilized eggs), and the offspring were then sampled at the eyed egg and fry stages. Water and surface samples (e.g. hatchery trays) were also sampled. Flavobacterium psychrophilum was found in ovarian fluid and milt, indicating that broodstock may serve as a reservoir and are latent carriers of the pathogen. Flavobacterium psychrophilum was not found on or inside eggs, but further egg studies will be necessary to elucidate the possibility of vertical transmission of the pathogen. Flavobacterium psychrophilum was isolated from water samples, but only from water that had been in close contact with farmed rainbow trout or eggs. Flavobacterium psychrophilum isolates were characterized and compared with well-characterized strains, using degradation of elastin, serotype and ribotype profiles. Different ribotypes of F. psychrophilum were found between hatcheries, but a common ribotype A was found at all four hatcheries. Different ribotypes were found in broodstock without clinical disease, whereas only a few ribotypes (mostly ribotype A) were found in diseased fry. The same ribotype A was found in broodstock, in water samples from hatchery trays and in fry, which suggests the possibility of transmission of F. psychrophilum between broodstock and offspring.  相似文献   
Hip dysplasia is an affection of the coxofemoral joint that progresses until stabilization is caused by fibrosis and osteoarthritic changes. This stabilization process can be examined by clinical and radiographic methods. The capability of evaluating the procollagen concentrations in liquids, such as serum and synovial fluid, has further offered the basis for an objective biochemical evaluation of the stabilization process. Our study was performed to evaluate whether determination of procollagen concentrations was suitable for the use in practice. The procollagen type-III aminoterminal peptide (P-III-NP) concentration was measured in serum and in synovial fluid from coxofemoral joints in 20 dogs. Dogs were grouped on the basis of evidence of dysplasia and osteoarthritic changes of the hip: (1) a control group of 6 dogs without clinical or radiographic signs of hip dysplasia, and (2) dysplastic group of 14 dogs, which was further grouped with respect to the coxofemoral joint laxity, as determined by the Ortolani test. Synovial fluid concentration of P-III-NP was significantly (P less than 0.05) higher in fluid from dysplastic joints than in fluid from normal joints. Serum concentrations of P-III-NP were significantly (P less than 0.05) higher in dogs in which results of the Ortolani test were positive.  相似文献   
K. K. Sørensen    M. H. Madsen    H. G. Kirk    D. K. Madsen    A. M. Torp 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(3):268-276
The global cultivation of potato (Solanum tuberosum) is threatened by epidemics caused by new variants of the late blight pathogen, Phytophthora infestans. New sources of durable late blight resistance are urgently needed and these may be found in wild Solanum species. The diploid wild species, S. vernei, has not previously been subjected to mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for late blight resistance. Two populations designated HGIHJS and HGG, originating from a cross between a clone of S. vernei and two different S. tuberosum clones were evaluated in field trials for late blight infestation. The relative area under the disease progress curve (RAUDPC) was estimated and used for QTL mapping. A linkage map of S. vernei, comprising 11 linkage groups, nine of which could be assigned to chromosomes, was constructed. Results indicated that the resistance in S. vernei was quantitatively inherited. Significant QTLs for late blight resistance were identified on chromosomes VIII (HGG), VI and IX (HGIHJS). In addition, potential QTLs were detected on chromosomes VII (HGIHJS) and IX (HGG). A putative and a significant QTL for tuber yield were found on chromosomes VI and VII in HGG, but no linkage between yield and resistance was indicated. The QTL for late blight resistance, which mapped to chromosome IX, could be useful for late blight resistance breeding as it was located close to the microsatellite marker STM1051 in both populations.  相似文献   
Species inhabiting archipelagos are often characterised by high levels of interpopulation divergence (e.g. size related traits). This divergence may, in turn, influence their life-history. To facilitate better management and conservation of the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis), an island endemic, we identified demographic differences between two island populations in Komodo National Park, Indonesia. Comparison of data collected from dragon populations inhabiting Rinca Island and the much smaller Gili Motang Island indicated that between 1994 and 2004, the Komodo dragon population on Gili Motang significantly decreased its: (1) mean body mass, (2) body condition and (3) relative abundance. These results suggest that the numerically small Gili Motang population was oscillating downwards; in contrast, the Rinca Island population had been relatively stable. More importantly these results emphasize the necessity for managers of this priority conservation species to understand further the inherent functional differences among dragon populations to develop island specific management units. Current management practices (e.g. monitoring) instigated by Komodo National Park management ignore small island dragon populations and thus run the risk of being unable to detect adverse effects for populations that are potentially most prone to decline.  相似文献   
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