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Bovine venereal campylobacteriosis (BVC) is a major cause of economic loss to the cattle industries in different parts of the world. Camplylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis (Cfv), the main causative agent of BVC, is highly adapted to the genital tract of cattle and is transmitted by carrier bulls. However, infertility and abortions can also be caused by the intestinal pathogens C. fetus subsp. fetus (Cff), and C. jenuni, which are not venereally transmitted. Bovine venereal campylobacteriosis, caused by Cfv associated with lowered fertility, embryo mortality and abortion, repeated returns to service, reduced pregnancy rates and extended calving intervals, has the highest prevalence in developing countries where natural breeding in cattle is widely practised. The epidemiology, pathogenesis and diagnosis of the disease have been the subject of previous reviews. The main focus of this review is to highlight the epidemiology of this disease with particular reference to geographical distribution and recent advances in molecular diagnostic techniques. It is hoped that further research interest of scientists will be stimulated with a view to finding lasting solutions to the reproductive problems associated with the disease for better livestock productivity, particularly in developing endemic countries.  相似文献   

A lethal congenital polycystic kidney disease (PCKD) has been known in lambs in New Zealand for more than 50 years and assumed to be genetic in origin. We have studied this in lambs from an experimental mating in a flock experiencing an outbreak the previous year. Two Perendale rams identified by DNA profiling (SignaGen) as sires of PCKD lambs were each mated to the other's daughters. From 71 such matings, 10 ewes gave birth to 15 PCKD lambs of both sexes. The results are in accord with those expected for a recessive autosomal trait. All lambs were dead or died shortly after birth. Their abdomens were distended by enlarged kidneys 40–140 mm in length. Their cut surface showed a multitude of cystic spaces 1–5 mm in diameter in both the cortex and medulla. Livers of affected lambs showed complex tubular and cystic patterns of bile ducts containing bile, and supported by an excess of fibrous tissue. Cystic changes also occurred in the pancreas and salivary glands.  相似文献   
A three-dimensional model of mantle convection in which the known history of plate tectonics is imposed predicts the anomalous Cretaceous vertical motion of Australia and the present-day distinctive geochemistry and geophysics of the Australian-Antarctic Discordance. The dynamic models infer that a subducted slab associated with the long-lived Gondwanaland-Pacific converging margin passed beneath Australia during the Cretaceous, partially stagnated in the mantle transition zone, and is presently being drawn up by the Southeast Indian Ridge.  相似文献   
Normal rats which refused 5-and 20-percent alcohol in a previous study were restricted to 5-percent and 20-percent solutions in their home cages for either 30 or 120 days. Differential preferences for alcohol solutions of up to 8-percent were established as a function of length of time animals consumed alcohol but not as a function of the particular concentration consumed prior to testing.  相似文献   


A single case of the inherited lysosomal storage disease known as mucopolysaccharidosis-IIIA (MPS-IIIA), due to a deficiency of the enzyme heparan sulphatase, was reported in an 18-month-old male Huntaway dog (Jolly et al 2000 Jolly, RD, Allan, FJ, Collett, MG, Rozaklis, T, Muller, VJ and Hopwood, JJ. 2000. Mucopolysaccharidosis IIIA (Sanfilippo syndrome) in a New Zealand Huntaway dog with ataxia. New Zealand Veterinary Journal, 48: 144148. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). He had developed normally but when presented with a history of progressive ataxia over the preceding month, had a high stepping, prancing gait and difficulty in jumping into a utility vehicle. In addition, he had started to defaecate in his kennel. Following diagnosis of the enzyme deficiency, the mutant heparan sulphatase gene was sequenced and a PCR/restriction enzyme diagnostic test developed, based on the mutation. This is capable of detecting both homozygous and heterozygous individuals (Yogalingam et al 2000 Yogalingam, G, Pollard, T, Gliddon, B, Jolly, RD and Hopwood, JJ. 2001. Identification of a mutation causing mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIA in New Zealand Huntaway dogs. Genomics, 79: 150153.  [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   
The pre‐medicant chosen may influence the ease with which gastroduodenoscopy (GD) is performed. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relative ease of GD in cats under ketamine and isoflurane anesthesia after IM injection of hydromorphone (H, 0.1 mg kg?1), hydromorphone plus glycopyrrolate (HG, 0.1 mg kg?1 (H), 0.01 mg kg?1 (G)), medetomidine (M, 0.03 mg kg?1), or butorphanol (B, 0.4 mg kg?1). Eight cats were assigned randomly to receive each treatment in a cross‐over design with at least 7 days between treatments. Twenty minutes after pre‐medication, medetomidine produced greater (p = 0.001) sedation than the other treatments when assessed, using a subjective ordinal scale. The cats were injected with ketamine (10 mg kg?1 IM), orotracheally intubated, connected to a pediatric circle breathing system, and allowed to spontaneously breathe isoflurane in oxygen. Once end‐tidal isoflurane concentration was stable at 1.4% for 15 minutes, endoscopy was started. A single endoscopist (REG), who was unaware of the treatment used, performed all endoscopies. The endoscopist scored the difficulty of endoscopy subjectively (0–3). The significance of differences between treatments was evaluated using Friedman's test. Time for entering the stomach was 9.4 (4.7–15.9) (median (minimum–maximum)), 6.6 (5.2–11.7), 8.4 (6.3–16.5), and 7.7 (5.1–14.7) seconds and for entering the duodenum from the stomach was 20.5 (13.8–40.9), 18.2 (10.3–39.8), 20.2 (16.2–119.5), and 22.2 (11.8–83.8) seconds for H, HG, M, and B treatments, respectively. There were no significant differences in the time for, or difficulty of, endoscopy. We conclude that any of these drugs can be used satisfactorily at the doses and combinations tested to pre‐medicate cats prior to general anesthesia for GD.  相似文献   
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