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In 1983 plants showing symptoms typical of watercress chlorotic leafspot agent (WCLSA) were found in Kent (GB). Later, plants showing similar symptoms were found in Dorset (1986) and Hampshire (1987), the main watercress-producing regions of England. These plants, unlike those infected with WCLSA, contained virus particles which were isometric with diameters of 37-38 nm. An antiserum to the virus was produced, with a titre in immunodiffusion tests of 1/128 and this gave good results in immunosorbent electron microscopy (ISEM) and ELISA tests on crude plant sap. Purified preparations of the virus reacted positively in ISEM and immunodiffusion tests with an antiserum to watercress yellow spot virus, a partially described virus occurring in France. Tests suggest that the crook root fungus Spongospora subterranea f.sp. nasturtii is probably the vector of this virus but other means of transmission cannot be excluded. Virus incidence within watercress beds varied, with little or no infection in the water inlet region of the bed where there are also low levels of crook root infection, higher levels in the central region and highest levels at the outlet region where crook root infection is also highest.  相似文献   
Propylene glycol (PG) is a common preservative and source of synthetic carbohydrates in soft-moist pet foods. Propylene glycol was fed to cats for 5 weeks at concentrations found in commercial diets (1.6 g/kg of body weight; 12% of diet on a dry-weight basis) and for 3 weeks at concentrations exceeding usual intake (8 g/kg; 41% of diet). There was a dose-dependent increase in Heinz body percentage to 28% in cats fed the low dose of PG and to 92% in cats fed the high dose. Erythrocyte half-life, measured using [14C]-cyanate hemoglobin (Hb), decreased significantly (P less than 0.05) by 18.8% and 60% in cats fed the low and high PG doses, respectively. The PCV in cats fed the low dose was unaffected, whereas cats fed the high dose had a mean (+/- SEM) decrease in PCV from 33.5 +/- 1.05% to 26.3 +/- 1.45%, accompanied by punctate reticulocytosis and bone marrow erythroid hyperplasia. A dose-dependent increase in iron pigment was found in the liver and spleen of all cats. In cats fed the low dose of PG, erythrocyte reduced glutathione concentration actually increased from 7.02 +/- 0.56 to 9.74 +/- 0.69 mumol/g of Hb, but decreased to 2.96 +/- 0.27 mumol/g of Hb in cats fed the high dose. There was no significant increase in methemoglobin concentration. These results indicated that PG cannot be considered innocuous even at concentrations consumed by cats eating commercial diets. Heinz body-induced acceleration of RBC destruction develops in a dose-dependent manner, so that cats with greater food intake, ie, lactating queens and nursing kittens, are at greater risk for development of PG-induced Heinz body hemolytic anemia.  相似文献   
Gastro-oesophageal reflux together with sliding hiatus hernia is reported in a dog, associated with laryngeal paralysis. Diagnosis was made following endoscopy and fluoroscopy. Surgical treatment of the laryngeal paralysis resulted in complete remission of clinical signs.  相似文献   
Nitrogen metabolism in ruminants is a dynamic process depending on level of intake and composition of dietary dry matter and on the physiological state of the animals. These parameters were analysed in a regression model for the requirements of nitrogen absorbed in the small intestine in relation to nitrogen balance of dry cows fed at maintenance level. The amount of total dietary nitrogen and the apparent nitrogen digestibility vary notably according to energy intake and energy concentration in dietary dry matter. On the contrary, the amount of nitrogen absorbed in the small intestine is only slightly affected by these parameters. The discrepancy between these statements lies mainly in differences in intestinal nitrogen absorption and in altered fermentation processes of the large intestine in response to changes in energy supply and ME concentration in dietary dry matter.  相似文献   
A 13-month-old Beagle became anorectic and had fever, stiff gait, and tenderness in the inguinal region. Clinical signs of disease were associated with neutrophilia and a decrease in the albumin-to-globulin ratio. The dog became clinically normal for 5 days after 3 days of treatment with penicillin G and dihydrostreptomycin. Clinical signs of disease recurred, and the dog was euthanatized after failing to respond to administration of a trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole combination for 9 days. Disseminated arteritis was seen in the testes, epididymides, mesentery, coronary arteries, aorta, and thyroid gland. Lesions were seen in large and medium-sized arteries and varied from acute necrotizing arteries to a chronic lesion with organization and recanalization of thrombi. The clinical signs of disease resembled those of Beagle pain syndrome, described in laboratory Beagles.  相似文献   
Nemadectin, a new broad-spectrum endectocide, was highly efficacious against natural infections of all the major canine gastrointestinal helminths. At single oral dosages of 0.2-0.4 mg kg-1 body weight (BW), a liquid formulation administered in gelatin capsules was 100% effective in eliminating natural infections of Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina, Ancylostoma caninum and Uncinaria stenocephala. Tablets (267 mg) containing 4.6% nemadectin given at a rate of 1/3 tablet per 20 kg BW (0.2 mg nemadectin kg-1) were 100% active against T. canis, A. caninum and U. stenocephala. With both formulations, an increase in the dose rate to 0.6-0.8 mg kg-1 BW resulted in 99-100% elimination of Trichuris vulpis infections. No adverse reactions were observed in any of the treated dogs.  相似文献   
Summary Reproduction and lamb production of three fat-tailed, carpet-wool Iranian breeds of sheep; Karakul (130 ewes), Mehraban (103) and Baluchi (119) were studied. The ewes were mated either as purebreds or with Corriedale or Targhee rams. The overall least-squares means for ewes mated (showed oestrus) or ewes exposed, ewes lambed or ewes mated, lambs born of ewes lambing (prolificacy), lambs born alive of total lambs born, lambs weaned of live lambs born, lambs weaned (75 days of age) of ewes mated, kg lamb weaned per ewe mated and kg lamb weaned per 100 kg ewe mated were 98.3%, 93.5%, 103.1%, 94.9%, 97.8%, 90.0%, 18.2 kg and 38.4 kg respectively. The native breeds were not different for any of the traits studied except for prolificacy which was higher in Mehraban than in Karakul. Purebred matings did not differ from the crossbred matings for any of the traits concerning the number of lambs but crossbreeding improved kg lamb weaned per ewe mated (9.2%, P=0.08) and kg lamb weaned per 100 kg ewe mated (10.0%, P<0.05). Among the three native breeds Karakul showed the largest improvement when crossed with the exotic rams for the traits concerning kg lambs weaned. Corriedale and Targhee rams had similar effects on all the traits studied. A lower percentage of virgin ewes showed oestrus, had a lower twinning rate and productivity compared with the mature ones. Sex was not a significant source of variation in lamb livability.
