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The effect of water intake prior to blood sampling on subsequent packed cell volume (PCV) was investigated in ewe lambs (8 months of age) of the Dohne Merino, Merino and Letelle flocks at Grootfontein Agricultural Development Institute. On the afternoon of the day before the experiment was conducted, a blood sample for a baseline PCV value (R) was taken from each animal. The following day, 15 ewes of each breed (n = 45) were dosed with 1 litre of water and another 15 of each (n = 45) were used as a control. Blood samples for PCV were taken concurrently for both the control and water treatment groups before the dose (0), and at 15, 30 and 60 minutes after dosing. PCV were subsequently determined with the microcapillary centrifuge technique. Baseline PCV of Letelle ewes was higher (32.4 +/- 0.6) than that of the Dohne Merino (29.7 +/- 0.6) and Merino (28.7 +/- 0.6) ewes. Furthermore, recovery rate at 30 minutes after treatment also differed among breeds. Although there were significant differences between the control and water treatment groups at R and 0 minutes, which were probably due to inherent animal differences, there were no significant differences between PCV of the 2 groups during the remainder of the experimental period. Overall it can be concluded that water intake before blood sampling for the determination of PCV has no significant effect on haematocrit. Differences among breeds were more pronounced than those between treatment groups.  相似文献   
The efficacy of a topical preparation containing 0.5% fusidic acid and 0.1% betamethasone-17-valerate was compared to a systemic therapy (comprising a combination of parenteral dexamethasone and oral clavulanate-potentiated amoxycillin) in the treatment of 104 dogs with acute moist dermatitis. Significant improvement was evident after seven days in both treatment groups in all clinical parameters assessed and there was no significant difference in the overall response between the two treatment groups. Staphylococcus intermedius was the most frequently isolated organism from swabs at the first visit (Day 0). No resistance to fusidic acid or clavulanate-potentiated amoxycillin was encountered. The study demonstrates no difference in the clinical improvement achieved in canine acute moist dermatitis following topical or systemic therapy and that both treatment regimes represent effective treatment options for the condition.  相似文献   
Marks MA 《Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association》2005,226(4):514; author reply 514-514; author reply 515
河北省是鸡蛋生产大省,连年鸡蛋总产量居全国首位,2003年达393.8万吨。其中,笼养培育品种鸡占85%以上。近年来随着人民生活水平的提高,柴鸡蛋越来越受到消费者的青睐。河北柴鸡的原产地和形成历史,因缺乏资料记载,很难考究,但其历史悠久,是在广大农村和山区长期选  相似文献   
山东省利津县某村某养殖户存养肉鸡2000只,其鸡群在32日龄发病,发病率80%左右,死亡率8%左右,使用多种抗生素治疗无效后,于2003年11月1号送我所畜禽诊断“110”要求确诊,根据临床症状、剖检变化、试验室诊断、动物回归试验后,确诊该鸡群为非典型新城疫与大肠杆菌混合感染。现报告如下:  相似文献   
生猪定点屠宰场检疫(验)程序图解@林鸿恩$吉林省辽源市动物检疫站!136200  相似文献   
<正> 菁松×皓月具有产茧量高,丝质优的特点,我州推广以来在局部地区深受农村大面积丝茧生产和丝厂欢迎。但该品种在我州繁育过程中表现出健康性差,繁育系数低,且有大面积生产上适应性差的缺点,本试验旨在稳定产量和丝质的前提下,提高其健康性和蚕种繁育系数,以及大面积生产的适应性。 1 试验方法及经过 1.1 试验材料:本场1999年秋制“菁松、皓月、781、782”母种。 1.2 试验方法:采用回交法。因菁松品  相似文献   
磺胺类药是人工合成的化学药品,在养猪业中应用已有很长的历史。它具有抗菌谱较广、性质稳定、价格低廉、有多种制剂可供选择等优点。近年来,随着喷诺酮类药物(氟哌酸、环丙沙星、蒽诺沙星等)的不断推出,磺胺类药物使用量显著下降,但随着抗菌增效剂和一些新型磺胺药的出现,使磺胺类药物的临床应用又有了良好前景。目前,养猪业中临床应用较多的是磺胺嘧院钠、复方新诺明、磺胺对甲氧嘧院等。它们对猪肺炎、仔猪副伤寒、链球菌病及泌尿道感染有较好的疗效。一般用药时间为3-5天,不超过7天,如用量过大或用药时间过长,对猪的肾脏泌…  相似文献   
一、正确接产产房要用2%~3%来苏水消毒,并保持适宜的温度和安静的环境。待产母牛要提前牵入产房随时观察,专人看护,以便及早发现准备接产。首先,要确定胎位是否正常,再根据母牛体况,从而正确决定接产方式。如果出现胎位逆向、个体太大或双胎情况,应及时考虑是否要进行剖腹产手术。在接产过程中要避免小牛长时间产不出造成窒息,也要避免羊水或黏液被小牛吸入口腔。小牛出生后,要立即用毛巾或干净柔软的稻草将犊牛鼻腔、口腔内的黏液擦净,以确保小牛呼吸道通畅。如果犊牛已吸入黏液而造成呼吸困难时,则用手轻轻拍打犊牛的胸部,促其呼吸;严重者…  相似文献   
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