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新型高效谷物保护剂“储粮安”的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取溴氰菊酯和马拉硫磷原药为微胶囊芯料,在高速搅拌下通过界面聚合法形成微胶囊,加入稳定剂、增稠剂及载体后制成2.5%谷物保护剂储粮安,经试验散装粮应用8mg/kg、10 mg/kg和12 mg/kg及包装粮10 mg/kg、12 mg/kg,对主要储粮害虫药效维持在一年以上,达到基本无虫标准.  相似文献   
Two 16-storey frame-wall structures with slender coupling beams in regions of Intensity 8(0.2 g),with and without considering the stiffness reduction of the coupling beams,were designed.Nonlinear dynamic response analyses of two typical frame-wall structures subjected to several ground motions were carried out.The analyses were based on the quasi-tridimensional program for nonlinear dynamic response analysis TS-EPA.The analyses led to the following conclusions: Under rare earthquake actions,the coupling beams in framewall structures yield first.This shows that the coupling beam in frame-wall structures is the member at the forefront of earthquake resistance.Comparison of the analytic results of two couples with and without considering the stiffness reduction of the coupling beam found that,in view of the dynamic response to and the requirement for ductility under rare earthquake motions,reducing stiffness causes a minor unfavorable influence on the dynamic response of frame-wall structures.  相似文献   
卢峰  张飞  段有厚 《作物杂志》2015,31(2):149-153
试验于2013-2014年以高粱杂交种辽杂10、辽杂11和迁杂35为试材,对正常供水和干旱胁迫条件下的株高、叶面积、相对含水量、光合参数、地上部干重和保护性酶活性进行了比较与分析。结果表明,干旱胁迫条件下,高粱幼苗的出苗会有所延缓,叶片和根系的相对含水量均下降,叶片下降幅度大于根系;干旱胁迫导致净光合速率(Pn)下降,地上部物质积累减少,气孔导度(Gs)减小是Pn下降的主要原因;在干旱胁迫下,根系和叶片的过氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)含量均显著高于正常供水处理,并且随着胁迫天数的增加呈抛物线状变化,在胁迫12d达到峰值。  相似文献   
The relationships among potassium (K), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and manganese (Mn) contents in milled rice (Oryza stavia L.) of 274 genotypes and the relationships between these mineral element contents and other rice quality traits including 3 cooking quality traits, 17 amino acid contents, and protein content were investigated. The results showed that there were significant correlations among most of mineral element contents. Mg, Fe, and Mn contents were significantly correlated with most of the other mineral element contents, while Cu content had significantly negative associations with the K and Mg contents of rice. The relationships between mineral element contents and cooking quality traits showed that gel consistency (GC) was significantly correlated with K, Cu, and Mn contents of rice. Amylose content (AC) was significantly associated with K, Na, Mg, Cu, and Mn contents. The alkali spreading value (ASV) had closely positive relationships with Ca, Mg, and Mn contents. In addition, 8 mineral element contents had obvious correlations with different amino acid contents. Mg, Ca, and Zn contents were significantly correlated with most of the 17 amino acid contents, but Na content did not correlate with amino acid contents except aspartic acid of rice. Furthermore, significant associations were found between protein content and Na, Mg, Zn, Cu, or Mn content. Six principal components were extracted to explain 84.50% of the total variances and contained the information provided by the original 29 variables according to the principal component analysis.  相似文献   
自动驾驶是未来汽车发展的方向,其中最基本也是最重要的驾驶工况是跟车行驶。为了能够实现稳定地跟车行驶,对模糊控制在跟车行驶中的应用展开深入的研究,利用模糊控制算法实现跟车行驶功能,并基于MATLAB进行仿真验证,通过仿真结果验证了模糊控制能够达到很好的跟车效果。  相似文献   
利用慧鱼创意组合模型,通过装置设计、软件编程和模块组装等环节,设计制作了智能草坪修剪机.智能草坪修剪机可根据草坪的大小以及实际形状,实现对草坪的自动化修剪.本文介绍了该装置主要元件和功能,重点分析了修剪轨迹扫描机构,通过程序控制可改变其运动路线,实现避开障碍物等功能.  相似文献   
Based on the Modigliani's Life-Cycle Hypothesis of consumption,and relevant data,the paper empirically studies stock market and real estate market wealth effect in China by using the method of unit root test and cointegrating regression.The results show that,regardless of short-run effect and long-run effect,the stock market wealth has significantly negative effect on civil' consumption level,but real estate market wealth or housing market wealth has significantly positive effect on civil' consumption level.  相似文献   
The relationship of investors and venture capitalists is an important part in venture capital. Based on asymmetric information, this paper analyzes the principal agent relationship between investors and venture capitalists with game theory. And this paper mainly discusses the choosing, controlling and incentive problem. It suggests that only the capable and self confident venture capitalists could accept the terms of the limited partnership. It also indicates that recompense mechanism which holds the interest of investors and that of venture capitalists tightly is the center of the limited partnership. Rate of yield is the key of recompense mechanism, it not only reflects the incentive on venture capitalists, also reflects the share of risk between investors and venture capitalists. At last, the market credit play an important role in venture capital.  相似文献   
Approximation order plays an important role in characterizing multiscaling functios.The sufficient and necessary condition of approximation order is obtained by studying M - band multiscaling functions in frequency domain.  相似文献   
以贵州省不同年代酿酒用糯高粱品种(系)为研究对象,采用随机区组试验设计,对其农艺性状、产量构成以及抗性差异进行分析,结果表明:随着年代更替,贵州省酿酒用糯高粱单产逐步提高。新品种(红缨子、黔高8号)较老品系(黑壳糯、红壳糯)平均单产增幅25%以上;穗粒数、穗粒重增加显著,增幅分别为51.7%、62.7%;主穗一、二级枝梗数增加幅度分别为19.8%、62.7%;株高降低24.9%,茎粗增加9.5%;节间数增加0.9个,节间长缩短13.3cm;单株叶面积和叶面积指数增加显著;倒伏率、发病率下降显著,成穗率明显提升。各指标相关性分析显示,产量与穗粒数、穗粒重,穗粒数与主穗一、二级枝梗数呈极显著正相关;产量与株高、倒伏率极显著负相关,与茎粗正相关,相关系数分别为-0.981、-0.970和0.928,株高、茎粗与倒伏率相关显著,相关系数分别为0.964和-0.910;产量与叶面积指数正相关,与发病率显著负相关。总的结果表明,主穗一、二级枝梗数的增加提高了糯高粱的穗粒数,植株株高的降低、茎粗的增加促进了抗倒性的提升,抗病性的提升保证了后期叶片光合作用的持续进行,最终提高了糯高粱产量。  相似文献   
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