Desempeño Reproductivo De Tres Razas Cola Gruesa De Ovejas Apareadas Con Moruecos Nativos, Corridale Y Targhee
Resumen Se estudiaron la reproducción y producción de corderos iraníes de tres razas fat-tailed (Cola gruesa o grasosa) productores de lana para carpetas: Karakul (130 ovejas), Mehraban (103) y Baluchi (119). Las ovejas fueron apareadas como puras, o con moruecos Corridale o Targhee. Las medias mínimas cuadradas para ovejas apareadas (que mostraron estro) de ovejas expuestas, ovejas paridas de ovejas apareadas, corderos nacidos de ovejas paridas (prolificidad), corderos nacidos vivos del total de corderos nacidos, corderos destetados de corderos nacidos vivos, corderos destetados (75 días de edad) de ovejas apareadas, kg de cordero destetado por oveja apareada y kg de cordero destetado por 100 kg de oveja apareada, fueron: 98.3%, 93.5%, 103.1%, 94.9%, 97.8%, 90.0%, 18.2 kg y 38.4 kg respectivamente. Las razas nativas no fueron diferentes en ninguna de las características estudiadas, excepto por le prolificidad la cual fue mayor en Mehraban, que en Karakul. El apareamiento de razas puras, no difirió de los apareamientos cruzados para cualquiera de las características estudiadas concernientes con el número de corderos, pero el cruzamiento mejoró los kg. de cordero destetado por oveja apareada (9.2%,p<0.08) y kg de cordero destetado por 100 kg de oveja apareada (10.0%,P<0.05). De las tres razas nativas, la Karakul fue superior cuando se cruzó con las razas exóticas en lo concerniente a las características kg de cordero destetado. Las razas Corriedale y Targhee tuvieron efectos similares en todas las características estudiadas. Un bajo porcentaje de ovejas vírgenes ciclaron regularmente, tuvieron un porcentaje bajo de mellizos y productividad en general, comparada con las ovejas maduras. El sexo no fue una fuente significativa de variabilidad, en la supervivencia de los corderos.

Performances De Reproduction De Trois Races De Moutons À Queue Grasse Accouplées À Des Locales, Corriedale Et Targhee
Résumé La reproduction et la production d'agneaux de 3 races iranienes à queue grasse élevées pour la production de laine à tapis: karakul (130 brebis), Mehraban (103) et Baluchi (119) furent étudiées; Les brebis furent accouplées soit en race pure soit avec des béliers Corriedale ou Targhee; Les moyennes estimées par la méthode des moindres carrés de l'ensemble des brebis accouplées (oestrus visible) par rapport aux brebis exposées; des brebis agnelant par rapport aux brebis accouplées, des agneaux nés par rapport aux brebis agnelant (prolificité); des agneaux nés vivants sur les nés totaux, des agneaux sevrés sur les nés vivants, des agneaux sevrés par brebis accouplée, et du kg d'agneau sevré par 100 kg de brebis accouplées étaient 98,3%; 93,5%, 103,1%, 94,9%, 97,8%, 90,0%, 18; 2 kg et 38,4 kg respectivement. Les races natives n'étaient pas différentes pour les autres caractères étudiés excepté pour la prolificité qui était plus élevée en Mehraban qu'en Karakul. Les accouplements en race pure ne différaient pas des croisements pour tous les caractères concernant le nombre d'agneaux mais le croisement améliorait les kg d'agneaux sevrés par 100 kg de brebis accouplée (9,2%P=0,08) et les kg sevrés par 100 kg de brebis accouplée (10,0%P<0,05). Parmi les 3 races natives, la Karakul montrait l'amélioration la plus grande lorsque croisée avec les béliers exotiques pour les caractères concernant les kg d'agneaux sevrés. Les béliers Corriedale et Targhee avaient des effets similaires sur tous les caractères étudiés. Un plus faible pourcentage de brebis vierges à oestrus visible, avait un plus faible taux de jumeaux et de productivité comparé aux brebis matures. Le sexe n'était pas une source significative de variation dans la viabilité des agneaux.
Muscle tissue from the oesophagus, diaphragm and heart of 100 cattle slaughtered in Belgium was examined for Sarcocystis infection by microscopic examination of tissue and artificial digestion. Intact sarcocysts or cystozoietes were recovered from 97% of the cattle examined. There was a difference in sensitivity between the method (digestion or histology) used and the muscle processed. The digestion of the oesophagus muscle resulted in the highest number of positive animals whereas the heart muscles contained most cysts during histological examination. Thin-walled cysts were recovered from all positive animals especially in the heart and they were indistinguishable from those of S. cruzi. Thick-walled cysts were recovered from 56% of animals but these could not be identified as S. hirsuta and/or S. hominis on morphological grounds. A correlation between pathological changes and the infection grade could not be proved.  相似文献   
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